The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 567
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Green, William H. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Riding the Beast, (pm) Pandora #17, 1987
- Tristan on a Winter Night, (pm) Pandora #17, 1987
- Tristan on the False Insult, (pm) Pandora #17, 1987
- The Man from Sandfort, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #13, 1990
- Mirror Images, (ss) Weirdbook Encores #11, 1990
- Cynthia, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #14, 1992
- The Red Rope, (ss) Thin Ice #17, 1995
Greenberg, Daniel S(heldon) (1931-2020) (about) (items)
- Nutrition Hype, (ar) Omni February 1979
- Interview: Frank Press, (iv) Omni June 1979 [Ref. Frank Press]
- Meet Dr. Swinger, (fa) Omni July 1979
- Europe’s Scientific Renaissance, (ar) Omni December 1979
- Swinger Speaks, (fa) Omni February 1980
- Interview: Harrison Schmitt, (iv) Omni June 1980 [Ref. Harrison Schmitt]
- Platform for Progress, (ar) Omni July 1980
- Fusion Politics, (ar) Omni January 1981
- Last Word, (fa) Omni December 1982
- First Word, (cl) Omni May 1983
- Interview: John Glenn, (iv) Omni October 1983 [Ref. John Glenn]
Greenberg, K. J. Hannah (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Illusionary Is the Hedgehog’s Strength: An Allegory, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2009
- Charles in the Tree Top, (ss) Morpheus Tales #5, July 2009
- Just One Case of Flash, (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #30, Autumn 2009
- the movie of my life starring me directed by death, (pm) Liquid Imagination #4, September 2009
- A Stone’s Throw, (ss) Morpheus Tales #7, January 2010
- Maneuvering the Facts Around Strong Feelings, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2011
- (For Larina) The Lizard and the Dumpster Cat: An Allegory, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2011
- Adopted by Aliens, (pm) Liquid Imagination #11, November 2011
- Being More Is More, (pm) Liquid Imagination #11, November 2011
- Rohrschach Blot Interpreted by an Automated Man, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss December 2011
- Amazing Deterrents, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2013
- God from the Machine, (ar) Perihelion November 12 2015
- Earthly Hosts, (vi) Perihelion April 12 2016
- Urtication, (ss) Perihelion August 12 2016
- And Tentacles, (vi) Spirit’s Tincture #1, August 2016
- Special Teeth, (vi) Black Petals (online) #94, Winter 2021
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals (online) #100, Summer 2022
Greenberg, Lawrence (fl. 1970s-2010s) (items)
- The Onion Man, (pm) Grue #14, Summer 1992
- Not What He’s Cracked Up to Be, (pm) Space & Time #81, Spring 1993
- Wintersatz, (ss) Non-Stop #1, 1993/94
- Zombie Movie Music: or Those Shambling Fett, Those Pounding Drums, (ar) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- Scary Monster, (pm) Deathrealm #21, Spring 1994
- The Trickster, (pm) Space & Time #83, Spring 1994
- The Meat Woman, (pm) Grue #16, Summer 1994
- The Quidnunc, (pm) Mindsparks #4, 1994
- Wedlock, (pm) Dead of Night #11, Winter 1995
- In the Bone Room, (pm) Space & Time #85, Spring 1995
- The Thug, (pm) Pirate Writings #6, Spring 1995
- The Immediate Culture, (ss) NonStop Science Fiction Magazine #3, 1997
- The Ashen, (pm) Haunts #33, Fall/Winter 1997
- Station, (pm) TransVersions #7, 1997
- Scrag, (pm) Epitaph #4, 1998
- What Doesn’t Go Away, (pm) TransVersions #8/9, Spring/Summer 1998
- Pathos Ravine, (pm) Grue #19, Winter/Spring 1999
- The Rainbird, (pm) TransVersions #10, 1999
- Veering, (pm) Grue #19, Winter/Spring 1999
- Why New Yorkers Smoke, (ss) Why New Yorkers Smoke ed. Luis Ortiz, NonStop Press, 2011
Greenberger, Robert (Edward) (1958- ) (about) (items)
- Encounter at Farpoint [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation December 1987 [Ref. D. C. Fontana & Gene Roddenberry]
- Where None Have Gone Before [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation March 1988 [Ref. Diane E. Duane & Michael Reaves]
- Home Soil [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (vi) Star Trek: The Next Generation March 1989 [Ref. Robert Sabaroff, Karl Geurs & Ralph Sanchez]
- Skin of Evil [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation March 1989 [Ref. Joseph Stefano & Hannah Louise Shearer]
- Datalore [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation April 1989 [Ref. Robert Lewin, Gene Roddenberry & Maurice Hurley]
- The Neutral Zone [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation April 1989 [Ref. Maurice Hurley, Deborah McIntyre & Mona A. Clee]
- Unnatural Selection [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation May 1989 [Ref. John Mason & Mike Gray]
- Contagion [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation June 1989 [Ref. Steve Gerber & Beth Woods]
- The Dauphin [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation June 1989 [Ref. Scott Rubenstein & Leonard Mlodinow]
- Measure of a Man [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation June 1989 [Ref. Melinda M. Snodgrass]
- Peak Performance [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation December 1989 [Ref. David Kemper]
- Shades of Gray [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation December 1989 [Ref. Maurice Hurley, Richard Manning & Hans Beimler]
- The Ensigns of Command [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation January 1990 [Ref. Melinda M. Snodgrass]
- The Bonding [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation March 1990 [Ref. Ronald D. Moore]
- Allegiance [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation February 1991 [Ref. Richard Manning & Hans Beimler]
- A Matter of Perspective [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation February 1991 [Ref. Ed Zuckerman]
- The Offspring [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation February 1991 [Ref. René Echevarria]
- Family [Star Trek: The Next Generation], (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation June 1991 [Ref. Ronald D. Moore, Susanne Lambdin & Bryan Stewart]
- Things That Aren’t (with Michael A. Burstein), (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2007
Greenblatt, A(liza) T. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- A Non-Hero’s Guide to the Road of Monsters, (ss) Mothership Zeta #3, April 2016
- They Said the Desert, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #199, May 12 2016
- Dido, Retold, (ss) Strange Horizons September 19 2016
- A Place to Grow, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #225, May 11 2017
- Listen and You’ll Hear Us Speak, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #48, September 2017
- And Yet, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #21, March/April 2018
- Graffiti Guardians, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2018
- Heavy Lifting, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- The Stories We Find Ourselves In, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #24, September/October 2018
- Team Work, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Winter 2019
- Give the Family My Love, (ss) Clarkesworld #149, February 2019
- Before the World Crumbles Away, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #27, March/April 2019
- Move Forward, Disappear, Transcend, (ss) Clarkesworld #152, May 2019
- How to Send Your Disabled Protagonist on an Adventure in 7 Easy Steps, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #30, September/October 2019
- On the Other Side of the Line, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Fall 2019
- Burn or The Episodic Life of Sam Wells as a Super, (nv) Uncanny Magazine #34, May/June 2020
- One Time, a Reluctant Traveler, (ss) Clarkesworld #166, July 2020
- The Memory of a Memory Is a Spirit, (ss) Lightspeed #129, February 2021
- Re: Bubble 476, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2021
- Family in the Adit, (ss) Nightmare #103, April 2021
- The Stop After the Last Station, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #43, November/December 2021
- A Record of Our Meeting with the Grand Faerie Lord of Vast Space and Its Great Mysteries, Revised, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #350, February 24 2022
- The Music of a New Path, (ss) Bridge to Elsewhere ed. Alana Joli Abbott & Julia Rios, Outland Entertainment, 2022
- The Magic of the Right Story, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #50, January/February 2023
- Waystation City, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #50, January/February 2023
- More Than a Journey, (ar) Fantasy Magazine #94, August 2023
- Mindfulness and the Machine, (ss) Lightspeed #163, December 2023
- A Black Spot Among the Chaos, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #401, February 22 2024
- Vertical Farming and Reaching for a Better Future, (ed) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2024
- Accessibility Toolkit for When Things Go Wrong, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #62, January/February 2025
Greenblatt, Ray (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Witch, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #20, 2000
- From the Moon, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #21, Spring 2001
- on a coast, (pm) Space and Time #95, Spring 2002
- In the Land of the Phosphates, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #74/75, May/September 2006
- In the Freezer, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2007
- State Mental Hospital, (pm) Cover of Darkness #1, 2007
- After You’d Gone, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #79, 2008
- Spell, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #81, 2008
- For Philip Dick, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2009
- Down the Block, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #83, 2009
- A Fable, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2009
- No Raindrops, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #102, January 2016
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