The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Enfantino, Peter (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (items)
- An Interview with Forrest J. Ackerman, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Forrest J. Ackerman]
- Midnight Pleasures: A Conversation with Robert Bloch, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Robert Bloch]
- Nerves, (ss) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988
- Sinister Sonny: An Interview with Sonny Joe Fox, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Sonny Joe Fox]
- A Talk with Robert Weinberg, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Robert Weinberg]
- Dead Letters, A Tale of Wyrmwood, (ss) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- Editorial (with Clifford V. Brooks & Joe Lopez), (ed) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- Quick Chills, (br) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989, etc.
- Small Press Box, (br) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- Small Press Box: Best Short Stories of 1988, (ar) The Scream Factory #3, Summer 1989
- His Life Turned Into a Screaming Nightmare!!! or a Comprehensive Look at the Frankenstein Horror Series, (ar) The Scream Factory #10, Autumn 1992
- How We Rank the Rank: The Scream Factory Editors Make Their Picks for the Worst of the Worst (with Robert Morrish & John Scoleri), (ar) The Scream Factory #10, Autumn 1992
- Simon Garth, Jericho Drumm, and the Shambling Deaders: Do Comics Really Give a Fair Portrayal of Rotting Folk?, (ar) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- In Space No One Can Hear You Scream “Homage”: The Forefathers of Alien (with John Scoleri), (ar) The Scream Factory #13, Spring 1994
- Four-Colored and Furry: A Brief, Selective Look at Werewolves in Comics, (ar) The Scream Factory #15, Autumn 1994
- Fabulous Magazines of Monsterland, (iv) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996 [Ref. Gary Svehla]
- The Best of Warren, (ar) The Scream Factory #19, Summer 1997
- Publishing Spotlight Featuring Elder Signs Press, (cl) Cemetery Dance #54, 2006
Eng, Steve; [i.e., Stephen Richard Eng] (1940-2014); used pseudonym John Bredon (about) (items)
- Badland Ballad, (pm) 1969, as by John Bredon
- May-Eve, (pm) The Arkham Collector #9, Spring 1971
- The Elder Fear, (pm) Nyctalops #5, October 1971, as by John Bredon
- Cursed, (pm) 1971, as by John Bredon
- Lullaby, (pm) 1972, as by John Bredon
- Reborn, (pm) 1972, as by John Bredon
- Soho Street: 1895, (pm) 1972, as by John Bredon
- Dumb-Show, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973, as by John Bredon
- Ice Dwarf, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973, as by John Bredon
- The Last Song, (vi) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973, as by John Bredon
- White Witch, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973, as by John Bredon
- H.P.L., (pm) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, as by John Bredon
- Reviews (with Eddy C. Bertin, Alan D. Gullette & Isaac Roberts), (rc) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, etc., as by Eddy C. Bertin, John Bredon, Alan D. Gullette & Isaac Roberts
- Soldier and Civilian, (pm) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, as by John Bredon
- The Sword and the Stylus, (vi) Ambrosia #2, August 1973, as by John Bredon
- Forseen, (pm) Presenting Moonshine #36, 1973
- Law, (pm) Presenting Moonshine #36, 1973
- Still Rocks, (pm) Cross Plains #3, May/June 1974, as by John Bredon
- Yellow Rider Coming, (pm) Cross Plains #4, July/August 1974, as by John Bredon
- Dream-Dust, (pm) Whispers November 1974, as by John Bredon
- The Festival, (pm) Presenting Moonshine #39, 1974
- Yellow Rider Coming, (pm) Cross Plains #4, July/August 1974, as by John Bredon
- Easily Found, (pm) Space and Time #28, January 1975, as by John Bredon
- Machen and Me, (ar) Nyctalops #10, January/February 1975, as by John Bredon
- Still There, (pm) Cross Plains #6, February/March 1975, as by John Bredon
- Grey Skater, (pm) Space and Time #31, July 1975, as by John Bredon
- The Dragon-Troops, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975, as by John Bredon
- Transmutation, (pm) Toadstool Wine ed. W. Paul Ganley, A.S.P., 1975, as by John Bredon
- Court-Room, (pm) Space and Time #34, January 1976, as by John Bredon
- Night-Gaunts, (pm) Space and Time #34, January 1976, as by John Bredon
- Spartacus, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976, as by John Bredon
- Answered Prayer, (pm) The Diversifier March 1976, as by John Bredon
- Crimson Cavalier, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976, as by John Bredon
- The King-Ghost and the Girl, (vi) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976, as by John Bredon
- Gypsy Ghost, (pm) The Diversifier September 1976, as by John Bredon
- While You Can, (pm) The Diversifier November 1976, as by John Bredon
- The Beast of Time, (vi) Phantasy Digest #1, 1976, as by John Bredon
- Heritage, (pm) Phantasy Digest #1, 1976, as by John Bredon
- Atonement, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #2, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- Crimson Witch, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- The Dead’s Doom, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- Enough Rope, (vi) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- Witch-Time, (pm) Space and Time #40, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- Wolf-Meal, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977, as by John Bredon
- Bok’s Ghost (1914-1964), (pm) Space and Time #41, March 1977, as by John Bredon
- Homage, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977, as by John Bredon
- Fifty Years, (pm) Space and Time #42, May 1977, as by John Bredon
- Beach Battle, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Carrion, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Dawn Rite, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Desert Song, (vi) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Oasis, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Or Longer, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Seashore Scene, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Steppe Spirit, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- Storybooks and Treasure Maps, (pm) Equinox #4, Summer 1977, as by John Bredon
- The Death of August Derleth (1909-1971), (pm) The Diversifier July 1977, as by John Bredon
- Dance Programme, (vi) Space and Time #45, November 1977
- Immortal!, (pm) The Diversifier November 1977, as by John Bredon
- Dinner, (pm) The Diversifier January 1978
- Foliage, (pm) Space and Time #46, January 1978
- The Passing of B--------, (vi) Space and Time #47, April 1978
- Victor’s Loot, (pm) The Chronicler of Cross Plains Fall 1978, as by John Bredon [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- Edgar Allan Poe, (pm) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- Ghoul-Rider, (pm) Eldritch Tales #4, October 1978
- Klarkash-Ton, (pm) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- Monstro Ligriv, (ss) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- Night-Knell, (pm) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- William Blake, (pm) Whispers October 1978, as by John Bredon
- [letter], (lt) Space and Time #49, October 1978, etc.
- Green Bride, (pm) Copper Toadstool #5, January 1979
- Grimoire, (pm) Copper Toadstool #5, January 1979
- Payment, (pm) Space and Time #50, January 1979
- Tomb-Time, (pm) Fantasy Tales #4, Spring 1979
- The Old Book-Shop, (vi) Space and Time #51, April 1979
- Recurrent Dream, (pm) Eldritch Tales #5, April 1979
- Blast!, (pm) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979
- Justice, (pm) The Argonaut #6, Summer/Fall 1979
- Inn of the Dutchman, (ss) The Storyteller ed. Dale Hammell, Soda Publications, 1979
- Questionaire, (pm) Space and Time #52, July 1979
- Follow Me, (pm) Space and Time #53, October 1979
- Necrobiblia, (pm) Space and Time #53, October 1979
- Old Accounts, (pm) Space and Time #53, October 1979
- Morsel, (pm) Fantasy Tales #5, Winter 1979
- Return, (pm) Eerie Country #2, 1979
- Balanced Books, (pm) Space and Time #54, January 1980
- Dead-March, (pm) Space and Time #54, January 1980
- Friend’s Fate, (pm) Space and Time #54, January 1980
- Ghoul-Treat, (pm) Space and Time #54, January 1980
- Kingsport Christmas, (pm) Nyctalops #15, January 1980
- Bone-Yowl, (pm) Fantasy Tales #6, Summer 1980
- Progress, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- Whore, (vi) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
- Latest Oasis, (pm) Dark Fantasy #23, 1980
- Fiend-Fodder, (pm) Night Flights #1, 1980/81
- Lovecraft Criticism, (br) Gothic December 1980 [Ref. S. T. Joshi]
- As Always, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- Beyond, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- Elf-Tune, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #1, 1980
- Feast, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- Flaming Prose, (pm) Pandora #5, 1980
- Garden Guests, (pm) Eerie Country #3, 1980
- Ghosts, (pm) Eerie Country #3, 1980
- Haven, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- Not in the Guidebooks, (pm) Wyrd #8, 1980
- Only, (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- Priority, (pm) Pandora #6, 1980
- A Virtuous Vengeance, (vi) Eldritch Tales #7, 1980
- On Munn, (??) Star*Line March/April 1981
- Future Transportation, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1981
- Preview, (pm) Space and Time #60, July 1981
- At the Window, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- Earth-Arson, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- Farewell, Lyrista, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- Extrapolation, (pm) Pandora #7, 1981
- H.P. Lovecraft: Friend Out of Time, (pm) Eldritch Tales #2, 1981
- In Lieu of Applause, (pm) Fantasy Tales #9, Spring 1982
- Heard! Heard! Heard!, (pm) Nyctalops #17, June 1982
- Mind-Flight, (pm) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- Heroes and Hobgoblins, (br) Science Fiction Review #44, Fall 1982 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- An F. Marion Crawford Companion, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982 [Ref. John C. Moran]
- The Price of Love, (pm) Undinal Songs #2, 1982
- Wing-Song Macabre, (pm) Eerie Country #8, 1982
- Anatomy of Wonder, Second Edition, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1983 [Ref. Neil Barron]
- Book Reviews, (rc) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1983
- The Year’s Scholarship in Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1972-1973, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1983 [Ref. Marshall B. Tymn & Roger C. Schlobin]
- No Explanation, (vi) Eldritch Tales #9, 1983
- The Last Victorian: Stanton A. Coblentz, (pm) Science Fiction Review #46, Spring 1983 [Ref. Stanton A. Coblentz]
- Wonder, Capitalized, (vi) Argonaut #9, Fall 1983
- Galactic Gothic, (pm) Space and Time #65, Winter 1983/1984
- Incarnation, (pm) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- Evanescence, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #3, 1983
- Haven in the Head, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #3, 1983
- Lost, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #3, 1983
- Mortal Combat, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #3, 1983
- Embrace, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1984
- Poetry Collection, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1984
- Farewell, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- Lesson Plan, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic July 1984
- The Troubadour-King, (pm) Kadath Fall 1984
- The Last Guest, (pm) Fantasy Tales #13, Winter 1984
- Grave-Call, (pm) Eldritch Tales #10, 1984
- The King of Empty Lands, (pm) Dark Fantasy #24/25, 1984
- No Valhalla: The Death of Robert E. Howard, (pm) Dark Fantasy #24/25, 1984 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- Mental Sunset, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1985
- Bardicide, (pm) Eldritch Tales #11, 1985
- Bright Prospect, (pm) Infinity Cubed #10, 1985
- Cindy, Grounded, (pm) Space and Time #69, Winter 1986
- Gone, (pm) Owlflight #5, 1986
- Profile: John Gawsworth, (bg) Night Cry Spring 1987 [Ref. John Gawsworth]
- North Sea Lament, (pm) Fantasy Tales #17, Summer 1987
- The Isle of the Torturers, (pm) Eldritch Tales #14, 1987
- Forays Into Derleth Country, (ar) Eldritch Tales #13, 1987
- To Not Return, (pm) Space & Time #73, Winter 1988
- Chanson De La Mort, (pm) Eldritch Tales #16, 1988
- Damned History, (pm) Violent Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Weird House, 1988
- Psycho-Carnival, (pm) Eldritch Tales #15, 1988
- A Tribute to Terrors, (pm) Eldritch Tales #17, 1988
- Time’s Palmistry, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989
- Aspirations, (pm) Eldritch Tales #21, Fall 1989
- Crazed Cavorting, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18, 1989
- The Defrauding of the Worms, (pm) Eldritch Tales #20, Summer 1989
- Ridden Under, (pm) Eldritch Tales #19, 1989
- In Memory of Thomas Lovell Beddoes, (pm) Eldritch Tales #22, Winter 1990
- Sea-Reverie, (pm) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #4 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990
- Deception, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1990
- Arkham House, (ar) Eldritch Tales #24, Winter 1990
- Final Festival, (pm) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- Lost, Lost, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #11, 1990
- Mist, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #11, 1990
- The Muse of Immolation, (pm) Eldritch Tales #25, Spring 1991
- You, (pm) Weirdbook #26, Autumn 1991
- Balbathon, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1991
- Through the Pale Door: A Guide to and Through the American Gothic, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1991 [Ref. Frederick S. Frank]
- Fatal Pallor, (pm) Eldritch Tales #26, Winter 1991
- Already Among You, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1992
- Nineveh, (pm) Haunts #23, Spring/Summer 1992
- The Speculative Muse: An Introduction to Science-Fiction Poetry, (ar) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1992
- H.P. Lovecraft, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992 [Ref. Peter Cannon & H. P. Lovecraft]
- Naked to the Sun, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992 [Ref. Michael R. Collings]
- Unheard Plea, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992
- Weapon, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1992
- Holocaust Foreseen, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- Tycho Brahe’s “Fortress of the Heavens”, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- Sahara Doom-Scape, (pm) Argonaut #16, Summer 1992
- Man-of-Letters Requiem, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1992
- Persistant Caller, (pm) Eldritch Tales #27, Summer 1992
- Death of Horror Poetry—or Kill the Peckers (with Michael A. Arnzen, Wayne Edwards, Joey Froehlich, W. Paul Ganley, Lisa Lepovetsky, Margaret Ballif Simon & Ree Young), (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- The Contested Castle, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992 [Ref. Kate Ferguson Ellis]
- Dark Transformations, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992 [Ref. Michael R. Collings]
- Demon-Lovers and Their Victims in British Fiction, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992 [Ref. Toni Reed]
- The First Gothics, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992 [Ref. Frederick S. Frank]
- The Gothic’s Gothic, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992 [Ref. Benjamin Franklin Fisher, IV]
- Slim Chance, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992
- From a 23rd Century History Text, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- Retort to Time, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- Prehistoric Precision, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1993
- Romany Toy, (pm) Eldritch Tales #29, Fall 1993
- The Birth of Science Fiction, (pm) Argonaut #18, Fall 1993
- Mary Shelley, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994 [Ref. Allene Stuart Phy]
- Mary Shelley: Romance and Reality, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994 [Ref. Emily W. Sunstein & Mary Shelley]
- Myopia, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994
- Immortal Banquet, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Spring 1995
- Sceptic’s Song, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1995
- Frolic, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1995
- Somewhere, Under the Rainbow, (pm) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Summer 1996
- Skeptic’s Song, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1996
- Echo, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996
- Our Blessèd Lady, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996
- Reverence, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996
- Documentary, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1996
- Innsmouth Bride, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- Certainty, (pm) Weird Tales Fall 2000
- Flame Future, (pm) Yellow Rider and Other Fantasy Poems by Steve Eng, Gothic Press, 2000
- Raison d’Être, (pm) Weird Tales Winter 2000/2001
- Nothing, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 2001/2002
- The Oldest Battle, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 2001/2002
- Bareback Rider, (pm) Songs of Innocence #4, 2001
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