The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 883
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Scollard, Clinton (chron.) (continued)
- * Tryst, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1914
- * A Tuscan Tower, (pm) The Cavalier February 1910
- * Tweedledum and Tweedledee, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1919
- * Twilight Song, (pm) The Smart Set June 1902
- * Two, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1898
- * Two Valentines, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1897
- * The Unfettered, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1918
- * A Valentine, (pm)
- * Valentine (“Had I but Israfeli’s fire”), (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1906
- * Vanished Youth, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1920
- * The Vernal Ecstasy, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1915
- * Violets, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1915
- * A Vision, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1912
- * Vision, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1916
- * A Voyager, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1914
- * A Wanderer, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1910
- * War, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1898
- * The Warrior, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1912
- * The Waste, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1917
- * Watching the Yule Log, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1898
- * The Ways of Spring, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1916
- * The Weavers, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1910
- * What Is Truth?, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1913
- * When Sylvia Saunters By, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1899
- * When You Shall Come Again, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1921
- * Where Echo Dwells, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1902
- * The White Day, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1906
- * The White Road, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1913
- * Who Can Forget?, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1911
- * The Wind in the Boughs, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1913
- * The Winds, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1910
- * A Winter Evening, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1896
- * A Winter Night, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1903
- * A Winter Song (“Sylvia, let the autumn go”), (pm) The Argosy January 1912
- * A Winter Sunset, (pm) Telling Tales February 1920
- * Winter Weariness, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1907
- * The Witching Hour, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1893
- * With Our Soldiers, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1919
- * Wonder, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1926
- * Wonderland, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1917
- * The Wonders, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1914
- * You for the Highways, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1917
- * Youth and Age, (pm) All-Story Weekly September 29 1917
Scott, A(lexander) Leslie (1893-1974); used pseudonyms Jackson Cole & A. Leslie (about) (chron.)
- * Black Gold [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1930, as by A. Leslie
- * Blue Lightning, (ss) Argosy January 7 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * The Boomer Rides, (ss) Argosy November 5 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Civil War, (nv) Railroad Stories December 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * Cold Steel [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * The Colorado Midland, (pm) Railroad Stories April 1934, as by A. Leslie
- * Dead Man’s Cut, (pm) Railroad Magazine April 1957, as by A. Leslie
- * Death Clears the Main [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories February 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Fear, (ss) Argosy September 5 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * Hot Shot (with Griff Crawford, E. S. Dellinger, James W. Earp, William Edward Hayes, John Patrick Johns, Gilbert A. Lathrop, John A. Thompson, Charles W. Tyler & Don Waters), (ss) Railroad Stories April 1934, as by Griff Crawford, E. S. Dellinger, James W. Earp, William Edward Hayes, John Patrick Johns, Gilbert A. Lathrop, A. Leslie, John A. Thompson, Charles W. Tyler & Don Waters
- * The Hunter, (pm) Complete Stories 2nd November 1928, as by A. Leslie
- * Jim Worley’s Big Gun [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories March 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * The Light at Dusk, (ss) Argosy October 3 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * Lost River [Jaggers Dunn], (nv) Railroad Stories May 1934, as by A. Leslie
- * Man Builder [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories July 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * Meet Orders with Hell [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories April 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy May 30 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * Mountaineer’s Alibi, (ss) Argosy September 24 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Nostalgia, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine March 1926, as by A. Leslie
- * Old 750, (ss) Argosy May 20 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * Old and Wily, (ss) Argosy October 31 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * Phantom of the High Iron [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories November 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Railroaders All [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories November 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * Ridin’ Th’ Rods, (pm) Railroad Stories August 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Runaway Dynamite, (ss) Argosy May 3 1930, as by A. Leslie
- * Running Wild, (ss) Argosy April 19 1930, as by A. Leslie
- * Rustlers, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine May 1926, as by A. Leslie
- * Silk Special, (ss) Argosy December 13 1930, as by A. Leslie
- * Six-Gun Railroading, (nv) Argosy February 22 1930, as by A. Leslie
- * Train Trap, (ss) Argosy May 30 1931, as by A. Leslie
- * Traps, (ss) Argosy December 17 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * The Turkey Trick [Jaggers Dunn], (ss) Railroad Stories December 1932, as by A. Leslie
- * Wise Old Owl, (ss) Argosy November 18 1933, as by A. Leslie
- * Youth, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 3 1926, as by A. Leslie
Scott, Duncan Campbell (1862-1947) (chron.)
- * An Adventure of Mrs. Mackenzie’s, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1901
- * At Plangeant Locks, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1902
- * The Coming of Winter, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1901
- * Fires in the Clearing, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1903
- * George Meredith, the Dean of English Novelists, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1908
- * Lord Strathcona, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1902
- * The Recompense, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1907
- * Star-Blanket, (ss) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1900
- * Vengeance Is Mine, (ss) In the Village of Viger by Duncan Campbell Scott, 1896
- * The Wood Peewee, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine May 1904
Scott, H(arold) Winfield (1897-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Popular Complete Stories May 15, Jun 15, Jul 1, Dec 15 1932, Feb 15, Mar 15, May 1, Jun 1, Dec 1 1933, Nov 26 1934,
Jan 7 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy May, Jul, Sep 1945
- * [illustration(s)] (with Charles Dye), (il) Argosy July 1945
Scott, Hugh Stowell (1862-1903); used pseudonym Henry Seton Merriman (about) (chron.)
- * A Friend in Need, (ss) Short Stories August 1909, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * Hand and Heart, (ss) The National Observer, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * The Isle of Unrest, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine Dec 1899, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1900, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * The Mule, (ss) The Queen November 26 1898, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * Of This Generation, (ss) The Lady’s Realm December 1896, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * A Pariah, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine July 1896, as by Henry Seton Merriman
- * Stranded, (ss) The Graphic Christmas 1902, as by Henry Seton Merriman
Scott, J(ohn) W(alter, Jr.) (1907-1987) (about) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Nov, Dec 1952, Feb, Apr, Aug, Nov 1953, Feb, Jul 1954, Oct 1962, Oct, Dec 1963, Jan,
Oct, Nov 1964
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