The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 882
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Scollard, Clinton (1860-1932) (chron.)
- * Among the Hills, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1901
- * Analogy, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1896
- * April, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898
- * April in the City, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1921
- * April-Lover, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1903
- * April Song, (pm) The Cavalier April 1909
- * April Song (“All along the valleys, through the beechen alleys…”), (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1902
- * April Song (“Bud, all ye vernal bowers…”), (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1895
- * April Song (“Heigh-ho, but all the hills again…”), (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1919
- * Arbutus, (pm) The Cavalier April 1910
- * The Architect, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1926
- * At Daybreak, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1911
- * At Epiphany, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1920
- * At Yule-Tide, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1910
- * Autumn Bugles, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1919
- * The Autumn Glory, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1913
- * Autumn’s Bugle, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1917
- * An Autumn Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1898
- * An Autumn Sunset, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1902
- * The Autumn Troubadours, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1895
- * Ballade for St. Valentine’s Day, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1903
- * A Ballade of Our Dreams, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1903
- * Ballade of the Golden Fields, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 13 1920
- * The Barque of Dreams, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1902
- * Battledore and Shuttlecock, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1895
- * Beauty, (pm) Hampton’s Magazine July 1911
- * Bequeathal, (pm) The Cavalier July 1911
- * Beyond the Seas, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1905
- * Blindness, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1926
- * Blue Skies, (pm) Ainslee’s November 1910
- * The Brook, (pm) The Cavalier June 1909
- * By an Open Fire, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1908
- * By Appointment, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1919
- * The Call at the Casement, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1921
- * A Cannon Speaks, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1898
- * The Castle, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1918
- * The Chalice, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1925
- * Chance, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1901
- * The Choice, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1903
- * A Christmas Catch, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1918
- * A Christmas Dawn, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1910
- * Christmas Music, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 21 1918
- * A Christmas Song (“I am in love with Folly”), (pm) Ainslee’s January 1916
- * A Christmas Song (“Now is the time when holly sprays”), (pm) Ainslee’s December 1911
- * A Christmas Song (“See, how gleams the holly berry!”), (pm) Ainslee’s January 1913
- * A Christmas Song (“Where once the glade was green”), (pm) Ainslee’s December 1909
- * The Christmas Star, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1921
- * The Christmas Tryst, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1896
- * A Christmas Twilight, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1895
- * A Christmas Vision, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1912
- * Christmas Wishes, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1923
- * The City, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1918
- * City Lights, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1912
- * A City Song-Bird, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1907
- * A City Twilight, (pm) The Cavalier March 1910
- * The Climbing Road, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1913
- * A Comrade of the Morn, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1916
- * Cupid’s Errand, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1898
- * Daffodil Time, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898
- * Dan Cupid’s Day, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1920
- * Dawn of My Day, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1920
- * Dawn on the River, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 29 1919
- * The Dawn Salutes You, (pm) Ainslee’s December 1914
- * Dead Leaves, (pm) The Cavalier October 1909
- * The Decline of Summer, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1902
- * Declining Summer, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine August 1904
- * Defeat, (pm) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine March 1892
- * Divinity, (pm) Hampton’s Magazine July 1911
- * Down Sconondo River, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1902
- * Down the Glen of Kirkland, (pm) Smith’s Magazine June 1912
- * The Draft, (pm) The Cavalier March 1910
- * The Draught, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1907
- * The Duel, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1895
- * Dust, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1915
- * Earth Mother, (pm) Ainslee’s February 1911
- * Easter at Nazareth, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1914
- * An Easter Bonnet, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1918
- * Easter in Galilee, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1927
- * An Easter Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1895
- * Elusion, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1905
- * The Empress, (pm) The Cavalier April 1910
- * Evidences, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1914
- * A Face in the Crowd, (pm) The Argosy June 1912
- * The Fairest Day, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1928
- * A Fair Fisher Maid, (pm) The All-Story Magazine September 1907
- * Fancy, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1911
- * The Fever, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1895
- * Fortune, (pm) The Cavalier August 1909
- * The Fountain, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1912
- * The Garden, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 27 1926
- * The Gifts of Fancy, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1918
- * Gondola Song for the Summer Twilight, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1895
- * Grain Field, (pm) Clack Book June 1897
- * A Gray Day, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1911
- * Guerdon, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1926
- * Guitar Music, (pm) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine January 25 1919
- * The Harvest, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1912
- * Heigho, the Holly!, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1905
- * The Heights, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1911
- * Her Garden, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1910
- * Her Greyhound, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1895
- * The Hesperides, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1899
- * The Hills of Kirkland, (pm) Smith’s Magazine April 1911
- * History Reversed, (pm) The Argosy July 1902
- * Holly Song, (pm) The Century Magazine December 1893
- * Hope’s Messengers, (pm) The Argosy #482, February 27 1892
- * The House of Dream, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1908
- * The House of Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1911
- * The Human Flood, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1904
- * In Mid Winter, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1896
- * The Inscrutable, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1918
- * An Instrument, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1898
- * In the Apple Orchard, (pm) The Puritan March 1901
- * In the Heart of Summer, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1902
- * In the Wake of War, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1918
- * In Unison, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1909
- * Invitation in Spring, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1901
- * Invocation to Summer, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1903
- * In Winter, (pm) The Argosy January 1912
- * Ivy Song at Chrismastide, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine December 1906
- * The Journey’s End, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1911
- * A June Memory, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1918
- * Kinship (“These twain are close akin—the rose’s heart…”), (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1913
- * The Knight, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1900
- * Knowledge (“I know the pool is grey as steel”), (pm) Ainslee’s April 1925
- * Knowledge (“Who guesses at the dawn’s first ray?”), (pm) Ainslee’s April 1913
- * Laughter, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1918
- * A Laureate, (pm) Live Stories July 1919
- * The Liberty Bond Habit, (pm) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1918
- * The Library, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1927
- * Life’s Gifts, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 4 1919
- * The Lilac Sea, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1910
- * The Little Things, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1912
- * The Little Town, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1915
- * The Long Road, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1910
- * Looking Forward, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1912
- * Lost Haven, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1911
- * Love and Time, (pm) Smith’s Magazine August 1921
- * Love at the Door, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1921
- * Love at Yule, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1909
- * Love Chase, (pm) Live Stories April 1919
- * A Lover’s Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1903
- * Love’s Alphabet, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 31 1920
- * Love’s Interpreters, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1910
- * Love, the Limner, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1902
- * A Lyric of Autumn, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1899
- * The Mask, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1911
- * May Day, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1912
- * May Dusk, (pm) Live Stories May 1919
- * A May Madrigal, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1903
- * A May Song, (pm) Smith’s Magazine May 1911
- * The Meeting, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1905
- * A Memory, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1912
- * Milestones, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1898
- * Music, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1927
- * My Hopes, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1912
- * Myrtle, (pm) Ainslee’s September 1911
- * Mystery, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1911
- * Nature’s Music, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1909
- * The Nature-Worshipper, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1918
- * The New Year, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1926
- * A New Year’s Song, (pm) The Columbian Magazine January 1911
- * Night at the Station, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine May 1899
- * A Night Etching, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine March 1907
- * Night Song (“Fair night, and rare night!”), (pm) Ainslee’s March 1910
- * Night Song (“I will loiter down through the pines to-night”), (pm) Ainslee’s February 1925
- * Nimble Water, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1910
- * A November Song, (pm) The Argosy October 1903
- * Now’s the Time o’ Year, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Numbered Hours, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1922
- * Nutting Song, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1897
- * An Old Love Letter, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1911
- * Omens, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1912
- * The Open Sky, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine November 1902
- * The Orioles, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 11 1886
- * A Parting, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1906
- * The Passer, (pm) The Argosy August 1900
- * The Path to Happiness, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1915
- * The Patriot, (pm) The Cavalier July 1911
- * Pavements, (pm) The Argosy August 1911
- * Pawns, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1918
- * The Pearls of Life, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 19 1920
- * Perennials, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1907
- * Pharoah’s Arch, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1912
- * The Plummet, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine November 1925
- * Primavera, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1906
- * Pussy-Willows, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1916
- * Recompense, (pm) Ainslee’s October 1918
- * Release, (pm) Clack Book April/May 1897
- * Rhoda and I, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine March 1898
- * The Ride, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Rose-Garden, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1920
- * Rover’s Song, (pm) People’s September 1909
- * A Sailor Amid the Hills, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine October 1909
- * A Sailor Maid, (pm) Vanity
- * A Saraband, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine February 1906
- * A Sea Garden, (pm) Smith’s Magazine August 1910
- * Sea Marvels, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1909
- * A Sea Shell, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine July 1905
- * A Sea Thrall, (pm) The All-Story August 1911
- * Snow, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1919
- * Song, (pm)
- * Song for Christmas Eve, (pm) Ainslee’s January 1914
- * A Song for the Sailors, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine July 1898
- * Song in Winter, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine January 1905
- * Song (“Just the sun on a slope of heather”), (pm) Ainslee’s May 1913
- * A Song of Christmas, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine December 1917
- * A Song of Longing, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1896
- * Song (“O Love, you are my day-delight”), (pm) Ainslee’s April 1911
- * Song (“Sad hours”), (pm) Ainslee’s April 1910
- * Song (“Thy voice, thy look, thy smile”), (pm) Ainslee’s January 1911
- * A Spirit (“Mine are the buds of hope”), (pm) Ainslee’s January 1909
- * The Star (“Of all the stars beholden”), (pm) Ainslee’s January 1919
- * Stars, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1926
- * Stormy Petrels, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine January 1912
- * The Stream, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1921
- * The Succor, (pm) Ainslee’s June 1911
- * A Summer Night, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine September 1905
- * Summer Noon, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 23 1887
- * A Summer Song, (pm)
- * Summer Victrix, (pm) Ainslee’s Magazine August 1903
- * Sunflowers, (pm) Ainslee’s July 1911
- * Sustenance, (pm) Ainslee’s April 1923
- * Swallow Song, (pm) The Cavalier January 1910
- * Sylvia in the Meadow, (pm) Live Stories July 1918
- * Sylvia in the Springtime, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1898
- * Thistle-Down, (pm) The Cavalier November 1909
- * Time, (pm) The Cosmopolitan August 1893
- * The Torch, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1918
- * The Touch, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine August 1916
- * The Trail, (pm) The Cavalier September 1909
- * Trinity, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine July 1924
- * Truant Love, (pm) The All-Story Magazine April 1907
- * Truth and Falsehood, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine April 1913
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