The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 163
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Carr, Robert V. (chron.) (continued)
- * Triplets and Trouble:
* ___ IX] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine September 1913
* ___ X] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine October 1913
* ___ XI] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine February 1914
* ___ XII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine March 1914
* ___ XIII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine July 1914
* ___ XIV] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine November 1914
* ___ XV] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine December 1914
* ___ XVI] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine January 1915
* ___ XVII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine March 1915
* ___ XVIII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine July 1915
* ___ XIX] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine August 1915
* ___ XX] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine September 1915
* ___ XXI] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine October 1915
* ___ XXII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) New Story Magazine November 1915
* ___ XXIII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) All Around Magazine December 1915
* ___ XXIV] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) All Around Magazine January 1916
* ___ XXV] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) All Around Magazine February 1916
* ___ XXVI] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) All Around Magazine March 1916
* ___ XXVII] [Jetts Brothers], (ss) All Around Magazine April 1916
- * Triplets Triumphant, (nv) Adventure November 1914
- * The Two-Gun Girl, (na) Adventure 1st March 1919
- * Virtue Has Its Own Reward [Johnny Reeves], (ss) The Popular Magazine December 7 1914
- * Weary, (pm) The Popular Magazine October 1 1910
- * When Cowboys Jest: Lachrymose Lyrics of a Tenderfoot, (gp) The Popular Magazine Dec 15 1911, May 1 1912
- * When Death Laughs Last [Johnny Reeves], (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1 1912
- * Wild Bill in Deadwood Gulch, (ar) Adventure July 1916
- * “Windy” Wiggins, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1 1911
- * Words, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 1 1912
- * Worry, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 15 1911
- * Yesterday, (pm) The Popular Magazine March 15 1911
_____, [ref.]
Carroll, Gladys (Winifred) Hasty (1904-1999) (chron.)
- * All She Needs to Know, (ss) Redbook February 1946
- * “As Long as I’m with You”, (ss) Redbook March 1947
- * Barn Dance Tonight, (ss) Redbook November 1945
- * Before We Get Afraid, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1941
- * Christmas Bazaar, (ss) Redbook January 1943
- * Columby Maples, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1933
- * Family Hearthstone, (sl) Redbook Dec 1944, Jan, Feb 1945
- * A Few Foolish Ones, (sl) Redbook Magazine Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1935
- * Head of the Line, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1939
- * Her Husband’s Wife, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1940
- * He Who Had Been Blind, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1933
- * His Garden Still Bloomed, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1939
- * Home for the Holidays, (ss) Redbook January 1944
- * I, Fred, Take Thee, Meridel, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1942
- * In Spite of All They Do!, (ss) Redbook November 1943
- * Kirsti, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1936
- * Kristin, (sl) Redbook Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1939
- * Lady, You’re Home, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1942
- * Life in the Old Dog, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1940
- * A Life of Her Own, (sl) Redbook Magazine May, Jun, Jul 1938
- * The Little Brown Church, (ss) Redbook June 1945
- * Lovers’ Meeting, (nv)
- * The Middle Son, (ss) Redbook Magazine December 1933
- * The Most Wonderful Thing in the World, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1941
- * Neighbor to the Sky, (sl) Redbook Magazine Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1937
- * Never Be Sorry, (ss) Redbook April 1944
- * The New Neighbors, (sl) Redbook Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1946
- * Not to Be a Stranger, (ss) Redbook March 1944
- * No Use to Cry—, (ss) Redbook September 1947
- * One Stayed Young, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1936
- * Shall We Dance?, (nv) Redbook Magazine October 1939
- * So Clyde Was Born, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1935
- * Some Words with a Lady, (ss) Redbook June 1946
- * So Much Like a Dream, (ss) Redbook April 1946
- * So She Married Again, (ss) Redbook May 1945
- * Speaking to Hannah, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1938
- * Tall, Blonde, Gentle and Capable, (ss) Redbook January 1946
- * Three Times Dreamed, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1939
- * Together Is a Wonderful Thing, (ss) Redbook June 1944
- * Train Time, (ss) Redbook April 1945
- * The Wedding, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1940
- * We Were Only Waiting, (ss) Redbook March 1945
- * What Strangers Don’t Know, (ss) Redbook Magazine June 1941
- * When Dreams Come True, (ss) Redbook December 1948
- * “When the Time Comes, Darling—”, (ss) Redbook August 1944
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