The General Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 52
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Bedford-Jones, H(enry James O’Brien) (items) (continued)
- Assassination at Christmas [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1946
- The Thunderbolt of Indra [Rajah from Hell], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1946, as by Gordon Keyne
- The Diamond Death [Rajah from Hell], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1947, as by Gordon Keyne
- The Justice of Amru [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1947
- The Pilgrims Come, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine January 1947
- The Devil’s Fire [Rajah from Hell], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1947, as by Gordon Keyne
- Pennsylvania, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine February 1947
- Swordsmen of Saladin [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1947
- He Who Sets a Trap [Rajah from Hell], (na) The Blue Book Magazine March 1947, as by Gordon Keyne
- Leopards Are for England [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1947
- The King’s Jewel [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1947
- A Task for Leonardo [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1947
- The Reward of Nostradamus [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1947
- Freedom Has a Price, (sl) Short Stories July 25 1947, etc.
- Richelieu Raids a Tomb [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1947
- Jewels Have a Long Life [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1947
- Lady in Chain Mail [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1947
- The Bride of the Sphinx [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1947
- The Passing of the Sphinx Emerald [Sphinx Emerald], (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1947
- The Golden Cup, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1947
- Dead Men Dancing, (sl) Short Stories January 10 1948, etc.
- The Thirsty Cup, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1948
- The Cup Comes Home, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1948
- Illinois: The Rail-Splitter, (pm) The Blue Book Magazine February 1948
- Foreign Devil, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1948
- Bar Gold, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1948
- Dragon Dust, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1948
- Captain Ezra Carries a Secret Weapon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1948
- The Blasted Bristol Woman, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1948
- Over the Horizon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1948
- The Gold-Dust Wedding, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1948
- The Economy of Sergeant Darlen, (na) The Blue Book Magazine March 1949
- “I’m a Virginian”, (ss)
Bedwell, Harry (Chester) (1888-1955) (about) (items)
- Campbell’s Wedding Race, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
- With His Fingers Crossed, (ss) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- The Secret Red Lights, (nv) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1911, etc.
- The Lightning That Was Struck, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1927
- Imperial Pass, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1934
- The Lake of Fire, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine July 1934; as told by Gordon Montgomery
- A Man Who Could Handle Trains, (ss) Railroad Stories November 1936
- On the Night Wire, (ss) Railroad Stories January 1937
- When I Was a Boomer Op., (ts) Railroad Stories April 1937
- Sun and Silence, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1938
- When There’s Traffic to Move, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1938
- Old Mogul Mountain, (ss) Railroad Magazine July 1938
- With the Wires Down, (ss) Railroad Magazine October 1938
- In Search of the Sun [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1939
- The Careless Road [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1939
- Yardmaster, (nv) Argosy March 18 1939
- The Switchman, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1939
- The Ham, (ss) Railroad Magazine May 1939
- Lassitude and Longitude [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine July 1939
- Take ’Em Away, McCoy, (ss) Argosy September 30 1939
- Official Appreciation [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine October 1939
- They Called Him “Moonbeam”, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1939
- Anything’s Liable to Happen, (nv) Railroad Magazine February 1940
- Code of the Boomer [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine May 1940
- The Student Brakeman, (nv) Railroad Magazine June 1940
- Back in Circulation [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine September 1940
- Snow on the High Iron, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 14 1940
- Pacific Electric [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine January 1941
- Smart Boomer [Eddie Sand], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 8 1941
- Tower Man [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine May 1941
- Pass to Seattle [Eddie Sand], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 4 1941
- Indian Transfer, (ss) Adventure June 1942
- Restless Feet [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine August 1942
- Lantern in His Hand, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 23 1943
- Christmas Comes to the Prairie Central, (ss) Railroad Magazine January 1943
- The Return of Eddie Sand [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine February 1944
- Desert Job [Eddie Sand], (nv) Railroad Magazine May 1945, etc.
- Not in the Contract, (sl) Railroad Magazine June 1946, etc.
- Mutiny on the Monte, (ss) Adventure November 1946
- Jawbone, (ss) Railroad Magazine November 1947
- Thundering Rails, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1948
- Mountain Standard Time, (sl) Railroad Magazine January 1949, etc.
- The Screaming Wheels, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 19 1949
- Night of Plunder, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post December 22 1951, etc.
- Against Orders (telegraph service) [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine September 1954
- The Third Trick, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1955
- The Superintendent’s Story, (ts) Railroad Magazine December 1955
- The Kid Switchman, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1957
- Wanderlust [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1957
- Avalanche Warning, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1957
- Night Operator, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1957
- Gods of High Iron, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1958
- Moonshine [Eddie Sand], (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1958
- Railroaders Don’t Celebrate, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1958
- Night Trick at Armadillo, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1959
- Holiday Week-End, (ss) Railroad Magazine December 1959
- Too Long in the Desert, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1960
- Priority Special, (ss) Railroad Magazine March 1972
- Second-Trick Dispatcher, (ss) Railroad Magazine February 1976
Beecham, John Charles; pseudonym of John Charles Beukema (1888-1967) (items)
- Out of the Miocene, (nv) The Popular Magazine September 7 1914, etc.
- The Dragon of the Cunchas, (nv) The Popular Magazine December 20 1915
- Leah [Peter Gross], (nv) All-Story Weekly March 11 1916
- That Affair of Dahjangsari, (nv) All-Story Weekly May 27 1916
- The Argus Pheasant [Peter Gross; Koyola], (n.) All-Story Weekly February 3 1917, etc.
- Koyala the Beautiful [Peter Gross; Koyola], (n.) All-Story Weekly August 10 1918, etc.
- A Renegade, (nv) All-Story Weekly January 11 1919
- A Daughter of Borneo [Peter Gross; Koyola], (sl) All-Story Weekly August 16 1919, etc.
- The Ape-Woman, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 30 1920
- The Fairest Flower, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 30 1921, etc.
- The Coolie Who Said He Was King, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 12 1924
- The Lady from Macassar, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 19 1924
- The Pseudo Rajah, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 26 1924
- Teema’s Wedding Day, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 2 1924
Beeler, Charles Richard (1888-1961); used pseudonym Caddo Cameron (about) (items)
- Rangers Is Powerful Hard to Kill, (sl) Short Stories April 10 1936, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- Befo’ and After Killin’, (na) Short Stories December 10 1936, as by Caddo Cameron
- Fetch Me a Fight!, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1937, as by Caddo Cameron
- It’s Hell to Be a Ranger [Badger Coe; Blizzard Wilson], (sl) Short Stories August 10 1937, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- Blood Shy, (ss) Short Stories December 10 1937, as by Caddo Cameron
- Six Feet and Horse-Faced, (nv) Adventure March 1938, as by Caddo Cameron
- At the End of a Texas Rope, (sl) Short Stories May 10 1938, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- Some Sinners Is Powerful Righteous, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1938, as by Caddo Cameron
- Two Guns and No Brains, (nv) Short Stories August 25 1938, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Damned Twins [Paint & Pinto], (nv) Short Stories February 10 1939, as by Caddo Cameron
- Due for a Hangin’ [Badger Coe; Blizzard Wilson], (sl) Short Stories March 10 1939, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Damned Twins Again [Paint & Pinto], (nv) Short Stories June 25 1939, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Damned Twins in Jail [Paint & Pinto], (nv) Short Stories October 10 1939, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Man’s a Mad Dog [Paint & Pinto], (na) Short Stories November 10 1939, as by Caddo Cameron
- We Ain’t Too Dead to Fight [Paint & Pinto], (na) Short Stories February 10 1940, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Damned Twins Is Insulted [Paint & Pinto], (nv) Short Stories March 25 1940, as by Caddo Cameron
- Ghosts on the Range To-Night, (sl) Short Stories May 10 1940, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Aggravatin’ Twins [Paint & Pinto], (na) Short Stories September 25 1940, as by Caddo Cameron
- The King Died Hard, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1940, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Persecuted Twins [Paint & Pinto], (na) Short Stories January 10 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- Strays from Hell, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- Steer Dust, (na) Short Stories April 10 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Way of the Wolves, (nv) Short Stories June 25 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Man Out Yonder, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- Men of Many Sins, (na) Short Stories December 25 1941, as by Caddo Cameron
- Too Damned Good for Thieves, (nv) Short Stories January 10 1942, as by Caddo Cameron
- Flowers for a Bandit, (nv) Short Stories February 10 1942, as by Caddo Cameron
- Guns and Gall, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1942, as by Caddo Cameron
- Old Thunder, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1942, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Devil’s Master, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1942, as by Caddo Cameron
- Smoke Taster, (na) Short Stories July 25 1945, as by Caddo Cameron
- At the End of the Red Trail, (nv) Short Stories November 25 1945, as by Caddo Cameron
- Smoky Bill’s Home Town, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Pig and a Promise, (ss) Short Stories April 10 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- Long Joe Forks a Bad One, (na) Short Stories June 10 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Home for Sinners, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Devil’s Rope, (nv) Short Stories October 10 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- Gunman’s Christmas [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories December 25 1946, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Shadow [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories January 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Ride [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories January 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Ghost [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories February 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Job [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories February 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Gamble [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories March 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Friend [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories March 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Mule [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories April 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Fright [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories May 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Temptation [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories May 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Devil in the Forest, (nv) Short Stories July 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Conscience [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories July 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Luck [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories August 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Revenge [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories September 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Excuse [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories October 10 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- Trouble in the Forest, (na) Short Stories October 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Thief [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories November 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Very Fine Bandit, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1947, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Weakness [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories February 25 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- Your Bones in the Brush, (sl) Short Stories March 10 1948, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Regret [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories May 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Fourth [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories July 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- Give the Man a Chance, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- The White Tiger of San Pedro [Tandy Walker], (nv) Short Stories September 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- Parson Adam, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Damned Twins Paroled [Paint & Pinto], (ss) Short Stories October 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Gall [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories November 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Partner [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories November 25 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Feud [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories December 10 1948, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Political Twins [Paint & Pinto], (ss) Short Stories January 25 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- Danger Rides the Brush, (nv) Short Stories March 10 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Enemy [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories April 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Gratitude [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories July 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Killer Dun, (ss) Adventure August 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- The Tiger’s Teeth [Tandy Walker], (nv) Short Stories November 1949, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Entertainin’ Twins [Paint & Pinto], (ss) Short Stories January 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- [letter], (lt) Short Stories January 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Yesterday [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories February 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- Spirit of the Feud, (sl) Short Stories March 1950, etc., as by Caddo Cameron
- The Temper of Johnny Muldoon, (ss) Adventure March 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- A Gunman’s Trouble [Gunman], (ss) Short Stories July 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- Fit to Walk with Men, (ss) Short Stories September 1950, as by Caddo Cameron
- Them Unconscious Twins [Paint & Pinto], (ss) Short Stories February 1951, as by Caddo Cameron
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