The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12308
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[Various] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Current Comment, (ms) Hampton’s Magazine May 1910
- * Current Holmes, (br) Mystery March 1981
- * Current Literature, (ms) The Galaxy October 1873
- * Current Material Reviews, (rc) The Armchair Detective Jun, Oct 1976, Jan 1977
- * Current Mystery and Suspense Hardcovers, (br) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May, Aug, Nov 1971
- * Current Mystery & Suspense Hardcovers, (br) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1971
- * Current Notes, (cl) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1887, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1888
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1889
- * Current Notes, (ms) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine Nov, Dec 1889, Jun 1891
- * Current Reviews, (rc) The Armchair Detective v14 #4 1981, v15 #1, v15 #2, v15 #3, v15 #4 1982, Spr, Sum, Aut 1983, Spr, Sum,
Fll 1984, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1985
Wtr, Spr 1986
- * Curs and Cures, (ms) Magpie July 1951
- * A Cursory View of Anathema, (ms)
- * Curtain Lines, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1967
- * Cut Blooms, (ms) Magpie August 1951
- * Cut Down to Size, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1965
- * Cuttings from the College Cut-Ups, (ms) Wayside Tales January 1922
- * Cyber-Psychos Gallery, (pi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #9, July 1999
- * Daarke Tomes, (br) EOD #7 Sep, #8 Dec 1992
- * Dabbling in the Dew, (ms) Argosy (UK) August 1949
- * Daffodils, (pm) The Golden Book Magazine #4, April 1925
- * Dancers of the Day, (pi) The London Magazine November 1916
- * Dancing, (ms) The Argosy (UK) October 1927
- * Dancing Days, (ms) Argosy (UK) December 1953
- * Dancing Time, (ms) The Argosy (UK) September 1935
- * Darby and Joan, (ms) The Argosy (UK) February 1930
- * Daredevil Drivers on Display, (pi) Topper July 1965
- * The Dark Continent, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1928
- * Dark Enchantress, (ms) Argosy (UK) December 1948
- * The Darkened Moment, (ms) The Argosy (UK) July 1927
- * Darke Tomes, (br) EOD #6, March 1992
- * Dark Library, (br) Book of Dark Wisdom #3 Spr, #4 Fll 2004, #5 Win, #6 Spr, #7 Fll 2005, #8 Win, #9 Spr, #10 Spr 2006, #11 2007
- * Dark Reviews, (rc) Dark Discoveries Spr, Sum, Fll 2004, Spr, Sum, Fll 2005, Wtr, Sum 2006, Wtr, Sum 2007,
#11 Spr 2008
- * Dark Side’s Choice: Best New Book Autumn 1990, (br) Dark Side #3, Fall 1990
- * Dark Stars, (ms) Burning Sky #10 2001, #11, #12 2002
- * Dark Stars, (rc) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #14 2002, #15, #16, #17 2003, #18, #20 2004
- * The Dark Worlds Club, (ms) Dark Worlds Adventures Winter 2009
- * Darren Shan: “I wanted to write about racism in the UK—zombies seemed like a good way to do that.”, (iv) The Guardian March 17 2014 [Ref. Darren Shan]
- * A Date at Dusk, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1963
- * Date with a Dairymaid, (ms) Argosy (UK) September 1962
- * Daughters of Eve, (ms) Argosy (UK) Dec 1950, Feb 1953
- * Daughters of the Sun, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1950
- * David Thompson Tribute, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #39, November/December 2010
- * A Day Apart, (ms) The Argosy (UK) February 1935
- * A Day at the Races, (ms) Argosy (UK) June 1954
- * Daybreak, (ms) Argosy (UK) August 1946
- * Day Dreams…of Famous People, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1945
- * The Day I Cried, (ar) Family Circle February 1958; as told to Mortimer Weisinger
- * A Day in the Garden, (ms) The Argosy (UK) June 1926
- * The Day of Discontent, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1906
- * Day of Reckoning, (ms) Esquire June 1964
- * The Day of the Dog, (pi) Smith’s Magazine December 1906
- * D-Cup That Cheers, (hu) 38-26-34 v6 #1, 1968/69
- * Dead Poets Corner, (ms) The Cozy Detective Mystery Magazine Spr, Fll 1998
- * The Dear Delights of Shopping, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1934
- * Dear Diary…, (ms) Argosy (UK) September 1943
- * Dear Mary…, (cl) Woman’s Weekly November 8 2011
- * Death’s Door, (fr) Deathrealm #15 Fll/Win 1991, #23 Spr, #24 Sum 1995, #27 Spr, #28 Sum, #29 Aut 1996
- * Début, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1946
- * The Debutantes on Parade, (pi) The Bystander #1796, May 18 1938
- * Decades of Decision, (ar) Omni October 1979
- * Deceivers Ever, (ms) Argosy (UK) November 1953
- * December, (ar) The Family Friend #408, December 1903
- * Declarations of Dependence, from Famous Love Letters, (ms)
- * Decorous Days, (ms) The Argosy (UK) March 1938
- * The Dedication of the Chicago Unit, (cl) The Shrine Magazine November 1926
- * “The Deed Is Everything”, (pi) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1930
- * Deeds of Danger and Daring, (pi) Tales of Danger and Daring June 1929
- * Deeds of Danger and Daring Told in Pictures, (pi) Tales of Danger and Daring May 1929
- * Deeds of Derring-Do, (ms) The Argosy (UK) May 1932
- * Deep Down Under, (ms) Argosy (UK) September 1948
- * Deep Magic Looks at Books, (br) Deep Magic #15 Aug, #16 Sep, #17 Oct, #18 Nov, #19 Dec 2003, #20 Jan, #21 Feb, #22 Mar, #23 Apr, #24 May, #25 Jun,
#26 Jul, #27 Aug, #28 Sep, #29 Oct, #30 Nov, #31 Dec 2004
#32 Jan, #33 Feb, #34 Mar, #35 Apr, #36 May, #37 Jun, #38 Jul, #39 Aug, #40 Sep, #41 Oct, #42 Nov,
#43 Dec 2005
#44 Jan, #45 Feb, #46 Mar, #47 Apr, #48 May, #49 Jun 2006
- * Deep Waters, (ms) Argosy (UK) December 1958
- * Definitions, (ms)
- * Delights of Harmony, (ms) The Argosy (UK) February 1927
- * The Delights of Horsemanship, (ms) The Argosy (UK) July 1932
- * The Delights of Reading, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1933
- * Delilah, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1950
- * Delusions, (rc) Psychotic #25 May, #27 Sep 1968, #31 Jun, #32 Aug, #33 Oct 1969
- * Den of the Dark, (rc) Dark Corridor #2, Fall 2008
- * Denver & Rio Grande Narrow-Gage Locomotives (Part 3), (pi) Railroad Magazine February 1943
- * Description of the Fashions, (ms) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine January 1844
- * Desire, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1940
- * The Destiny Portfolio of Amateur Fantasy Art, (pi) Destiny Summer 1954
- * The Devil Take Her, (ms) Argosy (UK) March 1942
- * A Dial of the Days, (ms)
- * Diamond Horseshoe, (pi) The Stocking Parade January 1943
- * Diamonds and Hearts, (ms) Argosy (UK) November 1967
- * Dieting, (ms)
- * Diet Recipes, (ms) Piffle & Other Trivia #23, December 1994
- * Diets to Fit a 17″ Screen, (ms) Cosmopolitan February 1962
- * Different Views, (hu) Candida v2 #1, 1960
- * Digging and All That, (ms) Argosy (UK) March 1943
- * Dig That Crazy Paving, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1961
- * Dime Art, (pi) Purple Prose #13, November 2000
- * Dining In/Out with Esquire, (ms) Esquire June 1964
- * The Diplomatic Approach, (pi) Ace August 1959
- * Dipping Into the New Books, (ms)
- * Discoveries, (cl) Good Housekeeping August 1910
- * Discoveries, (lt) Automobile and Trailer Travel Magazine June 1944
- * DISCussion, (cl) The American Magazine July 1956
- * Discussions of New Books, (rc) The Virginia Quarterly Review Spring 1970
- * Dishing Out the Dirt, (hu) Bedtime Tales v1 #10, 1936
- * A Distinguished Railfan: Governor Dwinell, New Hampshire, (pi) Railroad Magazine August 1955
- * “A Diversity of Creatures”, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1938
- * Divining Rods, (ms)
- * Divorced Prosperity and Political Campaigns Go Their Separate Ways, (ms) The American Magazine June 1928
- * Doc in the Dock, (ms) Argosy (UK) February 1960
- * Doc Savage Club, (cl) Doc Savage Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1934
Jan, Feb, May, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Nov,
Dec 1936
Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1937, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1938
Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1939, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1940
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1941
Jan, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1942, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1943
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