The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Ruling Passion, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #479, May 14 1892
- * The Ruling Race, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1877
- * Rum and a Secretary, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1 1931
- * Rumanian I.A.R. 16, (ia) The Lone Eagle October 1935
- * Rumble, (ed) Rumble #3 1990, #6 1992
- * Rumblings: In the World of Sci-Fi, (cl) Future Fantasy Feb, Apr 1978
- * “Rum Creeters Is Women”, (ss) (by J. W. De Forest) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1867
- * Rummy Rustlers, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #15, June 18 1938
- * A Rumor in Wall Street, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- * Rumors of the Round Table! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) All-American Comics (comic) April 1946
- * Rumour Hath It, (ms) This Week (UK) Jul 28, Aug 4 1939
- * The Rumpad Escort, (na) Dick Turpin Library #84, 192?
- * A Rum Racket 4-11-44; or, Deadwood Dick in Buffalo [Deadwood Dick], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #102, 189?
- * Rum Runners’ Latest Defense, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * Rum Running, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1922
- * Rum’s the Word for Romance, (ar) Escapade August 1958
- * Run a Mile…Without Running!, (ar) Penthouse (US) February 2002
- * The Runaway, (n.) School Friend 1957
- * Runaway Boys Lived in Tank for Months, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1922
- * The Runaway Bus, (sa) Super Cinema Annual 1955, The Amalgamated Press, Ltd., 1954; adapted from the Eros Films production of the same name, starring Frankie Howerd.
- * A Runaway Christmas Tree, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1897
- * Runaway Comet [Bigbrain Billy], (ss) Calling All Boys #16, March 1948
- * The Runaway Corpse [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Sporting Post February 25 1950, as "Dead Men Can Run!"
- * Runaway Girl, (ts) Real Life Confessions July 1937
- * Runaway Girls, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd Nov, 1st Dec 1930
- * Runaway Girls a Problem, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1920
- * Runaway Radium, (ia) The Strand Magazine February 1945
- * Runaway Romance, (ts) Romantic Magazine #52, May 1938
- * Runaways, (cn) The American Magazine February 1937
- * The Runaway Slave, (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal January 25 1834
- * A Runaway Snowball, (ms) Far West Illustrated April 1928
- * Run Batters, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1931
- * Run Down! [Cedar Creek], (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Boys’ Friend #949, August 16 1919
- * A Run for Life, (pm) The Riverside Magazine for Young People February 1867
- * A Run for Life, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 4, Feb 11 1888
- * A Run for Life, (ss) The Golden Argosy November 8 1884
- * A Run for Life, (ss) Chums November 2 1892
- * Runner-Up Gift Guide, (ms) Penthouse (US) Feb 1992, Feb 1993, Apr 1994
- * Runner-Up Gifts, (ms) Penthouse (US) February 1996
- * Running, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Robin Shaw]
- * Running After an Actress, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1881
- * Running a Model Steam Engine, (ar) The Modern Boy November 23 1929
- * Running an Obstacle Race, (ar) Chums August 9 1924
- * Running an Offensive, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #56, November 1916
- * Running a Racing Pit, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * Running Away to Join the Town, (ss) (by Paul Meloy) Nemonymous #5, 2005
- * The Running Brooks, (rc) The Cornhill Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1934
Dec 1935, Feb, Mar, Jul, Aug 1936
- * Running Buffalo, (ss) Swift Annual #2, 1955
- * Running Buffalo in Texas, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1880
- * Running Deer and Big Chief White Horse Eagle, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 1 1928
- * Running Down a Slave Ship, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine
- * A Running Footman, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1878
- * Running-Gear Failures, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1943
- * Running Gear in the Human Machine, (ar) Modern Wonder December 2 1939
- * The Running Iron, (ar) Triple-X Magazine #56, January 1929
- * Running No Risks, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 7 1923
- * Running on No Particular Schedule, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * Running Records, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 23 1880
- * Running Rings Around Nimrod, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 15 1913
- * A Running Speech, (ms) Navy Stories #4, May 1929
- * Running the Canon, (ss) The Young Englishman July 14 1877
- * Running the Gauntlet, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 11 1909
- * Running the Gauntlet, (il) Chums June 7 1893
- * Running the Gauntlet; or, the Cuban Patriot’s Bride, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1879
- * Running the Rodea (Tex Austin), (iv) The Scout June 14 1924
- * Running the Schools, (ms) Women’s Stories January 1 1914
- * Running Wild, (ts) Smart Set November 1925
- * Running Without Legs, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1915
- * Runnymede, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1876
- * Runs Backward to Go Forward, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * Runs by Rail: To Brighton and Back, (ar) London Society #10, November 1862
- * Runs from Woman He Held Up, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1919
- * The Run That Lost the Game, (ss) The Skipper #199, June 23 1934
- * A Run Through Cleveland, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1878
- * A Run through the Southern States. By an English Officer, (ts) (by Henry C. Fletcher) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
- * Run to Cover by Indians, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 4 1931
- * A Run to the Faroe Islands, (te) Cassell’s Magazine November 7 1874
- * A Runway for Shells, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1918
- * Run Wild, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly April 1869
- * Rupert Cook Remembered, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #2, 2000/01 [Ref. Rupert Croft Cook]
- * Rupert de Courcy, (ms) The Magnet Library July 21 1917
- * Rupert’s Choice, (ss) The Argosy (UK) March 1875
- * A Rural Art Critic, (hu) The Popular Magazine August 1905
- * The Rural Dance About the May-Pole, (pm)
- * Rural Life, (ss) (by Mary N. Prescott) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1868
- * Rural Nooks Round London, (ms) Chambers’s Journal February 29 1908
- * Rural Plural #1: Barnyard Blonde, (pi) Snap v1 #7, 1961
- * Rural Plural #2: Brunette Farmerette, (pi) Snap v1 #7, 1961
- * Rural Reminiscences, (ar) (by Anna Maria Bridges) The Cornhill Magazine July 1890
- * Rural Sherlock Finds Robbers’ Cache, (ms) Mystery Magazine #141, October 1 1923
- * La Ruse d’Amour, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1877
- * A Ruse That Failed, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper May 24 1902
- * Rush-Bearing at Ambleside, (ar) The Quiver July 1909
- * The Rush California-ward, (ar) Sunset January 1904
- * Rushes, (ms) Gallery January 1974
- * Ruskin’s “Angering Penance”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1889
- * Joanna Russ, (pi) Galileo #8, 1978 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- * Russell Hayden, (ar) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1941
- * Russell James, (ar) Crime Time #26, 2002 [Ref. Russell James]
- * Russell Sage in His Office, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine December 1896
- * Russia, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * Russia and Germany, (ar) The Dark Blue #17, July 1872
- * Russia and Japan, (ar) The Penny Magazine #297, 1904
- * Russia and Nihilism in the Novels of M. Tourgénief, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #775, May 1880 [Ref. Ivan Turgenev]
- * The Russian Army, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1887
- * Russian Army Types, (pi) The Cosmopolitan April 1904
- * The Russian Ballet, (ar) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1914
- * Russian Bandits Active, (ms) Clues 1st April 1928
- * A Russian Bear Hunt, (ts) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1894
- * The Russian Campaign, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #46, June 1931
- * A Russian Cook of the Old Faith, (ex)
- * A Russian Cross from the Crimea, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1881
- * Russian Cross-Stitch Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm March 1900
- * “Russian Crown Jewels” Sold Many Times in Boston, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 6 1926
- * A Russian Easter Custom, (ms) Black & White #9, April 4 1891
- * A Russian Flimflam, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * Russian Ghost Stories, (ar) (by W. R. S. Ralston) The Cornhill Magazine August 1872
- * A Russian Harvest Scene, (il) St. Nicholas August 1881
- * A Russian Home, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * The Russian Lottery Ticket, (ss) A Race for Life and Other Tales, Leisure Hour, 1872
- * Russian Morale Builders…and Destroyers, (ar) Liberty February 28 1942
- * Russian “Mosca” Fighter, (ms) Flying Aces February 1942
- * Russian National Embroidery, (ar) The Lady’s Realm November 1900
- * Russian Opera in London, (pi) The Lady’s Realm July 1915
- * Russian Poetry in Translation, (ar) Words International December 1987
- * Russian Priests and Russian Religion, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1871
- * Russian Princess Convicted as Spy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 11 1922
- * A Russian Reminiscence, (ss) (by Frederick Hardman) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine October 1854
- * A Russian Ruse, (ss) The Argosy June 1898
- * The Russians at Home, (ar) (by Robert William Lowry) The Cornhill Magazine August 1892
- * A Russian Sewing-Woman, (ss) The New York Times February 25 1883
- * Russian Sketches of Russian Life, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine March 1863
- * Russian Slayer Uses Fiendish Pistol, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine August 1930
- * Russian Spendthrifts, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1877
- * The Russian’s Serf’s Self-Sacrifice, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1883
- * Russian State Prisons, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1880
- * Russian Stormovik Pre-view, (ar) Flying Aces November 1942
- * A Russian Story of a Century Ago, (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal July 1 1854, as "Steenie of Lachta"
- * A Russian Stove, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * Russian Wolf Hounds, (ar) The American Boy March 1904
- * Russia’s Greatest Soldier—Marshal Timoshenko, (bg) The Strand Magazine December 1941 [Ref. Semyon Timoshenko]
- * Russia’s Icons and Holy Flags, (ar) The Penny Magazine #298, 1904
- * Russia’s Sea Power, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #1014, April 1900
- * Russia’s Secret Air Power, (ms) Argosy August 1948
- * The Rustic and the Lackeys, (ms)
- * A Rustic Convert, (pm) The Outing Magazine
- * A Rustic Hostelry, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 29 1886
- * A Rustic Love-Letter, (pm) Macmillan’s Magazine July 1868, as by Austin Dobson
- * Rustic Minstrelsy and Indigenous Ballad-Poetry of Ireland, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine April 1863
- * Rusticus at the Belgian Ball, (ar) Tinsley’s Magazine #1, August 1867
- * Rusticus in Urbe, (ar) (by Harry Jones) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885
- * Rustler Caught by Strings, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 19 1935
- * Rustler Guns [Six-Gun Sandy], (cs) Thrilling Western March 1935
- * Rustlers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 22 1940
- * Rustlers Called Me “Honey”, (na) Western Romances July 1957
- * Rustlers’ Honor, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 14 1936
- * The Rustlers Never Came Back, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 12 1934
- * The Rustlers of 1939 [The Phantom Sheriff], (ss) Wild West (UK) #46, January 21 1939
- * Rustlers of Red Dog, (sl) Boy’s Cinema #810 Jun 22, #811 Jun 29, #812 Jul 6, #815 Jul 27, #816 Aug 3 1935; adapted from the movie (Johnny Mack Brown, Joyce Compton).
- * Rustlers of Red Dog—Episode 5, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #809, June 15 1935; adapted from the movie (Johnny Mack Brown and Joyce Compton).
- * Rustlers of the Plains, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 18 1934
- * Rustlers’ Rampage [Sage-Brush Sally], (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1935
- * Rustler’s Ranch, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 3 1926
- * Rustlers’ Roost [Six-Gun Sandy], (cs) Thrilling Western October 1934
- * Rustler’s Round Up, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #705, June 17 1933; adapted from the movie (Tom Mix, Diane Sinclair).
- * Rustlers’ Roundup, (ms) Triple-X Western #87, August 1931
- * Rustlers Still Ride the Range, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories March 1944
- * Rustler’s Terror, (ar) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 27 1935
- * Rustlers’ Tricked, (ms) Triple-X Western #89, October 1931
- * Rustling on a Large Scale, (ms) Wild West Weekly August 20 1927
- * The Rustling Sheriff, (ss) Boys’ Magazine August 8 1931
- * Rusty, (pi) Rogue October 1961
- * Rusty, (pi) Escapade June 1964
- * Rusty Hinges, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories April 1954
- * The Rusty Pot and the Wooden Balls, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1916
- * Ruth, (pm) (by J. O. B.)
- * Ruth, (pm) (by Josiah Gilbert Holland)from Bitter-Sweet, Scribner’s, 1858
- * Ruth and Johnnie, (pm)
- * Ruth Etting Wants Her Harvest Moon, (ar) The Woman Today May 1935
- * Ruth Grey’ Trial, (pm) London Society January 1863
- * Ruth Gurney’s Set Out, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1877
- * Ruthless!, (ts) Secrets April 1947
- * Ruthless Rhymes, (cn) The Grand Magazine Aug, Sep 1914
- * Ruthless Rhymes, (pm) Collier’s Jul 31, Sep 4 1926
- * Ruth Nichols, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer February 1935 [Ref. Ruth R. Nichols]
- * Ruth; or, A Chapter Stolen Out of a Girl’s Life, (ss) Dublin University Magazine April 1869
- * Ruth Redmond, the Girl Shadower; or, the Rivals of Buckskin, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #146, 189?
- * Ruth Rodney’s Romance, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal May 12 1888
- * Ruth Roland, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly August 7 1920
- * Ruth Roman, (pi) Varsity (US) #22, January/February 1950
- * Ruth’s Here Again, (pi) Movie Monthly September 1925 [Ref. Ruth Roland]
- * Ruth’s Thanksgiving, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * Ruth, the Toiler, (pm) The Craftsman
- * Ruth Westheimer, Holocaust Survivor and Sex Therapist Who Became a Pop Culture Phenomenon, (ob) The Daily Telegraph July 14 2024 [Ref. Ruth Westheimer]
- * The R.V. Mr. P—’s Voyage on the Sea, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1887
- * Rx for Living, (cl) Man’s Book Periodical Nov 1963, Jan, Mar, May, Oct, Dec 1964, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct,
Dec 1965
Jan 1966, Apr, Jun 1967
- * Rx Laughs, (hu) Tomkat v1 #2, 1963
- * Ryan Serves the Industry, (ms) Air Trails May 1938
- * Ryan’s Report, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
- * The Ryan Woman’s Suicide, (ss) New York Sunday Sun
- * Rycharde Herne, (pm)
- * Ryerson Johnson, 1902-1995, (ob) Pulp Adventures #6, Spring 1996 [Ref. Ryerson Johnson]
- * Rye, Sussex, (il) The Black Cat (UK) Christmas 1898
- * The S-43, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer April 1935
- * An S.A., (ss) The Australian Journal October 7 1865
- * The Sabbath Bells, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 5 1886
- * The Sabbath in the Cornfield, (cs) The Bible Story #15, June 13 1964
- * The Sabbath of the Lost, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science April 1876
- * Sabina Poppæa, (ss) (by Thomas Irwin) Dublin University Magazine September 1865
- * Sabina Poppæa’s Dressing-Room, (ss) (by Thomas Irwin) Dublin University Magazine May 1866
- * Sabine Hall, (ss) The Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller v2, 1837
- * Sabotage, (ms) Manhunt November 1956
- * Saboteur, (sa) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * Sabrina, (mr) Redbook October 1954
- * Sabrina, (pi) Mayfair v23 #8, 1988
- * Sabrina, (ss) The Argosy (UK) October 1885
- * Sabrina the Hat Model, (pi) Wench v1 #1, 1962
- * Saburo Kurusu, (ar) Collier’s June 24 1944
- * The Saccharine Mr. Hitchcock, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 1 1912
- * Saccharissa Mellasys, (ss) (by Theodore Winthrop) The Atlantic Monthly September 1861
- * Sackcloth and Ashes, (ms) A Basinful of Fun #54, 1949
- * Sacked from St. Frank’s [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #126, August 27 1921
- * The Sacramento Police Force, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 14 1923
- * Sacramento’s New Police Inspector, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * Sacred Animals, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1882
- * The Sacred Bean, (ar) St. Nicholas December 1873
- * Sacred Cats Bring $15 a Ton, (ms) Mystery Magazine #27, December 15 1918
- * The Sacred City [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by W. W. Sayer) The Sexton Blake Library #193, 1921
- * A Sacred Cow with Six Legs, (ar) The Royal Magazine September 1899
- * The Sacredness of Truth, (ms) The Quiver July 1909
- * The Sacred Sapphire [John Pym], (ss) (by David Christie Murray) The Woman at Home July 1894
- * Sacred Singing in the Country, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 15 1914
- * The Sacred Way of Eleusis, (ar) (by Charles Edwardes) The Cornhill Magazine September 1887
- * Sacrifice, (br) Shroud #7, Autumn 2009 [Ref. John Everson]
- * Sacrifice, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd July 1930
- * The Sacrifice, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine May 1901
- * The Sacrifice, (ss) New-York Tribune August 20 1916
- * A Sacrifice Consumed, (ss) (by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1864
- * Sacrificed £20,000 a Year, (ms) The Sunday Strand April 1906
- * The Sacrifice of the Alamo, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 7 1939
- * The Sacrifice of the Innocents, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine September 1909
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