The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 5100

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    Granta [#61, Spring 1998] []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Granta [#86, Summer 2004] ed. Ian Jack (tp) []
    This is a “Film” issue, and also includes John Fowles’s diary for the filming of The French Lieutenant’s Woman and an article by Jonathan Lethem about the films of John Cassavetes.
    Details supplied by Martin Wooster.

    Granta [#89, Spring 2005] ed. Ian Jack (Granta Publications, £9.99, 256pp+, 210mm x 144mm) []
    Issue titled “The Factory”.
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk from Table of Contents.
    • 7 · Motley Notes · Ian Jack · ed
    • 13 · Made in China · Isabel Hilton · ar; “what became of the workers’ paradise?”.
    • 55 · A Job on the Line · Desmond Barry · ar; “night shifts bring a fearful quietness”.
    • 65 · The Making of Parts · Alec Soth · pt; “pictures from the shop floor”.
    • 97 · Chocolate Empires · Andrew Martin · ar; “the sweet tooth of success”.
    • 113 · Plastics · Luc Sante · ar; “the question arises: what dignity is there in labour?”.
    • 127 · In the Milk Factory · Joe Sacco · ct; “a cartoon strip drawn from the life of Chechen refugees”.
    • 135 · Fancy Lamps · Neil Steinberg · ar; “the struggle to go on making things in Chicago”.
    • 151 · Lister’s Mill · Liz Jobey · ar; “lofts, lofts and yet more lofts, even in Bradford”.
    • 167 · Buckets of Blood · Tessa Hadley · nv
    • 189 · Martin and Me · Thomas Healy · ex
      from I Have Heard You Calling in the Night, forthcoming from Granta Books (2006).
    • 207 · The Muse in the Cellar · James Lasdun · ex W.W. Norton, 2005
    • 239 · The Game of Evenings · Adolf Hoffmeister · iv [Ref. James Joyce]
    • 256 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

    Granta [#90, Summer 2005] ed. Ian Jack (Granta Publications, £9.99, 256pp+, 210mm x 144mm) []
    Issue titled “Country Life”.
    Details supplied by Martin Wooster & Richard Fidczuk.
    • 7 · Motley Notes · Ian Jack · ed
    • 11 · Return to Akenfield · Craig Taylor · ar; “England’s classic village, forty years on”.
    • 57 · The Seventh Event · Richard Powers · ss
    • 75 · Waiting for Salmon · Barry Lopez · ar; “signs and portents on the McKenzie River”.
    • 85 · Airds Moss · Kathleen Jamie · ar; “once there were people here—a church, a school”.
    • 99 · Fantastic Mr. Fox · Tim Adams · ar; “the unspeakable, the uneatable, the unconsolable”.
    • 127 · When Grandma Was Young · Matthew Reisz · ar; “dubious advice on sex from Dr Havelock Ellis”.
    • 151 · The Death of a Chair · Doris Lessing · ss; “lessons from a country auction”.
    • 161 · Blight · Robert Gumpert · pt; “California’s leaves in their majestic decay”.
    • 175 · Showtime · [uncredited] · pt; “from the archive of the Daily Herald”.
    • 193 · Constitutional · Helen Simpson · nv
    • 217 · Nightwalking · Robert Macfarlane · ar; “the pleasures of the icy moonlight”.
    • 225 · The End of the Provinces · Jeremy Seabrook · ar; “we are all metropolitans now”.
    • 243 · Pounding a Nail · Studs Terkel · iv; “Bob Dylan and the hard rain, 1963”.
    • 256 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

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