The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12111
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Ridin’ Law, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #599, June 6 1931; adapted from the movie (Jack Perrin and Rene Bordon).
- * Ridin’ to See My Gal, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1944
- * Ridley Pearson, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #4, 2005 [Ref. Ridley Pearson]
- * Rienzi Brown in Rome, (pm) (by James T. Fields) The Atlantic Monthly May 1871
- * The Rifle, an American Tale, (ss) (by William Leggett) The Atlantic Souvenir, Carey, Lea & Carey, 1828, as by The Author of “Leisure Hours at Sea”
- * The Rifle Brigade, (ar) Chums June 14 1893
- * A Rifle-Club Field-Day, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 17 1906
- * Rifle Competitions in Ireland, (ar) (by James Anderson Scott ,[?]) Dublin University Magazine March 1867
- * Rifleman Ready. A tale of the Rifle Brigade, (sl) The Young Englishman May 15, May 22, May 29, Jun 2, Jun 9, Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14,
Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1 1875
- * Rifle Range Planned, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 19 1924
- * Rifle Shooting, (cl) C.B. Fry’s Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1906
- * Rifle Sights, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1916
- * Rig a Pirate Ship, (gm) Child Life January 1954
- * Rigel Interviews Ben Bova, (iv) Rigel Science Fiction #1, Summer 1981 [Ref. Ben Bova]
- * Right, (pm) Pittsburgh Press
- * Right About Face, (ss) Collier’s May 16 1925
- * Right and Left, (ar) (by Grant Allen) The Cornhill Magazine May 1889
- * Right and Wrong Aviation, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Right Away, (ar) The Modern Boy September 1 1928
- * “Right Away!”, (sl) (by William Benjamin Home-Gall) The Boys’ Friend #325 Apr 20, #326 Apr 27, #327 May 4, #328 May 11, #329 May 18, #330 May 25, #331 Jun 1, #332 Jun 8 1901
- * Right Bank, Left Bank, All Around the Town, (pi) Nugget October 1957
- * The Right Combination, (ms)
- * Right Cross, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #77, December 1950
- * The Right Door, (ms) Suspense (UK) November 1958
- * The Right End of the Gun [Jock Mackay], (ss) The Violet Magazine #76, July 24 1925
- * A Righteous Retribution, (ss) (by James Payn) The Cornhill Magazine October 1884
- * Right from the Chair, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * The Right Girl, (hu) Spicy Stories March 1932
- * The Right Helping Hand, (ms) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v1 #7, 1973
- * The Right Hon. A.J. Balfour, (ar) C.B. Fry’s Magazine May 1905 [Ref. A. J. Balfour]
- * The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P., (bg) Black & White #37, October 17 1891
- * The Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, M.P., (bg) The Strand Magazine January 1907 [Ref. Arthur Balfour]
- * The Right Hon. Arthur J. Balfour, M.P., (ar) The New Review #6, November 1889
- * The Right Hon. David Lloyd George, M.P., (bg) The Strand Magazine July 1908 [Ref. David Lloyd George]
- * Right Hon. Henry Hawkins, Lord Brampton, (ar) New York Daily Graphic
- * The Right Hon. H.H. Asquith, M.P., (ar) The New Review #60, May 1894
- * The Right Hon. James Bryce, (bg) The Strand Magazine February 1907 [Ref. James Bryce]
- * The Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, M.P., (ar) The Universal Magazine #1, February 1900
- * The Right Hon. John Bright, (ob) The Boy’s Own Paper May 18 1889
- * The Right Hon. John Burns, M.P., (pi) The Strand Magazine March 1911 [Ref. The Right Hon. John Burns, M.P.]
- * The Right Hon. John Morley, O.M., The New Secretary for India, (iv) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1906 [Ref. John Morley]
- * The Right Honorable James Bryce, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1908
- * The Right Hon. R. B. Haldane, M.P., (bg) The Strand Magazine March 1907 [Ref. Richard Burdon Haldane]
- * The Right Hon. Reginald McKenna, (bg) The Strand Magazine September 1914 [Ref. Reginald McKenna]
- * The Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., (bg) Black & White #35, October 3 1891
- * The Right Hon. Walter Hume Long, (ar) C.B. Fry’s Magazine July 1905 [Ref. Walter Hume Long]
- * The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., (ar) The New Review #14, July 1890
- * The Right Hon. W. H. Smith, M.P., (bg) Black & White #30, August 29 1891
- * The Right Hon. W. L. Jackson, M.P., (bg) Black & White #41, November 14 1891
- * Right in Fashion!, (ms) Complete Love Magazine December 1943
- * Right in Style!, (ms) Love Fiction Magazine December 1945
- * Right in Your Own Back Yard, (??) Tonight v1 #1, 1959
- * The Right Kind of an Error, (ms) The Circle
- * The Right Kind of Christmas Parties, (ms) Ladies’ Home Journal December 15 1910
- * The Right Length of Holes at Golf, (ar) (by Henry Leach) Fry’s Magazine February 1910
- * Right Line, (cn) The Australian Chucklers Weekly November 27 1959
- * A Right Little Darlene, (pi) Parade #1631, March 27 1971
- * The Right Name for His Complaint, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 15 1913
- * The Right Not to Be Talked To, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1922
- * Right Off the Reel, (cl) Boys’ Life May, Oct 1927
- * Right of the Press, (ar) Boys’ Life October 1929
- * Right of Way, (pm) Los Angeles Times
- * Right of Way for the Railroad, (sl) Wild West Weekly (UK) #11 May 21, #12 May 28, #13 Jun 4 1938
- * Right-of-Way Realism, (ar) Railroad Magazine October 1942
- * The Right One—A Lesson for Lovers, (ss) (by Anna Mary Howitt) Household Words #72, August 9 1851
- * Right on the Beam for the Next Supreme Flying Aces, (ms) Flying Aces March 1941
- * The Right Price, (pi) True Men Stories December 1958
- * The Right Question in the Circumstances, (hu)
- * The Right Rev. Dr. George H. Wilkinson, Late Bishop of Truro, (ar) Black & White #20, June 20 1891
- * The Right Rev. H.E. Ryle, D.D., Lord Bishop of Exeter, (ar) The Lady’s Realm October 1902
- * A Right Smart Little Girl, (ss) The Young Englishman May 5 1877
- * Rights of a Shipper, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Rights of Spring, (ar) Penthouse (US) May 1995
- * The Right Sort, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 7 1885
- * “The Right Sort of American”, (ar) The American Boy September 1906
- * Right Stuff, (cl) Penthouse (US) Sep, Oct, Dec 1991, Feb, Apr, Sep, Nov 1992, Jan, Feb, Mar, Sep,
Oct, Nov 1993
Apr, Jul, Sep, Oct, Dec 1994, Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Sep, Oct 1995
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Dec 1996, Mar 1997, Aug 1998
* ___ Athletic Wear, (cl) Penthouse (US) March 1989
* ___ Cameras, (cl) Penthouse (US) February 1989
* ___ Consumer Electronics, (cl) Penthouse (US) January 1989
* ___ Cybercams: Still and Video Digital Cameras, (cl) Penthouse (US) May 1997
* ___ Holiday Gift Guide, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 1998
* ___ Holiday Gifts, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 1988
* ___ Hot New Video Games, (cl) Penthouse (US) September 1999
* ___ Last-Minute Miracles, (cl) Penthouse (US) January 1996
* ___ “Road Hogs”, (cl) Penthouse (US) April 1995
- * The Right Thing, (ts) Telling Tales July 1925
- * The Right Thing at the Right Moment, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine Apr, Aug 1885
- * The Right to Know, (ed) Collier’s April 29 1955
- * The Right to Love, (ts) Smart Set June 1928
- * The Right Tools and the Right Way, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1906
- * Right Turn: Step Back, (pi) Parade #1548, August 9 1969
- * The Right Way and the Wrong, (ar) The Captain #84, March 1906
- * The Right Way to Apply for a Job, (ar) Liberty February 13 1926
- * The Right Way to Be Absent-Minded, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1912
- * The Right Way to Buy Foods, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1931
- * The Right Way to Emigrate: Concerning Outfit, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #43, March 15 1913
- * The Right Way to Emigrate: How to Get There, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #44, March 22 1913
- * The Right Way to Emigrate: Where to Go, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #42, March 8 1913
- * The Right Way to Work a Business: Advertising, and How to do it, (cl) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 28 1912
- * The Right Way to Work a Business: Businesses That Pay, (cl) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 14 1912
- * Right Wins at Last, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1867
- * Rigid Economy, (ss) The Clever Magazine February 1903
- * Rigid Rules of Old-Time Travel, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * Rigs of Sailing Vessels, (ia) Sea Story Anthology #1, 1948
- * Rilette Ripples, (ms) The Smart Set (UK) January 1925
- * RiLL, (ar) Probe #190, December 2021
- * A Rill from the Town-Pump, (ss) The New-England Magazine June 1835
- * The Rim, (nv) (by Harriet Elizabeth Prescott) The Atlantic Monthly May, Jun, Jul 1864
- * The Rime of the Razor-Back, (pm) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1914
- * Rimeville Folks, (cl) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1920
- * The Rinaldo of Torquato Tasso, (br) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #813, July 1883
- * Rinaldo Rinaldini, the Great Bandit Captain, (ss) Endless Entertainment June 24 1825
- * Rina Lo Monaco, (pi) Man’s Action October 1963
- * The Rinderpest in England, (ar) Dublin University Magazine March 1866
- * The Ring, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1874
- * The Ring and the Mendicant, (ss) 1825
- * A Ring and the Red Book, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1883
- * A Ring Around Rosey, (pi) Snap v9 #2, 1969/70
- * Ring Around the Sun, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) May 1960 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * Ringdom’s Immortal Poem, (ar) All Sports Magazine v1 #4, 1937
- * The Ringed Planet, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine September 1873
- * The Ring Fetter. A New England Tragedy, (ss) (by Rose Terry) The Atlantic Monthly August 1859
- * Ringing Evidence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1921
- * Ring-Necked Pheasants for Alberta, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 7 1929
- * The Ring of Gyges, (ss) (by Thomas Irwin) Dublin University Magazine January 1864
- * The Ring of the Laughing Budda [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #481, 1938
- * Ring of the Nieblung, (pi) Pearson’s Magazine May 1913
- * The Ring of Thoth, (nv) (by Arthur Conan Doyle) The Cornhill Magazine January 1890
- The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales by A. Conan Doyle, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1890, as by A. Conan Doyle
- Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, Rand, McNally, 1895, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Tales of Twilight and the Unseen by A. Conan Doyle, John Murray, 1922, as by A. Conan Doyle
- The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen by A. Conan Doyle, George H. Doran, 1925, as by A. Conan Doyle
- Weird Tales July 1936, as by A. Conan Doyle
- Weird Tales (Canada) July 1936, as by A. Conan Doyle
- The Ring of Thoth by Arthur Conan Doyle, John Murray, 1968, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Tales of a Monster Hunter ed. Peter Cushing, Arthur Barker, 1977, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Best Supernatural Tales of Arthur Conan Doyle by Arthur Conan Doyle, Dover Publications, 1979, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Supernatural Tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Arthur Conan Doyle, Foulsham, 1988, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Movie Monsters ed. Peter Haining, Severn House, 1988, as "The Mummy", by Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Face of Tutankhamun ed. Christopher Frayling, Faber and Faber, 1992, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Captain of the “Pole-Star” by Arthur Conan Doyle, Ash-Tree Press, 2004, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Out of the Sand ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2008, as by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Vampire Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, Skyhorse Publishing, 2009, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Horror of the Heights & Other Strange Tales by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Fall River, 2010, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Fireside Horror Stories About Mummies and Curses ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Valentine’s Day ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- The Captain of the Polestar, Lot No. 249, and Other Horrors by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2019, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Black Infinity Magazine #10, 2023, as by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- * The Ring of Twelve Dread Signs [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #480, 1938
- * A Ring of Worlds, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878
- * A Ring on Your Finger, (ar) Liberty July 23 1938
- * Ring Out the Bells!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #415, December 27 1969
- * Rings, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly Nov 1886, May 1887
- * Ring Swindle Tried Again, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 7 1920
- * The Ring Top, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1 1886
- * Rin-Tin-Tin, (il) Movie Monthly October 1925 [Ref. Rin-Tin-Tin]
- * The Rio Grande, (ms) Triple-X Magazine #55, December 1928
- * The Rio Grande, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1941
- * Rio Grande Causes Boundary Changes, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 19 1927
- * Rio Grande on Rampage, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Rio Grande’s Changes Confuse Surveyors, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 10 1925
- * Rio Janeiro, (ia) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1872
- * Rio Rita, (sa) Screen Romances #156, May 1942
- * Rioting Convicts Burn Illinois State Penitentiary, (pi) Real Detective June 1931
- * Riot in Michigan Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * Riot in Women’s Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1921
- * Riot of Deportees, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 23 1929
- * The Riots in Rome, (ms) Black & White #38, October 24 1891
- * Rip Foster Rides the Grey Planet, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. Blake Savage]
- * Ripley Recommends, (cl) Shots Spr, Sum, Aut, Win 1998, Spr, Win 1999
- * Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, (ss)
- * Ripon Cathedral, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1907
- * Ripped from the Headlines, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2015 [Ref. Neal Griffin]
- * The Ripped Golf Coat, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1920
- * Ripper Crossword, (pz) Ripperoo #1, 2000 [Ref. Jack the Ripper]
- * Ripper Recipe, (ms) Ripperoo #3, 2000
- * A Ripping Affair, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1877
- * Rippingham! [Rippingham], (sl) (by E. Newton Bungey) The Boys’ Friend #1299 May 1, #1300 May 8, #1301 May 15, #1302 May 22, #1303 May 29/Jun 5, #1304 Jun 12, #1305 Jun 19 1926
- * Ripple: Part Two, (sl) Probe #34 Jan, #35 Mar, #36 May 1978
- * Ripples, (pm)
- * Ripples in the Current of Events, (ed) The Household Magazine February 1927
- * Rippling Along, (ar) Collier’s May 27 1955
- * Rip Riley’s Iron Eggs, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #15, June 18 1938
- * The Rip-Track Album:
* ___ B&O Mogul 600, (ms) Railroad Magazine June 1943
* ___ Central Pacific Mastodon, (ms) Railroad Magazine May 1943
* ___ Lehigh Valley Bee, (ms) Railroad Magazine July 1943
* ___ Philadelphia & Reading Swallow-Tail, (ms) Railroad Magazine February 1944
* ___ PRR Class K, (ms) Railroad Magazine April 1943
- * Rip Van Winkle, (nv) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #1, June 23 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- * Rip Van Winkle II, (ar)
- * Riquet à la Houppe, (na) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine Jan, Feb 1872
- * The Rise and Fall of Ben Holladay, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1944
- * The Rise and Fall of Roger de Mortimer, (ar) Look and Learn #160, February 6 1965
- * Rise and Fall of the Buccaneers, (ms) The Scrap Book August 1906
- * The Rise and Fall of the Dime Novel, (ms)
- * The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire, (cs) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #232 Jun 25, #233 Jul 2, #234 Jul 9, #235 Jul 16, #236 Jul 23, #237 Jul 30, #238 Aug 6, #239 Aug 13, #240 Aug 20,
#241 Aug 27, #242 Sep 3, #243 Sep 10, #244 Sep 17, #245 Sep 24, #246 Oct 1, #247 Oct 8, #248 Oct 15, #249 Oct 22, #250 Oct 29,
#251 Nov 5, #252 Nov 12, #253 Nov 19, #254 Nov 26, #255 Dec 3, #256 Dec 10, #257 Dec 17, #258 Dec 24, #259 Dec 31 1966
#260 Jan 7, #261 Jan 14, #262 Jan 21, #263 Jan 28, #264 Feb 4, #265 Feb 11, #266 Feb 18, #267 Feb 25, #268 Mar 4, #269 Mar 11,
#270 Mar 18, #271 Mar 25, #272 Apr 1, #273 Apr 8, #274 Apr 15, #275 Apr 22, #276 Apr 29, #277 May 6, #278 May 13, #279 May 20,
#280 May 27, #281 Jun 3, #282 Jun 10, #283 Jun 17, #284 Jun 24, #285 Jul 1, #286 Jul 8, #287 Jul 15, #288 Jul 22, #289 Jul 29,
#290 Aug 5, #291 Aug 12, #292 Aug 19, #293 Aug 26, #294 Sep 2, #295 Sep 9, #296 Sep 16, #297 Sep 23 1967
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