The FictionMags Index
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Tinsley, Frank (chron.) (continued)
- * Sopwith Triplane Scout, (pi) War Birds #76, July 1934
- * The Story Behind the Cover, (cl) Street & Smith’s Air Trails Jun, Jul 1931
* ___ Famous War-Time Planes, (cl) Sky Birds August 1932
* ___ Out of the Sun, (cl) Street & Smith’s Air Trails September 1931
- * Substratosphere Ship, (ar) Air Trails May 1938
- * Super Transports, (ar) Air Trails October 1937
- * Surprise Party, (cv) George Bruce’s Contact March 1934
- * War Birds of Today, (ia) War Birds Aug, Oct 1936, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1937
- * Whirling Wings, (ar) Air Trails September 1939
- * Why They Stay Up, (ar) Air Trails March 1939
- * Wings of the Eagles, (pi) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933
- * The World Rearms, (ar) Air Trails April 1939
- * Zephyr at Elmira, (ar) Air Trails December 1937
- * [front cover], (cv) Action Stories Apr, Dec 1922, Jun 1925
- * [front cover], (cv) Western Story Magazine Jan 17 1925, Dec 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) North•West Stories 2nd Jun, 2nd Aug 1926
- * [front cover], (cv) Street & Smith’s Air Trails Jun, Jul 1931, Apr, Jul, Sep, Nov 1934, Mar, Apr, May, Nov, Dec 1935,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Dec 1936
Mar, Sep 1937, Apr, May, Jul, Aug 1938
- * [front cover], (cv) Sky Birds Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May/Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) War Birds #58, December 1932
- * [front cover], (cv) George Bruce’s Squadron Aug, Dec 1933, Feb, Mar, Apr 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) George Bruce’s Contact Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer (Canada) Oct 1934, Apr, Jun, Sep, Oct 1935
- * [front cover], (cv) Street & Smith’s Western Story (UK) July 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Action Stories Mar, Jun, Sep 1926, Jan 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Lariat Story Magazine February 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Air Stories Aug 1927, Feb 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cowboy Stories Nov 1927, 1st Jun 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Far West Illustrated March 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Over the Top Jan, Feb, Mar 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Air Trails Pictorial Nov 1946, May 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cavalier January 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amazing Stories May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1961, Jan, Mar, May, Oct, Dec 1962, Apr 1963
_____, [ref.]
[]Tinsley, Theodore A(drian) (1894-1979); used pseudonyms Maxwell Grant & Reid Sleyton (books) (chron.)
- * Air-Tight, (ss) Wings October 1930
- * Alibi from Hell, (na) Clues Detective Stories May 1943
- * Almost Twenty-One, (ss) This Week December 5 1937
- * Amusement, Inc. [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces January 1932
- * Angel-Face Alibi [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces January 1932, as "Amusement, Inc."
- * Ask for Sweeney [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine September 1940
- * Bald-Headed Snatch [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine December 1939
- * Ball and Chain [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask February 1933
- * Behind the Column [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask August 1935
- * Behind the Fog, (ss) Clues Detective Stories December 1935
- * Beyond All Light [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask January 1933
- * Bird of Victory, (ss) War Stories #87, November 1930
- * Black Mask Mystery:
* ___ No. 2 The MacClintock Murder, (pz) Black Mask June 1933
- * Black Moon, (nv) Clues Detective Stories July 1940
- * Black Queen [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters July 1938
- * Black Sleep, (ss) Clues Detective Stories July 1937, as by Reid Sleyton
- * The Black Streak, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd May 1927
- * The Blizzard Buster [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (nv) Nick Carter Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Blue Face [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blue Giraffe [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1941
- * Blue Murder [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters May 1938
- * Body Snatcher [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask February 1936
- * The Brazilian Parrot [Martin Breed], (nv) Clues Detective Stories September 1937
- * Breed of the Desert, (ss) North•West Stories 1st August 1927
- * Breed of the Eagle, (ss) Wings June 1929
- * Bulldog Style [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (ss) Crime Busters January 1938
- * A Bullet for a King [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters June 1939
- * Bullets for a Brunette, (nv) Detective Romances November 1936
- * Burn ’Em Down [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces June 1932, as "Mr. Whiskers"
- * “But Mister… You Don’t Look Like an Author”, (ar) Writer’s Digest May 1934
- * Calligan’s Dime, (ss) Thrilling Western June 1937
- * Candidate for Death [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine March 1933
- * Cellar and Roof, (vi) Liberty January 23 1937
- * Chattels of Crime, (nv) Headquarters Detective July 1936
- * The Cinema Mob [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces March 1932
- * City of Fear [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Coaster Kill [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (ss) The Whisperer February 1937
- * Cops Are Only Human, (ss) Detective Tales June 1939
- * The Courtship of Mike Blandish, (ss) Liberty May 13 1944
- * The Crazy Crimes [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters March 1939
- * The Crimes of the Scarlet Ace [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (co) Altus Press, October 2011
- * The Crimson Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crimson Phoenix [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crook Bait [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #494, July 23 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Cup of Confucius” (The Shadow Magazine, May 1, 1937).
- * The Cross, (ss) Double Detective December 1937
- * Cross Words at the Circle, (ss) Action Stories June 1925
- * A Cup of Coffee, (ss) Clues Detective Stories January 1936
- * The Cup of Confucius [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Danger Swamp, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd April 1937
- * The Dark Whisper, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd March 1927
- * Death by Arrangement, (nv) Black Mask March 1935
- * Death in the Dark [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters October 1938
- * Death in the Harbor, (nv) The Shadow January 1944
- * Death Lights a Candle [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine May 1940
- * Death’s Bright Finger [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Green Necklace [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters March 1938
- * Death’s Harlequin [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Screaming Portrait, (nv) Clues Detective Stories January 1943
- * The Desert Devel, (nv) Frontier Stories September 1929
- * The Devil’s Partner [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Devil’s Paymaster [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Benedict Stark (Prince of Evil)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Dicks Die Hard, (ss) Gold Seal Detective March 1936
- * A Dog-Gone Ace, (ss) Air Stories September 1928
- * Dope King’s Protege, (nv) Detective Tales January 1936
- * Double Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Double Gamble, (ss) The Shadow June 1943
- * Double Trouble [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine February 1940
- * Eagle Style, (ss) War Stories #88, December 1930
- * Evidence to Order [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #491, July 2 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Foxhound” (The Shadow Magazine, January 15, 1937).
- * The Fast Bird, (ss) Air Stories April 1930
- * Fast Woman [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters February 1938
- * The Feed-Box Joke, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd February 1928
- * The Fifth Napoleon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Firebug, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine (UK) August 1941
- * Five Spot [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask November 1935
- * Flyin’ Foreman, (ss) Wings February 1928
- * The Flying Buckaroo, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd June 1928
- * The Fool Laughs, (ss) Cowboy Stories December 1932
- * For Love of an Outlaw, (nv) Western Love Story Magazine May 1938
- * For Old Glory!, (ss) War Stories #91, February 1931
- * Foxhound [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gems of Jeopardy [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Give and Take, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1933
- * A Glass of Cider, (vi) Liberty February 26 1944
- * G-Man in the Making, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1936
- * The Golden Dog Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Golden Wings for a Gutter-Pup, (ss) Air Stories Spring 1939
- * The Gray Pigeon, (ss) Wings September 1930
- * Greedy Guns, (ss) Federal Agent October 1936
- * The Green Doctor [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (nv) Nick Carter Detective Magazine May 1936
- * The Green Terror [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Grim Joker [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (nv) The Whisperer July 1937
- * Guide to Murder [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask June 1939
- * Guilty Guns, (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1936
- * Gunmen Never Forget, (ss) Action Stories October 1932
- * Gun Squad [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces May 1932
- * The Gun-Squad Murders [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces May 1932, as "Gun Squad"
- * A Hand of Pinochle, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 10 1936
- * Hangman’s Rope, (ss) Popular Detective November 1935
- * He Asked for it [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask May 1933
- * Hell House [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine July 1933
- * Hell Over the Horizon, (na) Wings Summer 1938
- * Help Wanted [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask March 1933
- * Hermit House, (ss) Action Stories October 1927
- * High Jack [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters November 1938
- * High Pirates, (ss) Wings January 1931
- * Horse-Flesh, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine February 1929
- * Hot an’ Heavy, (ss) Brief Stories October 1927
- * The House of Crime [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine October 1933
- * House of Horror [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters January 1939
- * I Want to Burn, (na) Clues Detective Stories March 1940
- * Jungle Master, (na) All-Adventure Action Novels Spring 1938
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