The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12045
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Sexual Promiscuity and Its Treatment, (iv) Adam Bedside Reader #27, February 1967 [Ref. Dr. Arnold Goldberg]
- * Sexual Secrets of the Orient, (nf) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #16, 1954
- * Sexual Stimulants Ruined Me, (ar) Mr. May 1953
- * Sex Up Your Snapshots, (pi) Venus v1 #6, 1958
- * Sex Vindicated in Court, (ar) Sex December 1926
- * Sexy Beast, (ss) (by Tony Mileman) Nemonymous #4, 2004
- * The Sexy Dozen, (pi) Mayfair v6 #1, 1971
- * Sexy in America, (ar) Penthouse June 1995
- * Sexy Is Her Middle Name, (pi) Venus v1 #5, 1958
- * Sexy Nights Lingerie Collection Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #5, v19 #8, v19 #9 1984
- * Sexy Nights Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v21 #10, v21 #11, v21 #12 1986
- * The Sexy One, (pi) Cavalier March 1953 [Ref. Marilyn Monroe]
- * “Le Sexy” Renne Renoir, (pi) Escapade February 1958
- * Sexy Saga, (pi) Pix v1 #1, 1963
- * Sexy Sarah, (pi) Mayfair v5 #12, 1970
- * Sexy Sleaze GGA Domino Books, (ar) Paperback Parade #87, 2014
- * Sexy Susan Sins Again, (mr) Adam Film World #12, January 1970
- * Sexy Visitor, (pi) Pad v2 #1, 196?
- * The Sexy World of Harrison Marks, (pi) Dapper February 1966
- * SFA London Branch Formed, (ar) Scientifiction October 1937
- * SFA “More Criticism” Campaign, (ar) Scientifiction January 1938
- * The SF and Fantasy Worlds of Simon R. Green: An Annotated Bibliography, (bi) (by Alex Stewart) Science Fiction World #4, September 2000 [Ref. Simon R. Green]
- * SFA Plans Big Things for the Future, (ms) Scientifiction June 1937
- * SFA: The First Ten Years, (ar) Inside #15/49, May 1956
- * SF Authors Initials Quiz, (qz) Probe #40, May 1979
- * S.F. Calendar, (ms) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1975
- * SF Calendar, (ms) If Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1968, Jan,
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec 1969
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1970, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,
Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1971
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1972, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct,
Nov/Dec 1973
Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1974, Sep/Nov 1986
- If (UK) Nov, Dec 1969, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun/Jul, Aug/Sep 1970, May/Jun, Jul/Aug,
Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1972
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1973, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1974
- * SF Competition, (qz) UK Omni Autumn 1984
- * SF Convention Register, (ms) Pulsar! Fall 1988
- * SF Conventions, (ms) Thrust Science Fiction January 1974
- * S.F. Crossword, (pz) Probe #47, February 1981
- * SF Crossword, (pz) Stardust SF v2 #3, 1978/79
- * S.F. Fan, He Say, (ms) Melbourne Bulletin February 1941
- * The SF Film Awards, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #65, Winter 1978
- * SF Film Quiz, (qz) Probe #60, November 1984
- * SF Movie Novelizations, (bi) Interzone #66, December 1992
- * S.F. News, (ms) Probe #45 Aug, #46 Nov 1980, #48 May, #49 Aug 1981, #50 Feb, #52 Aug, #53 Nov 1982, #54 Feb, #55 May, #56 Aug,
#57 Nov 1983, #58 Feb, #59 May, #60 Nov 1984
- * SF News, (cl) Futurist #2, 1996
- * SFPA Announcements, (ms) Star*Line Fll 2014, Sum, Fll 2015, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2016, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2017,
Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2018
Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2019, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2020, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2021
Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2022, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2023, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 2024
- * SFPA Announcements: SFPA President Election, (ms) Star*Line Winter 2025
- * SFPA Archive Alert, (ms) Star*Line July/August 1994
- * SFPA Backstock, (ms) Star*Line Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1994, Jan/Feb 1995
- * SFPA Directory, (ar) Star*Line March/April 1994
- * SFPA Grand Master Award Candidates, (ms) Star*Line Spring 2015
- * SFPA Grand Master Award Winners, (bi) The 2016 Rhysling Anthology ed. Charles Christian, Science Fiction Poetry Association, 2016
- * SFPA Membership Directory, (ms) Star*Line March/April 1992
- * SFPA Online Poetry Contest, (ms) Star*Line July/August 2006
- * SFPA Web-based Poetry Contest, (ms) Star*Line May/June 2008
- * S-F Pioneer, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction #21, May 15 1952 [Ref. Hugo Gernsback]
- * SF Poems for use in Schools, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1992
- * SF Poetry Scanner, (ms) Star*Line May/June 1984
- * SF Profile: John Brunner, (bg) Ad Astra #10, 1980 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * SF Review, (br) UK Omni Autumn 1984
- * SFSA’s First Convention August 1978, (ms) Probe #182, December 2019
- * SF Update, (ar) The Spectra-Foundation Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Spring/Summer 1989
- * SFWA 2010 Solstice Award Honorees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #188, April/May 2010
- * SFWA 2011 Nebula Award Winners & Nominees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #198, Summer 2012
- * SFWA 2012 Nebula Award Winners & Nominees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #202, Summer 2013
- * SFWA Adopts New Rights Policy, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #62, March 1977
- * The SFWA Anthology and the SFWA Awards, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #2, September 1965
- * SFWA Anthology Series, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #44, 1972
- * The SFWA Author Emeritus, (bg) Nebula Awards Showcase 2010 ed. Bill Fawcett, Roc, 2010
- * The SFWA Awards, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #3, November 1965
- * SFWA Banquet Plans, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #21, December 1968
- * SFWA Bulletin Back Issue Catalog, (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #127, Summer 1995
- * SFWA By-Laws, (ms) The SFWA Handbook ed. Mildred Downey Broxon, SFWA, 1976
- * The SFWA Collection, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #7, August 1966
- * SFWA Directory, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #18 Jun 1968, #23 Apr 1969
- * SFWA Election Results, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #47/48, Summer 1973
- * SFWA Matters, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #183 Jun/Jul 2009, #187 Feb/Mar 2010
- * SFWA Members, 1965-1966, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #4, January 1966
- * SFWA Members, 1966, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #10, January 1967
- * SFWA Membership Cards, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #27, December 1969
- * SFWA Members Wins $22,000 Award, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #3, November 1965
- * SFWA New Members, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #195, Fall 2011
- * SFWA New Members and Their Credentials, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #188 Apr/May, #191 Fll 2010, #192 Wtr, #194 Sum 2011
- * SFWA NYCon Banquet, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #12, June 1967
- * SFWA Officers, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #49 Fll 1973, #75 Wtr 1981
- * SFWA Officers, Volunteers & Committees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #164 Wtr, #165 Spr, #166 Sum, #167 Fll 2005, #168 Wtr 2006, #180 Dec/Jan 2008
- * SFWA Officers & Webstaff, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #160 Wtr, #161 Spr, #162 Sum, #163 Fll 2004
- * SFWA Random Audit, (si) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #124, Summer 1994
- * SFWA Slogans: A Postscript, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #8, September 1966 [Ref. Arthur Porges]
- * SFWA’s New Officers 1976-1977, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #58, June 1976
- * SFWA Statement on Kahle v. Ashcroft, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #162, Summer 2004
- * SFWA Volunteers & Committees, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #160 Wtr, #161 Spr, #162 Sum, #163 Fll 2004
- * SFWA Webstaff, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #164 Wtr, #165 Spr, #166 Sum 2005
- * SFWA Welcomes New Members, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #196, Winter 2012
- * The SF Worlds of Iain M. Banks: An Annotated Bibliography, (bi) (by Adam Rosser) Science Fiction World #3, August 2000 [Ref. Iain M. Banks]
- * The SF Worlds of Stephen Baxter: An Annotated Bibliography, (bi) (by Liz Holliday) Science Fiction World #2, July 2000 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * The SF Writer’s Basic Library, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #14, October 1967
- * The SF Writer’s Library, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #45, 1973
- * Shabby Blood-Sports Worth Ending, (ar) (by Basil Tozer) Fry’s Magazine June 1911
- * The Shabby Man Who Sold Pincher, (ss) Chums July 12 1899
- * A Shack in the Woods, (ar) The American Boy September 1906
- * Shackled Gangster Attends Funeral, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Shackleton’s Emphatic Style, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 1 1910
- * Shackleton’s Great Adventure in the Ice-Locked South, (ia) Collier’s January 20 1917
- * The Shackling of Jefferson Davis: Told by an Eye-Witness, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1905
- * The Shack on the Hill, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1925
- * Shade at Seance Is Arrested, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Shaded Flowers, (pm) Cassell’s Illustrated Family Paper September 30 1865, as by W. C.
- * The Shaded Stream, (pm) (by N. G. Shepherd) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1867
- * Shades of Phil Scott, (ms) Ten Story Sports March 1941
- * Shades of the Thirties!, (ms) Fantastic Universe October 1958
- * Shad Fishermen Casting the Biggest Net in the World, (ar) The American Boy April 1906
- * The Shadow, (pm) (by Nelly M. Hutchinson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1874
- * The Shadow, (ts) Tales of Temptation March 1927
- * The Shadow, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd March 1931
- * The Shadow. After a Ballad of Heine’s, (pm) (by S. S. Conant) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * Shadow and Song, (pm) The Violet Magazine #94, March 30 1926
- * The Shadow by the Tree, (pm) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) American Whig Review October 1852, uncredited.
- * The Shadow Cross, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1877
- * The Shadow Dance, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1879
- * Shadowed by Two; or, The Renegade [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Norman Goddard) The Nelson Lee Library #10, August 14 1915
- * Shadowed Covers, (pi) Paperback Parade #2, February 1987
- * Shadowed Lives [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #122, 1920
- * The Shadowed Studio, (ss) The Violet Magazine #17, April 20 1923
- * Shadow-Haunted, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1876
- * Shadow Husband, (sl) Silver Star and Golden Star #387, April 8 1949
- * Shadowing the Authors, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine #111 Mar, #112 Apr 1934
- * The Shadow Inquires, (qa) The Shadowed Circle #2, Winter 2022
- * The Shadow Kiss, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1862
- * The Shadow Man of Berlin [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #528, 1940
- * The Shadow of a Doubt, (ss)
- * The Shadow of Anti-Semitism, (ar) The American Magazine November 1939
- * The Shadow of a Sin, (vi) America’s Humor February 1927
- * The Shadow of Candlemas Night, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * The Shadow of Dishonour [Will Spearing], (nv) Pluck July 11 1914
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