The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12030
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Northland View, (ms) North•West Stories 1st February 1926
- * “North of 55°” [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Andrew Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #273, 1923
- * North of Fifty-Three, (br) New England Magazine April 1914
- * North of the Yukon, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly May 17 1924; adapted from the movie (Tom Mix, original film title is North of Hudson Bay).
- * North Pole: A Tall Story, (pm)
- * Northrop Delta Transport, (ar) Flying Aces March 1943
- * Northrop XFT-1, (ia) The Lone Eagle September 1936
- * The North’s Worst Crime, (ms) North•West Stories 1st November 1926
- * “North to the Promised Land”, (ms) The Blue Book Magazine January 1940
- * Northumberland…England’s Dictator Duke, (ar) Look and Learn #169, April 10 1965
- * North Wales Holiday Centres, (ms) The Captain #125, August 1909
- * Northward, (pm) (by John Hay) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1864
- * The Northward Course of Empire, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 31 1923 [Ref. Vilhjalmur Stefansson]
- * Northward Ho!, (ia) Black & White #28, August 15 1891
- * Northward, Ho!, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * Northwest Animals Battling for Life, (ms) North•West Stories June 1925
- * The Northwest Apple Crop, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 23 1924
- * Northwestern Forest Fire Traps, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 17 1927
- * “Northwest Mounted” May Use Aeroplanes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 29 1919
- * The North-West Mounted Police, (ms) Frontier Stories (UK) August 1928
- * The North-West Mountie, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1936
- * The North-West Passage, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 14 1901
- * North-West Passage by Land:
* ___ To Red River and the Wood Crees Country, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #2, February 1866
* ___ Winter in the Wood Crees’ Country, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #3, March 1866
- * Northwest Trading Post, (cl) Complete Northwest Novel Magazine Sep, Nov 1935
- * The North Wind, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal September 26 1868
- * Norton Raises Authors’ Paperback Share, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #3, November 1965
- * Norway, (pm) Pett’s Annual, Thomas's Publications Ltd., 1944
- * Norwegian Headdresses, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1885
- * A Norwegian Madame Curie, (ms) Women’s Stories February 15 1914
- * A Norwegian Musician, (ar) (by Meir A. Goldschmidt) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
- * Norwegian Parables, (ss) The Wave April 20 1895
- * A Norwegian Sketch, (ss)
- * A Norwegian Tale, (ss) The European Magazine April 1817, as "Legends of Lampidosa"
- * No Sale, (ms) Manhunt December 1956
- * No Saloons in Town, Court Out of a Job, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1916
- * No Savvy!, (pm) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1936, 1935
- * Nose and Fingers Function Like Eyes and Ears, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1922
- * No Secrets Between Us, (ts)
- * Nose for Crime, (ss) (by Sydney J. Bounds) Boys’ World September 12 1964
- * The Noses, (vi) Chicago Ledger May 16 1914
- * Noses and Ears, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1888
- * The Noses Have It, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #77, December 1950
- * Nose to Nose Cartoon Contest, (cn) The Open Road for Boys November 1938
- * No Shiny Neck for Her, (pi) 10 Story Book April 1937
- * Nosh-Up on the Tube, (ar) Parade #1465, January 6 1968
- * No Sing Sing Luxury, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1937
- * No Skyscraping Here, (ar) Tit-Bits #2831, February 1 1936
- * No Smoking in National Forests, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * No Southpaws, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 10 1932
- * No Speed Limit, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * Nos Pensions, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine November 1885
- * No Spitting, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * Nostalgia Digest Autumn 2018, (lr) The Digest Enthusiast #9, January 2019
- * Nostalgia Portfolio, (pi) Fantasy Crossroads #1, November 1974
- * No Stock to Sell; Burglars Took All, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1919
- * Nostradamus—Who Was He? What Did He Do?, (nf) The Searcher June 1962
- * No Strangers in the Street, (ss) Red Letter February 13 1971
- * No Stranger to Pushing the Limits, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2014 [Ref. James Lee Burke]
- * No Substitute for Ann, (pi) Argosy May 1949
- * No Substitute for Marge, (pi) Parade #1629, March 13 1971
- * “No Successful Substitute for Justice”, (ed) The Century Magazine February 1888
- * No Survival of This Fit, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 20 1924
- * Notabilities: Sir Charles Harrington, Herbert Hoover, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1922
- * Notable Annual Awards for Mystery and Detective Fiction, (bi) The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction ed. Deane Mansfield-Kelley & Lois Marchino, Longman US, 2004
- * Notable Athletic Feats, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 14 1891
- * Notable Books, (br) Land & Water October 4 1917
- * Notable Books and Authors, (br) McClure’s Magazine Jun, Sep 1901
- * Notable Doubles in Real Life, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine July 1898
- * Notable Examples of Indian Basketry, (ms) Far West Stories March 1931
- * A Notable Indian Chief, (ar) Chums June 7 1893
- * A Notable Invention by a Woman, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1903
- * Notable Marriages, (qz) Exciting Love Winter 1953
- * Notable Northern California Novels, (ms) The Fine Art of Murder ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff & Jon L. Breen, Carroll & Graf, 1993
- * Notable Passings, (ob) The Armchair Detective Spring 1995 [Ref. Patricia Highsmith, J. I. M. Stewart & Julian Symons]
- * Notable People of the Month, (cl) Metropolitan Magazine February 1896
- * Notable Russian Scenes, (ia) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1872
- * A Notable Schoolmaster, (ar) The Captain #125, August 1909
- * Notable Sculptural Groups, (ar) Overland Monthly February 1914
- * Notables of the Month, (cl) Metropolitan Magazine Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1896, Mar, May 1897, Mar, May,
Jun, Jul, Nov, Dec 1899
Jan 1900
- * Notable Wrecks, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 10 1898
- * Not a Chance for a Word of Defense, (ts) Smart Set February 1925
- * Not a Cheap Remnant, (hu) The Busy Man’s Magazine January 1908
- * Not Adapted to the Country, (vi) The Outing Magazine December 1911
- * Not a Dream, (ss) Temple Bar September 1869
- * Not a Fair Test, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd February 1930
- * Not a Fat Part, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1925
- * Not a Fish Story, (vi) Complete Stories December 1927
- * Not a Flea in Senatorial Circles, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 15 1913
- * Not Afraid of New Challenges, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Paulina Januszek]
- * Not Afraid to Die, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 31 1886
- * Not a Headache, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 14 1931
- * Not a “Holdup” This Time, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Not a Joke to the Victims, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 18 1920
- * Not All Bad, (vi) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1875
- * Not All Heroes Were Men: Cynthia Ann Parker, (ar) Western Digest September 1969
- * Not All Heroes Were Men: Paulita Jaramillo, (ar) Western Digest November 1969
- * Not Allowed, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1928
- * Not All “Pretty Girls” Have It Easy, (iv) Suspense Magazine October 2015 [Ref. Karin Slaughter]
- * Not All Thieves Are Human, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Not Alone, (pm) The Argosy (UK) August 1875
- * Not Altogether Crazy, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 20 1922
- * Not an Accident, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st January 1930
- * Not an Elaborate Discussion, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 20 1916
- * Not Another Chance, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 28 1931
- * Not a Professional, (ts) Mystery November 1934
- * The Notary Public, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1920
- * Not a Safe Place, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 17 1921
- * Not a Safe Place to Hide, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1921
- * Not as a Husband Loves, (ss) Secret Romances July 1940
- * Not as Ours, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 13 1886
- * Not a Suit of Clothes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1921
- * Not as Usual, (vi) Chicago Ledger August 17 1912
- * Not at Bedtime!, (qz) Argosy (UK) January 1950
- * Not at Home, (pm) Pan #17, February 28 1920
- * Not a Time Saver, (ms) Wild West Weekly March 23 1929
- * Not at My Expense, (ss) (by T. S. Arthur) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1862
- * Not a Vanishing Race, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1927
- * Not a War Industry, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1918
- * “Not a Word, Mind, to Dinah Ann!”, (ss) The Argosy (UK) July 1880
- * Not Built for Running, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 24 1926
- * The Notch, (ar) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The New-England Magazine November 1835
- * Notch for a Killer’s Colt, (ss)
- * The Notch on the Axe, (nv) (by William Makepeace Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine Apr, May, Jun 1862
- * Not Conducive to Penitence, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1931
- * Not Dead, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 19 1931
- * Not Dead, (pm) (by Paul Hamilton Hayne) Scribner’s Monthly October 1881
- * Note, (ms) Arena April/May 1951
- * The Note, (ss) Scotland Yard #4, August 1930
- * Note:, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #35, 1971
- * A Note About Our Sponsor, (ms) Unlikely Story #7 Nov 2013, #8 Feb, #9 Jun 2014
- * Not Easy to Cheat Restaurants, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1920
- * Note Book, (ms) Real Men July 1959
- * Notebook, (bi) World Literature Today September/October 2008
- * Notebook: Between Issues: Areté, (rv) Zembla Magazine #8, Summer 2005
- * Notebook: Literary Festivals, (es) Zembla Magazine #8, Summer 2005
- * A Note by the Editor, (ms) (by Frederick Greenwood) The Cornhill Magazine January 1866
- * A Note Concerning the Texts, (ms) Schalken the Painter and Others by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Ash-Tree Press, 2002
- * Noted American Scenes, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1860
- * A Noted Church, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1886
- * Noted Feudist Is Dead, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * Noted Indian Fighter Has Passed on, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 24 1932
- * Noted Nom de Plume of Novelist, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #96, August 1940
- * Noted Painter Becomes Counterfeiter, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1919
- * Noted Pioneer Ranchman Passes, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 16 1938
- * A Noted Texas Ranger, (ms) Wild West Weekly March 24 1928
- * Noted Women, (qz) Popular Love Summer 1953
- * A Note for Bramah Buffs, (bi) Presenting Moonshine v2 #8, 1973 [Ref. Ernest Bramah]
- * A Note from Captain Forbes, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine September 1889
- * A Note from the Girl, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 1 1914
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective: Book 2 by Robert Leslie Bellem, Pulpville Press, 2005
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) I Am Stone by R. Murray Gilchrist, The British Library, 2021
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) The Little Blue Flames and Other Uncanny Tales by A. M. Burrage, British Library Publishing, 2022
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) Celtic Weird ed. Johnny Mains, British Library Publishing, 2022
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) Scotland the Strange ed. Johnny Mains, British Library Publishing, 2023
- * A Note from the Publisher, (ms) The Burial of the Rats by Bram Stoker, British Library Publishing, 2023
- * Not Enough Money, (ss) (by Katherine G. Ware) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1869
- * Not Enough Pie, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 10 1933
- * Not Enough Slack, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- * Note on 1st Olympia Award Winner, (ms) Olympia #4, 1963
- * Note on “Best Selling American Detective Fiction”, (ms) The Armchair Detective January 1971
- * Note on Coca, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1886
- * Note on Contributors, (bg) The Paris Review #1 Spr, #2 Sum, #3 Aut, #4 Win 1953, #5 Spr, #6 Sum, #7 Fll/Wtr 1954
- * A Note on Doncaster, (ms) Black & White #31, September 5 1891
- * A Note on Ernest Hemingway, (ms) Gamma #2, 1963
- * A Note on Guy de Maupassant, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine November 1911 [Ref. Guy de Maupassant]
- * A Note on Isabey, (bg) The Argosy (UK) June 1901 [Ref. Eugène-Gabriel Isabey]
- * A Note on Names, (ms) The World’s Shortest Stories ed. Richard Gibson Hubler, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * A Note on Pets, (ms) Fry’s Magazine October 1912
- * A Note on Progress, (ms) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1930
- * A Note on Solar Pons, (ms) The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume Two by August Derleth, Arkham House, 1982
- * Note on Sources, (bi) Best Martin Hewitt Detective Stories by Arthur Morrison, Dover, 1976
- * Note on the Author, (ms) A Warning to the Curious (var. 1) by M. R. James, Phoenix, 1998
- * A Note on the Author, (bg) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #32, October 2017 [Ref. Daniel McGachey]
- * Note on the Author and Editor, (ms) The Dream-Woman and Other Stories by Wilkie Collins, Phoenix, 1998
- * Note on the Author and Editor, (ms) Call of the Wild and Other Stories by Jack London, Phoenix, 1998
- * Note on the Authors, (bg) Tales of the Dark 2 ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martin's, 1987
- * Note on the Authors, (bg) Tales of the Dark #3 ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martin's, 1988
- * Note on the Authors, (bg) No Alibi ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Ringpull Press, 1995
- * Note on the Contributors, (bg) Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography by A. E. Cunningham, The British Library, 2000
- * A Note on the Contributors, (bg) Cold Blood III ed. Peter Sellers, Mosaic, 1990
- * A Note on The Dark Forest by Hugh Walpole, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #24, June 10 1972 [Ref. Hugh Walpole]
- * Note on the Editor, (bg) The Open Door and Other Ghost Stories ed. Philip Gooden, Phoenix, 1999
- * A Note on the Hugo, (ms) Edge v5 #2, 1979
- * Note on the Illustrations, (ms) Victorian Fairy Tales ed. Jack Zipes, Methuen, 1987
- * A Note on the Illustrations, (ms) The Uncanny Gastronomic ed. Zara-Louise Stubbs, The British Library, 2023
- * A Note on the Pictures, (ms) T.P.’s Magazine December 1911
- * A Note on the Prefaces, (ms) The Grandfather Rastin Mysteries by Lloyd Biggle, Jr., Crippen & Landru, 2007
- * Note on the Present Edition, (ms) The Episodes of Vathek (var. 1) by William Beckford, Dedalus, 1995
- * Note on the Text, (ms) Tales of Terror from Blackwood’s Magazine ed. Robert Morrison & Chris Baldick, Oxford University Press, 1995
- * Note on the Text, (ms) Call of the Wild and Other Stories by Jack London, Phoenix, 1998
- * Note on the Text, (ms) Miss or Mrs?, The Haunted Hotel, The Guilty River by Wilkie Collins, Oxford University Press, 1999
- * A Note on the Text, (ms) The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories by H. P. Lovecraft, Penguin US, 1999
- * A Note on the Text, (ms) A Word from the Outer Dark by Robert E. Howard, Project Pride, 2009
- * A Note on the Text, (ms) The Complete Shorter Fiction by Edward Heron-Allen, Snuggly Books, 2019
- * Note on the Texts, (ms) Gothic Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell, Penguin Classics US, 2000
- * Note on the Texts, (ms) Boxing Stories by Robert E. Howard, Bison Books, 2005
- * Note on the Texts, (ms) The Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One by Ursula K. Le Guin, Library of America, 2017
- * A Note on the Texts, (ms) Herland, The Yellow Wall-Paper, and Selected Writings by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Penguin US, 1999
- * A Note on the Texts, (ms) The White People and Other Weird Stories by Arthur Machen, Penguin Classics, 2011
- * A Note on the Texts and Acknowledgements, (ms) Spells of Enchantment ed. Jack Zipes, Viking, 1991
- * A Note on the Translation, (ms) Beauties, Beasts and Enchantments ed. Jack Zipes, NAL, 1989
- * A Note on This Issue, (ms) Coastlines Winter 1956/1957
- * Note on Weirdbook, (ms) Amra v2 #60, 1973
- * A Note on Werewolves, (ms) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1942
- * Notes, (bg) 12 Women Detective Stories ed. Laura Marcus & Chris Willis, Oxford University Press, 1997
- * Notes, (bg) Blue Lightning ed. John Harvey, Slow Dancer Press, 1998
- * Notes, (bi) The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories ed. Michael Cox & R. A. Gilbert, Oxford University Press, 1986
- * Notes, (cl) Colour Jul 1919, Feb 1923, Jun 1925
- * Notes, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine Nov 5 1870, Jan 21, Feb 18 1871
- Miniature Romances from the German, Little & Brown, 1841
- The American Reader ed. Claude M. Simpson & Allan Nevins, D.C. Heath, 1941
- Three Gothic Novels ed. Peter Fairclough, Penguin, 1968
- In Lovecraft’s Shadow by August Derleth, Mycroft & Moran, 1998
- The Animal Bridegroom by Sandra Kasturi, Tightrope Books, 2007
- * Notes, (ms) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1872
- * Notes, (ms) Some Chinese Ghosts by Lafcadio Hearn, Roberts Bros., 1887
- * Notes, (ms) The Chap-Book #1 May 15 1894, Jul 1 1895, May 1 1896
- * Notes, (ms) Walsh’s Magazine January 1896
- * Notes, (ms) The Anti-Philistine #1, June 15 1897
- * Notes, (ms) Blue Peter #133, April 1933
- * Notes, (ms) Story #30 Jan, #31 Feb, #33 Apr, #40 Nov 1935
- * Notes, (ms) Strange Stories ed. R. W. Jepson, Longmans, Green, 1938
- * Notes, (ms) Fancy Free ed. W. G. Bebbington, Allen & Unwin, 1949
- * Notes, (ms) The Vampire ed. Ornella Volta & Valeria Riva, Neville Spearman, 1963
- * Notes, (ms) Nine Detective Stories ed. Jessie G. M. Merson, Longman, 1964
- * Notes, (ms) Beware of the Cat ed. Michel Parry, Gollancz, 1972
- * Notes, (ms) Superfiction, or the American Story Transformed ed. Joe David Bellamy, Vintage, 1975
- * Notes, (ms) Star*Line June 1979
- * Notes, (ms) Long After Midnight and Other Stories by Ray Bradbury, Nan'un-do, 1981
- * Notes, (ms) Great French Detective Stories ed. T. J. Hale, Vanguard, 1984
- * Notes, (ms) Charles Keeping’s Classic Tales of the Macabre ed. Charles Keeping, Blackie, 1987
- * Notes, (ms) Witches and Warlocks ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1990
- * Notes, (ms) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993
- * Notes, (ms) Rubber Dinosaurs and Wooden Elephants by L. Sprague de Camp, Borgo Press, 1996
- * Notes, (ms) Twelve Tales of the Supernatural ed. Michael Cox, Oxford Paperbacks, 1997
- * Notes, (ms) Gothic Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell, Penguin Classics US, 2000
- * Notes, (ms) British Future Fiction: Volume 1: The Beginnings ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) British Future Fiction: Volume 4: Women’s Rights: Yea and Nay ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) British Future Fiction: Volume 6: The Next Great War ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) British Future Fiction: Volume 7: Disasters-to-Come ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) British Future Fiction: Volume 8: The End of the World ed. I. F. Clarke, Pickering & Chatto, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) The Ancient Track by H. P. Lovecraft, Night Shade Books, 2001
- * Notes, (ms) From the Pest Zone by H. P. Lovecraft, Hippocampus Press, 2003
- * Notes, (ms) Tales by H. P. Lovecraft, Library of America, 2005
- * Notes, (ms) The Black Canaan: An Alternate Version by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2010
- * Notes, (ms) Benchmarks Continued by Algis Budrys, Ansible Editions, 2012
- * Notes, (ms) Benchmarks Revisited by Algis Budrys, Ansible Editions, 2013
- * Notes, (ms) Benchmarks Concluded by Algis Budrys, Ansible Editions, 2013
- * Notes, (ms) The Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One by Ursula K. Le Guin, Library of America, 2017
- * Notes, (ms) The Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume Two by Ursula K. Le Guin, Library of America, 2017
- * Notes, (ms) Utopian and Science Fiction By Women ed. Janet L. Donawerth & Carol A. Kolmerton, Syracuse University Press, 1994
- * Notes About Books, (br) Atalanta October 1888
- * Notes About Books, (ms) The Lady’s Realm August 1900
- * Notes About Other Books, (cl) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1909
- * Notes About Our Authors, (bg) The London Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1955, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1956
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1957, Mar, Apr, May 1958
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