The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Treasure Trove, (vi) Bits for Boys July 8 1893
- * Treasure-Trove, (pm) (by Leonard Chase, Jr.) The Atlantic Monthly July 1860
- * Treasure-Trove in Central Canada, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1892
- * Treasure Trove—No. 2, (is) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine April 1908 [Ref. Mollie E. Moore]
- * Treasure Under the Sea, (ar) Look and Learn #41, October 27 1962
- * The Treasure Under the Sea [Philip Dare], (ss) (by Arthur Long) Jack’s Paper #11, January 9 1923
- * The Treasury, (vi) Chicago Ledger December 28 1912
- * Treasury Activity, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1994
- * Treasury and Tragedy, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1931
- * A Treasury of Science, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. Harlow Shapley]
- * A Treasury of Science Fiction Classics, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #57, May 15 1955 [Ref. Harold W. Kuebler]
- * Treasury of Trivia, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #61 Aug, #63 Oct, #64 Nov, #65 Dec 1949, #66 Jan, #68 Mar, #70 May, #71 Jun, #72 Jul, #73 Aug,
#76 Nov, #77 Dec 1950
#78 Jan, #79 Feb, #82 May 1951, #92 Mar, #95 Jun, #98 Sep 1952
- * Treasury Warns of New Counterfeit $20 Note, (ms) Mystery Magazine #123, January 1 1923
- * Treat Me Nice, (cs) Valentine Picture Story Library June 1961
- * Treatment for Sex Problems, (ms) Man to Man September 1962
- * Treats His Girl with a Raised Bill, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 11 1932
- * Treats Nerves of the Impulsively Criminal, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 18 1920
- * Treat Them Kindly, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * The Treaty, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1912
- * The Treaty of Paris, 1783, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1883
- * Treat Yourself to One of These, (ms) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1934
- * A Treble Guilt, (ss) (by Charles Hamilton) The Vanguard Library #132, November 9 1909
- * A Trebly Haunted House, (vi) The Royal Magazine December 1903
- * The Tree, (pm) The Argosy November 1894
- * Tree and Serpent Worship, (ar) (by John Ferguson McLennan) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
- * The Tree and the Newspaper, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 28 1905
- * Tree Blight, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 10 1909
- * Tree Blocks Trains Two Days, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
- * Tree Climbing, (cl) The Captain #259, October 1920
- * Tree Climbing Crabs, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * Tree-Climbing Fish, (ar) South Sea Stories December 1939
- * Tree Craft, (ar) Chums January 15 1921
- * Treed by a Grizzly, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 13 1940
- * Treed by a Tiger, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- * The Tree-Devil, (ss) (by F. E. Penny) London Society 1891
- * Tree Dwellers, (ms) The British Boy’s Annual 1922
- * The Tree in the Pool: A Sketch, (vi) Land & Water May 9 1918
- * The Tree of Forgiveness, (ss) The London Magazine December 1902
- * The Tree of Knowledge, (ss) Dublin University Magazine June 1853
- * The Tree of Life, (ia) Daktari Annual 1967, World Distributors, 1967
- * The Tree of Refuge, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1884
- * Trees, (pm) The Sovereign Magazine November 1919
- * Trees and Shrubs, (ia) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1875
- * Trees Are Detective Now, (ar) Tit-Bits #2859, August 15 1936
- * Trees by Mistake, (ms) Far West Stories December 1928
- * Trees in Kansas, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 17 1929
- * Trees in Their Glory, (pi) The Strand Magazine May 1945
- * Trees Millions of Years Old, (ar) Modern Wonder February 11 1939
- * Trees Millions of Years Old, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories September 1931
- * The Trees of California, (ar) The Golden Book Magazine #13, January 1926
- * Trees of Stone, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * Trees Oldest Living Things, (ms) Western Winners April 1935
- * The Tree Sparrow, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 1 1928
- * Trees, Revisited, (pi) Adam (Australia) March 1973
- * The Tree Swallow, (ar) Western Story Magazine January 12 1929
- * A Tree That Is a Lumber Yard, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1915
- * Tree That Saved Millions of Lives, (ar) Look and Learn #129, July 4 1964
- * A Tree That Teaches History, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1903
- * The Tregethan’s Curse: or, The Weird Woman, (ss) Bow Bells Annual 1871
- The Grimoire and Other Supernatural Stories ed. Montague Summers, Fortune Press, 1936
- Terror by Gaslight ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen & Co., 1975, as "The Weird Woman"
- The Twelve Frights of Christmas ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh, Avon, 1986, as "The Weird Woman"
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 13 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2023
- * Trelawny’s Adventures, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1890
- * Trembling Hands, (vi) This Is It #1, 1948
- * The Trembling Tower, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #77, February 1957 [Ref. Claude Yelnick]
- * The Tremendous Handicap of Ignorance, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1916
- * “Tremewen Grange”, (ss) Once a Week March 2 1867, as by M. A.
- * The Trend of Living Thought, (cl) Everybody’s Weekly #1, March 11 1911
- * Trend of the Times, (cl) Hearst’s Magazine March 1914
- * Trend of the Times, (pi) Bob Taylor’s Magazine June 1906
- * Trends on Tap!, (pi) Parade #1590, June 13 1970
- * Trentanove and His Statues, (ar) The Puritan March 1897
- * Trent’s Last Case, (br) The Bookman May 1913
- * Très Chic! The Art of Leo Fontan, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1924 [Ref. Leo Fontan]
- * The Trespasser, (ts) Smart Set May 1926
- * Trevelyan’s Torture, (ar) Mayfair v6 #3, 1971
- * Trevor Griffiths Obituary: Dramatist Who Wrote the Influential Play Comedians, (ob) The Times April 3 2024 [Ref. Trevor Griffiths]
- * Trevor Griffiths, Socialist Playwright Who Embraced Television to “Cut Across the Classes”, (ob) The Daily Telegraph April 2 2024 [Ref. Trevor Griffiths]
- * A Triad of French Writers, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine September 1864
- * Trial, (mr) Argosy November 1955
- * Trial, (ms) Clues January 1934
- * Trial and Error, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * Trial—and Error, (ms) Detective Tales June 1951
- * Trial by Battle, (ar) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine December 1870
- * Trial by Battle, (ss)
- * Trial by Fire, Off the Book Shelf, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2010 [Ref. J. A. Jance]
- * Trial by Ordeal, (ms) Black Mask April 1935
- * Trial Conducted by Telephone, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 4 1919
- * Trial for Murder Amazes Eskimos, (ms) Adventure February 15 1935
- * Trial Marriage, (ts) Real Life Confessions July 1937
- * Trial Marriages: A Doctor’s Pros and Cons, (ar) Dapper February 1966
- * The Trial of Jeanne d’Arc, (ms) 1932
- * Trial of John Bull, (sl) (by William Cobbett) The Chartist Circular #40 Jun 27, #41 Jul 4, #42 Jul 11, #43 Jul 18 1840
- * The Trial of John Smith, (ar) Look and Learn #51, January 5 1963
- * The Trial of Mary Dugan, (ts) True Love Affairs #18, August 1929
- * The Trial of Sidney Smith, (ar)
- * Trial-Run, (ms) Murder March 1957
- * Trials and Joys of the Pioneer Woman, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 14 1928
- * The Trials and Troubles of a Boy Scout, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #487, October 8 1910
- * Trials of a Matchmaker, (ar) Fight Stories July 1931
- * Trials of an Influenza Victim, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #467, February 20 1892
- * The Trials of Love, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st November 1930
- * The Trials of Storrydene Villa, (sl) (by Walter Edwards) The Magnet Library Dec 20, Dec 27 1924
- * Trials of Temper, (ss)
- * Trial Trip of the “Flying Cloud”, (ss) (by Jason Rockwood Orton) The Atlantic Monthly November 1859
- * The Triangle Factory Again, (ms) Women’s Stories January 1 1914
- * The Triangle Murder, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #624, November 28 1931; adapted from the movie.
- * The Triangle Puzzle, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper June 26 1880
- * A Triangular Parachute, (ms) Air Trails February 1930
- * A Triangular War-Time Freak, (pm) The Live Wire July 1908
- * Tribal Justice, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 28 1938
- * Tribal Life in Tanganyika, (ar) Modern Wonder July 15 1939; condensed from The East African Annual, 1939.
- * A Tribe of Tree Dwellers, (ms) The People’s Home Journal December 1903
- * The Tribe That Won—to Lose, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 11 1929
- * Tribulations of the Teachers, 2: The Overcrowded Class Room, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal January 11 1913
- * Tribulations of the Teachers, 3: The Impossible Curriculum, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal January 18 1913
- * Tribulations of the Teachers, 4: Too Little Schooling, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal January 25 1913
- * Tribulations of the Teachers: Pay and Prospects, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal February 1 1913
- * A Tribute to a Great Artist, (ms) XOddity #3, May 1998
- * A Tribute to David B. Silva, (ar) Dark Discoveries #23, April 2013 [Ref. David B. Silva]
- * A Tribute to Delaware, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 7 1922
- * A Tribute to Frank Frazetta and Al Williamson, (ar) Sword & Fantasy #15, March 2019 [Ref. Frank Frazetta & Al Williamson]
- * A Tribute to His Wife, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 7 1915
- * Tribute to Norman Kark, (bg) Black Cat Mystery Quarterly #6, 1982 [Ref. Norman Kark]
- * Tribute to Paul Haines, (bg) Midnight Echo #7, May 2012 [Ref. Paul Haines]
- * A Tribute to Rudyard Kipling, (pm) The Live Wire March 1908
- * Tribute to Sharon Lee, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #148, Winter 2000
- * A Tribute to the Candidate, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1 1914
- * A Tribute to the Old Timers, (ms) Aviation Stories April 1930
- * A Tribute to Tom Reamy, (ar) Dark Discoveries #34, Spring 2016 [Ref. Tom Reamy]
- * A Tribute to Traveling Men, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1919
- * Tricia, (pi) Mayfair v7 #1, 1972
- * A Trick and Its Result, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 17 1879
- * Trick Chicks, (ms) Collier’s April 11 1953
- * The Trick-Cyclist’s Triumph [Ned Forester], (nv) (by William J. Bayfield) The Boys’ Friend #248, March 10 1906
- * Tricked by Relentless Foes, (ss) Chums May 31 1899
- * The Trickery of Roundabout Talk, (vi)
- * Trick for the Taking, (pi) Adam August 1957
- * A Trick Game Hunter, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1 1931
- * Trick Garments for Shoplifters, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 29 1925
- * Trick Instruments, (ms) Mystery Magazine #110, June 1 1922
- * A Trick of the Trade, (te) Adam Bedside Reader #34, April 1968
- * A Trick on Fargo Neal [Fargo Neal], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 9 1937
- * A Trick on the Cattle Skinners, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 16 1932
- * A Trick on the Tenderfoot, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 7 1938
- * Trick or Treat, (cs) Grotesque Quarterly v1 #2, 2017
- * Trick Photograph Extraordinary, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1903
- * Tricks, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #24, December 1949
- * Tricks and Games for Your Party, (ar) Tit-Bits #2879, January 2 1937
- * Tricks and Teasers, (ia) Chums June 26 1915
- * Tricks at Night, (ss) The Argosy (UK) April 1872
- * Tricks for Teens, (ms) Calling All Girls December 1944
- * Tricks for the Christmas Party, (ar) The London Magazine December 1908
- * Tricks for the Trickster, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1921, 1920
- * Tricks for Your Party, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #13, January 1949
- * Tricks Kidnappers, (ms) Clues 1st August 1928
- * Trick Skirts, (ms) Collier’s April 12 1952
- * The Tricks of a Shady Solicitor, 1: Manufacturing Evidence, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal June 8 1912
- * Tricks of Assayers, (ar) Mystery Magazine #136, July 15 1923
- * The Tricks of Counterfeiters, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * Tricks of Flying, (ia) Battle Stories #17, January 1929
- * Tricks of Gold Thieves, (ar) The Detective Magazine #3, December 22 1922
- * The Tricks of High Climbing, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 2 1911
- * Tricks of Spies and Secret Agents, (ar) Fact Spy Stories April 1939
- * Tricks of the Angler’s Art, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 13 1918
- * Tricks of the Brain, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 1st March 1929
- * Tricks of the Card Sharp, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1930
- * Tricks of the Fish-Poacher, (ar) Chums June 24 1922
- * Tricks of the Hunter’s Trade, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 11 1918
- * Tricks of the Hunter’s Trade - The Call, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1918
- * Tricks of the Steel Trade, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1908
- * Tricks of the Trade, (ar)
- * Tricks of the Trade, (ex) from The Stories Editors Buy and Why, 1921
- * Tricks of the Trade: Art and “The Artful Dodger”, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1920
- * Tricks of the Trade:
* ___ Fiction Market, Compiled at the Palmer Building from Daily Reports, (ar) Writers’ Markets & Methods 1936
- * Tricks That Words May Be Made to Play, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * Tricks with Lenses, (ar) Chums December 29 1923
- * Tricks with Money, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 10, Jun 12, Jul 24 1880
- * Tricks with Wooden Spills, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 29 1879
- * A Trick That Failed, (vi) Chicago Ledger April 27 1912
- * A Trick That Won Out, (ms) Wild West Weekly November 10 1928
- * Trick Upon Trick; or, The Vintner in the Suds, (ss) The Young Englishman March 27 1876
- * Trickword Puzzle, (pz) (by Fredric Brown) The Layman’s Magazine #6, July 1940
- * Trickword Puzzle, (pz) (by Fredric Brown) The Layman’s Magazine #7, August 1940
- * Trickword Puzzle, (pz) (by Fredric Brown) The Layman’s Magazine #8, September 1940
- * The Tricky Leprechaun, (vi)
- * Tricky Pairs, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * A Tricky Smuggler, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 23 1938
- * A Tricky Square, (pz) Chatterbox Annual 1950
- * Tricky Tinhorns, (nv) Movie Western February 1942
- * Tricky Trios, (pz) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957
- * A Tricky Visitor [Daktari], (ss) (by J. L. Morrissey) Daktari Annual 1967, World Distributors, 1967
- * A Tricycle Catamaran, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 23 1893
- * Tricycles of the Sky, (ar) Modern Wonder December 25 1937
- * Tried and True, (ss) (by Anna W. Shirley) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1863
- * Tried for Murder Though Letter Exonerates Him, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1922
- * Tried It on the Horses, (ms) The Scrap Book June 1909
- * Tried to Impersonate a Policeman, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1 1931
- * Tried to Kill Guiteau, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1916
- * Tried to Roast Husband, (ar) Parade #1504, October 12 1968
- * Tries Hunting Big Game by Auto, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 21 1925
- * Tries Swindling from Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 6 1920
- * Tries to Cry to Death, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly June 30 1928
- * Trifles, (pm)
- * Trifles, (pm) (by Mary E. Brooks) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1874
- * Trifles for the Fireside, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922
- * A Trifling Comedy, (ss) Short Stories February 1894; translated by Pauline Shackleford Colyar
- * The Trigan Empire, (cs) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #298 Sep 30, #299 Oct 7, #300 Oct 14, #301 Oct 21, #302 Oct 28, #303 Nov 4, #304 Nov 11, #305 Nov 18, #306 Nov 25,
#307 Dec 2, #308 Dec 9, #309 Dec 16, #310 Dec 23, #311 Dec 30 1967
#312 Jan 6, #313 Jan 13, #314 Jan 20, #315 Jan 27, #316 Feb 3, #317 Feb 10, #318 Feb 17, #319 Feb 24, #320 Mar 2, #321 Mar 9,
#322 Mar 16, #323 Mar 23, #324 Mar 30, #325 Apr 6, #326 Apr 13, #327 Apr 20, #328 Apr 27, #329 May 4, #330 May 11, #331 May 18,
#332 May 25, #333 Jun 1, #334 Jun 8, #335 Jun 15, #336 Jun 22, #337 Jun 29, #338 Jul 6, #339 Jul 13, #340 Jul 20, #341 Jul 27,
#342 Aug 3, #343 Aug 10, #344 Aug 17, #345 Aug 24, #346 Aug 31, #347 Sep 7, #348 Sep 14, #349 Sep 21, #350 Sep 28, #351 Oct 5,
#352 Oct 12, #353 Oct 19, #354 Oct 26, #355 Nov 2, #356 Nov 9, #357 Nov 16, #358 Nov 23, #359 Nov 30, #360 Dec 7, #361 Dec 14,
#362 Dec 21, #363 Dec 28 1968
#364 Jan 4, #365 Jan 11, #366 Jan 18, #367 Jan 25, #368 Feb 1, #369 Feb 8, #370 Feb 15, #371 Feb 22, #372 Mar 1, #373 Mar 8,
#374 Mar 15, #375 Mar 22, #376 Mar 29, #377 Apr 5, #378 Apr 12, #379 Apr 19, #380 Apr 26, #381 May 3, #382 May 10, #383 May 17,
#384 May 24, #385 May 31, #386 Jun 7, #387 Jun 14, #388 Jun 21, #389 Jun 28, #390 Jul 5, #391 Jul 12, #392 Jul 19, #393 Jul 26,
#394 Aug 2, #395 Aug 9, #396 Aug 16, #397 Aug 23, #398 Aug 30, #399 Sep 6, #400 Sep 13, #401 Sep 20, #402 Sep 27, #403 Oct 4,
#404 Oct 11, #405 Oct 18, #406 Oct 25, #407 Nov 1, #408 Nov 8, #409 Nov 15, #410 Nov 22, #411 Nov 29, #412 Dec 6, #413 Dec 13,
#414 Dec 20, #415 Dec 27 1969
#416 Jan 3, #417 Jan 10, #418 Jan 17, #419 Jan 24, #420 Jan 31, #421 Feb 7, #422 Feb 14, #423 Feb 21 1970
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