The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11946
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Killer Dogs of Nippon, (pi) Argosy May 1955
- * The Killer Had a Season Ticket [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Dixon Hawke’s Case Book #19, Spring 1952
- * The Killer Had Cat’s Eyes [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Sporting Post April 23 1949
- * The Killer in Chains [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #567, 1941
- * Killer in Space, (cs) (by Edward Holmes) Super Detective Library September 1954, as "Crime Rides the Spaceways"
- * Killer Instinct, (cs) Air Ace Picture Library March 1961
- * Killer No More, (ss) Mystery Detective Stories (Canada) #1, 194?
- * The Killer of Ten-Bar Ranch! [Red-Eye Pete & Billy], (ss) The Buzzer #19, February 19 1938
- * The Killer on the Flying Trapeze [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #521, 1939
- * Killer Quiz, (pz) Read December 18 1987
- * Killer Round-Up [The Lone Ranger], (na) (by Fran Striker) The Lone Ranger Magazine June 1937
- * Killers Come in Small Sizes, (pi) Real Men July 1956
- * Killer’s Doom, (ms) Startling Detective Adventures #99, October 1936
- * “Killer” Slade, (ms) Wild West Weekly May 12 1928
- * Killers of the Range, (ms) North•West Stories 1st November 1926
- * Killer’s Passport [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #469, 1937
- * Killers’ Playground, (ar)
- * Killer’s Trademark, (ss) Ayjay Westerns #55, 195?
- * Killers’ Trail, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 7 1933
- * Killer’s Vanity, (ms) Detective Tales February 1938
- * Killer Whales, (ms) Far West Illustrated October 1928
- * The Killer Wind, (ar) Modern Wonder January 14 1939
- * The Killer with the Guilty Eyes [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Sporting Post April 23 1949, as "The Killer Had Cat’s Eyes"
- * Killer with the Light Blue Eyes, (ms) Speed Adventure Stories March 1944
- * Killing Butterflies, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 16 1891
- * Killing Children, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 23 1932
- * Killing Crows in Virginia—A Virginia Market-Cart, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1876
- * Killing Flight 800, (ar) Penthouse (US) June 1997
- * Killing for the Fun of It, (ms) Speed Western Stories October 1944
- * Killing Horoscopes, (ms) Mystery Magazine #148, January 15 1924
- * The Killing of Chang Wu, (pz) The Thriller #27, August 10 1929
- * The Killing of Different Man, (ss) The New Republic August 28 1915
- * The Killing of Jules Lamond, (ts) True Western Stories January 1926
- * Killing of the Last of the British Wolves, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * Killing the Dragon, (vi) Chicago Ledger June 12 1909
- * Killing Time, (ss)
- * Kills Brother Who Betrayed Him, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1919
- * Kills Daughter with Ice Pick, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * Kills Five Wolves, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * Kills for Car Fare, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 11 1925
- * Kills His Dad, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 6 1932
- * Kills Husband on Date, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1917
- * Kills Imagined Hypnotist, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 2 1921
- * Kills Policeman and Pays Debt, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 10 1928
- * Kills Prodigal Son, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 22 1921
- * Kills Two Men to Own Car, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1921
- * Kills Wife in Dreams, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1920
- * Kills Wife Twice, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1930
- * Kills Wolf with Pitchfork, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 9 1924
- * Kill Train Bandits in Texas, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 19 1921
- * Kill Two Burglars in Fight in Dark, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920
- * Kill Wolf—Kill Fox, (ms) North•West Stories 1st January 1926
- * Nancy Kilpatrick Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1993 [Ref. Nancy Kilpatrick]
- * The Kilrain-Sullivan Bare-Knuckle Battle, (pi) The All-America Sports Magazine January 1934
- * A Kilted Belle, (pi) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1916 [Ref. Madge White]
- * Kilted Wraith and Bagpipe Spook Communicate with Spiritualists, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * Kilts to See No More Battles, (ar) Modern World July 27 1940; condensed from Toronto Star Weekly, Canada, 1940.
- * Kim, (pi) Mayfair v26 #13, 1991
- * Kim Kennedy, (pi) Parade #1504, October 12 1968
- * Kim Stanley Robinson, (bg) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #122/123, Winter/Spring 1994 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * Kindergarten Criminals, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 23 1922
- * The Kindergarten of the Factory Girl, (ar) Collier’s April 23 1910
- * A Kind-Hearted Bandit, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 15 1937
- * Kind-Hearted Bandits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1927
- * The Kind-Hearted Professor, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 23 1914
- * A Kind Hearted Puss, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1888
- * Kind Letters and Cross Words, (cn) Ziffs Magazine Dec 1925, Jan 1926
- * Kindling the Fires of Friendship, (pi) Private Club 82 July/August/September 1971
- * Kindly Sleep, (pm) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v4 #14, 1954
- * The Kind Men Don’t Marry, (ss) Secret Romances July 1940
- * The Kindness Cure, (ms) The Popular Magazine October 1907
- * The Kindness of Mr. Daniels, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1 1914
- * Kindness to Animals, (ss) (by Robert Handy) Happy Days for Boys and Girls, Porter & Coates, 1877
- * The Kind of Education Our Children Need, (ar) Redbook February 1958
- * The Kind of Father I Want for My Baby, (pi) Midnight #3, September 2 1922
- * The Kind of Friends Who Have Helped Me Most in Business, (ar) The American Magazine May 1920
- * The Kind of Girl We Go For, (ar) Variety Love Stories April 1944
- * The Kind of Preaching That Does Good to the Poor, (ss) (by Wood) Household Words #222, June 24 1854, as "The Ruined Potter"
- * Kind Words for Father, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1911
- * Kinema or Legitimate?, (ar) The Lady’s Realm December 1915
- * The King, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine June 1911 [Ref. George V]
- * The King, (pm) (by Arthur Fleming) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1867
- * King Afloat, (ar) King (UK) March 1965
- * King Alfred, (ar) The Bible Story #12, May 23 1964
- * King Alfred and the Orphan, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * King Among Conjurers, (ts) Chums May 24 1899
- * King and Conjurer, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * The King and Four Queens, (mr) Oracle #1253, February 9 1957
- * A King and His Master, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #379, April 19 1969
- * The King and I, (mr) McCall’s June 1956
- * The King and Queen Attending the Children’s Feast, (il) Horner’s Penny Stories #456, June 14 1902
- * The King and the Birds, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1909
- * The King and the Countryman, an Old Ballad, (pm) The Graphic Summer 1898
- * The King and the Doctors, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1886
- * The King and the Peasant, (vi) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * The King and the Quaker Girl, (ar)
- * The King and the Tar, (hu) The Popular Magazine March 1907
- * King Around the World, (pi) Lighthouse Magazine #6, 2006
- * King Arthur’s Biggest Fan, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2010 [Ref. Andy McDermott]
- * King Arthur up to Date, (ar) The Modern Boy June 30 1928
- * The King as a Game Shot, (ar) Fry’s Magazine September 1910
- * King Baby, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1878
- * King Baby’s Wardrobe, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1884
- * King Bemba’s Point, (nv) (by J. Landers) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #789, July 1881
- * King Billy’s Vanity, (ss) New Nick Carter Weekly April 9 1910
- * King Came Home, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1927
- * King Charles the First and Lady Fanshaw, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1881
- * King Christian, (ar) Collier’s November 25 1944
- * King Coconut, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * King Conor of Ulster and His Knights, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine September 1868
- * King Cophetua and the Beggar-Maid, (pl) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1877
- * King Cotton at New York, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * King Cotton Holds a Levee, (ar) Uncle Remus’s Magazine December 1907
- * A King Dethroned, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1883
- * A Kingdom at Stake [Dixon Brett], (n.) Aldine Dixon Brett Detective Library #15, 1927
- * The Kingdom of Dogs, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 1 1926
- * The Kingdom of Peace, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine December 1909
- * The Kingdom of Redonda 1865-1990, (ms) Aklo Summer 1991
- * The Kingdom of Silence: The Truth About Africa’s Most Oppressed Colony, (ar) Harper’s Magazine May 1961
- * Kingdom of Temples, (pi) Look and Learn #118, April 18 1964
- * The Kingdom of the Air, (ss) Chums February 14 1914
- * The Kingdom of the Peaks, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1927
- * The Kingdom:
* ___ Mortimer’s Daughter, (ss) (by Frank H. Shaw) The Story-teller June 1926
- * The King Drinks, (il) St. Nicholas August 1885
- * King Edward Has Said, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2380, March 7 1936
- * King Edward’s Train, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1907
- * King Erick, (pm) Once a Week April 21 1866; translated from the German by H. Thompson.
- * The Kingfisher, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1885
- * The Kingfisher, (pm) (by Maurice Thompson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1874
- * The Kingfisher’s Haunt, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * A King for an Hour, (ar) (by Percy Fitzgerald) Dublin University Magazine May, Jun 1864
- * King George the Third and Mr. Fox in Their Early Days, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #784, February 1881
- * King George V, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 17 1910
- * King Gold, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 1 1884
- * King Haakon VII of Norway, (bg) The Strand Magazine May 1906 [Ref. King Haakon VII of Norway]
- * King Hakon’s Summons, (ex) (by Eyvind Skaldaspillar), as "The Death-Song of Hakon"
- * King Harold’s Last Victory, (ar) Look and Learn #183, July 17 1965
- * King Henry the Fifth, (cs)
- * King Herring, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1882
- * The King Immortal, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1932
- * A ‘King’ in the Making, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * King in the Slush Pile, (iv) Unnerving Magazine #14, 2020 [Ref. Richard Chizmar]
- * The King Is Dead—Long Live the King, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd August 1926
- * King James I on Witches, (ar)
- * “King John” at Oxford, (th) Black & White #2, February 14 1891
- * King Kaye in the Palace, (ms) Collier’s January 24 1953
- * King Kong, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #20, November/December 2003
- * King Kong Award 77, (ms) Rigel Magazine #60, December 1977
- * King Kong Escapes, (pi) Supernatural #2, 1969
- * Kinglake’s Crimean War, (ar) (by George Hooper) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
- * Kinglake’s Narrative of the Crimean War, (ar) (by L. J. Trotter) Dublin University Magazine March 1863
- * King Laurin’s Rose-Garden, (ar) (by Courtenay Ilbert) The Cornhill Magazine June 1870
- * King Lear, (cs)
- * The Kinglets, (ar) Western Story Magazine December 22 1928
- * King Lion, (sl) The Boy’s Own Magazine May 1864
- * King Ludwig’s Alpine Castle, (ar) The Puritan May 1897
- * King Midas’s Granddaughter, (ss) (by Frank Lee Benedict) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1872
- * King Mtésa, (bg) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #814, August 1883
- * The King of a Cannibal Isle, (ss) 10 Story Book September 1925
- * King of Alcatraz, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #1001, February 18 1939; adapted from the movie (Gail Patrick, Lloyd Nolan).
- * The King of All Kennels, (pi) Movie Monthly May 1926 [Ref. Rin-Tin-Tin]
- * The King of Apulia’s Mistake, (vi) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #13, 1872
- * The King of Beggars, (nv) Jack Sheppard #23, June 1905
- * The King of Belgium and His Son, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine June 1910
- * The King of Brentford, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1887
- * The King of Colchester’s Daughters, (ss) 1764
- * King of Colorado, (ms) Walt Coburn’s Western Magazine June 1951
- * The King of Confidence Men, (ms) Private Detective Stories May 1943
- * A King of Contrasts, (ar) The Lady’s Realm January 1910
- * The King of Crooks, (na) Dick Turpin Library #91, 192?
- * King of Diamonds [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #475, 1938
- * The King of Fling in Mexico City, (ar) Fling v1 #9, 1958
- * The King of France, (il) St. Nicholas January 1881
- * The King of Fresh-water Fish, (cl) The Captain #287, February 1923
- * The King of Hobbies, (cl) (by Victor Stevenson) Chums Sep 10, Sep 17, Oct 1, Nov 5 1929
- * The King of Keys, (ms) Flynn’s May 1 1926
- * The King of London! [Martin Holt], (nv) (by Alfred Edgar ,[?]) The Surprise #75, August 5 1933
- * The King of Pop, (ms) Harper’s Magazine August 2009 [Ref. Oscar Wilde]
- * The King of Prussia, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 19 1870
- * The King of Queens, (??) Hi-Life March 1960
- * King of Railroad Beats, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * The King of Rogues, (nv) Jack Sheppard #1, November 26 1904
- * King of Shark Killers, (ts) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #10, March 1925
- * King of Sheep Killers Trapped, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 13 1926
- * The King of Siam, (bg) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * The King of Siam Opening a Mint, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1876
- * The King of Spiders, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1884
- * The King of Sweden’s Poems, (ar) (by John Jeffrey) The Cornhill Magazine January 1870
- * King of the Bank Thieves, (ms) Flynn’s April 25 1925
- * The King of the Bean, (ar) Red Berries: The Christmas Supplement to Sunshine December 1890
- * King of the Beasts, (ar) Look and Learn #2, January 27 1962
- * King of the Big Top, (ss) (by Donne Avenell) Boys’ World June 1 1963
- * King of the Bull Fighters: Luis Miguel Dominguin, (ar) Rogue August 1958 [Ref. Luis Miguel Dominguin]
- * King of the Cascades, (ms) Far West Illustrated September 1928
- * King of the Castle, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 20 1923 [Ref. Keble Howard]
- * King of the Castle!, (qz) Argosy (UK) January 1951
- * The King of the Cats, (vi)
- * King of the Circus, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly December 10 1921; adapted from the movie (Eddie Polo, J. P. McGowan, etc).
- * King of the Cloak and Dagger, (ar) School Cap #5, October 3 1953
- * The King of the Eggs, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1884
- * King of the Forest, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 5 1930
- * King of the Game Fish, (pi) Adventure August 1956
- * The King of the Goblins, (il) St. Nicholas December 1879
- * King of the Hangmen, (ms) Private Detective Stories September 1943
- * King of the Hearth, (ss) (by Henry Morley) Household Words #36, November 30 1850
- * The King of the Hearth, (ss) (by Henry Morley) Household Words #36, November 30 1850, uncredited.
- * King of the I.D.B.’s, (ts) The Passing Show March 9 1935
- * The King of the Kitchen, (vi) Santa Claus: Dupuy’s Christmas Annual 1880
- * The King of the Kongo, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #548 Jun 14, #553 Jul 19 1930; adapted from the movie (Jacqueline Logan and Walter Miller).
- * The King of the Navy, (ms) Navy Stories #2, June 1930
- * King of the Nght, (nv) The Pocket Magazine August 22 1922
- * The King of the Pedal, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28 1926
- * King of the Pulps, (ar) Max Brand’s Western Magazine March 1950 [Ref. Max Brand]
- * King of the Ring, (ar) Penthouse (US) July 2003
- * The King of the Ring, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #19, 1890
- * King of the River Rats [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #545, 1940
- * King of the Snakes [African Adventure], (ss) The Buzzer #16, January 29 1938
- * King of the Sports Cars, (ia) Rover and Wizard #244, September 18 1965
- * The King of the Swans, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1900; translated from the German.
- * The King of the Thieves, (ss) (by The Author of “Chance and Change in China”) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1925
- * The King of the Tight-rope, (iv) Chums February 1 1893 [Ref. Blondin]
- * King of the Track [Falcon Swift], (nv) Boys’ Magazine April 29 1922
- * King of the Underworld [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Gwyn Evans) The Sexton Blake Library #149, April 1928
- * King of the Valley, (ss) (by Wilfred McNeilly) Boys’ World November 23 1963
- * The King of the West, (ms) Speed Western Stories August 1944
- * The King of Ultramare [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth October 3 1878
- * King of Wolves Slain in Montana, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 7 1922
- * The King on His Throne, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 20 1901
- * King O’Toole and His Goose, (ss) Magic Realism #4, Fall 1991
- * King Pepin and Sweet Clive, (ss) (by Stanley J. Weyman) The Cornhill Magazine July 1883
- * King Philip’s Mark, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1901
- * The King-Pin of Wall Street, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1915
- * The King’s Air Force, (ia) Modern Wonder September 3 1938
- * Kings and Queens, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * Kings and Queens on the Stage, (pi) The Royal Magazine June 1911
- * The King’s Army, (ia) Modern Wonder April 30 1938
- * The King’s Bad Bargain; or, Corporal Mayne, V.C. [Nelson Lee], (na) (by J. G. Jones) The Nelson Lee Library #14, September 11 1915
- * The King’s Ballet-Dancer. A Historical Genre-Picture, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1882
- * The King’s Birthday Party!, (pi) The Modern Boy June 9 1934
- * The King’s Busiest Day, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2326, February 23 1935
- * King’s Calendar Girl, (pi) King (UK) Winter 1964
- * The King’s Church—A Swedish Legend, (vi) St. Nicholas January 1879
- * The King’s Coronation Gift, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine January 1902
- * The King’s Cup Air Race, (ar) The Modern Boy July 6 1929
- * The King’s Daughter, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1882
- * King’s Dublin, (ar) King (UK) March 1965
- * The King’s Dwarf and His Dog, (il) St. Nicholas October 1888
- * King’s Evidence! [Australian Mounted Police], (ss) The Magnet Library February 23 1924
- * Kingsford Smith, (ar) Chums Annual 1937, 1936
- * King’s Fortune, (ms) King (UK) Winter 1964
- * A King’s Freak, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 17 1887
- * The Kings Friend, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #406, March 20 1909
- * The King’s Friends, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1901
- * The King’s Gate, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 6 1886
- * A King’s Gift, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 19, Apr 26 1890
- * The King’s Gift, (ed) Land & Water April 6 1916
- * Kings Hand Not Kissed, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2155, November 14 1931
- * The King’s Harem: Help Wanted!, (pi) Fling January 1963
- * A King’s Hiding Place, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) April 1898
- * The King’s Highway [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #26, December 7 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 10 - A Haven of Rest [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #15, September 21 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 10 - Dick Turpin [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #14, September 14 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 12 - In the “Jacobite’s Nest!” [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #16, September 28 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 13 - Jonathan Wild’s Vengeance [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #17, October 5 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 14 - Tyburn Tree [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #19, October 19 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 15 - The “Stone Jug” [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #20, October 26 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 16 - The Escape [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #22, November 9 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 17 - The Thieves’ Den [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #23, November 16 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 18 - On the Brink of Eternity [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #24, November 23 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 19 - A Trooper of the 44th Dragoons [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #25, November 30 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 3 - The Robber Robbed! [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #7, July 27 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 4 - The Practical Joke! [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #8, August 3 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 5 - How the Bristol Mail Was Robbed [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #9, August 10 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 6 - The Duel to the Death [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #10, August 17 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 7 - The Burglary [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #11, August 24 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 8 - Denounced [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #12, August 31 1901
- * The King’s Highway: No. 9 - Hue-and-Cry [Robin Redgrave], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #13, September 7 1901
- * The King’s Indian Protege, (ar) The Harmsworth London Magazine September 1901 [Ref. Dr. Oronhyatekha]
- * The King’s Jester, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine July 1900
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