The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 862
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[]Betts, Ethel Franklin (1878-1956) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 2, Feb 13 1904, Feb 15 1908
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s March 26 1910
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine October 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Weekly March 28 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) St. Nicholas Dec 1908, Jan 1909
- * [illustration(s)] (with Anna Whelan Betts), (il) Collier’s Weekly March 28 1903
[]Betts, Matt(hew) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Dancing with the Scars, (ss) Ethereal Tales #2, January 2009
- * Everyone Is the Hero of Their Own Movie, (ss) A Thousand Faces #10, Fall 2009
- * Godzilla’s Better Half, (pp) Star*Line November/December 2009
- * The Great Zombie Pyramid Scheme, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #87, 2010
- * I’m New Here Myself, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2024
- * The Intersection of Spec Fic and Funny, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster (online) #4, June/July 2009
- * Maybe Waldo Had Syphilis, (pp) Tigershark Magazine #5, Summer/Autumn 2014
- * Officer White Takes a Sick Day, (vi) A Thousand Faces #1, Summer 2007
- * The Old West, (ss) Sidekicks! ed. Sarah Hans, Alliteration Ink, 2013
- * Poem for a Bar I May Have Frequented in My Youth on the Occasion of It Burning Down, (pm) OG’s Speculative Fiction #13, July 2008
- * We Killed the Morale Officer on Sweetest Day, (pm) Kaleidotrope #6, April 2009
- * You Will Be Visited by Three Ghosts, (ss) Ghostlight Fall 2009
[]Betts, Michael Arthur (chron.)
- * Best of the Decade, (ar) The Horror Show Spring 1990
- * Blood Love, (vi) The Horror Show Fall 1983
- * Creatures of Man, (ss) The Horror Show Winter 1983
- * Interview: Tom Holland, (iv) The Horror Show Winter 1986 [Ref. Tom Holland]
- * Interview: Wes Craven, (iv) The Horror Show Fall 1985 [Ref. Wes Craven]
- * Tattler, (mr) The Horror Show; Spr, Sum, Fll 86, Jan, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 87, Spr, Sum 88.
- * Tattler, (mr) The Horror Show Spr, Sum, Fll 1986, Jan, Sum, Fll, Win 1987, Spr, Sum 1988
- * Tattler (with Wes Craven), (mr) The Horror Show Spring 1987
- * Television Tattler, (mr) The Horror Show; Spr 86.
- * Television Tattler, (mr) The Horror Show Spring 1986
- * Top Twenty, (ar) The Horror Show Summer 1986
- * When the Lights Go Down, (mr) The Horror Show; Fll, Win 88, Spr, Sum 89, Spr 90.
- * When the Lights Go Down, (mr) The Horror Show Fll, Win 1988, Spr, Sum 1989
- * With Peter Chesney, (iv) The Horror Show Spring 1990 [Ref. Peter Chesney]
[]Betts, Nancy K. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Adorable Dumbbell, (ss) All-Story Love Stories August 4 1934
- * Barbizon, (nv) Love Story Magazine December 8 1928
- * Convicted by Darkness, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1935
- * Cowboy’s Song, (ss) Western Romances #43, December 1934
- * Flamehead, (ss) Western Romances #40, September 1934
- * Flood-Tide, (ss)
- * Georgia Love, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #227, March 1935
- * Hidden Gold, (ss) Love Story Magazine December 27 1930
- * The Ice Star (with Vesta Wills Hancock), (ss) Cupid’s Diary—Best Love Stories December 1931
- * Joan’s Pen Scratches, (na) Romantic Range April 1936
- * Lost Gold, (ss) Love Story Magazine November 19 1927
- * The Love Flame (with Eric Howard), (ss) All-Story July 11 1931
- * Love on the Wing, (ss) All-Story November 1 1931
- * Lover’s Leap, (ss) All-Story February 1 1932
- * Love’s Marathon (with Vesta Wills Hancock), (ss) All-Story October 4 1930
- * Mountain Girl, (nv) Street & Smith’s Far West Romances July 1932
- * The Riding Devils, (ss) The American Magazine May 1936
- * The Singing Heart, (ss) Love Story Magazine March 29 1930
- * Wasted Sweetness, (ss) Street & Smith’s Far West Romances February 1932
[]Betts, P(hyllis) Y(vonne) (1909-2005) (chron.)
- * Gardenia, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1938
- * Girl Wife in Gingham, (ss) Gloucester Journal October 22 1938
- * Honeymoon, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1936
- * Invitation to the Wedding, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1937
- * Not a Moral Tale, (ss) John o’ London’s Weekly
- * Once Upon a Time, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1937
- * One Thing or the Other, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1936
- * People Who Say Goodbye, (ex)
- * Sweet Smiling Faces, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1937
- * The Wrong Key, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1935
[]Betts, Thomas Jeffries (1894-1977) (chron.)
- * Alone [Liao Shan], (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1917
- * At Liao-Shan, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 7 1916
- * Ballade of Forgotten Wars, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine August 1920
- * The Canary, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1916
- * Clown Stuff, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 30 1917
- * Cuirassiers of France, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine August 1917
- * Face, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1928
- * Frozen Ground, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 10 1917
- * The Golden Glow of Victory, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine October 1916
- * Recall, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine March 1921
- * The Unfit, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1918
[]“Betty”; pseudonym (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * And I Learned About Men from Him! (with Lillian Day), (ar) Liberty June 14 1924
- * And I Learned About Men from Him:
* ___ IV. Wanted—a Wife, F.O.B., (ar) Liberty August 23 1924; as told to Lillian Day
- * Majoring in Fashion, (cl) College Humor and Sense #119, December 1933
- * Things Really Worth Buying, (cl) The Royal Pictorial Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1932, Mar 1933
- * Things Worth Buying, (cl) The Royal Pictorial August 1933
- * Wanted—a Wife, F.O.B., (ar) Liberty August 23 1924; as told to Lillian Day
[]Betz, Al (chron.)
- * Ask Mr. Science, (hu) On Spec Fll, Win 1992, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1993, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1994, Spr,
Sum, Fll, Win 1995
Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1996, Sum, Fll, Win 1997, Spr, Sum, Win 1998, Sum,
Fll, Win 1999
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