The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11898
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Homelike Texas Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * A Homely Song of Toil, (pm) (by L. A. Bargie) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * A Homely Virtue, (ms) Woman’s Magazine (UK) October 1935
- * A Home-Made Barometer, (ms) Mystery Magazine #14, June 1 1918
- * Home-Made Cake for Tea, (ms) Home Notes August 8 1957
- * Home-Made Cakes for Christmas, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1897
- * Home-Made Cakes Which Save the Bread!, (ms) Woman’s Weekly #319, December 8 1917
- * Home-Made Christmas Gifts, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1890
- * Home-Made Christmas Presents, (ar) The Woman at Home December 1895
- * Homemade Current, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1927
- * Homemade House, (ms) Today’s Woman #123, January 1950
- * Home Made Humming-Top, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 21 1887
- * A Home-Made Microscope, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 24 1898
- * Home-Made Mock Turtle, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1878
- * Home-Made Pigments, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1936
- * Home-Made Village, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2155, November 14 1931
- * Home Magic!, (ar) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924, 1923
- * The Homemaker Asks, (ms) This Week October 20 1935
- * Homemaking Hints, (ms) Daring Romances September 1959
- * The Home Mechanic, (ia) Chums October 29 1929
- * The Home Needle-Woman, (cl) The New Magazine (UK) August 1914
- * The Home Needlewoman, (cl) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #5 Aug, #6 Sep, #7 Oct 1912, #11 Feb, #12 Mar, #13 Apr, #14 May, #19 Oct 1913
- * Home Notes, (cl) Pearson’s Magazine (US) Dec 1900, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov 1901
Dec 1902, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1903, Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep 1904
- * Home Notes from the Office, (ar) Nova March 1965
- * Home Nursing, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1908
- * The Home of a Highland Poet, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1883
- * The Home of a Naturalist, (ar) (by John G. Wood) The Cornhill Magazine June 1862
- * The Home of a Royal Shipwright, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * Home of Charlie Rose Goes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Home Office Extrovert, (bg) John Bull July 27 1946 [Ref. James Chuter Ede]
- * The Home of Fifty Prime Ministers: 10 Downing Street, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1918
- * The Home of Four O’Clock Tea, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine January 1899
- * The Home of His Children [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William J. Bayfield) The Sexton Blake Library #149, 1920
- * Home of Horrors, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #8, November/December 2001
- * The Home of Illustrated Literature, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1883
- * The Home of Revolution, a Personal Glimpse at Mexico, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal March 8 1913
- * Home of Richard Henry Dana, Jr., (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1900
- * The Home of the Great Bear, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1908
- * The Home of the Noted Indian Chief, Cornplanter. A Historic Place and a Famous Man, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1886
- * The Home of the Queen, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1898
- * A Home on Pike’s Peak, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1889
- * A Home on the Range, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * Homeowners I Have Met, (ms) New Age Illustrated November 1927
- * Home Parties and Church Socials, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal February 1896
- * Home Picture, (pm)
- * The Home Pitiful, (pm) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine December 1908
- * Home Problems, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1914
- * Home Problems, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion April 1912
- * Home Problems Forum, (qa) True Story Feb 1930, Apr 1931, Mar 1932
- * Home Rails, (vi) Indian State Railways Magazine December 1933
- * The Home Ranch, (cl) Western Winners Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar 1936
- * Homer and His Translators, (ar) (by L. J. Trotter) Dublin University Magazine June 1862
- * Homer and the Bible: Part II of “The Outline”, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly February 24 1923
- * Homer Goes Hollywood, (vi) Hollywood Nights October 1931
- * Homer’s Bankruptcy, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1880
- * Homer’s Sea-Epic Rendered in Ballad-Measure, (br) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #785, March 1881
- * Homer’s Troy, and Schliemann’s, (ar) (by William James Stillman) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
- * The Homes and Haunts of George Eliot, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine August 1897
- * The Home School Idea, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1906
- * Home Science in the Rural Districts, (ar) Good Housekeeping August 1910
- * Home Sewers’ Discoveries, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 15 1910
- * Home Sewing, (cl) Redbook August 1963
- * Homes for your Pets, (ar) Chums September 21 1924
- * ’Homesick’ Camels, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #238, August 6 1966
- * Homesick Inventor Returns to Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1921
- * Home-Sickness, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine July 1892
- * Homes—Millinocket Builds, (ar) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1948
- * The Homes of Famous Heroines of Romance, (ar) The Lady’s Realm November 1902
- * Homes of Many Lands, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 30, Sep 6, Sep 13, Sep 20 1884
- * Homes of Norway and Sweden, (ar) Britannia and Eve August 1950
- * “The Homes of Society”, (ss) Britannia April 1869
- * Homes of the Lieutenant-Governors, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Homes of Town Poor, (ar) (by Harry Jones) The Cornhill Magazine October 1880
- * A Homestead Colony, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 12 1924
- * Homesteader’s Wife, (ar) Liberty January 2 1937
- * Homestead Stampedes, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 17 1937
- * Home Sweet Home, (ar) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #5, Summer 1992 [Ref. Dame Jean Conan Doyle]
- * Home, Sweet Home, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 20 1922
- * Home, Sweet Home, (ss) The Young Englishman June 3 1876
- * Home Tax Exceeds This Peer’s Income, (ms) Mystery Magazine #38, June 1 1919
- * Home to Thee, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1895
- * Home Town Girl, (pi) Caper November 1959
- * Home Truths, (cn) Pearson’s Magazine December 1917
- * Home, Unique Home!, (ms) Collier’s February 23 1929
- * Homeward, (pm) (by Carl Spencer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1869
- * Homeward Bound, (ss) (by Richard Dowling) The Cornhill Magazine May 1889
- * Homeward Bound for Christmas, (??) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1894
- * Home Was Never Like This, (ms) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * Homework, (pm) Read December 18 1987
- * The Home Workshop, (cl) Maclean’s Oct 1, Nov 15, Dec 15 1940
* ___ A Folding Bed Table, (cl) Maclean’s October 15 1940
- * Homewrecker, (pi) Tonight v1 #7, 1961
- * Homey Hideout, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * The Homicide Bureau, (cl) Dime Mystery Book Magazine September 1933
- * Homicide Call, (ss) Mammoth Detective September 1942, as by George Armin Shaftel
- * Homicide Court to Investigate Accidental Deaths, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 9 1922
- * Homicide or Natural Causes: An Interview with Dr. Michael Baden, (iv) Mystery Monthly August 1976 [Ref. Michael Baden]
- * Homicides and Capital Punishment, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 16 1928
- * A Homily, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine June 1891
- * The Homing Instinct of the Hound, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 17 1919
- * A Homing Steer, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 21 1939
- * Homopathy, (ss) (by John A. Bolles) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1864
- * The Homophile Movement, (ms) Drum: Sex in Perspective March 1965
- * The Hon. Alice Grosvenor, Daughter of Lady Ebury, (ar) The Woman at Home May 1901
- * The Hon. Alice Grosvenor, Laughter of Lady Ebury, (ar) The Woman at Home July 1901
- * Hon Big Chief White Horse Eagle, (ar) The Modern Boy December 27 1930
- * Hon. Canon Edward Lyttelton, (bg) The Strand Magazine July 1905 [Ref. Edward Lyttelton]
- * The Hon. Cecil John Rhodes, (ms) Black & White #33, September 19 1891
- * The Hone Keep Mystery [Dixon Brett], (n.) Aldine Dixon Brett Detective Library #25, 1927
- * Honest, (ms) Broadway Nights October 1928
- * “Honest” Bandit Freed by Jury, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1922
- * The “Honest” Bravo. A Legend of Naples, (ss) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #49, July 25 1885
- * “Honest Dan” Leaves Police Department, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1922
- * The Honest Dog of Ternetino, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1886
- * Honest Eyes, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine January 1932
- * An Honest Friend, (ms) Collier’s Weekly May 10 1902
- * Honest in Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * An Honest Man, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1898
- * The Honest Man, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 18 1922 [Ref. Una L. Silberrad]
- * Honest Man Foils Counterfeiters’ Plans, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1921
- * “Honest Mistake Victim”, (ms) Clues 2nd October 1928
- * Honest Rustlers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 22 1939
- * Honest-to-Goodness Girl, (ss) Confession! June/July 1948
- * Honest Tom, the Blacksmith, (ms) Fight Stories June 1928
- * An Honest Woman, (pi) Dude May 1962
- * “An Honest Workingman Hunting a Ham”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1922
- * Honesty, (pi) Mayfair v11 #10, 1976
- * Honesty and Nationality, (ms) Fame and Fortune Magazine 2nd October 1928
- * Honesty at Elections, (ed) The Century Magazine February 1888
- * Honesty in Prisoners, (ms) Mystery Magazine #41, July 15 1919
- * “Honesty Is the Best Policy”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 15 1930
- * Honesty More Profitable Than Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * Honesty, Perserverance and Success, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1906
- * Honesty Wins, (nv) (by John G. Rowe) The Boys’ Friend #15, September 21 1901
- * Honey and Flowers, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper April 5 1879
- * Honey at Home, (pi) Fury July 1963
- * The Honey Bee, (ar) The Argosy #543 Apr 29, #544 May 6 1893
- * Honey Bee, (ar) Showcase v1 #3, 1961
- * Honey in Her Home Stretch, (pi) Nightline v1 #3, 1968
- * Honey in the Desert, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1886
- * Honey in the Slain Lion, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 13 1883
- * The Honey Makers, (ar) Look and Learn #37, September 29 1962
- * Honeymoon, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1917
- * Honeymoon Ahead, (sa) Screen Romances #192, May 1945
- * Honeymoon Confessions, (pl) Short Stories March 1897
- * Honeymoon Dreams, (pm) Honeymoon Tales June 1933
- * Honeymoon Halo, (??) 10 Story Book October 1934
- * Honeymoon Homicide, (ms) Nero Wolfe Mystery Magazine January 1954
- * Honeymoon Story Contest, (cn) Honeymoon Tales June 1933
- * Honeymoon with a Stranger, (ts) Personal Confessions November 1938
- * Honey of a Hellion, (br) Rangeland Romances September 1949 [Ref. Marian O’Hearn]
- * Honey’s Hong Kong Holiday, (pi) Late Show v4 #3, 1966/67
- * Honey’s Hothouse Holiday, (pi) Lasses & Glasses v2 #1, 1969
- * The Honey Trap, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2017
- * The Hon. F.S. Jackson, (ar) C.B. Fry’s Magazine September 1905 [Ref. F. S. Jackson]
- * Hon. George H. Williams, (ar) The Pacific Monthly March 1904
- * Hong-Kong Joy Girl, (ts) Scarlet Confessions October 1936
- * Hong Kong: Sad and Sinful City, (pi) Swank August 1966
- * Hong Kong Verdict, (ar) Crime Time #7, 1997
- * “Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense”, (pi) The Dude July 1959
- * Hon. James Dunsmuir, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1908
- * Hon. John Sherman, (ia) Ainslee’s Magazine October 1898
- * Honk-Honk by Radio, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2486, March 19 1938
- * The Honky-Tonk Kid, (ts) Smart Set May 1925
- * Hon of a Hun, (pi) Mermaid v2 #4, 1960
- * Honolulu Nights, (ts) Hollywood Confessions August 1923
- * Honor, (ms) Live Stories May 1915
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Second Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman, Forge, 2001
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Nine ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2017
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Twelve ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2020
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Thirteen ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2021
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Fourteen ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2022
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Fifteen ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2024
- * Honorable Mentions, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Sixteen ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2024
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) The 7th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1962
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) The 8th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1963
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2 ed. Terry Carr, Ballantine, 1973
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3 ed. Terry Carr, Ballantine, 1974
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) Best of the Rest 2 ed. Brian Youmans, Suddenly Press, 1999
- * Honorable Mentions, (ms) Best of the Rest 4 ed. Brian Youmans, Suddenly Press, 2006
- * Honorable Mentions: 1976, (bi) Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Sixth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1977
- * Honorable Mentions: 1977, (bi) Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Seventh Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1978
- * Honorable Mentions: 1978, (bi) Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Eighth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1979
- * Honorable Mentions: 1979, (bi) Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Ninth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1980
- * Honorable Mentions: 1980, (bi) Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Tenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1981
- * Honorable Mentions: 1987, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1988
- * Honorable Mentions: 1987, (bi) Demons and Dreams ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Legend, 1989
- * Honorable Mentions: 1988, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1989
- * Honorable Mentions: 1988, (bi) Demons and Dreams 2 ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Legend, 1990
- * Honorable Mentions: 1989, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1990
- * Honorable Mentions: 1990, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1991
- * Honorable Mentions: 1991, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1992
- * Honorable Mentions: 1992, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1993
- * Honorable Mentions: 1993, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1994
- * Honorable Mentions: 1994, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1995
- * Honorable Mentions: 1995, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1996
- * Honorable Mentions: 1996, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 1997
- * Honorable Mentions: 1997, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1998
- * Honorable Mentions: 1998, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Twelfth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 1999
- * Honorable Mentions: 1999, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 2000
- * Honorable Mentions: 2000, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Griffin, 2001
- * Honorable Mentions: 2001, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 2002
- * Honorable Mentions: 2002, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 2003
- * Honorable Mentions: 2004, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Griffin, 2005
- * Honorable Mentions: 2005, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror 2006: Nineteenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Griffin, 2006
- * Honorable Mentions: 2006, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: Twentieth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2007
- * Honorable Mentions: 2007, (bi) The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty-First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, St. Martin's Press, 2008
- * Honorable Mentions: 2008, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2009
- * Honorable Mentions: 2013, (bi) The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Six ed. Ellen Datlow, Night Shade Books, 2014
- * Honorable Mentions—Both Categories, (ms) Strictly Romance Magazine #4, Summer 1997
- * Honor After Death, (pm) The Argosy #472, December 19 1891
- * Honored Cops, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * Honor for Sale, (tc) American Detective February 1936
- * Honoring His Mother, (vi) The Golden Argosy December 9 1882
- * The Honor of Her Name, (ts) Smart Set July 1928
- * The Honor of India, (ts) Smart Set November 1924
- * Honor Prisoner Bosses Gardening, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1917
- * Honor Roll, (bg) Tabard Inn #3, 2008
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 18th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1963
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 19th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1964
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 20th Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1965
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 21st Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1966
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 22nd Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1967
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 23rd Annual Collection ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton, 1968
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year: 24th Annual Collection ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1970
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1971 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1971
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1972 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1972
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1973 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1973
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1974 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1974
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1975 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1975
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1976 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1976
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1977 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1977
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1978 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1978
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1979 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1979
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1980 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1980
- * Honor Roll, (bi) Best Detective Stories of the Year—1981 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Dutton, 1981
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1982 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1982
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1983 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1983
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1984 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1984
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1985 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1985
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1986 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1986
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1987 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1987
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1988 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1988
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1989 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1989
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1990 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1990
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1991 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1991
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1992 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1992
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1993 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1993
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1994 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1994
- * Honor Roll, (bi) The Year’s Best Mystery and Suspense Stories—1995 ed. Edward D. Hoch, Walker US, 1995
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