The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11287
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Wodehouse, [Sir] P(elham) G(renville) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Parted Ways, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1914
- * The Passing of Ambrose [Bobbie Wickham], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1928
- * “Paving the Way for Mabel” [Archie Moffam], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1920
- * The Peculiar Case of Flatherwick, (vi) Vanity Fair (UK) March 19 1903
- * “Perfectly Furious”, (vi) Vanity Fair (US) October 1915, as by P. Brooke-Haven
- * The Perplexed Poet, (pm) Pearson’s Weekly Christmas 1903
- * Personally Conducted [Joan Romney], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1907
- * Petticoat Influence [Joan Romney], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1906
- * Phipps to the Rescue, (n.) Collier’s Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22 1950
- * Photographs and Photographers, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) March 1916, as "On Being Photographed", by P. Brooke-Haven
- * The Physical Culture Peril, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1914
- * Piccadilly Jim, (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7, Oct 14, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 4, Nov 11 1916
- * Pig-hoo-o-o-o-ey! [Blandings Castle], (ss) Liberty July 9 1927
- * Pigs Have Wings [Blandings Castle], (n.) Collier’s Aug 16, Aug 23, Aug 30, Sep 6, Sep 13, Sep 20 1952
- * Pillingshot, Detective [St. Austin’s], (ss) The Captain #138, September 1910
- * Pillingshot’s Paper [St. Austin’s], (ss) The Captain #143, February 1911
- * The Pipe, (vi) Pearson’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Pitcher and the Plutocrat, (ss) Collier’s September 24 1910; revised from “The Pro” (Pearson’s, August 1906).
- * The Pitiable Position of a President, (vi) Vanity Fair (UK) September 1 1904
- * Playing the Game [Locksley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1906
- * A Plea for Indoor Golf, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) May 1919
- * The Plus Fours [The Oldest Member], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1922, as "The Magic Plus Fours"
- * The Politeness of Princes [Wrykyn], (ss) The Captain #74, May 1905
- * The Porter and the Cigar, (vi) Vanity Fair (UK) April 23 1903
- * Portrait of a Disciplinarian [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) Liberty September 24 1927
- * Pots o’ Money, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1911
- * A Priceless Boon for Authors, (pl) Vanity Fair (US) July 1916, as by P. Brooke-Haven
- * The Prince and Betty, (na) Ainslee’s January 1912
- * A Prince for Hire, (na) The Illustrated Love Magazine July 1931; substantially revised from the US edition of The Prince and Betty (W. J. Watt & Company, February 1912).
- * Printer’s Error, (pm) Plum Pie by P. G. Wodehouse, Herbert Jenkins, 1966
- * A Prisoner of War [Lora Delane Porter], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1915
- * The Pro, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1906
- * The Prodigal [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Punch September 23 1903
- * Prospects for Wambledon, (ar) The Strand Magazine August 1929; revised from “A Great Coming Tennis Match” (Vanity Fair, October 1916, as by Pelham Grenville).
- * Proverbial Fables, (ss) Punch July 20 1904
- * Providence and the Butler, (ss) Washington Herald February 27 1910
- * The Purification of Rodney Spelvin [The Oldest Member], (nv) The Saturday Evening Post August 22 1925
- * The Purity of the Turf [Jeeves and Wooster; Bingo Little], (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1922
- * Quest [Freddie Widgeon], (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1931
- * Quick Service, (n.) The Saturday Evening Post May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, Jun 1, Jun 8, Jun 15, Jun 22 1940
- * Rallying Round Clarence [Reggie Pepper], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1913, as "Doing Clarence a Bit of Good"
- * Rallying Round Old George [Reggie Pepper] (with Herbert Wotton Westbrook), (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1912
- * The Reformation of Study Sixteen [Wrykyn], (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1904
- * The Reformed Humourist, (ss) Punch November 18 1903
- * The Reformed Set, (vi) Punch December 30 1903
- * The Reform of Murphy’s Rents, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1905
- * Reggie and the Greasy Bird, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 28 1936
- * Reginald’s Record Knock, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1909
- * The Rest Cure [Bobbie Wickham], (ss) Liberty January 23 1926
- * The Return of Battling Billson [Ukridge], (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1923
- * The Return of the Prodigal, (ss) Punch December 30 1903
- * The Reverent Wooing of Archibald [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1928
- * The Right Approach, (ss) Lilliput September 1958; rewritten from “Joy Bells for Barmy”, (Cosmopolitan, October 1947), itself rewritten from “Dudley Is Back to Normal” (The Strand Magazine, July 1940).
- * Right Ho, Jeeves [Jeeves and Wooster], (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Dec 23, Dec 30 1933, Jan 6, Jan 13, Jan 20, Jan 27 1934
- * Right Ho, Jeeves [Jeeves and Wooster], (ex) Herbert Jenkins, 1934
- * Ring for Jeeves [Jeeves and Wooster], (n.) Herbert Jenkins, 1953
- * The Rise of Minna Nordstrom [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1933; revised from “A Star Is Born” (American Magazine, March 1933) to turn it into a Mulliner story.
- * The Rivals, (pm) The Novel Magazine August 1905
- * Roderick the Runt, (ss) Collier’s June 29 1912, as "Sir Agravaine"
- * Rodney Fails to Qualify [The Oldest Member], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1924
- * Rollo Podmarsh Comes To [The Oldest Member], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1923, as "The Awakening of Rollo Podmarsh"
- * Romance at Droitgate Spa [Drones Club], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1937
- * The Romance of a Bulb-Squeezer [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1927
- * The Romance of an Ugly Policeman, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1915
- * The Romance of “Mac’s”, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1915, as "The Making of Mac’s"
- * A Room at the Hermitage [Archie Moffam], (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1920
- * “Rough-Hew Them How We Will”, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1910
- * The Rough Stuff [The Oldest Member], (ss) The Chicago Tribune October 10 1920
- * Roulette, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1913, as "The Small Gambler"
- * Round and About the Theatre (An Essay), (es) Modern Stories November 1934
- * Rule Sixty-Three, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1915
- * The Rummy Affair of Old Biffy [Jeeves and Wooster], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1924
- * Ruth in Exile, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1912
- * Ruthless Reginald [Wrykyn], (ss) The Captain #73, April 1905
- * The Sailor, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1906
- * Sales Resistance [Blandings Castle], (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1931
- * The Salvation of George Mackintosh [The Oldest Member], (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1921
- * Sam in the Suburbs [Percy Pilbeam; J. Sheringham Adair], (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18 1925
- * The Sausage Chappie [Archie Moffam], (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1920, as "Archie and the Sausage Chappie"
- * Scoring Off Jeeves [Jeeves and Wooster; Bingo Little], (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1922
- * Scott’s Sister [Locksley], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1906, as "Playing the Game"
- * A Sea of Troubles, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1914
- * The Secret Pleasures of Reginald, (vi) Vanity Fair (US) June 1915, as by P. Brooke-Haven
- * Sensational Occurrence at a Poetry Reading [Psmith], (ex) from Leave It to Psmith, Herbert Jenkins, 1923
- * The Servant Problem, (vi) Punch June 3 1903
- * Service with a Smile [Uncle Fred; Pongo Twistleton], (n.) Star Weekly Aug 26, Sep 2 1961; condensed from the forthcoming novel (Simon and Schuster, October 1961).
- * Shields’ and the Cricket Cup [Wrykyn], (ss) The Captain #75, June 1905
- * Shikarri Days, (hu) Nugget February 1956
- * Shock Dogs [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) Punch February 14 1940
- * Should Ocean Liners Be Abolished, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) January 1923
- * Sing It!, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine July 1907, uncredited.
- * Sir Agravaine, (ss) Collier’s June 29 1912
- * Sir Roderick Comes to Lunch [Jeeves and Wooster], (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1922
- * Slaves of Hollywood, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1929
- * A Slice of Life [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1926
- * A Slightly Broken Romance [The Oldest Member], (ss) This Week June 18 1950
- * The Sluggard, (ss) Punch April 22 1914
- * The Small Bachelor, (n.) Liberty Sep 18, Sep 25, Oct 2, Oct 9, Oct 16, Oct 23, Oct 30, Nov 6, Nov 13, Nov 20,
Nov 27, Dec 4, Dec 11, Dec 18, Dec 25 1926
- * The Small Gambler, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1913
- * The Smile That Wins [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The American Magazine October 1931
- The Strand Magazine February 1932
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #103, June 1952, as "Adrian Mulliner, Detective"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #62, August 1952, as "Adrian Mulliner, Detective"
- The Saint Detective Magazine September 1954, as "Mr. Mulliner, Private Detective"
- The Saint Detective Magazine (Australia) October 1954, as "Mr. Mulliner, Private Detective"
- The Saint Detective Magazine (UK) December 1954, as "Mr. Mulliner, Private Detective"
- * The Soap King’s Daughter, (pm) Punch November 7 1906
- * The So-Called Pleasures of Coney Island, (ar) Vanity Fair (US) August 1915, as by P. Brooke-Haven
- * The Social Reformers, (vi) Punch January 16 1907
- * Something Fishy [Percy Pilbeam], (n.) Collier’s Aug 31, Sep 14 1956
- * Something New [Blandings Castle], (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10, Jul 17, Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7, Aug 14 1915
- * Something Squishy [Bobbie Wickham], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1924
- * Something to Worry About, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1913
- * The Song of Songs [Jeeves and Wooster], (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1929, as "Jeeves and the Song of Songs"
- * Sonny Boy [Bingo Little], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 2 1939
- * A Spectral Job, (ss) Punch November 25 1903
- * The Sport of Kings, (ar) The London Magazine May 1927
- * The Spring Frock, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 12 1919, as "The Spring Suit"
- * The Spring Suit, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 12 1919
- * Stage Hands, (hu) Short Stories September 1956
- * A Star Is Born, (ss) The American Magazine March 1933
- * Sticky Wicket at Blandings [Blandings Castle], (ss) Plum Pie by P. G. Wodehouse, Herbert Jenkins, 1966
- * Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves [Jeeves and Wooster], (n.) Playboy Feb, Mar 1963; condensed from the forthcoming novel (Simon and Schuster, March 1963).
- * Stone and the Weed, (ss) The Captain #134, May 1910
- * The Story of Cedric [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1929
- * The Story of Webster [Mr. Mulliner], (nv) The American Magazine February 1932, as "The Bishop’s Cat"
- * The Story of William [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) Liberty April 9 1927, as "It Was Only a Fire"
- * Strange Experiences of an Artist’s Model [Archie Moffam], (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1921
- * Strychnine in the Soup [Mr. Mulliner], (ss) The American Magazine December 1931, as "The Missing Mystery"
- * Stylish Stout [Bingo Little], (ss) Playboy April 1965
- * Summer Lightning [Percy Pilbeam; Blandings Castle], (n.) Pall Mall Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1929
- * Summer Lightning [Percy Pilbeam; Blandings Castle], (n.) Collier’s Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25, Jun 1, Jun 8,
Jun 15, Jun 22 1929
- * Summer Moonshine, (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28, Sep 4, Sep 11 1937
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