The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11272
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[Misc.] (chron.) (continued)
- * The Marseillaise (in French), (ar) National Magazine May 1902
- * Matters of Opinion, (ed) The Saturday Evening Post June 12 1920
- * Maxims of Men of Mark, (ms) The Rapid April 1907
- * May We Present: Robert Shevlin: TV on a Shoestring; Sister Mary Aquinas: Jet-Flying Nun, (ar) Good Housekeeping February 1959
- * The McGees of Wistful Vista, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1949
- * The McKinley Memorial (sixteen pages of pictures), (pi) National Magazine October 1901
- * The Meaning of Symbols, (ar) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Media Reviews, (mr) Prism Spr, Sum, Aut 2011
- * Megvalósult Sci-fi, (ms) Galaktika #177, December 2004
- * Menin Gate, (il) The Modern Boy August 11 1928
- * Men of Note, (ms) The Rapid April 1907
- * Men & Women, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1906
- * A Merry Mixture of Xmas Good Cheer, (ms) The Scout December 8 1923
- * The Merry Month of May. Some Old Customs, (ar) London Life April 27 1935
- * Messages to the American Boys from the Governors’ Special, (ar) The American Boy January 1912
- * Mile-a-Minute Men, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1927
- * Minutiae, (ar) Renascence September 1946
- * Miss B.O.F. - 1952: Miss C. Crowe of Nether Newbigging, St. Vigeans, Arbroath, (ms) A Basinful of Fun #74, March 1952
- * Miss B.O.F. of 1950: Miss Mary Meehan of 44 Devonshire Road, Maltby, nr. Rotherham, (ms) A Basinful of Fun #61, January/February 1950
- * Missing Royal Treasures, (ms) The Weekly Telegraph #3811, May 4 1935
- * Miss Press Club, (pi) The 8-Ball November 15 1961
- * Miss Wirta Robinson (sketch), (ar) National Magazine July 1899
- * Mlle. Chic’s Hollywood Fashion Tips, (cl) Motion Picture November 1940
- * Models to Make, (ms) Woman’s Journal June 1949
- * Modern Advertising-By the Aid of Electricity, (ar) National Magazine June 1902
- * Modern Marine Marvel: The D&C Line Steamer City of Cleveland, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * Money in Their Pockets, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy January 1939
- * Monthly sales and wants section, (ms) London Life April 27 1935
- * The Month’s Events, (ms) The Rapid April 1907
- * The Moonlighters Come Out, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 1977
- * More About Vivisection, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1921
- * Morning Call, (pi) Man Junior September 1969
- * Motoring on the Water, (il) The Modern Boy June 29 1929
- * Mountain Picnic, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1956
- * Movie Mail, (lt) The Silver Jacket #16, 1955
- * The Moving-Picture Show, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * Music of the Month, (ms) Atalanta #123 Dec 1897, #124 Jan, #125 Feb, #126 Mar, #127 Apr, #128 May, #129 Jun, #130 Jul, #131 Aug 1898
- * Musings of a Photoplay Philosopher, (cl) The Motion Picture Story Magazine Aug, Sep 1911
- * The “My America” League, (ms) McClure’s Magazine June 1918
- * My Day’s Work, (ms) The Rapid Apr, Aug 1907
- * “My Husband’s Favorite Dish”, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * “My Husband’s Favorite Dish”, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion December 1911
- * Mystery Match, (pz) The Mystery Review Spring 1993
- * Mystic Myrella. Charms to Prevent Illness, (cl) The Girls’ Mirror #717, August 19 1929
- * The Mystique of Marilyn, (ms) BIGnews June 2003
- * My Teacher-Customers, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * My Turn Next, (il) The Modern Boy December 14 1929
- * Name Hunting Competition, (pz) Short Stories Feb 1, Feb 22, Mar 15, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12, Apr 19, Apr 26, May 3, May 10,
May 17 1902
- * National Checker Champion at Eighteen, (ar) The American Boy October 1923
- * The National Question Class, (cl) National Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1899, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1900
- * National Soap Box Derby Finals - Scarborough, 9th September 1961, (ms) The Scout September 30 1961
- * Nautical Jokes, (hu) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * ’Neath Frowning Guns, (il) The Modern Boy August 29 1931
- * Neighborhood Heartwatch, (qa) The Saturday Evening Post Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2007
- * A Neighborhood Library, (ar) The American Boy February 1922
- * New Books, (br) Short Stories Magazine Dec 1981, Jan 1982
- * New Books Worth While, (br) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The New Christmas Cards, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion December 1911
- * The New Coiffures, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The New Daily Line Between Detroit and Buffalo, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1907
- * New England Autumn, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1946
- * The Newer Criticism, (ms) The South Carolina Review Fall 1988
- * The New Fabrics for Fall Gowns, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The New First National Bank of Columbus, (ar) National Magazine March 1913
- * The New French Executive (Raymond Poincare), (ar) The American Boy May 1913
- * The New Hats, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The New Hum-Catcher, (il) The Modern Boy December 20 1930
- * A New Idea: The Unit Books, (br) National Magazine December 1903
- * The New in New York, (ar) The Delineator March 1923
- * New Lines for New Boats, (nf) Popular Boating March 1957
- * The New Look, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1945
- * New L. Ron Hubbard Exhibition, (nf) ASI Magazine v4 #1, 2001
- * New Mounts for the New Mounties, (il) The Modern Boy September 12 1931
- * New & Nautical, (cl) Popular Boating March 1957
- * New Releases, (cl) The Mystery Review Spr 1993, Sum 1995
- * New Releases: Kids Corner, (cl) The Mystery Review Spr 1993, Sum 1995
- * The New Reporter, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21, Dec 28 1907
- * News, (ms) Short Stories Magazine Dec 1980, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1981
- * News and Notes, (ms) Descant Fall 2003
- * News Flash!, (ms) Rattler’s Tale #14, March 1992
- * News from Around the World, (ms) ASI Magazine v4 #1 2001, v5 #1 2003
- * News Views, (ms) The Scout May 13 1961
- * New Toys That Will Dismay Santa’s Helpers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1963
- * New Uses for Old-Time Cross-Stitch, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion October 1911
- * The New Year Sleigh, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Next Week, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 18 1942
- * Niagara Falls, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1907
- * Niagara Falls: Nature’s Greatest Marvel, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911, 1921
- * The Night Raiders, (il) The Modern Boy August 22 1931
- * Nixon Waterman’s Philosophy, (ar) National Magazine September 1901
- * A Nobel Prize for Bill Clinton ?!?, (ar) Liberty March 2000
- * Noisy Little Racy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 21 1959
- * Non-Fiction Books About Popular Fiction—1990, (bi) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #1, January/February 1991
- * Non-stop Laughs - First-class Fare!, (il) The Ranger #109, March 11 1933
- * No Regrets, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 1978
- * Norman Hapgood profile, (bg) Harper’s Weekly August 9 1913
- * A Norman Rockwell Cover Story, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Spring 1972
- * Norman Rockwell Visits a Ration Board, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post July 15 1944
- * North Carolina Writers, (ms) North Carolina Literary Review #10, 2001
- * Northern Michigan, the Settler’s Paradise, (ar) National Magazine November 1903
- * Not a Martian Monstrosity, (il) The Modern Boy May 11 1929
- * Not a Travelling Zoo!, (il) The Modern Boy January 10 1931
- * A Note from the Editor, (ed) The Science Fiction Critic March 1937
- * A Note on Luke Gibney, (bg) Pacific May 1946; accompanying artwork on unnumbered two insert pages
- * A Note on Raymond Puccinelli, (bg) Pacific May 1946; accompanying artwork on unnumbered two insert pages.
- * Notes, (ms) The Continent Weekly Magazine #98, December 26 1883
- * Notes About Recent Books, (br) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * Notes and News from Aunt Janet’s Club of Clubs, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion February 1908
- * Notes and Queries, (ms) The Continent Weekly Magazine #94, November 28 1883
- * Notes, Notices and Gossip, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly Feb, Mar, May 1867
- * Notes of Interest, (ms) Short Stories Feb 5, Apr 30 1898
- * Notes on a Bibliography of the Printed Volumes of Donald Culross Peatie and Louise Redfield Peattie, (ms) Reading and Collecting August 1937
- * Notices, (br) Edinburgh Review #69, 1985
- * Notices, (ms) The Long Story #12, Spring 1994
- * Notices of Exchange, (cl) Golden Days Jul 9 1887, Feb 4 1888
- * Novel Inventions and Natural Wonders, (cl) The American Boy May, Jul, Oct 1913, Feb, Mar 1914, Jun 1915, Feb, Mar 1919, Jun 1923
- * Novels Reviewed, (br) Million: The Magazine About Popular Fiction #6 Nov/Dec 1991, #7 Jan/Feb, #8 Mar/Apr, #9 May/Jun, #10 Jul/Aug, #11 Sep/Oct, #12 Nov/Dec 1992, #13 Jan/Feb, #14 Mar/Jun 1993
- * November Contests, (cn) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Now It Can Be Done, (ms) Woman’s Journal March 1954
- * Now This Is Interesting, (ms) Stag Magazine: The Popular Male Miscellany #9, 1948
- * Now We Ask You, (ms) True Experience December 1947
- * Nut Notes, (cl) Man Junior Sep, Dec 1969
- * Nut Notes, (ms) Man Junior Nov 1954, Jul 1955
- * Nutshell Novels No. 2: A Green (Very Green) Plot!, (ms) The Rocket #37, October 27 1923
- * Nuts to Crack, (pz) The Riverside Magazine for Young People December 1867
- * NW20 Contributors’ Notes, (bg) NorthWords #20/21, 1999
- * Objectif Runes, (br) Bifrost #14 Sum 1999, #30 Apr 2003
- * The October Menu, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1938
- * Odds and Ends, (cl) The Wide World Magazine April 1938
- * The Office Is Swamped with Lyrics!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy February 1931
- * Of Great Importance, (ms) Woman’s Journal June 1949
- * Of Interest to Everyone, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #11, August 19 1899
- * Of Interest to Well-Dressed Women, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * Oh, Doctor, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 19 1944
- * Old English Masques and Revels at Bryn Mawr College, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1906
- * An Old-Fashioned Debate in the House, (ar) National Magazine January 1915
- * Old-fashioned Poetry, (pm) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * Old Friends—and New Ones, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Old King Coal’s New Reign, (il) The Modern Boy October 19 1929
- * Old London. Its Customs and Cruelties, (ar) London Life April 27 1935
- * The Old & the Cheap: Whistling Shade’s Used Book Store Tour, (nf) Whistling Shade: The Twin Cities Literary Journal Winter 2002
- * Old Timer’s Album, (cl) The 8-Ball November 15 1961
- * Olympia Exhibition Hall, (il) The Modern Boy November 15 1930
- * Omnipresent Voice of America, (ms) Fate May 1969
- * Once a Rancher, (ar) The American Legion Monthly December 1932
- * One Acre and Independence, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1910
- * One House: Two Prices, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1945
- * One Piece, Flat, and Ironed, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * A One-Wheel Motor-Bike!, (il) The Modern Boy October 31 1931
- * On the Best Authority, (ms) Short Stories Mar 26, Jun 18 1898
- * On the Best of Authority, (ms) Short Stories January 1 1898
- * On the Slab, (br) Jennings Magazine #1 Sep, #2 Win 1985, #3 Spr/Sum 1986
- * An Open Criticism and an Open Reply, (ar) National Magazine January 1914
- * Opening the Season. What the Fresh Air Fund Has Done, and What It Is Going to Do. Ad for Pearson’s Fresh Air Fund, (ms) Short Stories April 19 1902
- * Opinionated Book Reviews, (rc) Multi-Storey #2, May 2001
- * The Ordeal of a United States Air Force Cadet, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1961
- * The Order of the American Boy, (cl) The American Boy June 1901
- * The Origin of Leap-Frog, (ar) The Riverside Magazine for Young People May 1867
- * The Origin of Sea Terms, (ms) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Other People’s Letters: A Memoir by Mina Curtiss, (ms) The South Carolina Review Fall 1978
- * Our Boys Tell How to Raise Rabbits, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1909
- * Our Brush with the Movies, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 2007
- * Our Column, (ar) The American Boy February 1910
- * “Our” Column, (cl) The American Boy Jul 1911, Jan 1912
- * Our Competition Pages, (pz) London Opinion Apr, Sep, Nov, Dec 1940
- * Our Daughters and Our Schools, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion May 1909
- * Our Friend the Enemy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 19 1927
- * Our Fun, (ms) Short Stories Illustrated August 8 1914
- * Our Hotel List, (ms) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Our Land Army Is Different, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 25 1942
- * Our Letter Box, (lt) Golden Days Jul 9 1887, Feb 4 1888
- * Our Most Popular National Park, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 5 1954
- * Our Motor-Cycle Winner, (il) The Modern Boy January 26 1929
- * Our Own Page, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion Apr 1907, Jul 1917
- * Our Own Page, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Nov, Dec 1907, Feb 1908, Mar, May, Sep, Nov, Dec 1909, Oct, Dec 1911,
Mar 1915, Nov 1917
- * Our Own Page, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Our Prince in Canada, (il) The Modern Boy September 15 1928
- * Our Private Afairs, (lt) McClure’s December 1927
- * Our Readers’ Letters, (lt) Look and Learn #8 Mar 10, #11 Mar 31 1962
- * Our Readers Write Us!, (lt) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1933
- * Our Scrap-Book, (ms) The Rapid Apr, Aug 1907
- * Our Violet Girl, (ms) Our Young Folks April 1867
- * Our Win-the-War Mail-Bag, (lt) McClure’s Magazine June 1918
- * Outdoor Men and Women: Captain Samuel Samuels of the “Dreadnought”, (bg) The Outing Magazine December 1905
- * The Outside Readers’ Club, (cl) The Magazine World December 1928
- * Outward Bound!, (il) The Modern Boy December 13 1930
- * Over Seas Profiles, (bg) Avallaunius Spring/Summer 1992
- * The Owner of the “Rolling Peanut”, (ar) National Magazine February 1904
- * The Pace That Kills, (ar) National Magazine January 1901
- * A Page from Lady Ottoline’s Snap Album, (hu) Bananas #7, Spring 1977
- * A Page of Comicalities, (hu) The Million August 27 1892
- * A Page of Entertaining Photographs, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #12, August 26 1899
- * A Page of Good Ideas, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * A Page of Good Ideas, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * A Page of Good Work from Aunt Janet’s Junior Authors and Artists, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Nov 1909, Jan 1910
- * A Page of Helpful Hints on Hobbies for All, (ms) The Scout November 24 1923
- * A Page of Interesting Paragraphs, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #7, July 22 1899
- * A Page of Interesting Photographs, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #1 Jun 10, #8 Jul 29 1899
- * A Page of Mysterious Photographs, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #3, June 24 1899
- * A Page of New Ideas, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1909
- * A Page of Peculiar People, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #6, July 15 1899
- * A Page of Pets for Little Boys and Little Girls Who Like Them, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * A Page of Tailored Waists, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
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