The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11270
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[]Winton, Tim(othy John) (1960- ) (chron.)
- * Abbreviation, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Winter 2004
- * Commission, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 2004
- * In the Shadow of the Hospital, (ar) Granta #129, Autumn 2014
- * Loonie and Me, (ss) The Paris Review #184, Spring 2008
- * Neighbours, (ss) Australian Short Stories #10, 1985
- * Upstream, (ss) Australian Short Stories #4, 1983
- * [unknown story], (ss)
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[]Winward, Shannon Connor (1977- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Apotheosis, (pm) New Myths #17, December 2011
- * Archaeology, (pm) Abyss & Apex #64, 4th Quarter 2017
- * Beansidhe, (pm) Ideomancer June 2011
- * Brother’s Keeper, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
- * Daughter of Heaven, (ss) StoryHack Action & Adventure #0, 2017
- * Eve. Awakening., (pm) Skelos Fall 2020
- * Fallen, (pm) Strange Horizons January 2 2012
- * Ghost-Writer, (ss) Scigentasy November 2014
- * Hell’s Gardener, (pm) New Myths #39, June 2017
- * Hypothetical We, (vi) Tigershark Magazine #13, Spring 2017
- * Life Lessons, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine June/July 2023
- * Lost and Found, (ss) Persistent Visions September 30 2016
- * Mattress World, (pm) Kaleidotrope Winter 2020
- * Midsummer, (pm) Mirror Dance #26, Summer 2014
- * Morning Brew, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2014
- * Osiris in My Coffee Shop, (pm) Mirror Dance #39, Autumn 2017
- * Passage, (ss) The Alchemy Press Book of Ancient Wonders ed. Jan Edwards & Jenny Barber, Alchemy Press, 2012
- * The Puzzleist, (vi) New Myths #47, June 2019
- * Question, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2017
- * Quickening, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #1, January 2018
- * Semelparity, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- * The Seven, (ss) Disturbed Digest #17, June 2017
- * Suck, (pm) Not One of Us #60, September 2018
- * Survivor, (pm) Spirit’s Tincture #1, August 2016
- * Tag You’re It, (vi) Tigershark Magazine #13, Spring 2017
- * Terran Mythology, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 2016
- * To Serve Him, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #16, July/August 2023
- * When She’s Ready, (vi) Flash Fiction Online October 2010
- * Witch’s Hour, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2017
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[]Winward, (Richard) Walter (1938- ) (chron.)
- * The Benefactor, (ss) The Eighth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1967
- * Dark Scarlet, (ss) Penthouse (UK) July 1969
- * Return to Devil’s Tongues, (ss) The Sixth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1965
- * Self-Employed, (ss) The Tenth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1969
- * Stick with Me, Kid, and You’ll Wear Diamonds, (ss) The Ninth Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1968
[]Winwood, John (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
- * At the Sign of the Dial, (pm) The Smart Set September 1901
- * Ballade of Fickleness, (pm) The Smart Set March 1904
- * A Ballade of Regret, (pm) The Smart Set March 1901
- * Ballade of Tyranny, (pm) The Smart Set November 1902
- * The City Slave, (pm) The Smart Set July 1901
- * Collinette, (pm) The Smart Set October 1903
- * A Duet, (pm) The Smart Set October 1901
- * L’Envoi, (pm) The Smart Set October/November 1900
- * The Faun, (pm) The Smart Set April 1904
- * The Gain and the Loss, (ss) The Smart Set July 1902
- * Gold and Dross, (pm) The Smart Set February 1902
- * If Love Had Wearied, (pm) The Smart Set December 1902
- * Imaginary Conversations, (vi) The Smart Set June 1907
- * In Newer Joys, (pm) The Smart Set June 1904
- * The Lost Friend, (pm) The Smart Set November 1903
- * A Meeting, (pm) The Smart Set February 1903
- * No Transient Guest, (vi) The Smart Set October 1902
- * Prescience, (pm) The Smart Set July 1903
- * Purely Circumstantial, (ss) The Smart Set January 1902
- * Renunciation, (pm) The Smart Set April 1901
- * Resurrection, (pm) The Smart Set April 1902
- * The Resurrection of a Conscience, (ss) The Smart Set July 1900
- * A Song of Loves, (pm) The Smart Set August 1903
- * Through Slumber Gate, (pm) The Smart Set January 1903
- * Unveiled, (pm) The Smart Set June 1903
- * Vagabonds, (pm) The Smart Set May 1901
- * When Age Comes On, (pm) The Smart Set December 1900
- * A Woman, (pm) The Smart Set June 1901
- * A Woman’s Love, (pm) The Smart Set May 1902
- * The World’s Page, (pm) The Smart Set May 1903
[]Winwood, Rett (fl. 1860s-1900s) (chron.)
- * The Bad Desmond Blood, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1887
- * The Deception, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1867
- * The Heir of Lindenwold, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1868
- * “Hobson’s Choice”, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1870
- * The House in the Corn-Field, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1877
- * Kathleen’s Ruse, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1869
- * Katy’s Ambition; or: A Night and a Day, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1877
- * Kitty Ray’s Beaux, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1867
- * Maggie’s Experience, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1868
- * Out of the Jaws of Death, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1870
- * Ross Vanderlyn’s Wife, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1882
- * The Scarlet Ribbon, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1866
- * The Severne Million, (sl) The People’s Home Journal Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1903
- * Sowing the Wind: or, Guy Fanshawe’s Love, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1872
- * “The Thief in the Night”, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1870
- * Wed and Won, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1873
- * The Widow’s Revenge, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1873
[]Wiprud, Brian M. (1961- ) (chron.)
- * Crazy, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #61, 2015
- * The Gauntlet: Authors Go Fishing, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #4, January 2005
- * Granite Hat, (ss) Hook, Line & Sinister ed. T. Jefferson Parker, Countryman Press, 2010
- * On the Job: Uptown Waters, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #1, June/July 2004
- * When You’re Right, (ss) These Guns for Hire ed. J. A. Konrath, Bleak House Books, 2006
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[]Wire, H(arold) C(hanning) (1899-1987) (about) (chron.)
- * Amargosa Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 13 1935
- * Any Man’s Range, (nv) Short Stories December 25 1934
- * Apache, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 30 1935
- * Armed Protection, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1942
- * At the Rainbow’s End, (ss)
- * The Beginning, (ss) The Sign Magazine March 1944
- * Beyond Black Rock, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1937
- * The Big Steal, (nv) Short Stories August 25 1935
- * Black Hoods, (nv) The Frontier September 1925
- * Border Business, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1933
- * Border Man, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 14 1931
- * Border Trap, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 10 1937
- * Born That Way, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1929
- * Boss of His Shift, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1931
- * Branded, (na) Western Novel and Short Stories October 1935
- * Buttercup’s Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 21 1932
- * Buzzard’s Peak Ranger, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 9 1932
- * Canyon Ride, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 13 1934
- * The Cattle Burners, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 2 1933
- * Cattle Sleeper, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 6 1932
- * Closed Country, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 4 1931
- * The Code of the Desert, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1927
- * Conquistador!, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly May 1929
- * Courage in the Dark, (ar) This Week December 13 1936
- * Cow-Country Courage, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 9 1936
- * Danger Fighter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 25 1936
- * Dark Paradise, (na) The Blue Book Magazine July 1944
- * The Dark Vortex, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 20 1922
- * The Day’s Work, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1929
- * Death Came Quietly, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1953
- * Delayed Patrol, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 24 1937
- * Desert Justice, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 24 1937
- * Did He Die?, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 21 1930
- * A Ditch Party, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 16 1932
- * Don Jimmy and the Flower, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1931
- * “Don’t Hurt the Kid!”, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * The Double-T Cross, (ss) Frontier Stories November/December 1932
- * Drift Fence, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 15 1932
- * Dry Winter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 17 1934
- * Duty, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1928
- * Easy Mark, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1933
- * Faith, (vi) Liberty November 4 1939
- * The Feud at Freedom, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1927
- * Fighting Sheriff, (ss) Western Fiction Monthly April 1936
- * Four-Clawed Friendship, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1926
- * Free to Fight, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 14 1937
- * The Gamble, (vi) The American Magazine December 1949
- * George Ives’ Last Job, (ar) True Western Stories May 1926
- * Get Your Man, (ss) Western Fiction Monthly February 1936
- * Glitter Girl, (ss) Grit Story Section 1944
- * Glory Hole, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1939
- * Going Home, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 31 1931
- * The Gold Bonanza, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 4 1936
- * The Gold of the Lucky Mary, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1945
- * The Gold Trail, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine October 1935
- * Grandpa and the Sharks, (vi) Top-Notch July 1933
- * Grub-Liner, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 24 1934
- * Gun-Smoke Mesa, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 18 1936
- * Guns Restock the JL Range, (nv) Greater Western Action Novels Magazine December 1939
- * Happy Handicap, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 5 1929
- * Hardrock Man, (ss)
- * Held Up, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 15 1937
- * Hello, King’s Peak!, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1928
- * The He-Man, (ss) North•West Stories 2nd December 1926
- * Herd Going North, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 27 1934
- * Highball Run, (ss) Country Gentleman June 1941
- * Highway Babe, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1950
- * His Own Ground, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 20 1930
- * His Place in the West, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 30 1926
- * Hot Gold, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1933
- * Important Night, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1946
- * In His Own Hands, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1929
- * It Needn’t Be Only One Day, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- * Jack Slade, a Two-Gun Gentleman, (ar) Far West Illustrated March 1927
- * A Job at Jawbone, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 21 1936
- * Jungle Flight, (ss) Boston Sunday Globe Magazine May 27 1945
- * The Land Tamer, (nv) West March 1934
- * The Last Assignment, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 24 1934
- * The Last Lane, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 12 1936
- * Legal Matters Arranged, (ss) Redbook May 1943
- * The Long Arm of Hop Emory, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1926
- * Long Ropers, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * Lookout, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 27 1937
- * The Lookout Girl, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1932
- * Man Trailer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 22 1934
- * The Man Who Was Dead, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1925
- * Mark of the Rat, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine July 1936
- * A Measure of Men, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1927
- * Men Who Paid:
* ___ George Ives’ Last Job, (cl) True Western Stories May 1926
* ___ Jack Slade, a Two-Gun Gentleman, (cl) Far West Illustrated March 1927
* ___ Ropes for Thirty, (cl) Far West Illustrated January 1927
* ___ When the Buzzard Flapped Its Wings, (cl) True Western Stories August 1926
- * Million-Dollar Burro, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 21 1938
- * Million-Dollar Burros, (ar) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 13 1937
- * Mountain Man, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 5 1933
- * Mountain Men, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep 1929
- * Murder Mesa, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine September 1937
- * No Fool Pilgrim, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 19 1933
- * No Place for a Woman, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1942
- * No Risk Too Great, (nv) Mammoth Detective August 1943
- * North to the Promised Land, (na) The Blue Book Magazine January 1940
- * Not by Moonlight, (ss) The Farmer’s Wife January 1939
- * No Time for Trouble, (ss)
- * No. 10 Cache, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * Old Buckshot, (ss) Western Story Magazine September 14 1929
- * One Border Night, (ss) Mammoth Detective September 1942
- * One in a Million, (ss) Country Gentleman February 1945
- * Passing Through, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1940
- * The Pay-Off, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1927
- * Pilgrims of the Blazing Plains, (sl) North•West Stories 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, 1st Dec 1926
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