The FictionMags Index
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Yette, Ellis (fl. 1860s-1870s) (items)
- A Sea-Side Picture, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1866
- In the Moonlight, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1866
- At Last, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1867
- The Porch of Pines, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1867
- A Summer’s Morning, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1868
- The Prairie, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1868
- A November Walk, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1868
- Firelight, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1868
- Love, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1868
- Under the Hemlocks, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1869
- At Sea, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1870
- Autumn Leaves, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1872
- Evening Prayer, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1872
- An April Walk, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1872
- Lost, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1874
- A Lament, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1875
- Sad Memories, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1876
Yeung, Craig (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Gaunt’s Ghosts (with Logan Lubera), (il) Inferno! #4, January 1998
- Chimera Cutaway (with Logan Lubera), (il) Inferno! #5, March 1998
- [illustration(s)] (with Logan Lubera), (il) Inferno! #6, May 1998
- Dark Elves (with Logan Lubera), (il) Inferno! #8, September 1998
- [illustration(s)] (with Logan Lubera), (il) Inferno! #14, September 1999
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny; [born Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus] (1932-2017) (about) (items)
- Our Mothers Depart, (pm) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- They Tell Me, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1962; translated by George Reavey
- Meeting with Hemingway, (pm) Playboy January 1963
- The Chicken-God, (ss) Harper’s Magazine August 1965; translated by David Mann
- No, I’ll Not Take the Half, (pm) Transatlantic Review #21, Summer 1966; translated by George Reavey
- The Good Citizen, (ss) Redbook February 1968
- Smog, (pm) New York Quarterly Spring 1972
- Safari in Ulster, (pm) Transatlantic Review #60, June 1977
- Twenty-First Century, (pm) Michigan Quarterly Review Winter 1997; translated by James Ragan
- Babiy Yar, (pm) ; translated by Peter Levi & Robin Milner-Gulland
- German Soldiers, (ss)
- A Precocious Autobiography, (ss)
- A Precocious Autobiography, (ex) ; translated by Andrew R. MacAndrew
- Scoring Goals, (ss)
- Tolstoy’s Dog, (ex) ; translated by Antonina W. Bouis
- Waiting, (pm)
Yezierska, Anzia (1885-1970) (items)
- The Free Vacation House, (nv) The Forum December 1915
- Where Lovers Dream, (ss) Metropolitan March 1918
- “The Fat of the Land”, (nv) The Century Magazine August 1919
- The Miracle, (ss) Metropolitan September 1919
- “Lost Beautifulness”, (ss) The Red Cross Magazine March 1920
- Hunger, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1920
- Wings, (ss) McCall’s Magazine September 1920
- How I Found America, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1920
- My Own People, (ss) Metropolitan February 1921
- To the Stars, (ss) The Century Magazine May 1921
- Brothers, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1921
- America and I, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine February 1922
- The Song Triumphant, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1922
- Salome of the Tenements, (sl) Beautiful Womanhood February 1923
- Children of Loneliness, (ss) The Century Magazine March 1923
- The Love Cheat, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day July 1923
- Lord Giveth, (ss) Menorah Journal August 1923
- The Husband They Picked for Rebecca, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day October 1923
- Love Hunger, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1924
- Madame Director, (iv) Movie Monthly August 1925 [Ref. Elizabeth Pickett]
- This Is What $10,000 Did to Me, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1925
- I See a Vision, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1926
- Wild Winter Love, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1927
- A Chair in Heaven, (ss) Commentary December 1956
Yi, Melissa; pseudonym of Melissa J. Yuan-Innes (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- Indian Time, (ss) Indian Country Noir ed. Sarah Cortez & Liz Martínez, Akashic Books, 2010
- Because, (ss) Fiction River Special #1, Crime 2014
- Om, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2015
- The War of the Janitors, (ss) Sleuth Magazine August 2015
- The Sin Eaters, (ss) Montreal Noir ed. John McFetridge & Jacques Filippi, Akashic Books, 2017
- Blue Christmas [Hope Sze], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2019
- Dueling Dojos, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2019
- Sushi à Volonté, (ss) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #2, August 2020
- Dead Man’s Hand, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2021
- Flamingo Flamenco, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021
- My Two-Legs, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2022
- Puttin’ Out the Ritz, (ss) The Strand Magazine #67, 2022
- Beat the Haunted House, (ss) Game On! ed. Stephen Kotowych & Tony Pi, Zombies Need Brains, 2023
- Brain Candy [Hope Sze], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2023
- The Longest Night of the Year, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2024
Yi-Sheng, Ng (1980- ) (about) (items)
- Agnes Joaquim, Bioterrorist, (ss) Fish Eats Lion ed. Jason Erik Lundberg, Math Paper Press, 2012
- No Other City, (ss) Lontar #4, Spring 2015
- No Man Is, (ss) Lontar #5, Autumn 2015
- The Boy, the Swordfish, the Bleeding Island, (ar) Lontar #6, Spring 2016
- Xingzhou, (ss) Clarkesworld #154, July 2019
- Datasonnet for Prince Giolo, (pm) Strange Horizons March 21 2022
- A Spicepunk Manifesto: Towards a Critical Movement of Southeast Asian Heritage-Based SFF, (ar) Strange Horizons August 29 2022
- A Not-So-Swiftly Tilting Planet: Global Inequities in SFF Publishing, (ar) Strange Horizons August 28 2023
- The World’s Wife, (ss) Clarkesworld #207, December 2023
Ylla; pseudonym of Camilla Koffler (1911-1955) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine April 1947
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine March 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine May 1948
- [front cover] (with Paul G. Guillumette & Rapho), (cv) Liberty February 1949
- [front cover], (cv) Collier’s October 8 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine October 1949
- [front cover] (with Paul G. Guillumette & Rapho), (cv) Liberty February 1950
- [front cover], (cv) This Week November 11 1956
- [illustration(s)], (il) This Week November 11 1956
- The Quick and the Dead, (pi) Adventure December 1961, etc.
Yngve, A. R. (1969- ) (about) (items)
- By the Nose, (ss) GateWay S-F Magazine Fall 2002
- The Club That Wouldn’t Let Anyone In, (ss) 2006
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #1, 2007
- Super Size Security, (ss) Murky Depths #2, 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #2, 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #4, June 2008
- Quadrillennium, (ss) M-Brane SF #6, July 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #9, September 2009
Yoachim, Caroline M. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Time to Say Goodnight, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #9, December 2007
- Firefly Igloo, (ss) Shimmer #10, 2009
- Setting My Spider Free, (ss) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- The Best Last Choice I Ever Made, (ss) Talebones #38, Summer 2009
- The Land of Empty Shells, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #20, July 2 2009
- Tending the Mori Birds, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #30, September 2009
- Pageant Girls, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #42, 2009
- Stone Wall Truth, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2010
- Blood Willows, (vi) Flash Fiction Online March 2010
- The Sometimes Child, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #38, May 2010
- What Happens in Vegas, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #6, Summer 2010
- Shades of Orange, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 23 2011
- Deathbed, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 18 2011
- Mother Ship, (ss) Lightspeed #23, April 2012
- After the Earthquake, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 12 2012
- Flash Bang Remember (with Tina Connolly), (ss) Lightspeed #27, August 2012
- Blue Sand, (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 8 2012
- The Safe Road, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 21 2012
- The Philosophy of Ships, (ss) Interzone #243, November/December 2012
- Harmonies of Time, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 1 2013
- Ten Million Sheets of Paper, All in Black and White, (nv) GigaNotoSaurus April 1 2013
- A Crown of Woven Nails, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 26 2013
- The Carnival Was Eaten, All Except the Clown, (ss) Electric Velocipede #27, 2013
- Elizabeth’s Pirate Army, (vi) Fireside Magazine #8, December 2013
- Beneath the Willow Branches, Beyond the Reach of Time, (ss) Interzone #250, January/February 2014
- Current and Still, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 16 2014
- One Last Night at the Carnival Before the Stars Go Out, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #7, April 2014
- Paperclips and Memories and Things That Won’t Be Missed, (ss) Apex Magazine #60, May 2014
- Pieces of My Body, (vi) Daily Science Fiction June 19 2014
- Do Not Count the Withered Ones, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 12 2014
- Five Stages of Grief After the Alien Invasion, (ss) Clarkesworld #95, August 2014
- Honeybee, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #12, September 2014
- Carla at the Off-Planet Tax Return Helpline, (ss) Unidentified Funny Objects 3 ed. Alex Shvartsman, UFO Publishing, 2014
- Bread Babies, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 7 2015
- A Million Oysters for Chiyoko, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 21 2015
- Ninety-Five Percent Safe, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2015
- Meat That Grows on Trees, (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 4 2015
- Coin Flips (with Tina Connolly), (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 17 2015
- Goat Milk Cheese, Three Trillion Miles from Earth, (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 18 2015
- Red Planet, (ss) Lightspeed #57, February 2015
- Sugar Showpiece Universe, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 4 2015
- Garbage Trucks of Discontent, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 18 2015
- Everyone’s a Clown, (ss) Unlikely Story #11.5, April 1 2015
- Goodbye, First Love, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 14 2015
- Dancing with Fire, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 25 2015
- Four Seasons in the Forest of Your Mind, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2015
- Seasons Set in Skin, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #177, July 9 2015
- Grass Girl, (vi) Daily Science Fiction September 25 2015
- Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World, (ss) Lightspeed #64, September 2015
- Please Approve the Dissertation Research of Angtor, (ss) Unidentified Funny Objects 4 ed. Alex Shvartsman, UFO Publishing, 2015
- Betty and the Squelchy Saurus, (ss) Fireside Magazine #28, October 2015
- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Love, Death, (ss) Lightspeed #66, November 2015
- Birthday Child, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 14 2015
- We Will Wake Among the Gods, Among the Stars (with Tina Connolly), (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2016
- You Are Not the Hero of This Story, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 31 2016
- Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station, (ss) Lightspeed #70, March 2016
- The First Snow of Winter, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 10 2016
- An Army of Bees, (vi) Fireside Magazine #33, May 2016
- Chocolate Milkshake Number 314, (vi) Lightspeed #73, June 2016
- Penguins, Robins, and Science Fiction, (ar) Lightspeed #73, June 2016
- Love Out of Season, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #235, July/August 2016
- The Words on My Skin, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #11, July/August 2016
- Exquisite Corpse, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 23 2016
- Best Chef Season Three: Tau Ceti e, (ss) Unidentified Funny Objects 5 ed. Alex Shvartsman, UFO Publishing, 2016
- The Right Place to Start a Family, (ss) Humanity 2.0 ed. Alex Shvartsman, Phoenix Pick, 2016
- A Letter to My Best Friend on the Most Important Day of Her Life, Undelivered, No Known Forwarding Address, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 12 2016
- Shadow Station, (vi) Nature #7649, April 13 2017
- Carnival Nine, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #225, May 11 2017
- The Ivory Hummingbird, (vi) Daily Science Fiction June 30 2017
- Building a Bridge Too Vast to Cross, (vi) Daily Science Fiction July 27 2017
- Dreams as Fragile as Glass, (ss) The Sum of Us ed. Susan Forest & Lucas K. Law, Laksa Media, 2017
- Until the Day We Go Home, (vi) Fireside Magazine #46, September 2017 (#46)
- Faceless Soldiers, Patchwork Ship, (nv) Infinity Wars ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2017
- A Rabbit Egg for Flora, (vi) Fireside Magazine #50, December 2017
- Interview: S.B. Divya, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018, etc. [Ref. S. B. Divya]
- Interview: Sunny Moraine, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018 [Ref. Sunny Moraine]
- Interview: A. T. Greenblatt, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #21, March/April 2018, etc. [Ref. A. T. Greenblatt]
- Interview: Vina Jie-Min Prasad, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #21, March/April 2018 [Ref. Vina Jie-Min Prasad]
- Interview: A. Merc Rustad, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #22, May/June 2018 [Ref. A. Merc Rustad]
- Interview: Katharine Duckett, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #22, May/June 2018 [Ref. Katharine Duckett]
- Interview: Anya Ow, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #23, July/August 2018 [Ref. Anya Ow]
- Interview: K.M. Szpara, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #23, July/August 2018 [Ref. K. M. Szpara]
- Midnight at the Fountains of Bellagio, (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 23 2018
- The Clockwork Penguin Dreamed of Stars, (ss) Mechanical Animals ed. Selena Chambers & Jason Heller, Hex Publishers, 2018
- Interview: Isabel Yap, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #25, November/December 2018 [Ref. Isabel Yap]
- Interview: Monica Valentinelli, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #25, November/December 2018 [Ref. Monica Valentinelli]
- Interview: Marissa Lingen, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #26, January/February 2019 [Ref. Marissa Lingen]
- Interview: Natalia Theodoridou, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #26, January/February 2019 [Ref. Natalia Theodoridou]
- A Voice the Color of Blood, (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 20 2019
- Interview: Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #27, March/April 2019, etc. [Ref. Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam]
- A Wedding Gown of Autumn Leaves, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 18 2019
- The Archronology of Love, (nv) Lightspeed #107, April 2019
- Interview: Elizabeth Bear, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #28, May/June 2019, etc. [Ref. Elizabeth Bear]
- Interview: John Chu, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #28, May/June 2019 [Ref. John Chu]
- Interview: Greg van Eekhout, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #29, July/August 2019 [Ref. Greg van Eekhout]
- Interview: Maurice Broaddus, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #29, July/August 2019 [Ref. Maurice Broaddus]
- Just Coffee, Every Morning, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 25 2019
- Interview: Jenn Reese, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #31, November/December 2019 [Ref. Jenn Reese]
- Interview: Eugenia Triantafyllou, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #32, January/February 2020, etc. [Ref. Eugenia Triantafyllou]
- Interview: Alix E. Harrow, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #33, March/April 2020 [Ref. Alix E. Harrow]
- Interview: Natalia Theodoridou, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #33, March/April 2020 [Ref. Natalia Theodoridou]
- Interview: Emma Törzs, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #34, May/June 2020, etc. [Ref. Emma Törzs]
- Interview: Meg Elison, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #34, May/June 2020 [Ref. Meg Elison]
- The Shadow Prisoner’s Dilemma [Vivian Watanabe], (ss) Or Else the Light ed. John Joseph Adams, Hugh Howey & Christie Yant, Broad Reach Publishing, 2020
- The Shadow Prison Experiment [Vivian Watanabe], (ss) Ignorance Is Strength ed. John Joseph Adams, Hugh Howey & Christie Yant, Broad Reach Publishing, 2020
- Shadow Prisons of the Mind [Vivian Watanabe], (ss) Burn the Ashes ed. John Joseph Adams, Hugh Howey & Christie Yant, Broad Reach Publishing, 2020
- Interview: M. Evan MacGriogair, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #35, July/August 2020 [Ref. M. Evan MacGriogair]
- Interview: Kenneth Schneyer, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #36, September/October 2020 [Ref. Kenneth Schneyer]
- Interview: Ken Liu, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #37, November/December 2020 [Ref. Ken Liu]
- Interview: Lee Mandelo, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #37, November/December 2020, etc. [Ref. Lee Mandelo]
- Interview: Miyuki Jane Pinckard, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021, etc. [Ref. Miyuki Jane Pinckard]
- Interview: Paul Cornell, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021 [Ref. Paul Cornell]
- Colors of the Immortal Palette, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #39, March/April 2021
- Interview: Sarah Pinsker, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #39, March/April 2021 [Ref. Sarah Pinsker]
- Interview: José Pablo Iriarte, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #40, May/June 2021 [Ref. José Pablo Iriarte]
- Interview: Shveta Thakrar, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #40, May/June 2021 [Ref. Shveta Thakrar]
- Interview: C. S. E. Cooney, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #41, July/August 2021 [Ref. C. S. E. Cooney]
- Interview: Eleanor Arnason, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #41, July/August 2021 [Ref. Eleanor Arnason]
- Interview: John Wiswell, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #43, November/December 2021 [Ref. John Wiswell]
- Interview: Christopher Caldwell, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #44, January/February 2022, etc. [Ref. Christopher Caldwell]
- Interview: Sarah Monette, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #44, January/February 2022, etc. [Ref. Sarah Monette]
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