The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10793
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[]Wainer, Jack; pseudonym of David Bell (1939- ) (chron.)
- * Angel, (ss) Back from the Dead ed. Johnny Mains, Noose & Gibbet Publishing, 2010
- * Beautiful Losers, (ss) Skeleton Crew March 1991
- * Creative Writing, (ar) Dementia 13 #9, August 1992
- * Helpline, (ss) Not One of Us #10, April 1993
- * Miss Ain’t Behaving, (vi) Far Point #4, May/June 1992
- * Miss Blood, (ss) Dream Science Fiction #27, January 1991
- * Princess, (ss) The 30th Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Clarence Paget, Pan, 1989
- * Red Hood, Green-Eyed Monster, (vi) Peeping Tom #4, 1991
- * The Roar of the Greasepaint, (ss) Cold Cuts ed. Paul Lewis & Steve Lockley, Alun Books, 1993
- * Scars, (ss) Grue #18, Summer/Fall 1996
- * Sibling, (ss) Peeping Tom #6, May 1992
- * Trust Me Game, (ss) The 30th Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Clarence Paget, Pan, 1989
- * Young Limbs, (vi) Peeping Tom #13, January 1994
[]Wainwright, Carter T. (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Accuracy-Plus!, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1948
- * All That Glitters Is Not Chrome, (vi) Amazing Stories April 1950
- * Another War Shortage, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
- * Antennae, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1948
- * Antibiotic Accelerator, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1950
- * The Apache Kid, (ms) Mammoth Western June 1947
- * Apples of the Gods, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1948
- * Astronomical Waste, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1951
- * Baby Superstitions, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1948
- * Beauty and the Machine, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1950
- * The Beaver Hat, (ms) Mammoth Western April 1949
- * Betwixt Cup and Lip Lies the Germ, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1945
- * Billy the Kid, (ar) Mammoth Western October 1947
- * “Bloody” Sir Richard, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- * The Bouncing Molecules, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1951
- * The Bouncing Tools, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1950
- * The Brightest Jewel, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1949
- * The Buffalo Hunters, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1948
- * Bugs Will Be Bugs!, (ar) Amazing Stories December 1942
- * The Bullboat, (ar) Mammoth Western April 1950
- * Bummer Dan, (ts) Mammoth Western July 1950
- * Buried Alive for the Queen, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1948
- * The Cancerous Virus!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1951
- * Census Photographer, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1949
- * Chip Off the Old Block?, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1945
- * City of Silver—and Bones, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1945
- * Clues from Broken Windows, (ms) Mammoth Detective February 1945
- * Cosmic Joker…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1951
- * The Courageous Chief Gall, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1946
- * Cybernetics—in Reverse!, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1950
- * Death by a Bushmaster, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1947
- * Destiny!, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1949
- * “Dream” Worlds, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1948
- * Early Magic, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1949
- * Eighteenth Century Scientist, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1945
- * Electric Muscles, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1949
- * The Electroencephalograph, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1947
- * The End Is the Beginning, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1952
- * A False Scare, (ar) Mammoth Western July 1949
- * Fantastic Facts, (ms) Fantastic Adventures; May, Sep, Nov 42.
- * Farmers’ Little Helper, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1949
- * A Fashion of the Wild West, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1947
- * Fertilizer—Economy Size, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- * Fire from Heaven, (ar) Fantastic Adventures September 1948
- * Fists Against Sixguns, (ar) Mammoth Western October 1949
- * Flexible Iron, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1952
- * Frisby’s Exploit, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1949
- * Frontier Booze, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1949
- * Galactic Bomb!, (vi) Fantastic Adventures March 1950
- * The Gift of the Nile, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1948
- * Giving Plants Self-Protection, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1943
- * The Glider Adventure, (ar) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- * God of the Pure Fire, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1949
- * The Gold in Them Thar Westerners, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1948
- * Gold Mine in the Sky, (ms) Mammoth Western December 1948
- * The Great Drift of 1885, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1950
- * Handwriting Analysis, (cl) Mammoth Detective September 1942
- * Her Majesty, the Queen, (ar) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
- * High! Octane Gas, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1945
- * Hit, Run—and Error!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1951
- * Hope!, (vi) Fantastic Adventures April 1950
- * Hot Noise!, (ar) Fantastic Adventures April 1949
- * How Convict Labor Began, (ms) Mammoth Mystery June 1946
- * How Old Is Bronze?, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1949
- * Ice Below Zero, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1948
- * If the Sea Could Talk, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1947
- * Imagination?, (ar) Fantastic Adventures March 1948
- * The Indian Rope Trick, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1947
- * In the Deeps…, (vi) Fantastic Adventures February 1950
- * Into the Vibrations Via Radio, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1949
- * The Inventor of the Crookes Tube, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1947
- * It Actually Happened…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1951
- * Joaquin Murieta—Mexican Bandit, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1948
- * Killer!—Coward!, (ms) Mammoth Western December 1949
- * King of the Sea, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1949
- * Kings of the Roost, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1942
- * Landing on Loki, (vi) Amazing Stories January 1951
- * “Life-Givers”, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1947
- * Live and Learn, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1949
- * The Long and the Short, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1950
- * Look, No Tubes!, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1949
- * Lost Age of Prehistoric Animals Found, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1943
- * Lost Cabin Mine, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1950
- * Lunar Priority Claim, (vi) Amazing Stories November 1950
- * The Magnetic Mystery, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1950
- * Man Is Not Alone, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- * Man Versus Metal, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1949
- * Map of Math, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1949
- * Mass Stampede, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1950
- * Mathematical Magic, (ms) Mammoth Detective November 1944
- * Mayan Mathematics, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * The Melancholy Dane, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1949
- * The Memory-Scope, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1949
- * Men Are Fumble-Tongues, Says Science, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1942
- * Men Behind Amazing Stories, (bg) Amazing Stories November 1952
- * The Mentanical Pets, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1950
- * Mexican Ambush, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1950
- * Mexican Bravery, (ms) Mammoth Western August 1949
- * Mind Over Matter, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1950
- * Mithraism, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
- * Moulding Faces!, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1948
- * Move On! Or Die!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1952
- * Must All Living Things Have Parents?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1943
- * The Mysterious Origin of the Camel, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1943
- * Nature’s Efficiency, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1947
- * The New Mountain, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1949
- * News Item: Fly Eats Spider!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1942
- * New Source of Copper, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1944
- * Old Age Begins At?, (ms) Amazing Stories March 1947
- * One Dollar a Word!, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1949
- * Our Disappearing Sun, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1946
- * The Outer Edges…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1951
- * Overgrown Hell-Bomb, (ms) Amazing Stories September 1950
- * The Parachutist’s Free Fall, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
- * Piute Peacemaker, (ar) Mammoth Western November 1949
- * Portable Power—In Plenty, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1949
- * Power!, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1948
- * Power Through the Air, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
- * Quest for Gold, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1949
- * Ready or Not, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1949
- * Roller Thrillers, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1949
- * Sacajawea—“Bird Woman”, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1948
- * Saved by the Snakes, (ar) Mammoth Western October 1950
- * The Scarecrow Patrols, (ar) Mammoth Adventure July 1946
- * Science Aids the Police, (ms) Mammoth Detective March 1943
- * Science Conquers Age—In Concrete!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1945
- * Science Discovers Spring Fever, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1948
- * Seaplane in Danger, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Shintoism, the Way of the Gods, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- * Shooting Wizard, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1946
- * Sioux Indian Myth, (ar) Mammoth Western December 1947
- * The Slow Advance, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1950
- * Snake Stones, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1948
- * Solar Guardian?, (vi) Fantastic Adventures November 1950
- * Solar Oven, (ms) Amazing Stories December 1950
- * “So Shall Ye Reap”, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1953
- * Southland Superstition, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1947
- * Steel—By the Mile!, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1949
- * Strange Beliefs About the Cat, (ar) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- * Superstitions of the Sea, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1946
- * Take a Suggestion, Miss Fitt, (ar) Fantastic Adventures July 1946
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