The FictionMags Index
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Tompkins, Walker A(llison) (chron.) (continued)
- * Tommy Rockford’s Bullet Ballot [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 8 1936
- * Tommy Rockford’s Coffin Clew [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 18 1936
- * Tommy Rockford’s Owl-Hoot Sign [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 5 1938
- * Tommy Rockford’s Stolen Handcuffs [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 14 1936
- * Tommy Rockford’s Suicide Stagecoach [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 6 1937
- * Tommy Rockford Trails a Ghost [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 22 1937
- * Tornado Trail [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers February 1958, as by Jackson Cole
- * Torture for Cougar Fang [Cougar Fang], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 30 1935
- * Town-Tamer, Gun-Wizard—Green Kid, (na) Best Western Novels Magazine January 1944
- * The Trail of Deputy Death [Bob MacQueen (Deputy Death)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 11 1936
- * Trail of the Iron Horse, (sl) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30 1939, Jan 6 1940; not the same as the story of almost the same title in the October 1948 issue of The Rio Kid Western.
- * The Trail of the Iron Horse [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western October 1948; not the same as the story of almost the same title in the December 2, 1939 to January 6, 1940 issues of Wild West Weekly.
- * Trail of the Lizard [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 8 1936
- * Trail of the Renegade Gun, (nv) Action Stories Fall 1947
- * Trail of the Shoshones [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western December 1949
- * A Trap for Alamo Kimber [Alamo Kimber], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 3 1937
- * A Trap for Deputy Death [Bob MacQueen (Deputy Death)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 28 1935
- * A Trap for White Wolf [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 2 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- * Treachery on Tombstone Trail [Lon Cole], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 20 1938, as by Philip F. Deere
- * Treasure in Leather [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western October 1948
- * Treasure of Juniper Mesa, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 30 1932
- * Treasure of the Alamo [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1953, as by Jackson Cole
- * Triggers at Timberline, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales June 1946
- * Trigger Tally, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine September 1947
- * Trigger Trail, (nv) Western Adventures April 1942
- * Trigger Twins [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West June 19 1943, as by Hal Dunning
- * .22 Trickery in Tombstone, (ss) Western Trails September 1946
- * Twin of the White Wolf [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 25 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- * Two from Texas, (na) Three Western Novels Magazine December 1950
- * Two Notches on His Gun, (na) Ranch Romances 1st October 1955
- * Two Rails West [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western May 1942
- * Undertakers’ Undertaking [Justin O. Smith (The Paintin’ Pistoleer)], (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine December 1951
- * The Vanishing Vaqueros [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers July 1947, as by Jackson Cole
- * Wagon Tracks West, (na) Ranch Romances 1st December 1954
- * Wagon Wheels West, (sl) Street & Smith’s Western Story Apr 12, Apr 19, Apr 26, May 3, May 10, May 17 1941
- * Wanted, Dead—the Texas Triggers [Texas Triggers], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 21 1936
- * Wanted for Murder—Tommy Rockford [Tommy Rockford], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 26 1936
- * War in Gunsmoke Gap [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western June 1949
- * War on Walking M [Steve Reese], (nv) Range Riders Western January 1952
- * Water Over the Dam, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 25 1942, as by Andrew A. Griffin
- * Wedding in Wagonspoke, (ss) Golden West Romances April 1950
- * Wells-Fargo Means Winchesters!, (ss) Western Short Stories October 1948
- * We Need Shootin’ Law!, (na) .44 Western Magazine October 1947
- * Westerner Preferred, (na) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1954
- * West from Texas, (na) 5 Western Novels Magazine February 1953
- * West of Mirage [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers August 1954, as by Jackson Cole
- * The West’s Greatest Ride, (ts) Ranch Romances 1st April 1954
- * Wet-Back War [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers April 1955, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Wheat War [Steve Reese], (na) Range Riders Western November 1947
- * When Hell Hit Glory Gulch!, (na) .44 Western Magazine July 1947
- * When it’s Hangnoose Time in Redrock!, (na) Ace-High Western Stories October 1947
- * Where There’s Gunsmoke… [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers November 1955, as by Jackson Cole
- * White Squaw of the Cheyennes, (nv) Frontier Stories Summer 1948
- * White Wolf at Ghost Mine [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 4 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- * The White Wolf Leads a Pack [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 17 1938, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf Reaches Cactus Country [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 1 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf’s Law [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 21 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf’s Outlaw Loot [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 28 1941, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf’s Outlaw Pack [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 4 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf’s Six-Gun New Year [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 30 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- * The White Wolf’s Snake-Fang Clue [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 30 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- * White Wolf Talks Turkey [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 30 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- * Wild Blood Calling, (na) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1952
- * Winchester Law for Nesters, (nv) Thrilling Western January 1948
- * Wings of the Border Eagle [The Border Eagle], (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 18 1937, as by Philip F. Deere
- * Wires West—To Hell!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine March 1942
- * Wolf Tracks West [Jim-Twin Allen (The White Wolf)], (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 1 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- * Wyoming Renegade Rampage [Steve Reese], (na) Range Riders Western March 1949
- * The Yellowstone Empire [Bob Pryor (The Rio Kid)], (na) The Rio Kid Western June 1949
- * Your Back Is My Target, (na) Ace-High Western Stories November 1947
- * Yuma Branded!, (na) Ace-High Western Stories November 1948
- * [letter], (lt) Fifteen Western Tales June 1955
- * [letter], (lt) Pulp Summer 1980
- * [letter], (lt) Echoes #22, December 1985
_____, [ref.]
[]Tomson, Graham R.; pseudonym of Rosamund Marriott Watson (1860-1911) (about) (chron.)
- * After Sunset, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1892
- * At Evening, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1888
- * At the Ferry, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1889
- * Ave atque Vale, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1894
- * The Baboushka, (pm) Atalanta #27, December 1889
- * Ballade of the Bourne, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1887
- * Ballade of the Flight of Nicolette, (pm) Longman’s Magazine September 1887
- * Ballad of a Were-wolf, (pm)
- * Ballad of Pentyre Town, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1887
- * Ballad of the Bird-Bride, (pm)
- * A Ballad of the Werewolf, (pm) A Summer Night, and Other Poems by Graham R. Tomson, Methuen, 1891, as by Graham R. Tomson
- * Ballad of the Willow Pool, (??) Scribner’s Magazine February 1890
- * The Ballad of Tonio Manzi, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1890
- * Compensation, (??) Scribner’s Magazine August 1887
- * Death and Justice, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1888
- * Ephemeron, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1890
- * Epitaph, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine April 1893
- * The Faeries’ Cobbler, (pm) Longman’s Magazine February 1889
- * Fantasy, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1892
- * Fugitives, (??) Scribner’s Magazine November 1890
- * Fulfilment, (??) Scribner’s Magazine June 1887
- * Ghosts, (pm) The Cosmopolitan September 1892
- * Gloria Mundi (“Give us the earth’s whole heart but once to know”), (pm) The Century Magazine July 1892
- * Hereafter, (??) Scribner’s Magazine March 1889
- * Hesternae Rosae, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1891
- * In the Down Country of England, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1895
- * Jack Frost’s Garden, (pm) Wide Awake January 1890
- * Jean Francois Millet, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1887
- * Keven the Fisher, (pm) Wide Awake December 1890
- * King Solomon’s Dream, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1887
- * The Lamp in the Pool, (??) Scribner’s Magazine January 1892
- * Lavender and Pansies, (pm) Atalanta #45, June 1891
- * A Lost Lesson, (pm) Wide Awake October 1889
- * Marchen, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1895
- * Mirage, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1894
- * The Moor Girl’s Well, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1890
- * My Boat, (pm) Wide Awake October 1890
- * A New Year Fantasy, (pm) Atalanta #40, January 1891
- * Omar Khayyam, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1887
- * The Organ-Man, (pm) Wide Awake January 1888
- * Picardy for Painters, and Others, (ar) Longman’s Magazine September 1888
- * Schnontz and I, (pm) Wide Awake March 1889
- * Sheep Bells, (pm) The Cosmopolitan July 1892
- * Spring Song, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1891
- * Two Sonnets—To-Day—To-Night, (??) Scribner’s Magazine April 1888
- * An Unbidden Guest, (??) Scribner’s Magazine October 1887
- * Vale, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1893
- * Verspertilia, (pm) The Yellow Book January 1895
- * A Wayside Calvary, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1888
- * The Wind’s Summons, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1892
- * Worship, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1889
[]Toner, J. B. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * And Sleet Engenders Flame, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #81, October 2018
- * The Beyond Is the Beginning, (ss) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- * Dark in Motion, (ss) Black Petals (online) #109, Autumn 2024
- * A Fallen Flare, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #153, October 2024
- * The Fight Corps, (ss) Suspense Magazine August/September/October 2018
- * The H Word:
* ___ Perfect Possession, (cl) Nightmare #99, December 2020
- * It’s Far Better, (ss) Witch House #2, Summer 2022
- * I Won’t Mention Apophasis, (ss) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- * Last Call on Lindisfarne, (ss) Unfit Magazine v2, 2018
- * No Man’s Land, (ss) Aphelion #232, September 2018
- * Perfect Possession, (ar) Nightmare #99, December 2020
- * Playing With, (ss) Ghostlight Spring 2019
- * Queslavalaka, (ss) Whetstone #1, Spring 2020
- * Shadow and Flame, (ss) Liquid Imagination #40, February 2019
- * Shot Reverse Shot, (ss) Suspense Magazine Winter 2020
- * Starflight, (pm) Aphelion #236, February 2019
- * Subsidiarity, (pm) Aphelion #295, June 2024
- * The Tarn of OMGLOL, (pm) Aphelion #237, March 2019
- * Two Hits, (pm) Aphelion #297, August 2024
- * Ultima Thule, (ss) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- * The Way of the Polycosmic Fist, (ss) Aphelion #232, September 2018
- * We’re Right Here!, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine June/July 2022
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