The FictionMags Index
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[]Tamlyn, Pete (chron.)
- * Captain Britain, (ar) Imagine #21, December 1984
- * The Fanscene: Soapbox—Why fanzines?, (cl) Imagine #29, August 1985
- * Game Reviews (with Chris Baylis, Paul F. Cockburn, Trevor Graver & Ian Knights), (gr) Imagine #10, January 1984
- * Notices (with Jim Bambra, Chris Baylis, Michael Dean, Simon Forrest, Jez Keen, Paul Mason, Roger Musson & Wendy Rose), (gr) Imagine #29, August 1985
- * Notices (with Andy Blakeman, Mike Brunton, R. Mark Davies, Chris Felton, Paul Mason, Roger Musson, Alan Mynard, Rob Nott, Wendy Rose & Matt Williams), (gr) Imagine #30, September 1985
- * Notices (with Joanne Fluke, Jez Keen & Alan Mynard), (gr) Imagine #28, July 1985, as by Chris Hunter, Jez Keen, Alan Mynard & Pete Tamlyn
- * Rules? Who Needs Them?, (ar) Imagine #7, October 1983
- * Soapbox, (cl) Imagine #25, April 1985
- * Tavern Talk, (cl) Imagine #1 Apr, #2 May, #3 Jun, #4 Jul, #5 Aug, #6 Sep, #7 Oct, #8 Nov, #9 Dec 1983, #10 Jan, #11 Feb,
#12 Mar, #13 Apr, #14 May, #15 Jun 1984
- * Towards Systemless Scenarios, (ar) Imagine #19, October 1984
[]Tampa, William (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Death Volley Guy, (ss) New Sports Magazine May 1951
- * Easy Acer, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine January 1949
- * Five Men—and a Prayer, (ss) New Sports Magazine January 1947
- * Goal Shy, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April 1946
- * Grudge Race, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June 1947
- * Hell on the Hoops, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine February 1947
- * Part-Time Champ, (ss) New Sports Magazine May 1947
- * Poison on the Tee, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1950
- * Second Chance Green, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories January 1951
- * Shooting Star, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories June 1951
- * Stand Up and Fight!, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine June 1946
- * Suicide Set, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine April 1951
- * Thunder Kid, (ss) Sports Novels Magazine July 1949
- * Vengeance Volley, (ss) Fifteen Sports Stories February 1952
[]Tan, Amy (1952- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Alien Relative, (ss)
- * Amy Tan on Writing, Setting the Voice, (ar)
- * Author’s Perspective: Tan: Setting the Voice, (ar)
- * Best Quality, (ss)
- * Double Face, (ss)
- * Fish Cheeks, (ss) Seventeen December 1987
- * Half and Half, (ss)
- * Immortal Heart, (ss) The New Yorker December 25 2000/January 1 2001
- * Introduction to “Pie Dance”, (is) You’ve Got to Read This ed. Ron Hansen & Jim Shepard, HarperPerennial, 1994
- * The Joy Luck Club, (ex) Putnam, March 1989
- * A Pair of Tickets, (ss)
- * Rules of the Game, (ss) Seventeen November 1986
- * Two Kinds, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly February 1989
- * Two Vignettes, (ss)
- * The Voice from the Wall, (ss)
- * Young Girl’s Wish, (ss) The New Yorker October 2 1995
_____, ed.
[]Tan, Cecilia (1967- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Always, (ss) Herotica 6 ed. Marcy Sheiner, Down There Press, 1999
- * Bambino Road, Chapter One, (nv) Fenway Fiction ed. Adam Emerson Pachter, Rounder Books, 2005
- * Bodies of Water, (ss) Big Book of Hot Women’s Erotica 2004 ed. Marilyn Jaye Lewis, Venus Book Club, 2004
- * Career Track [Bedtime Stories], (ss) Penthouse (US) July 1994
- * Crooked Kwan, (ss) Noirotica ed. Thomas S. Roche, Rhinoceros, 1996
- * Dragon Cat Flower, (ss) Herotica 5 ed. Marcy Sheiner, Plume, 1998
- * Go Bisexual Space Rangers, Go!, (ar) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * In Silver A, (nv) Black Feathers: Erotic Dreams by Cecilia Tan, HarperPerennial, 1998
- * Introduction, (in) Forged Bonds ed. Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press, 1993
- * Introduction, (in) Erotic Fantastic: The Best of Circlet Press 1992-2002 ed. Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press, 2003
- * Introduction, (in) The Bachelor Machine by M. Christian, Green Candy Press, 2003
- * Introduction, (in) Best Erotic Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Cecilia Tan & Bethany Zaiatz, Circlet Press, 2010
- * Let Me Tell You, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #18, September/October 2017
- * The Little Mermaid, (ss) Aqua Erotica ed. Mary Anne Mohanraj, Three Rivers Press, 2000
- * The Nightingale, (ss) Once Upon a Time: Erotic Fairy Tales for Women ed. Michael Ford, Richard Kasak, 1996
- * A Novel Is an Empathy Engine, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #56, January/February 2024
- * Out of This World Sex Writing, (ar) Strange Horizons October 26 2015
- * Pearl Diver, (ss) On a Bed of Rice: Asian American Erotica ed. Geraldine Kudaka, Anchor, 1995
- * Penetration, (ss) Best Lesbian Erotica 1997 ed. Jewelle Gomez, Cleis Press, 1997
- * Publisher’s Note, (ms) Feline Fetishes ed. corwin, Circlet Press, 1993
- * Rock Steady, (nv) Backstage Passes ed. Amelia G, Masquerade, 1996
- * Rough, Trade, (ss) Eros ex Machina ed. M. Christian, Masquerade/Rhinoceros, 1998
- * Sacred Heart, (ss) Unfettered Hexes ed. Dave Ring, Neon Hemlock Press, 2021
- * The Spark, (ss) Periphery ed. Lynne Jamneck, Lethe Press, 2008
- * Telepaths Don’t Need Safewords, (ss) Telepaths Don’t Need Safewords and Other Stories from the Erotic Edge of SF/Fantasy by Cecilia Tan, Circlet Press, 1992
- * Three of Cups, (ss) The Mammoth Book of New Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1998
- * Touch Pain, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2002
- * The Wanting, (ss) Dark Discoveries #30, Winter 2015
- * With Open Eyes, (ss) Strange Horizons January 8 2001
_____, ed.
- * Best Erotic Fantasy & Science Fiction (with Bethany Zaiatz), (oa) Circlet Press, September 2010
- * Best Fantastic Erotica, Volume One, (oa) Circlet Press, May 2008
- * Erotic Fantastic: The Best of Circlet Press 1992-2002, (an) Circlet Press, May 2003
- * Forged Bonds, (oa) Circlet Press, May 1993
- * SM Visions: The Best of Circlet Press, (an) Richard Kasak/Masquerade, December 1995
- * Women of the Bite, (oa) Alyson, October 2009
_____, [ref.]
[]Tan, Charles (A.) (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Bookshelves of Ms. Go, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 6 ed. Nikki Alfar & Kate Osias, Kestrel, 2011
- * The Commute to Paradiso, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 7 ed. Kate & Alex Osias, Kestrel & Flipside, 2012
- * Elizabeth Ziemska and “Count Poniatowski and the Beautiful Chicken”, (is) Strange Horizons July 29 2013 [Ref. Elizabeth Ziemska]
- * How to Live Safely in an Online Universe, (ar) Apex Magazine #64, September 2014
- * Interview with Saad Z. Hossain, (iv) Apex Magazine #76, September 2015 [Ref. Saad Z. Hossain]
- * Interview with Tunku Halim, (iv) Apex Magazine #5, November 2009 [Ref. Tunku Halim]
- * Interview with Zen Cho, (iv) Apex Magazine #76, September 2015 [Ref. Zen Cho]
- * Introduction, (in) Lauriat ed. Charles Tan, Lethe Press, 2012
- * Introduction (with Andrew Drilon), (in) Philippine Speculative Fiction 9 ed. Charles Tan & Andrew Drilon, Kestrel & Flipside, 2014
- * Panverse One ed. Dario Ciriello, (br) Bull Spec #1, Spring 2010 [Ref. Dario Ciriello]
- * A Retrospective on Diseases for Sale, (ss) January 2009
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 4 ed. Dean Francis & Nikki Alfar, Kestrel, 2009
- The Best of Philippine Speculative Fiction 2005-2010 ed. Dean Francis & Nikki Alfar, University of the Philippines Press, 2013
- Unconventional Fantasy ed. Peggy Rae Sapienza, Jean Marie Ward, Bill Campbell & Sam Lubell, Baltimore Washington Area Worldcon Association, Inc., 2014
- * A Retrospective on Filipino-Chinese Speculative Fiction, (ar) Mithila Review #5/6, July/August 2016
- * Scions of the Oneiroi, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 8 ed. Dean Francis & Nikki Alfar, Kestrel & Flipside, 2013
- * Urban Legends, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction III ed. Dean Francis & Nikki Alfar, Kestrel, 2007
- * World SF: Our Possible Future, (ar) Apex Magazine #35, April 2012
- * A Yellow Brick Road Valentine, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction 5 ed. Vincent Michael Simbulan & Nikki Alfar, Kestrel, 2010
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