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Straub, Peter (Francis) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Putney Tyson Ridge, RIP, (ms)
- * Quietly Now: Not So Quiet, Maybe an Appreciation, (in) Borderlands Press, 2004 [Ref. Charles L. Grant]
- * A Regular Pair of Minstrels, (ss) Esquire January 2001
- * Ronald, D————!, (nv) Murder in the Family by The Adams Round Table, Berkley Prime Crime, 2002
- * Rosemary at 50: An Introduction, (ar) Cemetery Dance #76, 2017
- * Routine Teuton, (vi) Bred Any Good Rooks Lately? ed. James Charlton, Doubleday, 1986
- * Secret Windows, (in) Book-of-the-Month Club, 2000 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Shadowland, (br) [Ref. Peter Straub], as by Putney Tyson Ridge
- * Shadowland, (pr) Gauntlet Press, 1995
- * She Saw a Young Man, (pp) Houses Without Doors by Peter Straub, Grafton, 1990
- * The Shining, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * A Short Guide to the City, (ss) Houses Without Doors by Peter Straub, Grafton, 1990
- Iniquities Spring 1991
- The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martin's Press, 1991
- Best New Horror 2 ed. Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, Robinson, 1991
- The Giant Book of Best New Horror ed. Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, Magpie, 1993
- American Gothic Tales ed. Joyce Carol Oates, Penguin/Plume, 1996
- Terror Tales #3, 2006
- Nightmare #12, September 2013
- Interior Darkness: Selected Stories, Doubleday, 2016
- * Sides, (nf) Cemetery Dance Publications, June 2007
- * The Siege of Leningrad: An Introduction to Leningrad Nights, (in) PS Publishing, 1999 [Ref. Graham Joyce]
- * The Simultaneous Reader, (in) Bearings: Reviews 1997-2001 by Gary K. Wolfe, Beccon Publications, 2010
- * The Skylark, (n.) Subterranean Press, March 2010
- * Something About a Death, Something About a Fire, (ss) Omni October 1990
- * Space Cougar! (with S. Hutson Blount, Peter V. Brett, Erin Cashier, Alan DeNiro, Jackson Juiceely, Jay Lake, Nick Mamatas, Spike Marlowe, Carlton Mellick, III, E. C. Myers, Devin J. Poore, Christopher Reynaga, Ken Scholes, John Mason Skipp, Michael Swanwick & Gordon Van Gelder), (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #6, Summer 2012
- * A Special Place: The Heart of a Dark Matter [Tillman Hayward], (na) Pegasus, July 20 2010
- * The Stepford Wives: Introduction to the Perennial Edition, (in) HarperPerennial, 2002 [Ref. Ira Levin]
- * Tales of Pain and Wonder, (in) Gauntlet Press, 2000 [Ref. Caitlín R. Kiernan]
- * The Talisman, (br) [Ref. Peter Straub], as by Putney Tyson Ridge
- * Then One Day She Saw Him Again, (vi) Houses Without Doors by Peter Straub, Grafton, 1990
- * The Throat, (br) [Ref. Peter Straub], as by Putney Tyson Ridge
- * Under Venus, (br) [Ref. Peter Straub], as by Putney Tyson Ridge
- * Variations on a Theme from Seinfeld, (ss) Cemetery Dance #61, 2009
- * Various Encounters with Karl, (ar) Exorcisms and Ecstasies by Karl Edward Wagner, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997 [Ref. Karl Edward Wagner]
- * What About Genre, What About Horror, (ar) Cemetery Dance #65, 2011
- * Why Electricman Lives in New York, (fa) Metropolis Found ed. Linda C. Exman, New York Is Book Country, 2003
- * Wild Animals, (br) [Ref. Peter Straub], as by Putney Tyson Ridge
- * William F. Nolan: An Introduction, (in) Night Shapes by William F. Nolan, Cemetery Dance, 1995
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * At the Foot of the Story Tree: The Fiction of Peter Straub by Bill Sheehan, (nf) Subterranean Press, May 2000
- * Bibliography of Peter Straub, (bi) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005, uncredited.
- * Black House (with Stephen King) by John Clute, (br) Interzone #176, February 2002; revised from Science Fiction Weekly #233, 8th October 2001.
- * Black House (with Stephen King) by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Weird Tales Spring 2002
- * Breaking In: Peter Straub by Jack Sullivan, (bg) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1986
- * City Slab Six—Peter Straub by Michael Kelley, (iv) City Slab #12, 2008
- * Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists by Farah Mendlesohn, (br) Foundation #87, Spring 2003
- * Conversation with Peter Straub by Bill Sheehan, (iv) Cemetery Dance #35, 2001
- * A Conversation with Peter Straub by Mathias Clasen, (iv) Cemetery Dance #61, 2009
- * A Conversation with Peter Straub by Leslie S. Klinger, (iv) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017
- * Creating Koko: A Conversation with Peter Straub by Douglas E. Winter, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine February 1989
- * Dancing Architecture: An Interview with Peter Straub by David Mathew, (iv) infinity plus December 2001
- * Feature Review: A Dark Matter by Peter Straub by Bev Vincent, (br) Cemetery Dance #61, 2009
- * Floating Dragon by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1983
- * Floating Dragon by Stuart Napier, (br) Science Fiction Review #52, Fall 1984
- * Floating Dragon by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Ghost Story by Peter Nicholls, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * Ghost Story by Donn Vicha, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980
- * Ghost Story by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Gothic Bold by Hamish Mackintosh, (iv) The Guardian February 28 2002
- * Haunting and Healing: Memory and Guilt in the Fiction of Peter Straub by Bernadette Lynn Bosky, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #73, September 1994
- * The Hellfire Club by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Houses Without Doors by Jill Engel, (br) Nova Express Winter 1991
- * Houses Without Doors by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #7, February 1992
- * Houses Without Doors by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * If You Could See Him Now: An Interview with Peter Straub by Adam Meyer, (iv) Pirate Writings #8, 1995
- * If You Could See Me Now by Donn Vicha, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980
- * If You Could See Me Now by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * “I Looked Into My Imagination and That’s What I Found” by Jay Gregory, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May 1981
- * Interior Darkness: Selected Stories by Elizabeth Hand, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016
- * Interview: Peter Straub by William J. Grabowski, (iv) The Horror Show Spring 1985
- * Interview: Peter Straub by Stanley Wiater, (iv) New Blood Fall 1988
- * Interview with Peter Straub by Adam Meyer, (iv) The Armchair Detective Summer 1994
- * Interview with Peter Straub by Michael Lohr, (iv) Probe #132, Year End 2006
- * An Interview with Peter Straub by Bill Sheehan, (iv)
- * In the Night Room by Farah Mendlesohn, (br) Interzone #196, January/February 2005
- * In the Night Room by John Clute, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #199, March 2005
- * In the Night Room by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Julia by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Koko by Algis Budrys, (br) Chicago Sun-Times August 21 1988
- * Koko by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1988
- * Koko by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Leeson Park & Belsize Square by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Lost Boy Lost Girl by John Clute, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #199, March 2005
- * Lost Boy, Lost Girl by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Weird Tales March/April 2004
- * lost boy lost girl by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Magic Terror by S. T. Joshi, (br) Weird Tales Winter 2000/2001
- * Magic Terror by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #170, August 2001
- * Marriages by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Mr. X by Putney Tyson Ridge, (ar) Cemetery Dance #32, 1999, as "On Peter Straub’s Mr. X."
- * Mr. X by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * Monsters, Detectives, and Prose Style in Peter Straub’s The Hellfire Club by Joseph Sanders, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #290, October 2012
- * Mrs. God by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Mystery by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990
- * Mystery by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * New Straub Novel Gets Quick Cassette Treatment by Tyson Blue, (ar) Castle Rock January 1989
- * On Peter Straub’s Mr. X. by Putney Tyson Ridge, (ar) Cemetery Dance #32, 1999
- * The Peter Principles, or Nearly Two Dozen Things You Need to Know About Peter Straub by Henry W. Wagner, (ar) Cemetery Dance #61, 2009
- * Peter Straub, (bg) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017, uncredited.
- * Peter Straub by Ramsey Campbell, (fw) from Shadowland, Gauntlet Press, 1995
- * Peter Straub, (iv) Nightmare #1 Oct, #2 Nov 2012, uncredited.
- * Peter Straub: An Appreciation by Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, (ar) Architecture of Fantasy and Horror ed. Richard Gilliam, World Fantasy Convention, 2005
- * Peter Straub and the Magic Taxi by John C. Tibbetts, (ar) Penumbra #4, 2023
- * Peter Straub: Dancing Architecture by David Mathew, (iv) The Third Alternative #23, 2000
- * Peter Straub, Horror Writer Whose Novels Had Literary Merit to Match Their Sky-High Sales, (ob) The Daily Telegraph September 10 2022, uncredited.
- * Peter Straub Obituary by Michael Carlson, (ob) The Guardian September 9 2022
- * Peter Straub: Tales from the Shadowland by Craig Turner, (ar) Exuberance #3, Spring 1991
- * Pork Pie Hat by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #154, April 2000
- * Shadowland by Charles L. Grant, (br) Midnight Sun #5, 1979
- * Shadowland by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998
- * Shadowland by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Shadows by J. B. Macabre, (iv) Fear #16, April 1990
- * Shines the Light Into “Interior Darkness”, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2016, uncredited.
- * Sides by John Clute, (br) Interzone #212, September/October 2007
- * Stephen King, Peter Straub, & the Quest for ‘The Talisman’ by Douglas E. Winter, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1985
- * Peter Straub by Thomas Liam McDonald, (iv) Cemetery Dance #7 Wtr, #8 Spr 1991
- * Straub: Eerie Fields Forever? by Nick Belcher & Dave Hughes, (iv) Skeleton Crew v2 #1, 1990
- * The Talebones Interview: Peter Straub by Ken Rand, (iv) Talebones #21, Spring 2001
- * Tales (with H. P. Lovecraft) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #207, November 2005
- * The Talisman by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * The Talisman (with Stephen King) by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1985
- * The Talisman (with Stephen King) by Stuart Napier, (br) Science Fiction Review #54, Spring 1985
- * The Talisman (with Stephen King) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Thrust #22, Spring/Summer 1985
- * A Talk with Peter Straub by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Winter 1996/1997
- * The Throat by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #78, December 1993
- * The Throat by Gahan Wilson, (br) Weird Tales Spring 1994
- * The Throat by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * Traveling with the Lord of Nightmares by Michael Lohr, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #218, October 2006
- * Travelling with the Lord of Nightmares by Michael Lohr, (iv) Midnight Street #9, May/June 2007
- * Underground and Secret Spaces in Peter Straub’s Fiction by Bernadette Lynn Bosky, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #313, September 2014
- * Under Venus by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
- * When Lightning Strikes by Stanley Wiater, (iv) Fear #1, July/August 1988
- * Wild Animals by Putney Tyson Ridge, (br)
[]Straughen, Kirk (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Amazons of Planet X, (ss) Planetary Stories #19, June 2010
- * Crypt of Darkness, (ss) Aphelion #135, August 2009
- * The Eye of Yethchal, (ss) Planetary Stories #20, October 2010
- * Isle of the Eidolon of Skulls, (ss) Planetary Stories #30, April 2014
- * Treasure on the Death Planet, (ss) Planetary Stories #17, February 2010
- * Trouble on Vokor (with Shelby Vick), (ss) Planetary Stories #21, February 2011
- * Wizard’s Crown, (ss) Planetary Stories #18, April 2010
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