The FictionMags Index
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[]Stoddard, Maynard Good (chron.)
- * …And Nothing But, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 1994
- * Christmas on Two Wheels, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 1985
- * A Genius for the Obvious, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 1985
- * Hall of Fame Takes Aim, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 2000
- * Hooked, Line and Sinker, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 1983
- * Itchabod - the Lamb Allergic to Wool, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March/April 1998
- * It’s Called Poker, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 1981
- * A Legacy of Music, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 2000
- * A Matter of Luck, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 1983
- * Power Walk, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May/June 2007
- * Something to Bark About, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 1989
- * To Catch a Cold, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January/February 2000
- * ’Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 1980
[]Stoddard, Richard Henry (1825-1903) (about) (chron.)
- * After the Funeral, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1860, uncredited.
- * Answered, (??) The Century Magazine April 1894
- * Answer for Me, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
- * At a Dinner of Artists, (??) The Century Magazine July 1890
- * At Last, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
- * At Merry Mount, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly September 1877
- * At the Authors’ Club, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post November 24 1900
- * Autumn, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 24 1887
- * The Ballad of Valley Forge, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1860, uncredited.
- * Bayard Taylor, (ar) Wide Awake May 1877
- * Bayard Taylor, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine April 1889
- * Biddy’s Philosophy, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1874
- * Bird-Catching, (pm) Our Young Folks August 1867
- * Blind, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1871, uncredited.
- * A Box of Autographs, (??) Scribner’s Magazine February 1891
- * The Brahman’s Son, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1886
- * Brahma’s Answer, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1874
- * The Bridal, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1902
- * Cages and Songs, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1896
- * The Caravansary, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1896
- * A Carcanet, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly May 1877
- * A Catch, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education November 1869
- * Childer and Wife, (??) The Century Magazine May 1883
- * A Cluster of Chrysanthemums, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1900
- * Companions, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly June 1877
- * The Cricket Song, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine November 1899
- * The Crystal Wedding (with Elizabeth Drew Stoddard), (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education March 1868
- * The Dead Lover. A Roumanian Folk-Song, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1893
- * The Dead Master, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1879
- * The Deserted House, (pm)
- * Dies Natalis Christi, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1874
- * Edgar Allan Poe, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1872 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe], uncredited.
- * Edgar Allen Poe, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine January 1889
- * Edmund Clarence Stedman, (ar) Wide Awake November 1877
- * The End of All, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly August 1859, uncredited.
- * The English Laureates, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1893
- * Ferdinand to Miranda, (pm) The Cosmopolitan August 1890
- * The Fillet, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1875
- * Fitz-Greene Halleck, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine June 1889
- * The Flight of the Arrow, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1896
- * The Flight of Youth, (pm)
- * The Flower of Love Lies Bleeding, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly March 1874
- * The Flown Bird. A Japanese Song, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1876
- * The Follower, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1875, uncredited.
- * From the Japanese, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1890
- * Frowns and Tears, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1887
- * George Henry Boker, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine June 1890
- * Gulistan, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine June 1898
- * Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (bg) Scribner’s Monthly November 1878 [Ref. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]
- * History, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly October 1878
- * Hospes Civitatis, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1876
- * How and Why, (pm) The Cosmopolitan April 1889
- * Hymn to the Sea, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1880
- * In Alsatia, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1878, uncredited.
- * In Memoriam W.S., (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1865
- * In Sligo Bay, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine August 1896
- * Irreparable, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1874
- * James Russell Lowell, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine October 1892
- * John Greenleaf Whittier, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine June 1899
- * The Judgment of Solomon, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1884
- * The Lady of the East, (??) The Century Magazine February 1883
- * The Legend of Frey Bernardo, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1886
- * The Life of Song, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1879, uncredited.
- * Lines to E.C.S., (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 28 1901
- * The Little Monk, (ts) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1864
- * The Lover (Japanese), (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1897
- * The Lute-Player’s House, (??) The Century Magazine December 1893
- * A Lyric, (??) The Century Magazine December 1888
- * A Lyric of Lyrics, (??) Scribner’s Magazine February 1889
- * Malcolm, (sl) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1874,
Jan 1875
- * Mare Victum, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1858, uncredited.
- * The Marriage Knot, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1876
- * Mr. Parker’s Sonnets, (ar) The Chap-Book #2, June 1 1894
- * Mother and Child Are Well, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1856, uncredited.
- * Nathaniel Hawthorne, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1889
- * Nathaniel Hawthorne, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1872 [Ref. Nathaniel Hawthorne], uncredited.
- * Nathaniel Parker Willis, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine January 1890
- * The Necklace of Pearls, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science January 1874
- * New Year’s Day Half a Century Ago, (ar) The Pocket Magazine March 1896
- * On the Shore. A Malay Song, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine July 1898
- * Our Greatest Inventor, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine July 1889 [Ref. John Ericsson]
- * Pat’s Philosophy, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1874
- * The Pearl of the Philippines, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1874
- * Persian Gazelle, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1900
- * Poem for a Golden Wedding (with George Henry Boker & Bayard Taylor), (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education January 1869
- * Poets’ Homes:
* ___ IX. Bayard Taylor, (ar) Wide Awake May 1877
* ___ XI. Richard Henry Dana, (ar) Wide Awake August 1877
* ___ XIV. Edmund Clarence Stedman, (ar) Wide Awake November 1877
- * Reminiscences of Bayard Taylor, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly February 1879
- * Richard Henry Dana, (ar) Wide Awake August 1877
- * Richard Henry Dana, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1879 [Ref. Richard Henry Dana], uncredited.
- * The Rivals, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1875, uncredited.
- * A Rose Song, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly April 1877
- * Saint and Sinner, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1875
- * Samson Shorn of His Locks, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1849
- * A Servian Song, (??) The Century Magazine August 1892
- * The Silent Spectre, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1859, uncredited.
- * A Singer, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1889
- * The Sonnet in English Poetry, (ar) Scribner’s Monthly October 1881
- * The Statue in Clay, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1858, uncredited.
- * The Strong Man, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1857, uncredited.
- * A Tartar Love-Song (“Blow, wind, blow!…”), (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1871
- * A Tartar Love Song (“Night and day…”), (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1871
- * Thomas Moore, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly July 1879
- * Thought, (??) The Century Magazine February 1890
- * Threnody, (pm) Putnam’s Monthly and The Critic October 1906
- * To George B. Butler, (pm) The Century Magazine February 1891
- * The Token, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly April 1879
- * To M.B., (pm) The Cosmopolitan February 1889
- * To the Immortal Memory of Keats, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly June 1880
- * Twlight on Sumter:—August 24, 1863, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1863, uncredited.
- * The Two Anchors, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1874
- * Two Kings, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly August 1877
- * untitled (“There are gains for all our losses… ”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1857
- * The Weaver, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post October 5 1901
- * A Wedding under the Directory, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1878
- * Whence and Whither?, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1883
- * When This Old Flag Was New, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1871
- * Where?, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1894
- * William Cullen Bryant, (bg) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine November 1889 [Ref. William Cullen Bryant]
- * William Makepeace Thackeray, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1874 [Ref. William Makepeace Thackeray], uncredited.
- * The Wine-Cup, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1858, uncredited.
- * Wisdom and Goodness, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1859, uncredited.
- * The Witch’s Whelp, (pm) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine 1851
- * A Woman’s Poem, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1859, uncredited.
- * Wratislaw, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly April 1877
- * Yesterday’s Flowers, (??) Scribner’s Magazine December 1893
- * Youth, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 24 1883
- * Youth and Age, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1875
_____, trans.
[]Stoddard, William Leavitt (1884-1954) (chron.)
- * Almost a World Court, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1916
- * The Anti-saloon League, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine October 1918
- * Confessions of a News Colorer, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) December 1914
- * Confessions of “The Gunmen of Industry”, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) August 1914
- * Cotton No Longer the Sole Monarch of the South, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1917
- * Disciplined, (nv) Everybody’s Magazine July 1917
- * How the “Food Control” Controls Food, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1914
- * Insured by Uncle Sam, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1915
- * Labor and the Democrats, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1916
- * Live Conservatives and Dead Radicals, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1914
- * Massachusetts, Leader in Sane, Progressive Legislation, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine June 1917
- * Our Fake Parcel Post, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) December 1913
- * Our Fake Postal Savings Banks, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1914
- * Par Value $60,000, (ss) Complete Stories September 1927
- * Points for Voters About Congressional Candidates, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1914
- * Red Lights of Washington, D.C., (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1914
- * Repressing the Irrepressibles, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine August 1913
- * Shooting Up Workingmen, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1915
- * Training a Whole Nation in Industry, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine April 1918
- * The Truth About Railroad Wages, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1916
- * Uncle Sam as Slave-Driver, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1916
- * Voting Pointers About Senate Candidates, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1914
- * What Is Going to Happen to Coal, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1916
- * The Worm, (ss) Complete Stories March 1927
- * You and the Railroad 8-Hour Day, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1916
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