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Stableford, Brian (Michael) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Story of a Naiad by Louis Ulbach, (ss) The Germans on Venus ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2009; translated from the French (“Histoire d’une Naiad”, Voyage autour mon clocher, 1864).
- * The Story of an Earthquake by Camille Debans, (ss) The Conqueror of Death ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2013; translated from the French (“Histoire d’un tremblement de terre”, La Science Illustrée, November 26, 1892 - December 24, 1892).
- * The Story of an Old Queen and a Young Peasant Girl by François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, (ss) The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French.
- * The Story of Florise by François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, (ss) The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French.
- * The Story of King Alfaroute and Clariphile by François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, (ss) The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French.
- * The Story of Rosimond and Braminte by François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, (ss) The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French.
- * The Succubus by Jules Bois, (ss) The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2022; translated from the French (“Le Succube”, Gil Blas, February 13, 1893).
- * The Sunlit Statue by Maurice Renard, (ss) A Man Among the Microbes by Maurice Renard, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010; translated from the French (“La statue ensoleillée”, Le voyage immobile, 1909).
- * The Suppression of Oceans, Seas, Rivers and, in General, the Various Bits of Water by Alphonse Allais, (ss) The Adventures of Captain Cap by Alphonse Allais, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2013; translated from the French.
- * The Supreme Progress by Louis Mullem, (ss) The Supreme Progress ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Le progrès suprême”, 1894).
- * A Tale of the Future by Paul Adam, (ss) The Supreme Progress ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Le conte futur”, 1893).
- * A Tale of the Other World by Charles de Sivry, (ss) The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2022; translated from the French (from L’Initiation, 1891).
- * The Talisman by Gabriel de Lautrec, (ss) The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait by Gabriel de Lautrec, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011
- * Telepathy by Théo Varlet, (ss) The Germans on Venus ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2009; translated from the French (“Télépathie”, Le Dernier satyre, 1922).
- * The Tell-Tale Insects by Alphonse Brown, (nv) Nemoville ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Les insectes révélateurs”, 1889).
- * The Temple by Gabriel de Lautrec, (ss) The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2022; translated from the French (L’Initiation, 1907/08).
- * Tendrebrun and Constance by Catherine Cailleau, Dame de Lintot, (ss) Funestine and Other Adventures in Romancia ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French (Three Contes de Fées, 1735).
- * Them by Maurice Renard, (ss) The Doctored Man by Maurice Renard, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010; translated from the French (“Eux”, La Revue des Vivants, August 1934).
- * Three Hundred Years Hence by Pierre Mille, (ss) Nemoville ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Dans trois cents ans”, Oeuvres Libres, #7, January 1922).
- * Timandre and Bleuette by Catherine Cailleau, Dame de Lintot, (ss) Funestine and Other Adventures in Romancia ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French (Three Contes de Fées, 1735).
- * The Toad by Jean Lorrain, (ss) Diabolique #1, Summer 2002
- * To an Unknown Sister by Joséphin Péladan, (ss) The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2022; translated from the French (“A un soeur inconnu”, La Grande Revue, November 1888).
- * Tomorrow’s Fool by Camille Debans, (ss) The Man with the Blue Face ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“Le Fou d’apres-demain”, 1899).
- * Tony Wandel’s Heart by Georges Eekhoud, (na) News from the Moon ed. Brian M. Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2007; translated from the French (“Le Coeur de Tony Wandel”, Kermesses, 1884).
- * Tornadres by J.-H. Rosny, Aîné, (ss) The Mysterious Force and Other Anomalous Phenomena by J.-H. Rosny & Aîné, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010
- * The Tower of Destiny by Joseph Méry, (ss) The Tower of Destiny and Other Stories by Joseph Méry, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2012; translated from the French (“Histoire de ce qui n’est pas arrivé”, 1854).
- * The Tower of Destiny and Other Stories by Joseph Méry, (Black Coat Press, June 2012, co)
- * The Transportation of Forces by Jean Rameau, (ss) The Mirror of Present Events and Other French Scientific Romances ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2016; translated from the French (Fantasmagories: Histoires Rapides, 1887).
- * The Tribulations of an Angler by Alphonse Brown, (ss) The Conqueror of Death ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2013; translated from the French (“Les tribulations d’un pêcheur à la ligne”, La Science Illustrée, August 21, 1891 - November 21, 1891).
- * The Truth About Creation by Joseph Méry, (ss) The Tower of Destiny and Other Stories by Joseph Méry, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2012; translated from the French (“La Verité sur la Creation”, 1836).
- * The Truth About Faust by Maurice Renard, (ss) The Doctored Man by Maurice Renard, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010; translated from the French (“La vérité sur Faust”, Le Carnaval du mystère, 1929).
- * The Truth About the Chicago Exhibition by Alphonse Allais, (ss) The Adventures of Captain Cap by Alphonse Allais, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2013; translated from the French.
- * Tsadé by Renée Dunan, (nv) The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2022; translated from the French (from Baal, ou la magicienne passionée, 1924).
- * The Unfortunate Fraud by Jean de Mailly, (ss) The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2018; translated from the French.
- * Unravelling the Thread by Jean-Claude Dunyach (with Ann Cale & Sheryl Curtis), (ss) Interzone #133, July 1998; translated from the French (“Déchiffrer la Trame”, Galaxies #4, April 1997).
- * The Uraniad by Pierre Bremond, (ss) The Nickel Man ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2016; translated from the French (“L’Uraniade, ou Esop juge à la cour d’Uranie, scènes dialoguées au sujet des hypotheses Newtoniennes:songe scientifique”, 1844).
- * The Veridical Ascension Through History of James Stout Brighton by Gaston de Pawlowski, (ss) The Revolt of the Machines ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2014; translated from the French (“La Véridique ascension dans l’histoire de James Stout Brighton”, 1909).
- * Voyages in the Microcosm by Emmerich de Vattel, (ss) Nemoville ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Voyages dans le microcosme, par un disciple moderne de Pythagore”, Poliergie, 1757).
- * A Voyage to Paraguay-Roux by Henri Delmotte, (ss) The New Moon ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“Voyage pittoresque et industriel dans le Paraguay-Roux et la Palingénesie australe, par Trédace-Nafé Théobrôme de Kaout’t’tchouk, gentilhomme Breton, sous-aide ? l’établissement des elyso-pompes, etc.”, 1835).
- * Voyage to the Planet Venus by Charles Guyon, (ss) The Man with the Blue Face ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“Voyage dans la planete Venus”, 1888).
- * War in 1894 by Adrien Robert, (ss) The Germans on Venus ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2009; translated from the French (“La guerre en 1894”, Contes fantasques et fantastiques, 1867).
- * Wedding Night by Catulle Mendès, (ss) The Exigent Shadow & Other Strange Obsessions by Catulle Mendès, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2019
- * What We Shall See by Joseph Méry, (ss) The Tower of Destiny and Other Stories by Joseph Méry, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2012; translated from the French (“Ce qu’on verra”).
- * When Hens Had Teeth by Maurice Renard, (ss) The Doctored Man by Maurice Renard, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010; translated from the French (“Quand les poules avaient des dents”, Le Matin, February 11, 1939).
- * Where Will Science Stop? by Alphonse Allais, (ss) The Adventures of Captain Cap by Alphonse Allais, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2013; translated from the French.
- * The White Lady of the Marshes by Paul Féval, (na) Anne of the Isles and Other Legends of Brittany by Paul Féval, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2007
- * Wood’sTown by Alphonse Daudet, (ss) The World Above the World ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Wood’sTown”, 1874).
- * A World Above the World by Henri Lanos & Jules Perrin, (na) The World Above the World ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Un monde sur le monde”).
- * The Xipéhuz by J.-H. Rosny, Aîné, (nv) The Navigators of Space and Other Alien Encounters by J.-H. Rosny & Aîné, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2010; translated from the French (“Les Xipéhuz”, L’Immolation, 1887).
- * The X-Ray by Charles Recolin, (ss) The World Above the World ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2011; translated from the French (“Le Rayon X”, 1896).
- * The Year 2800, or, The Dream of Recluse by Turrault de Rochecorbon, (ss) The Aerial Valley ed. Brian M. Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“L’an 2800”, 1829).
- * Year 330 of the Republic by Maurice Spronck, (na) Investigations of the Future ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2012; translated from the French (“L’an 330 de la République : XXIIe siècle de l’ère chrétienne”, 1894).
_____, [ref.]
- * Aliens Are Quite Nice Guys: Brian Stableford Interview by John Kenny, (iv) Albedo One #13, 1997
- * The Angel of Pain by John Clute, (br) Interzone #53, November 1991
- * Architects of Emortality by David Langford, (br) Foundation #77, Autumn 1999
- * Architects of Emortality by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #151, January 2000
- * Balance of Power by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #8, Summer 1984
- * Brian Stableford by Robert Reginald, (bg) Once Upon a Future ed. Robert Reginald, Borgo Press, 2011
- * Brian Stableford Interviewed by Barbara Godwin, (iv) infinity plus September 2006
- * Brian Stableford talks to Mary O’Keefe by Mary O’Keefe, (iv) Scheherazade #28, 2005
- * British “Scientific Romance” by David Y. Hughes, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies #41, March 1987
- * The Cassandra Complex by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #168, June 2001
- * Chimera’s Cradle by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #122, August 1997
- * The City of the Sun by Elton Elliott, (br) Science Fiction Review #28, November/December 1978
- * A Clash of Symbols: The Triumph of James Blish by Anthony Wolk, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980
- * Complications and Other Stories by Russell Blackford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #205, September 2005
- * Cremators of Science Fiction, 1 & 2: Brian Stableford & John Clute by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #130, April 1998
- * Critical Threshold by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #21, May 1977
- * Custer’s Last Stand/The Cosmic Perspective by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * Dark Ararat by Liz Williams, (br) Interzone #180, June/July 2002
- * Dark Ararat by Alec Austin, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #166, June 2002
- * Dark Ararat by Nick Gifford, (br) Foundation #87, Spring 2003
- * The Dedalus Book of Femmes Fatales by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * The Empire of Fear by Stan Nicholls, (br) Interzone #27, January/February 1989
- * The Empire of Fear by Kenneth V. Bailey, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * The Empire of Fear by James Cappio, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #39, November 1991
- * Exotic Sarcasm and the War Against Death: Brian Stableford’s Future History Series by Nick Gevers, (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 2000
- * The Fenris Device by W. Ritchie Benedict, (br) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- * The Gates of Eden by Garth Spencer, (br) Science Fiction Review #49, November 1983
- * Hauntings (2020) (with Édouard Dujardin) by Reggie Oliver, (br) Wormwood #34, 2020
- * Inherit the Earth by Andy Robertson, (br) Interzone #135, September 1998
- * In Memoriam: Brian Stableford by Sheila Williams, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2024
- * The Innsmouth Heritage by S. T. Joshi, (br) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Spring 1995
- * An Interview by Jeff VanderMeer, (iv) Redsine (online) #4, February 2001
- * Interview: Brian Stableford by Jeffrey M. Elliot, (iv) Starship #42, Summer/Fall 1981
- * An Interview with Brian Stableford by Peter Grehan, (iv) Beyond the Boundaries #6, Winter 1995
- * Journey to the Center by Paul McGuire, III, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982
- * The Last Days of the Edge of the World by Pamela Cleaver, (br) Foundation #18, January 1980
- * The Losing of Paradise: Brian Stableford by Roz Kaveney, (bg) Interzone #27, January/February 1989
- * New Worlds of Fantasy by Stephen William Theaker, (iv) Dark Horizons #56, March 2010
- * Optiman by Mark Willard, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, Summer 1982
- * Optiman by Colin Greenland, (br) Foundation #22, June 1981
- * Plague Daemon by Peter T. Garratt, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * Rats, Humans and Other Minor Vermin: An Assessment of Brian Stableford’s Novels by David Pringle, (ar) Foundation #15, January 1979
- * The Realms of Tartarus by C. J. Cherryh, (br) Galileo #6, 1978
- * Salamander’s Fire by Kenneth V. Bailey, (br) Foundation #68, Autumn 1996
- * Salamander’s Fire by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #112, October 1996
- * Scientific Romance in Britain by John Clute, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Scientific Romance in Britain 1890-1950 by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #14, Winter 1985/1986
- * Serpent’s Blood by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #100, October 1995
- * Serpent’s Blood by Kenneth V. Bailey, (br) Foundation #68, Autumn 1996
- * Sexual Chemistry: Sardonic Tales of the Genetic Revolution by John Clute, (br) Interzone #50, August 1991
- * The Sociology of Science Fiction by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- * Special Focus on Brian M. Stableford by Steven Lawrence Goldstein, (ar) Thrust April 1973
- * Special Focus on Brian M. Stableford by Steven Lawrence Goldstein, (ar) Thrust Science Fiction November 1974
- * Stapledon with Sarcasm by Nick Gevers, (iv) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * Tales of the Wandering Jew by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #53, November 1991
- * The Third Millennium: A History of the World AD 2000-3000 (with David Langford) by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * The Third Millennium: A History of the World, AD 2000-3000 (with David Langford) by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985
- * Vampire City (with Paul Féval) by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #155, May 2000
- * Vampire Technology by John Gilbert, (iv) Fear #21, September 1990
- * The Way to Write Science Fiction by Liz Holliday, (br) Focus #17, April 1989
- * The Way to Write Science Fiction by Andrew M. Butler, (br) Focus #24, June/July 1993
- * The Werewolves of London by John Clute, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * The Werewolves of London by Robert K. J. Killheffer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #52, December 1992
- * Wildeblood’s Empire by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979
- * Year Zero by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000
- * Year Zero by Kenneth V. Bailey, (br) Foundation #81, Spring 2001
- * Young Blood by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #69, March 1993
- * [letter] by Brian W. Aldiss, (lt) Foundation #18, January 1980
- * [letter] by Jim England, (lt) Foundation #48, Spring 1990
- * [letter] by Gary Westfahl, (lt) Foundation #49, Summer 1990
- * [letter] by Robert A. W. Lowndes, (lt) Foundation #16, May 1979
[]Stabler, Harry Snowden (1865-1929) (chron.)
- * Big Banking and Big Business, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 5 1910
- * Brand’s Daughter, (nv) Ainslee’s August 1910
- * The Bridling of the Sea-Horse, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 9 1910
- * Captain Lambert’s Luck, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1908
- * The Cutting of Ham [Judy Mason], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 14 1908
- * A Fish Story-The Marvelous Tale of the Mysterious Menhaden, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1913
- * The Gentlemen from Missouri, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 24, Aug 7 1909
- * His Succulency - the Oyster, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 8, Apr 15, Apr 22 1911
- * Judy Mason—Muckraker [Judy Mason], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 31 1908
- * The Man Who Takes Your Money, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 4 1908
- * On a Field Sable, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1911
- * The Story of a Live Wire, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1913
- * “De Whipperwill” [Judy Mason], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 26 1908
- * The Zebra Mule, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 17 1920
[]Stabler, Marguerite (fl. 1890s-1920s) (chron.)
- * As It Was in the Beginning, (ss) The Pacific Monthly December 1908
- * At the Striking of a Match, (ss) The Pacific Monthly November 1906
- * A Bit of Blue China, (vi) Out West March 1911
- * Constantine, Victor, (ss) The Pacific Monthly November 1906
- * For the Little Blind God, (ss) People’s February 1909
- * For the Love of Lem Yet, (ss) Short Stories February 1904
- * The Gold That Glitters: The Inside Story of the Baron’s Wedding, (ss) The Blue Mule February 1906
- * “Greater Love Hath No Man”, (ss) The Pacific Monthly February 1907
- * Hooked Without a Bait, (pm) Sunset September 1904
- * An Idyll of the Range, (vi) Out West January 1911
- * O Te Quiero!, (ss) The Pacific Monthly October 1907
- * Panchita Takes a Hand, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly January 1926
- * The Secret of Ghost-Rock, (ss) Short Stories April 1907
- * To the Highest Bidder, (ss) The Pacific Monthly January 1907
_____, trans.
[]Stables, [Dr.] (William) Gordon (1840-1910) (about) (chron.)
- * Allan Adair; or, Here and There in Many Lands, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 1, Apr 8, Apr 15, Apr 22, Apr 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, Jun 3,
Jun 10, Jun 17, Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19,
Aug 26, Sep 2, Sep 9, Sep 16, Sep 23 1899
- * All Like a Dream, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1884
- * Are You Fit to Serve the King?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 9 1907
- * Athletics and Health, Part I, (ar) The Golden Argosy September 15 1888
- * Athletics and Health, Part II, (ar) The Golden Argosy September 22 1888
- * Athletics and How to Train for Athletic Sports, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Oct 21, Oct 28 1893
- * Bantams: and All About Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 7 1893
- * Bantams: For Pleasure and Profit, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 11 1887
- * Bird-Keeping for Boys; Or, Mules and How to Breed Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 20 1895
- * The Boy-Gentleman, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 21, Dec 28 1889
- * Boys’ Dogs and All About Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 3, Apr 10, Apr 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22 1880
- * Boy’s Dogs and All About Them (Second Series), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17 1887
- * The Boy’s Own Aviary of British Birds, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 27, Jun 3, Jun 10 1882
- * The Boy’s Own Caviary, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 28 1891
- * The Boy’s Own Fernery, with Hints About Rockeries, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 3, Aug 10 1889
- * The Boy’s Own Museum; or, Birds and Beasts and How to Stuff Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Oct 9, Oct 16, Oct 30, Nov 6, Nov 20, Nov 27, Dec 4 1880, Jan 1 1881
- * The Boy;s Own Pheasantry, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper May 3, May 10 1890
- * The Boy’s Own Poultry Run, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jun 10, Jun 24, Jul 8, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5 1882
- * Boys’ Pets, and how to Tame and Train Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jul 4, Jul 11 1885
- * British Birds and Their Treatment in Domesticity, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 18 1891
- * The Brothers Maclure, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper October 29 1887
- * The Butterfly Hunters, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18, Feb 25, Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18, Mar 25, Apr 1, Apr 8,
Apr 15, Apr 22, Apr 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, Jun 3, Jun 10, Jun 17, Jun 24,
Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29 1905
- * Cages and Hutches: How to Make Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 17, Mar 10, Mar 17 1883
- * The Camera Obscura: How to Make and Use it, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 25 1886
- * Camping out, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 17 1897
- * Camp Life for Boys, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 3 1892
- * Canaries How to Keep and Breed Them, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 8, Apr 15, Apr 29, May 6, May 13 1882
- * Caravan Life, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 7 1897
- * The Chinese or Knobbed Goose, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 12 1887
- * Chris Cunningham, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 4, Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30, Jun 6,
Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22,
Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26 1903
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