The FictionMags Index
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[]Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964) (chron.)
- * Are You Superstitious?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1936
- * Charles Waterton: The South American Wanderer, (ex) from English Eccentrics, Faber and Faber, 1933
- * Coming to London—XIV, (ar) The London Magazine April 1957
- * Daphne, (pm) Argosy (UK) September 1953
- * Face—or Mind-Lifting?, (ar) The London Magazine October 1927
- * Fashions for All, (ar) The London Magazine July 1928
- * How Old Will You Be Next Year?, (ar) Woman’s Journal September 1928
- * In Praise of Jean Cocteau, (ar) The London Magazine February 1956 [Ref. Jean Cocteau]
- * The Joys of a Family Christmas, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine December 1928
- * Louis de Rougemont, (ex) from English Eccentrics, Faber and Faber, 1933
- * Mr. Coates, Amateur of Fashion, (ex) from English Eccentrics, Faber and Faber, 1933
- * Of Wrath and Writers, (ar) Lilliput November 1959
- * The Song of Dido, (pm) Botteghe Oscure #2, 1948
- * Squire Mytton, (ex) from English Eccentrics, Faber and Faber, 1933
- * “True Development of Oneself”, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1927
- * Undergrowth, (ss) The Golden Hind January 1924
- * A Young Girl’s Song, (pm) The London Magazine May 1954
- * [letter] (with Peggy Ashcroft, Kenneth Clark, T. S. Eliot, Graham Greene, Augustus E. John, Louis MacNeice, Edwin Muir, Goronwy Rees, Osbert Sitwell, Vernon Watkins, Emlyn Williams & Walter de la Mare), (lt) The London Magazine February 1954
_____, [ref.]
[]Sitwell, [Sir] (Francis) Osbert (Sacheverell), Bart. (1892-1969) (about) (chron.)
- * An Author Kills a Country, (ar) Lilliput June 1940
- * Before the War, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Summer 1947
- * The City of the King of Angels, (ar)
- * Control the Food Controller!, (hu) The Strand Magazine November 1941
- * Dumb-Animal, (ss)
- * Four Songs of the Italian Earth, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine Spring 1948
- * General Conversation, (cl) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936
Jan, Feb 1937
- * The Greeting, (nv) Triple Fugue by Osbert Sitwell, 1925
- * Heck and Neck, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2724, June 1939
- * Interludes and Diversions, (ex) from Great Morning, Little, Brown, 1947
- * Jack and the Beanstalk, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1959
- * Judas, (pm) To-Day October 1918
- * The Love-Bird, (ss)
- * The Machine Breaks Down, (ss) The English Review December 1922
- * Making a Bolt for It, (ar) Lilliput September/October 1951
- * Moving House, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Spring 1974
- * My First Poem, (pm) The Times 1916; from The Times in March or April 1916.
- * Nash’s Commentary, (cl) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1934
- * The New Master, (bg) The Strand Magazine February 1947 [Ref. John Piper]
- * The Old School Tie, (ar) Lilliput July 1939
- * A Place of One’s Own, (na) Macmillan, 1941
- * Pomp and Pageantry, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1937
- * Ports of Call, (??) John o’ London’s Weekly June 9 1939
- * Royal Flight, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1935
- * Send the Public Schools to Germany, (ar) Lilliput April 1940
- * Set Up a Ministry of Muddle!, (hu) The Strand Magazine October 1941
- * Shopping in China, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1942
- * The Silence of God, (pm)
- * Sir George: Extracts from an Autobiography, (ex) from Laughter in the Next Room, Little, Brown, 1948
- * Song of a General’s Wife, (pm) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v1 #1, 1920
- * Touching Wood, (ss)
- * We Three, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1933
- * When First the Poets Sung, (pm) Harper’s Magazine July 1927
- * Winter the Huntsman, (pm)
- * [letter] (with Peggy Ashcroft, Kenneth Clark, T. S. Eliot, Graham Greene, Augustus E. John, Louis MacNeice, Edwin Muir, Goronwy Rees, Edith Sitwell, Vernon Watkins, Emlyn Williams & Walter de la Mare), (lt) The London Magazine February 1954
_____, [ref.]
[]Sitwell, Sacheverell (1897-1988) (chron.)
- * Les Chateaux de la Loire, (ar) Esquire September 1958
- * The Children’s Crusade, (ar) Lilliput June 1945
- * Clockwork and Wax Figures, (ar) Lilliput January 1948
- * L’Inconnue de la Seine, (ar) Lilliput April 1945
- * The Mad Son of Queensberry (with Francis Bamford), (ex) Edinburgh by Sacheverell Sitwell & Francis Bamford, Faber and Faber, 1938
- * “A pity that one cannot buy it in England…”, (ar) The Sunday Times 1951
- * Portrait of a Queen’s Room, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1947
- * Red Fog Over London, 1843, (ar) Lilliput January 1944
- * The Toadpool Poltergeist, (ex) from Poltergeists, Faber and Faber, 1940
[]Sivia, Harry (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Interview, (ss) Weird Tales July 1937
- * The Last of Mrs. DeBrugh, (ss) Weird Tales October 1937
- * No Witness, (nv) Complete Detective May 1938
- * Past Tense, (ss) Weird Tales September 1940
- * [letter from Palestine, TX], (lt) Weird Tales Apr, May, Aug, Nov 1937, Jan, Apr, Jul 1938
[]Sivier, David (chron.)
- * Black Harlequinade, (nv) Zest #6, Spring 1999
- * Conversations from the Wilderness of Dreams, (ss) Zest #7, Summer 1999
- * The Dandelion Spaceships, (ss) Zest #9, Winter 1999
- * The Famous Death Re-Enactment Society, (ss) Roadworks #13, Winter/Spring 2002
- * Homage in Purple Poesy, (ss) Zest #8, Autumn 1999
- * H.P. Lovecraft: Dark and Baroque Prince, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * The Persistence of Memory: Space, SF and Fantasy Art as the Successors of the Avant Garde, (ar) Zest #7, Summer 1999
- * Rossum’s Universal Robots, (ss) Sierra Heaven #4^12, 1998
- * Superman: First Hero of Comics at 60!, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #7, Winter 1998/1999
- * Virtual Societies: Computer Art and the Problem of Community, (ar) Sci-Fright #4, 1999
- * The Voices Beneath, (ss) Zest #5, Winter 1998
- * Wonder Woman: Comics’ Amazon Queen, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #8, Autumn 1999
[]Sixbury, Glenn R. (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Amends [Darkover], (ss) Snows of Darkover ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1994
- * Choices, (ss) E-scape September 1995
- * Circles [Darkover], (nv) Four Moons of Darkover ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1988
- * Destiny of Tara n’ha Sansela [Dargon], (ss) FSFnet v6 #3, 1986
- * If Looks Could Kill [Dargon], (ss) FSFnet v7 #1, 1987
- * IMHO (with Marie M. Loughin & David Phalen), (cl) E-scape #8, June 1998
- * IMHO (with David Phalen), (cl) E-scape #11, December 1998
- * IMHO (with David Phalen & Linda Teener), (cl) E-scape #9, August 1998
- * Oomp Bubba, (ss) International House of Bubbas ed. Selina Rosen, Yard Dog Press, 2005
- * Project Rip Van Winkle, (ss) FSFnet v6 #2, 1986
- * Sammy, (ss) Infinite Loop ed. Larry Constantine, Miller Freeman, 1993
- * Summer Storms [Darkover], (nv) Towers of Darkover ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 1993
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