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[]Robleski, Chris (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Bagdad Airstream, California (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * El Servicio, New Mexico (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Fair Adventure in Manchester, South Dakota (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * The Flash Nites (with Katie Robleski), (cv) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Futuro, Illinois (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Italiante, Illinois (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Jericho Bus, Illinois (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Jericho Super Deluxe, Texas (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Little House on the Prairie, South Dakota (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Lost Bus, Illinois (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Moonless Winterset, Kansas (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Okaton Pacer, South Dakota (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Ramsfield Truck, North Dakota (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * While You Were Sleeping (with Katie Robleski), (ar) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Winterset Return, Kansas (with Katie Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
[]Robleski, Katie (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Bagdad Airstream, California (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * El Servicio, New Mexico (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Fair Adventure in Manchester, South Dakota (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * The Flash Nites (with Chris Robleski), (cv) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Futuro, Illinois (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Italiante, Illinois (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Jericho Bus, Illinois (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Jericho Super Deluxe, Texas (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Little House on the Prairie, South Dakota (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Lost Bus, Illinois (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Moonless Winterset, Kansas (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Okaton Pacer, South Dakota (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Ramsfield Truck, North Dakota (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * While You Were Sleeping (with Chris Robleski), (ar) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
- * Winterset Return, Kansas (with Chris Robleski), (il) The Sirens Call #62, Summer 2023
[]Robogabo; pseudonym of Gabriel Garza (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Halo: Evolutions, Tor, 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Halo: Evolutions, Volume I, Tor, 2010
- * [front cover], (cv) Halo: Evolutions, Volume II, Tor, 2010
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Halo: Evolutions, Tor, 2009
[]Robson, Barbara (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Absolution, (nv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #15, October/November 2004
- * Baby Steps, (nv) One Small Step ed. Tehani Wessely, FableCroft Publishing, 2013
- * A Dark Lord’s Lament (his sorrowful sonnet), (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #12, April/May 2004
- * Lizzy Lou, (ss) Borderlands #3, January 2004
- * Mrs Estahazi, (ss) Belong ed. Russell B. Farr, Ticonderoga Publications, 2010
- * Neighbourhood Watch, (ss) Sprawl ed. Alisa Krasnostein, Twelfth Planet Press, 2010
- * Pregnant, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #11, February/March 2004
- * Theodora, (ss) Cranky Ladies of History ed. Tansy Rayner Roberts & Tehani Wessely, FableCroft Publishing, 2015
- * Welcome to Andromeda Spaceways In-flight Duty Free (with Stuart Barrow), (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #12, April/May 2004
[]Robson, Dick (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Badlands Savvy, (ss) Two-Gun Western August 1938
- * Blood Trail, (nv) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #135, July 1938
- * Brothers of the Owlhoot, (ss) Famous Western October 1940
- * Buzzards Roost High, (ss) Western Action June 1940
- * Cheaper to Marry the Girl, (ss) Romantic Range July 1937
- * Crazy as a Girl, (ss) Romantic Range January 1938
- * The Dead Are in the Saddle, (ss) Cowboy Short Stories November 1939
- * Free Range Fence Buster, (ss) Red Seal Western April 1938
- * Girl at the Pothook, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1938
- * Grenner Rides Alone, (ss) Western Short Stories June 1938
- * Heart of a Mummy, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1939
- * Hell’s Pay-Off, (ss) Western Short Stories March 1938
- * Law Comes to Custer Country, (ss) Cowboy Stories August/September 1937
- * Lyncher’s Legacy, (ss) Famous Western October 1939
- * A Montanan’s Herd Goes Through, (ss) Quick Trigger Western Novels Magazine March 1939
- * Nesters Graze in Hell, (na) Western Fiction Magazine August 1938
- * Ranch That Outlaws Built, (ss) Double Action Western September 1939
- * Rendezvous with Lead, (ss) Western Yarns June 1939
- * River of No Return, (ss) Top-Notch July/August 1937
- * Sheriff from the Owlhoot, (nv) Action-Packed Western September 1939
- * Sweeney of the Fishhook, (ss) Cowboy Stories December 1937
- * When a Man’s Married, (ss) Romantic Range August 1937
- * When a Trigger-Slick Dies, (ss) Cowboy Short Stories September 1939
- * You Can’t Turn Back, Girl, (ss) Romantic Range September 1938
[]Robson, Eddie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Avant Guardian [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: Time Signature ed. Simon Guerrier, Big Finish, 2006
- * The Light That Never Dies [Bernice Summerfield], (ss) Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Men Diaries ed. Paul Cornell, Big Finish, 2000
- * Not in My Back Yard [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: The History of Christmas ed. Simon Guerrier, Big Finish, 2005
- * The 6% Squeeze, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #60, September/October 2024
- * Visiting Hours [Doctor Who], (ss) Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Day in the Life ed. Ian Farrington, Big Finish, 2005
[]Robson, Isabel Suart (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Adventures of To-Day: The Finest Exploring Guide in the World, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 8 1900
- * Boys Who Have Risen: “Booker T. Washington”, The Slave Who Became President of a College, (bg) The Boy’s Own Paper August 19 1905
- * The Cave-Dwellers of Unknown Mexico, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 3 1904
- * The Conquest of Mount Aconcagua, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 4 1900
- * The Hidden Treasure of Cocos Island, (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1 1905
- * In Dwarfland and Cannibal Country, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 15 1900
- * The Longest Bicycle Ride Ever Attempted, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper November 11 1899
- * Peary’s Discovery of the North Pole, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 4 1911
- * Pioneering Across the Roof of the World, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 9 1911
- * Pioneering in the Antarctic Circle, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 22 1902
- * Present-Day Adventurers: Adventures and Discoveries in Tibet, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 17 1910
- * The Quest of the North-West Passage, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 5 1908
- * Sailing Alone Around the World, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 15 1902
- * Searching for a Siberian Klondyke, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper November 17 1906
- * Six Thousand Miles Through Central Asia, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper February 18 1899
- * Something Like an Outing: A Journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 25 1903
- * A Thousand Days in the Arctic, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper October 21 1899
- * A Traveller in the Great Closed Land, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper March 4 1899
- * The Voyage of the “Polar Star”, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 10 1904
[]Robson, Justina L(ouise) A(lice) (1968- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Adventurers’ League [Captain Nemo], (nv) The Mammoth Book of New Jules Verne Adventures ed. Mike Ashley & Eric Brown, Carroll & Graf, 2005
- * Alsiso, (ss) The Alsiso Project ed. Andrew Hook, Elastic Press, 2004
- * The American Planet: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Martian Melting Pot, (ar) Nova Express Winter/Spring 1998 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * The Blair Witch Project (1999), (ar) Cinema Macabre ed. Mark Morris, PS Publishing, 2006
- * By Any Other Name, (ss) Legends 3: Stories in Honour of David Gemmell ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2019
- * Characters, (ar) Focus #24, June/July 1993
- * Cracklegrackle, (nv) The New Space Opera 2 ed. Gardner Dozois & Jonathan Strahan, Eos, 2009
- * Deadhead, (ss) The Third Alternative #11, Winter 1996/1997
- * Dreadnought, (vi) Nature #7033, March 31 2005
- * Erie Lackawanna Song, (nv) Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2009
- * Excerpt from “Quantum Gravity 1: Keeping it Real”, (ex) Concussed ed. Bridget Bradshaw, Farah Mendlesohn & Peter Young, Concussion, 2006
- * “Fantasy Needs More Industrial Despair”, (ar) Nova Express Spring/Summer 2001 [Ref. China Miéville]
- * Forum:
* ___ Characters, (cl) Focus #24, June/July 1993
* ___ Politics, Culture, Autobiography—What Responsibilities Have We?, (cl) Focus #27, December 1994/January 1995
- * Foxy and Tiggs, (nv) Infinity’s End ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2018
- * A Game of Clones, (ss) Night, Rain, and Neon ed. Michael Cobley, NewCon Press, 2022
- * The Girl Hero’s Mirror Says He’s Not the One, (ss) Fast Forward 1 ed. Lou Anders, Pyr, 2007
- * Guest Editorial, (ed) The Third Alternative #36, Autumn 2003
- * Heart of Largeness, or Space Opera as Soap Opera: Books 1 & 2 of Peter F. Hamilton’s Night’s Dawn Trilogy, (br) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1998 [Ref. Peter F. Hamilton]
- * Hello! Freda Warrington, (iv) FantasyCon XXII Program Book ed. Debbie Bennett, FantasyCon, 1998 [Ref. Freda Warrington]
- * I Give You the Moon, (ss) Tomorrow’s Parties ed. Jonathan Strahan, The MIT Press, 2022
- * Introduction, (in) The 1000 Year Reich by Ian Watson, NewCon Press, 2016
- * Legolas Does the Dishes, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * The Little Bear, (ss) Constellations ed. Peter Crowther, DAW, 2005
- * No Man’s Island, (ss) The Third Alternative #15, 1998
- * One Shot, (vi) New Scientist September 19 2009
- * On Skybolt Mountain, (ss) Fearsome Magics ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2014
- * The Other Dandy Washington, (ss) Say… #3, 2003
- * Politics, Culture, Autobiography—What Responsibilities Have We?, (ar) Focus #27, December 1994/January 1995
- * Pullman’s Dark Materials: Refreshes the Parts Other Fantasies Cannot Reach, (br) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1998
- * Pwnage, (ss) Twelve Tomorrows ed. Stephen Cass, MIT Technology Review, 2013
- * S’elfie, (ss) Mother of Invention ed. Rivqa Rafael & Tansy Rayner Roberts, Twelfth Planet Press, 2018
- * The Seventh Series, (ss) F20 #2, 2001
- * Stranger Angels: Storm Constantine’s Grigori Trilogy, (ar) Nova Express Winter/Spring 1998 [Ref. Storm Constantine]
- * Trésor, (ss) The Third Alternative #3, Summer 1994
- * An Unremarkable Man, (ss) Shrouded by Darkness ed. Alison L. R. Davies, Telos, 2006
- * [letter], (lt) Focus #25 Dec/Jan 1993, #27 Dec/Jan 1994, #28 Aug/Sep 1995
_____, [ref.]
- * 23 Entirely Serious Questions: Justina Robson Interviewed by Stuart Carter by Stuart Carter, (iv) infinity plus January 2005
- * Down to the Bone by Juliet E. McKenna, (br) Interzone #234, May/June 2011
- * The Glorious Angels by Jim Steel, (br) Interzone #257, March/April 2015
- * Going Under by Niall Harrison, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #248, April 2009
- * Justina Robson on Silver Screen by Rosanne Rabinowitz, (iv) The Third Alternative #21, 1999
- * Keeping It Real by Sean Melican, (br) Ideomancer June 2007
- * Keeping It Real by Janine Stinson, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #237, May 2008
- * Living Next Door to the God of Love by Lucy Kemnitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #213, May 2006
- * Living Next-Door to the God of Love by Niall Harrison, (br) Interzone #202, February 2006
- * Mappa Mundi by Paul Kincaid, (br) Foundation #84, Spring 2002
- * Meat vs. Machine: Natural History by M. John Harrison, (br) The Guardian June 7 2003
- * Natural History by David Langford, (br) Foundation #89, Autumn 2003
- * Selling Out by Jenny Blackford, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #248, April 2009
- * Silver Screen by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #150, December 1999
- * Silver Screen by Sean Melican, (br) Ideomancer March 2006
- * Silver Screen by Joan Gordon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #216, August 2006
- * The Switch by Jack Deighton, (br) Interzone #271, July/August 2017
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