The FictionMags Index
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Ridge, W(illiam) Pett (chron.) (continued)
- * In the Corridors, (pl) The Ludgate May 1896
- * In the Public Eye, (ss) The Smart Set September 1913
- * In the Reserved Compartment, (pl) The Idler November 1896
- * In the Service, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1916
- * The Junior Partner, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1911
- * The Last Chapter, (ss) The Ludgate November 1896
- * Leaps and Bounds, (ss) The Home Magazine (UK) March 1924
- * The Lieutenant Obeys Orders, (ss) The Monthly Story Magazine June 1906
- * The Lift, (ss) Gaiety December 1922
- * The Little Brown ’Bus, (hu) The Penny Magazine #296, 1904
- * London at Sixpence:
* ___ I): Half-Price at the Play, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 1907
* ___ II: Back to the ’Fifties, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1907
* ___ III: Table d’Hôte, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 1907
- * The Love Affair of Herbert John Laws, (ss) Black & White
- * Love and Hate, (ss) The Smart Set November 1913
- * The Manners of London, (ss) The Woman at Home January 1901
- * The Man Who Had a Conscience, (ss) (error, actually by Herbert Gubbins) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1912
- * Master Waller, Diplomatist, (ss) The Woman at Home October 1897
- * May and October, (ss) The World & His Wife #7, May 1905
- * Me and My Duty, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1905
- * Medlock’s Reputation, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine February 1906
- * Merry Springtime, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1922
- * Military Tactics, (ss) The London Magazine December 1904
- * Miss Chislehurst’s Sister, (ss) The Woman at Home August 1897
- * Miss Crowther and a Celebrity, (vi) The Tatler October 5 1904
- * The Misses Ladford, (ss) The Woman at Home September 1898
- * Miss Gray from Australia, (ss) The Ludgate February 1897
- * Miss Till’s Predicament, (ss) The London Magazine October 1902
- * Mr and Mrs Ranger with Misfortune Intervening, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1902
- * Mr. Barling’s Income, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1899
- * Mr. Stephen Blake: Old Boy, (ss) The Ludgate #58, August 1900
- * Mr. Wentworth’s Score, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1896
- * A Model Crime, (ss) The Idler March 1896
- * Modern Invention, (ss) Winter’s Pie Winter 1912
- * Mrs. Ballard’s First, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1900
- * Mrs. Bingham’s Foot, (ss) The Idler July 1897
- * Mrs. Hatt from Craven House, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1927
- * Mrs. Robson’s Discovery, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1923
- * A Musical Prodigy, (ss) The Woman at Home April 1901
- * “My Best Story and Why I Think So”:
* ___ 7. His Cheap Bravo, (ss) London Only: A Set of Common Occurrences by William Pett Ridge, Hodder & Stoughton., 1901
- * My Brother Edward, (ss) The London Magazine December 1908
- * My Friend Borrodaile, (vi) Printers’ Pie 1906
- * Myself and Miss Conway, (ss) To-Day
- * My View of London, (ar) The London Magazine May 1904
- * A New Christmas Carol, (ss) The Cosmopolitan December 1901
- * New Features, (vi) Printers’ Pie 1913
- * The New Recruit, (ss) The Busy Man’s Magazine November 1910
- * A New Scheme, (ss) The Westminster Gazette
- * No. 6534, (ss) Holly Leaves December 1905
- * An Obstinate Bachelor, (ss) New Budget
- * An Obtrusive Admirer, (ss) The Ludgate April 1896
- * Odd Trick to the Butler, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #148, March 2 1912
- * Oh, Liberty!, (ss)
- * Omens and Mr. Chapman, (ss) Printers’ Pie 1907
- * On Giving Presents, (sy) The Idler October 1896
- * On the Central, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1896
- * Orchestral Recitals, (pl) Printers’ Pie 1905
- * Over London Bridge, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1901
- * Parallel Lines, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1919
- * Parental Pride, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1910
- * The Part Lieutenant Fireham Played, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 30 1898
- * Photographic Proofs, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1915
- * Physical Drill, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1918
- * Physical Phenomena, (ss) The Flag ed. Major H. F. Trippel, Daily Mail, 1908
- * Plagiarism, (ar) The Idler June 1895
- * Pleasures of the Chase, (vi) The Tatler December 28 1904
- * The Pleasure Trip, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1925
- * A Politician’s Character, (ss) The Wave July 20 1895
- * Popular Imitations, (vi) Printers’ Pie 1912
- * The Popular Vote (A Diverting Study in Rustic Cleverness), (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1909
- * Preparing for the Infantry, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1901
- * Presentations at Court, (pl) The Idler April 1896
- * Professor Cookson’s Séance, (pl) New Budget
- * Profit and Loss, (vi) The Daily Mail January 14 1905
- * Progress of Pa, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1917
- * A Public Servant, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine March 1919
- * A Question of Policy, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1900
- * The Quick Change, (vi) The London Magazine July 1907
- * Railway Man’s Wife, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1904
- * Receipts and Disbursements, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine October 1924
- * Reconstituting the Circumstances, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1900
- * Repairing a Breach, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1901
- * The Result of Miss Knight’s Temper, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1897
- * Revolution at New Maldington, (ss) The Sunday Strand January 1900
- * The Romance of Miss Robinson, (ss) The Ludgate July 1897
- * Rules of the Game, (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1908
- * The Salvation of Detective Furley, (vi) The London Magazine September 1903
- * Sanctuary, (ss) Winter’s Pie November 1923
- * “Savoir Faire”, (ss) The Story-teller March 1911
- * The Separation Order, (vi) Printers’ Pie 1918
- * Skating Stories, (sy) The Idler January 1895
- * Sketches from Life:
* ___ I.—The Veteran, (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1908
* ___ II.—An Excellent Tip, (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1908
* ___ III.—Rules of the Game, (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1908
* ___ IV.—Compromise, (vi) The Strand Magazine February 1909
* ___ V.—Common Scents, (vi) The Strand Magazine February 1909
- * Sound an Alarm, (ss) The Story-teller May 1916
- * Special Correspondence, (ms) Canada in Khaki #1, 1917
- * Special Pleading, (vi) Printers’ Pie 1914
- * A Sporting Effect, (ss) The Sketch December 26 1923
- * Spur of the Moment, (vi) Pearson’s Magazine July 1919
- * A Stormy Passage, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1899
- * Strike on the Box, (ss) The Story-teller January 1910
- * A Suburban “At Home”, (pl) The Idler February 1896
- * Sympathy, (vi) The Windsor Magazine December 1929
- * Table d’Hôte, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine November 1907
- * The Test, (ss) The Daily Mail November 22 1912
- * Their Busy Evening, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1927
- * The Thirteen Pound Look, (ar) The Royal Magazine October 1917
- * Through Force of Circumstance, (ss) The London Magazine September 1902
- * Time’s Method, (ss) The Story-teller January 1908
- * To the Perfect Man, (pm) Printers’ Pie 1910
- * Train Tales—No. 2. The Eleven Forty-Five p.m., (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1896
- * Trial and Verdict, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1901
- * Trimble’s Behaviour, (ss) The London Magazine January 1906
- * Trying Times, (ss) The Daily Mail October 28 1902
- * Twenty Years After, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1918
- * Twice Knightly, (vi) Winter’s Pie Winter 1913
- * Two at the Play, (th) The Idler May 1899
- * The United Family, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1919
- * The Value of Contradiction, (vi) Winter’s Pie Winter 1917
- * A Vanished Humorist, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1912
- * The Vendetta, (ss)
- * Vérité et Cie., (ss) Chapman’s Magazine August 1896
- * Very Much Engaged, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1923
- * The Veteran, (vi) The Strand Magazine November 1908
- * Voluntary Contributions, (ss) Gaiety April 1922
- * Voluntary Subscriptions, (ss) Printers’ Pie 1915
- * Wanted, an Under Housemaid, (vi) The Tatler September 28 1904
- * The Way Out, (ss) Leaps and Bounds by W. Pett Ridge, Mills, 1924
- * Wedding Favours, (ss) The Corner Magazine October 1928
- * Week-End Returns, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1926
- * What 1916 Has Taught Us, (ar) The Royal Magazine January 1917
- * What Good Resolutions Do You Want Your Friends to Make for the New Year?, (sy) The Idler January 1898
- * What Great Events—, (ss)
- * What They Will Say on Jubilee Day, (pl) The Windsor Magazine June 1897
- * Who Is the Biggest Fool in the World?, (sy) The Idler April 1896
- * Wife of F.J. Wall, (vi) The Tatler November 9 1904
- * With the Moonlighters, (ss) The Ludgate June 1896
- * The Woman Who Remained, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1900
- * A Wonderful Start, (ss) The London Magazine May 1912
- * The Word of a Woman or Two, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1902
- * Young Platitude, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1899
_____, [ref.]
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