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[]Childs, Edmund Burton (1887-1972); used pseudonym Edmund Burton (chron.)
- * The Affair of the Mystic Bell, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1969, as by Edmund Burton
- * All for Carrington!, (ss) Chums November 10 1923, as by Edmund Burton
- * Baby Face, (ss) Chums July 23 1921, as by Edmund Burton
- * Bronze Orchids, (ss) Chums September 12 1926, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Bronze Statuette, (ss) Leisure Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1967, as by Edmund Burton
- * Carpenter’s Craft, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1953, as by Edmund Burton
- * Cataclysm!, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1962, as by Edmund Burton
- * Christmas—and “Crackers!”, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1961, as by Edmund Burton
- * Coins, Colts and Crooks (with Reginald Glossop), (ss) Chums August 16 1924, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Cowboy ’Tec, (ss) A New Ideal Book for Boys 1971, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Dark Horse, (ss) Chums April 16 1921, as by Edmund Burton
- * Dead Man’s Gold!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1133, February 24 1923, as by Edmund Burton
- * Death Canyon, (ss) Chums July 3 1927, as by Edmund Burton
- * Diamonds Overland, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1945
- * Dicky’s Amphibian, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1966, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Doom Charm, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1945, as by Edmund Burton
- * Driver Dunn, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Dutchmen’s Derby (with Reginald Glossop), (ss) Chums March 31 1923, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * Effective Detectives, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1960, as by Edmund Burton
- * Eire To-day, (nf) Seasons #1, Summer 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Fantastic Flowers, (ss) Chatterbox Annual 1950, as by Edmund Burton
- * Fiend of Formosa, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1945
- * Flowers of Fate, (ss) Chatterbox 1943, as by Edmund Burton
- * For England and Gloriana, (ss) Chatterbox 1943, as by Edmund Burton
- * Forrester, of Halbury, (ss) Chums September 5 1926, as by Edmund Burton
- * Fortune Rides High!, (ss) A Supreme Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1973, as by Edmund Burton
- * Four in Hand, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1948, as by Edmund Burton
- * Fur and Muscle, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Ghost of Garron’s Cave!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1115, October 21 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Ghost Submarine, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1945, as by Edmund Burton
- * Golden Bait, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1950, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Great Gazette, (ss) Chums July 8 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Green Cat!, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1935, 1934, as by Edmund Burton
- * Grizzly Vengeance (with Reginald Glossop), (ss) Chums October 21 1922, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * The Guardian of the Pearl Cave, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * Gunmen and Gold, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 194?, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Hand of Fate! [Dr. Brown’s Academy], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1135, March 10 1923, as by Edmund Burton
- * The House Beside the Fall, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957, as by Edmund Burton
- * How I Built the “Venus”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1914, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Infallible Burglar-Trap, (ss) Chums February 1 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * In the Shadow of the Guillotine, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Jewels of Kung (with Reginald Glossop), (ss) Chums May 23 1926, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * Lariat Lad, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1962, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Legacy, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1951, as by Edmund Burton
- * Listening-Cup Larks!, (ss) Super Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1965, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Luck of Lancaster! (with Reginald Glossop), (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1156, August 4 1923, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * Made in Montana, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1945, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Magic Monster of St Maggie’s, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1961, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Man from Ohio!, (ss) The Boys’ Realm #55, April 15 1920, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Man Who Knew, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1951
- * Master of Mystery, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1951, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Miracles of Mulligan:
* ___ No. 1—Mirth and a Motor Boat, (ss) Chums December 28 1924, as by Edmund Burton
* ___ No. 2—The Spook-Catcher, (ss) Chums January 4 1925, as by Edmund Burton
* ___ No. 3—That Marvellous Soap!, (ss) Chums January 11 1925, as by Edmund Burton
* ___ No. 4—The Never-Fail Cough Cure, (ss) Chums January 18 1925, as by Edmund Burton
* ___ No. 5—The Wonderful Fire Escape, (ss) Chums January 25 1925, as by Edmund Burton
* ___ No. 6—The Infallible Burglar-Trap, (ss) Chums February 1 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * Mirth and a Motor Boat, (ss) Chums December 28 1924, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Mogul’s Eye, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * Mystery Lagoon, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1958, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Mystery of Kittiwake Rock, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Mystery of Prior’s Pillar, (ss) Chatterbox 1944, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Mystery of Ravenscar, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1923, 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Mystery of the “Indian Queen”, (ss) Chatterbox 1939, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Never-Fail Cough Cure, (ss) Chums January 18 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * Northland Trail, (ss) Chatterbox Annual 1951, as by Edmund Burton
- * Oh, Blazes!, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1959, as by Edmund Burton
- * Open the Door!, (pm) The Red Magazine December 1918, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Phantom Aeroplane, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1098, June 24 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Phantom Junk, (ss) New Super Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1970, as by Edmund Burton
- * Pity the Poor Bard!, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1960, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Prairie Wolf, (ss) Chums October 26 1924, as by Edmund Burton
- * A Queer Bird, the Raven!, (ar) A New Ideal Book for Boys 1974, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Quest of the Golden Orchid, (sl) Chums Dec 13, Dec 20, Dec 27 1919, Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24, Jan 31 1920, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Ranger Gets His Men, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1942, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Ravenscrest Riddle, (ss) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958, as by Edmund Burton
- * Red Lights…Danger!, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1951, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Red Riders, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1972, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Riddle of Rinaldo, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1950, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Riddle of the Island, (ss) Super Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1965, as by Edmund Burton
- * Riddle of the Ring, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1949
- * Rivals of the River, (ss) Chatterbox 1945, as by Edmund Burton
- * Rivals of the Rope, (ss) Chums January 7 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * “Rivals of the Sky”, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1942, as by Edmund Burton
- * “River of Stars”, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * Royal Double, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1945
- * The Sacred Tiger, (ss) Chums June 5 1920, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Scourge of Commerce, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1942, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Scourge of the Bush (with Reginald Glossop), (ss) Chums July 12 1924, as by Edmund Burton & Reginald Glossop
- * The Secret of Abbot’s Tower, (ss) Chums November 15 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Secret of Abbotsvale, (ss) Chums February 10 1923, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Shadow of Soochow, (ss) Thrilling Stories for Boys 1941, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Silence, (sl) The Magnet Library Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10, Jul 17, Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21 1920, as by Edmund Burton
- * Snake in the Grass, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1948, as by Edmund Burton
- * Snake of the Night, (ss) A New Ideal Book for Boys 1971, as by Edmund Burton
- * Soap Springs Eternal, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1960, as by Edmund Burton
- * Son of the Northland, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1969, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Spook-Catcher, (ss) Chums January 4 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Square Peg, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1950, as by Edmund Burton
- * Stampede!, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1962, as by Edmund Burton
- * Stowaway’s Luck, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1943, as by Edmund Burton
- * Sunset Trail, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1954, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Terrific Thief-Taker, (ss) Superb Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1964, as by Edmund Burton
- * That Marvellous Soap!, (ss) Chums January 11 1925, as by Edmund Burton
- * Thief in the Night, (ss) Premier Book for Boys 1969, as by Edmund Burton
- * Thunder of Hoofs, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1932, 1931, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Tower Stair, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1949, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Treasure of Tresham Towers, (ss) A Supreme Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1973, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Trestle of Death, (ss) Chums March 13 1920, as by Edmund Burton
- * Trestle of Terror!, (ss) New Super Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1970, as by Edmund Burton
- * Tribal Foes, (ss) Chatterbox 1943, as by Edmund Burton
- * Twice Trailed, (ss) Champion Book for Boys 1952, as by Edmund Burton
- * Two Birds, (ss) Chums January 6 1923, as by Edmund Burton
- * What Price Burglars!, (ss) Monster Book for Boys 1954, as by Edmund Burton
- * When Fatty Tried Acting [Dr. Brown’s Academy], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #684, July 18 1914, as by Edmund Burton
- * White Eagle’s Papoose, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1972, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Whiteness of Whitey, (ss) Chums April 8 1922, as by Edmund Burton
- * Who Said “Ghosts”?, (ss) Ideal Book for Boys 1957, as by Edmund Burton
- * Wolf of the Plains, (ss) Leisure Book for Boys, Dean & Son, 1967, as by Edmund Burton
- * The Wonderful Fire Escape, (ss) Chums January 25 1925, as by Edmund Burton
_____, [ref.]
[]Childs, Eleanor Stuart; [née Patterson] (1872-1952); used pseudonym Eleanor Stuart (chron.)
- * The Appearance of Evil, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine July 1909, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Bibi Steinfeld’s Hunting, (ss) McClure’s Magazine March 1909, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Brothers Implacable, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine November 1903, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Care of Her Child, (ss) Temple Bar February 1904, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Charm He Never So Wisely, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1896, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * A Cup of Cocoa, (ss) McClure’s Magazine August 1910, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Death March, (ss) The Bellman July 13 1907, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Deeper Diagnosis, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1915, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * A Delusion of Grandeur, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine March 1903, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Emblem of Home, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1905, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Grist to the Mill, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1904, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * June, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine July 1911, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Lieutenant’s Messenger, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine November 1905, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * A Life-Long Lock, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1911, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Minus Margaretta, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1910, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Mullah’s Prisoner, (ss) Tropical Adventures April 1928, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Nun of the Red Chalice, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) January 1910, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Outposts of Empire, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1909, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Perfect Servant, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine July 1925, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Pied Pipers of Angolar, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine January 1912, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * A Splendid Pawn, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1910, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Stranger Within Their Gates, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine December 1901, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * The Tax at Lipi-Lipi, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 1913, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Three Blind Mice, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine July 1908, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * Under His Eye, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine February 1903, as by Eleanor Stuart
- * “The Year’s at the Spring”, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine April 1912, as by Eleanor Stuart
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