The FictionMags Index
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[]Park, J. B. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Camouflage, (ss) Lackington’s #14, Spring 2017
- * Chop Shop, (ss) Lightspeed Magazine / Nightmare Magazine 2012 Sampler ed. John Joseph Adams, 2012
- * Human Pilots, (ss) Strange Horizons August 21 2017
- * It Was Educational, (ss) Clarkesworld #107, August 2015
- * Molting Season, (ss) The Dark #33, February 2018
- * Porcupine, (ss) Gamut Magazine #3, March 2017
- * Real Ghosts, (ss) Clarkesworld #126, March 2017
- * Reenactment, (ss) Liminal Stories #4, Fall/Winter 2017
- * Shooting Gallery, (ss) Lightspeed #78, November 2016
- * Six Months After All Life on Titan Died, (ss) Lightspeed #158, July 2023
[]Park, J. R. (fl. 2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Diamond in the Rough, (ss) Splatterpunk Forever ed. Jack Bantry & Kit Power, Splatterpunk Zine, 2018
- * The Last Horror Story, (ss) Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Four ed. Tracy Fahey & J. R. Park, Sinister Horror Company, 2018
- * Mary, (nv) Matt Shaw Presents Masters of Horror ed. Matt Shaw, Matt Shaw Publications, 2017
- * The Ugly, (nv) Black Room Manuscripts: Volume Three ed. Daniel Marc Chant & J. R. Park, Sinister Horror Company, 2018
_____, ed.
[]Park, Jeffrey (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Attack from Outer Space, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2017
- * Change of the Guard, (pm) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * Customary Use, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2012
- * Doppler, (pm) Focus #63, Winter 2014/2015
- * Fallen, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2022
- * First Light, (pm) Black Petals (online) #99, Spring 2022
- * From Above, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * Jaws 3D, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Jaws 3D and Others—Four Poems, (gp) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * My Secret, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Night Run, (pm) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * The Other Side, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Prosthesis, (pm) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * Routine Maintenance, (pm) Black Petals (online) #64, Summer 2013
- * Setting False Modesty Aside for a Moment, (pm) Black Petals (online) #72, Summer 2015
- * Soul Music, (pm) Black Petals (online) #99, Spring 2022
- * Stalker, (pm) Black Petals (online) #99, Spring 2022
- * Stand By, (pm) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * Standing Watch, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * Trolling, (pm) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * untitled (“By sheer coincidence”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * untitled (“From the inside our windows”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * Zombies in Space, (pm) Black Petals (online) #99, Spring 2022
[]Park, Jihyun (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
_____, trans.
- * An Evolutionary Myth by Bo-Young Kim (with Gord Sellar), (nv) Clarkesworld #104, May 2015; translated from the Korean (“Jinhwa sinhwa”, HappySF, Volume 2, 2006).
- * The Flowering by Soyeon Jeong (with Gord Sellar), (ss) Clarkesworld #151, April 2019; translated from the Korean (Dokjaeja, Bbul, 2010).
- * How Alike Are We by Bo-Young Kim (with Gord Sellar), (na) Clarkesworld #157, October 2019; translated from the Korean (Because We Still Have Time, 2018).
- * The People from the Dead Whale by Djuna (with Gord Sellar), (ss) Clarkesworld #204, September 2023; translated from the Korean (Pandemic, Moonji Publishing Company, 2020).
- * The Peppers of GreenScallion by Bae Myung-hoon (with Gord Sellar), (ss) Clarkesworld #153, June 2019; translated from the Korean (Hoyeon Pimang: Pimang Danpyeon Seon ed. Bo-Young Kim).
[]Park, John (fl. 1980s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Against Infinity, (br) Stardock #5, Summer 1984 [Ref. Gregory Benford]
- * Andor’s Whale, (nv) Tomorrow October 1993
- * The Book of the New Sun, (br) Stardock #5, Summer 1984 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Bridge, (ss) Digital-SF #2, January 2015
- * Cheque Mate, (ss) Short Stories Magazine March 1981
- * Comet Flyby, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- * Dragonfish, (ss) Stardock #5, Summer 1984
- * La Flamme et les cendres: Récupération, (nv) Solaris #133, April 2000; “Retrieval”, Tesseracts 2, ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Porcepic Press, Nov 1987.; translated by Jean-Louis Trudel
- * Hammerhead, (ss) On Spec Summer 2015
- * Harmonies of an Icy Moon, (ss) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #10, October 2021
- * Imprint, (ss) On Spec Fall 2002
- * Nightward, (nv) TransVersions ed. Marcel Gagn^e' & Sally Tomasevic, Paper Orchid Press, 2000
- * Northern Exposure (with Tanya S. Huff, Sally McBride & Robert Charles Wilson), (br) TransVersions #11, Winter 1999
- * Oubliette, (pm) ChiZine #28, April/June 2006
- * La Peste logicielle, (nv) Solaris #91, July 1990; “The Software Plague”. Far Frontiers, Volume II/Summer 1985, Apr 1985, ed. Jim Baen, Jerry Pournelle, Baen Books.; translated by Jean-Louis Trudel
- * Printemps - Coucher de soleil, (ss) Solaris #98, November 1991; “Spring Sunset”, On Spec, Spring 1990.; translated by Jean-Louis Trudel
- * Retrieval, (ss) Tesseracts2 ed. Phyllis Gotlieb & Douglas Barbour, Porcepic, 1987
- * The Software Plague, (nv) Far Frontiers Vol. II ed. Jerry Pournelle & Jim Baen, Baen, 1985
- * Spring Sunset, (vi) On Spec Spring 1990
- * TR Discusses Some Remains in the Time-Vault, (pm) Polar Starlight August/September 2024
- * Viking, (ss) Tesseracts8 ed. John Clute & Candas Jane Dorsey, Tesseract, 1999
- * Viking, (ss) Solaris #137, April 2001; “Viking”, Tesseracts 8, Tesseract Books, Oct 1999, ed. Candas Jane Dorsey And John Clute.; translated by Jean-Louis Trudel
- * [unknown story], (ss) Stardock #6, Winter 1986
[]Park, Mrs. Kendall (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Ancient Catalonian Legends:
* ___ 1. The Penance of Joan Gari, (ss) The Idler January 1909
* ___ 2. Count Arnold the Sinister, (ss) The Idler February 1909
* ___ 3. The Falcon of Gerona, (ss) The Idler March 1909
* ___ 4. The Queen’s Champion, (ss) The Idler April 1909
* ___ 5. The Prison of Lerida, (ss) The Idler May 1909
- * “The Black Week of Barcelona”, (ss) The Idler October 1909
- * La Bona Mort, (ss) The Idler February 1910
- * Count Arnold the Sinister, (ss) The Idler February 1909
- * The Falcon of Gerona, (ss) The Idler March 1909
- * “El Gacho”, (ss) The Idler May 1910
- * “La Gitana”, (ss) The Idler December 1909
- * La Hermosa, (ss) The Idler February 1911
- * The Penance of Joan Gari, (ss) The Idler January 1909
- * The Prison of Lerida, (ss) The Idler May 1909
- * The Queen’s Champion, (ss) The Idler April 1909
- * A Visit to the Escorial of Catalonia, (ar) The Idler July 1909
[]Park, Marie Antoinette (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Associate Editor:
* ___ Future Science Fiction, 54/06 - #30.
* ___ Science Fiction Quarterly, 55/02 - 56/11.
* ___ Science Fiction Stories, 55/01 - 60/05.
- * Editor: Ideal Love Jul, Nov 1943, Jan, Jul, Sep, Nov 1944, Mar, May, Sep 1945, Mar, Dec 1946,
Jul 1947
Aug 1948, Feb, Aug 1949, Apr 1951, Mar 1952, Jan, Mar, Sep, Nov 1953, Mar,
Nov 1954
Jan, Mar, May, Jul 1955, Jan, May, Sep, Nov 1956, Jan, May, Nov 1957
Jan, May, Jul, Sep 1958, Jun, Aug 1959
- * Editor: Gay Love Stories Aug, Dec 1943, Feb, Apr, Aug, Dec 1944, Feb, Aug, Oct 1945, Feb, Oct 1946,
Aug 1947
Jun, Sep 1948, Nov 1950, May 1951, Sep, Nov 1952, May, Sep, Nov 1953, May,
Nov 1954
Jan, Jul, Nov 1955, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1956, Jan, Mar,
May, Jul, Nov 1957
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1958, Feb, Jun, Nov 1959, Jan, Sum 1960
- * Editor: Romantic Love Stories Aug 1947, Sep, Dec 1948, Dec 1949, Apr, Jul, Dec 1950, Feb, Aug, Oct 1951,
Jun 1952, Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1953
Dec 1954, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1955, Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1956, Feb,
Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1957
Feb, Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1958, Feb, Apr 1959
- * Editor: Real Western Romances Sep, Dec 1951, Apr, Oct 1952, Jan, Apr, Jul 1953, May, Nov 1954, Jan,
May, Nov 1955
Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1956, Jan, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1957, Jan, Mar,
May, Jul, Sep 1958
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1959
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