The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7766
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[]Paling, Jean Grey (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Beauty Begins with a Flawless Complexion, (ar) The Illustrated Love Magazine December 1932
- * Budgeting for Beauty, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1934
- * Coiffures Are Going Up, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine September 1933
- * Feet First, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine August 1933
- * Give Yourself a Facial, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine July 1933
- * Hands Make You Lovely, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine November 1933
- * Making Up for Summer, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine August 1932
- * New Styles for Hair, (cl) Serenade March 1934
- * Party Girl, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1933
- * Picking Up Beauty Where Summer Left It, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine September 1932
- * Secrets of Make-up, (cl) The Illustrated Love Magazine December 1933
- * Shampoo Your Hair to New Beauty, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine June 1933
- * Soap and Water Beauty, (ar) The Illustrated Love Magazine May 1933
[]Pálinkás, Imre
_____, trans.
- * Az Árnyéktalan Föld by C. J. Cherryh, (ss) Átjáró February 2002; translated from the English (“The Unshadowed Land”, Sword and Sorceress #2, Bradley, DAW, 1985).
- * A Szél Hidege by Charles de Lint, (ss) Átjáró February 2002; translated from the English (“Cold Blows the Wind”, Sword and Sorceress #2, Bradley, DAW, 1985).
- * A Vörös céh by Rachel Pollack, (nv) Átjáró August 2002; translated from the English (“The Red Guild”, Sword and Sorceress #2, Bradley, DAW, 1985).
[]Palisano, John (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * A Deadly Frame of Mind, (in) Psi-Wars ed. Joshua Viola, Hex Publishers, 2020
- * Driving Into the Sun: Shriekfest 2014, (ar) Dark Discoveries #30, Winter 2015
- * Edward Lee’s “The Bighead” Hits the Big Screen, (ar) Dark Discoveries #22, January 2013 [Ref. Edward Lee]
- * Flowers, (ss) Dark Discoveries #33, Fall 2015
- * Forever, (ss) After Death… ed. Eric J. Guignard, Dark Moon Books, 2013
- * Foreword, (fw) The Grimorium Verum ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Western Legends Publishing, 2015
- * Gaia Ungaia, (ss) Chiral Mad ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2012
- * The Geminis, (ss) Chiral Mad 2 ed. Michael Bailey, Written Backwards, 2013
- * Happy Joe’s Rest Stop, (ss) 18 Wheels of Horror ed. Eric Miller, Big Time Books, 2015
- * The Haven, (ss) Horror Library, Volume 3 ed. R. J. Cavender, Cutting Block, 2008
- * Humani, (ss) Space and Time #134, Fall 2019
- * I Will Not Scream, (ss) Playlist of the Damned ed. Willow Dawn Becker & Jessica Landry, Weird Little Worlds, 2023
- * Long Walk Home, (ss) Nameless Magazine #4, December 2019
- * A Message of Hope, (ar) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- * Mother you can watch, (pm) A Sea of Alone ed. Christopher Conlon, Dark Scribe Press, 2011
- * O Is for Osmophobia, (ss) Phobophobia ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Dark Continents Publishing, 2011
- * Outlaws of Hill County, (ss) Halloween Tales ed. Kate Jonez, Omnium Gatherum, 2014
- * The Prince of Darkness and the Showgirl, (ss) Fantastic Tales of Terror ed. Eugene Johnson, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
- * She-Creature from the Golden Cove, (ss) Classic Monsters Unleashed ed. James Aquilone, Black Spot Books, 2022
- * S Is for Samhainophobia, (ss) Phobophobias ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Western Legends Publishing, 2014
- * Splinterette, (ss) Widowmakers ed. Pete Kahle, CreateSpace, 2014
- * Wings for Wheels, (ss) Darkness on the Edge ed. Harrison Howe, PS Publishing, 2010
- * World Horror Convention 2015 Wrap-Up, (ar) Dark Discoveries #31, Spring 2015
_____, [ref.]
[]Pallant, Norman C(harles) (1910-1972); used pseudonym Charles Alban Crouch (chron.)
- * The Best Policy, (ss) Scramble #36, February 1 1950
- * Black Huntress, (ss) Gang Shorts #3, 1945
- * Fair-Weather Friend, (pm) Punch
- * The Incredible Awakening, (ss) Weird and Occult Library #3, 1960
- * In the Dark Temple, (vi) Weird and Occult Library #1, 1960
- * It’s a Lovely Morning, (vi) Weird and Occult Miscellany, Gerald G. Swan, 1960
- * The Lost Key, (ss) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction August 1947, as by Charles Alban Crouch
- * Martian Mandate, (ss) Science Fantasy #2, Winter 1950/1951
- * No Return, (pm) Everybody’s January 26 1952
- * The Three Suns, (ss) Fantasy, The Magazine of Science Fiction August 1947
[]Pallister, Minnie (chron.)
- * And Now for the Home Budget, (ar) The Passing Show April 21 1934
- * Beauty Harvest, (ar) The Passing Show July 11 1936
- * Eating Out of Doors, (ar) The Passing Show June 26 1937
- * Gardener’s Life, (ar) The Passing Show August 28 1937
- * Have You a Woman Friend?, (ar) The Passing Show November 3 1934
- * House Proud in a Flat, (ar) The Passing Show November 21 1936
- * Husbands Grumble, (ar) The Passing Show March 17 1934
- * Like Her Mother, (ar) The Passing Show September 2 1933
- * Seaside Landladies—The Truth, (ar) The Passing Show August 11 1934
- * Something for a Girl to Do, (ar) The Passing Show June 16 1934
- * Woman to Woman:
* ___ Beauty Harvest, (cl) The Passing Show July 11 1936
* ___ House Proud in a Flat, (cl) The Passing Show November 21 1936
- * Women Behind the Drama Revivgal, (ar) The Passing Show February 6 1937
[]Pally, Marcia (fl. 1980s-1990s) (about) (chron.)
- * ’The Bible Told Me To’, (ar) Penthouse August 1990
- * Cincinnati: City Under Siege, (ar) Penthouse September 1990
- * Film, (cl) Penthouse Dec 1987, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1988
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1989
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1990
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Oct 1991, Feb, May, Jun, Aug,
Nov 1992
- * Film Reviews, (cl) Penthouse February 1993
- * Film:
* ___ Marilyn Monroe at 66, (cl) Penthouse October 1992
* ___ Oscar Picks, (cl) Penthouse April 1992
- * Joe Clark, (bg) Penthouse September 1989
- * Last Temptation, (ar) Penthouse November 1988
- * Loony Bin:
* ___ Last Temptation, (cl) Penthouse November 1988
- * Marilyn Monroe at 66, (ar) Penthouse October 1992
- * Motherhood—For Love or Money, (ar) Penthouse February 1989
- * The New Morality, (cl) Penthouse December 1997
- * Oliver Stone, (iv) Penthouse April 1990
- * Oscar Picks, (ar) Penthouse April 1992
- * The Soothing Appeal of Censorship, (ar) Writer’s Year Book v64, 1993
- * Vietnam Veterans Adviser, (cl) Penthouse May 1989
- * Women and Porn, (ar) Penthouse November 1987
- * Women: Anne Baruch, (bg) Penthouse December 1989 [Ref. Anne Baruch]
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