The FictionMags Index
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Niven, Larry (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Free Floaters [Eric Keenan; Kimber Walker] (with Brenda Cooper), (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2002
- * Future Histories, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #71, Fall 1979
- * Gates (Variations), (ss) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010
- * The Gatherers’ Guild, (ss) Under Cover of Darkness ed. Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia, DAW, 2007
- * Get a Horse! [Hanville Svetz], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1969
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Nineteenth Series ed. Edward L. Ferman, Doubleday, 1971
- The Flight of the Horse, Ballantine, 1973, as "The Flight of the Horse"
- The Saturday Evening Post June/July 1974
- Unicorns! ed. Jack M. Dann & Gardner R. Dozois, Ace, 1982, as "The Flight of the Horse"
- Rainbow Mars, Tor, 1999, as "The Flight of the Horse"
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010, as "The Flight of the Horse"
- Unnatural Creatures ed. Neil Gaiman & Maria Dahvana Headley, Harper, 2013, as "The Flight of the Horse"
- * Ghetto? But I Thought…, (ar) Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- * Ghost: One [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Two [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Three [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Four [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Five [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Six [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Seven [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * Ghost: Eight [Beowulf Shaeffer], (lk) Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- * The Ghost Ships, (ms) Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- * A Gift from Earth, (ex) Ballantine, 1968
- * God Needs Collaborators, (ar) Galaxy’s Edge #35, November 2018
- * God Walks Into a Bar [Draco Tavern], (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #10, September 2014
- * Good Omens, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #24, August 1990 [Ref. Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett]
- * Grammar Lesson [Draco Tavern], (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- * The Green Lantern Bible, (ex) Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- * The Green Marauder [Draco Tavern], (ss) Destinies v2 #1, 1980
- Dream’s Edge ed. Terry Carr, Sierra Club Books, 1980
- Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year, Tenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner Dozois, E.P. Dutton, 1981
- Top Science Fiction ed. Josh Pachter, Dent, 1984
- Niven’s Laws, PSFS, 1984
- Limits, Del Rey, 1985
- Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- The Draco Tavern, Tor, 2006
- * Grendel [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) Neutron Star, Ballantine, 1968
- * Handicap [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1967
- * Handicap, (ar) Scatterbrain, Tor, 2003
- * The Handicapped [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1967, as "Handicap"
- * The Heights [Draco Tavern], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2001
- * A Hole in Space, (co) Ballantine, June 1974
- * The Hole Man, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1974
- A Hole in Space, Ballantine, 1974
- The Best Science Fiction of the Year #4 ed. Terry Carr, Ballantine, 1975
- The Hugo Winners, Volume Three ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1977
- Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1978
- Black Holes ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Orbit, 1978
- The Best of Analog ed. Ben Bova, Baronet, 1978
- N-Space, Tor, 1990
- The Ascent of Wonder ed. David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, Tor, 1994
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Hooking the Reader, (ar) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * How I Stole the Belt Civilization, (bg) The Best of Randall Garrett by Randall Garrett, Timescape, 1982
- * How the Heroes Die [Known Space], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1966
- * How to Save Civilization and Save a Little Money, (ar) (online) April 2000
- * Hugo Award Anecdotes, (ar) Scatterbrain, Tor, 2003
- * The Hunting Park [Man-Kzin Wars], (ss) Man-Kzin Wars XI ed. Larry Niven, Baen, 2005
- * Ice and Mirrors [Eric Keenan; Kimber Walker] (with Brenda Cooper), (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2001
- * If Idi Imin Had Had the Bomb, (ar) Niven’s Laws, PSFS, 1984
- * Inconstant Moon, (co) Gollancz, February 1973
- * Inconstant Moon, (nv) All the Myriad Ways, Ballantine, 1971
- Best Science Fiction for 1972 ed. Frederik Pohl, Ace, 1972
- Inconstant Moon, Gollancz, 1973
- Inconstant Moon (var. 1), Sphere, 1974
- The Hugo Winners, Volume Three ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1977
- The Best of All Possible Worlds ed. Spider Robinson, Ace, 1980
- The World Treasury of Science Fiction ed. David G. Hartwell, Little Brown, 1989
- N-Space, Tor, 1990
- Armageddons ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Ace, 1999
- Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century ed. Orson Scott Card, Ace, 2001
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 31 ed. David Farland, Galaxy, 2015
- * “Inconstant Moon Has Passed”, (ms) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Inconstant Moon (var. 1), (co) Sphere, October 1974
- * Inferno (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Aug, Sep, Oct 1975
- * Inferno (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Pocket, May 1976
- * In Memoriam: Howard Grote Littlemead, (pm) Niven’s Laws, PSFS, 1984
- * The Integral Trees [Sharls Davis Kendy], (n.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Oct, Nov, Dec 1983, Jan 1984
- * Intent to Deceive [Known Space], (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1968, as "The Deceivers"
- * Intercon Trip Report: August 12, 1991, (ar) Bridging the Galaxies, San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, 1993
- * In the Cellar, (vi) Groggily #10, 1971; published in APA-L #331, 9/16/71.
- * Introduction, (in) Convergent Series, Del Rey, 1979
- * Introduction, (in) The Magic May Return ed. Larry Niven, Ace, 1981
- * Introduction, (in) Limits, Del Rey, 1985
- * Introduction, (in) Bridging the Galaxies, San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, 1993
- * Introduction, (in) The Rackham Files by Dean Ing, Baen, 2004
- * Introduction, (in) The Draco Tavern, Tor, 2006
- * Introduction, (si) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Achilles’ Choice, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Beowulf’s Children, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Building Harlequin’s Moon, by Larry Niven and Brenda Cooper, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Burning Tower, by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to “Choosing Names”, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Escape from Hell, by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to “Fly-by-Night”, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Juggler of Worlds, by Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Pete Hamilton Story “Watching Trees Grow”, (in) PS Publishing, 2000
- * Introduction to “Safe Harbor”, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to Svetz and the Beanstalk, (aw) Rainbow Mars, Tor, 1999, as "Svetz and the Beanstalk"
- * Introduction to “The Hunting Park”, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introduction to “The Missing Mass”, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * Introductory Material for Man-Kzin Wars II, (in) Man-Kzin Wars II ed. Larry Niven, Baen, 1989
- * Involution Ocean, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978 [Ref. Bruce Sterling]
- * It’s Only a Story, (ss) Bridging the Galaxies, San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, 1993
- * The Jigsaw Man [Known Space], (ss) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- Dangerous Visions #2 ed. Harlan Ellison, Berkley Medallion, 1969
- All the Myriad Ways, Ballantine, 1971
- Tales of Known Space, Ballantine, 1975
- The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- The Survival of Freedom ed. Jerry Pournelle & John F. Carr, Fawcett Crest, 1981
- The Prentice Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Garyn G. Roberts, Prentice-Hall, 2001
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- Overruled! ed. Hank Davis & Christopher Ruocchio, Baen, 2020
- * Juggler of Worlds [Known Space] (with Edward M. Lerner), (ex) Tor, September 2008
- * Kath and Quicksilver (with Brenda Cooper), (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2005
- * A Kind of Murder, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1974
- * The Kiteman, (nv) N-Space, Tor, 1990
- * The Known Space Series, (ar) The Great Science Fiction Series ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin Harry Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1980
- * Larry Niven’s Description of Genesis for Fleet of Worlds, by Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner, (is) Stars and Gods, Tor, 2010
- * The Last Days of the Permanent Floating Riot Club, (ss) A Hole in Space, Ballantine, 1974
- * Last Word, (fa) Omni July 1980
- * The Last Word About SF Detectives, (aw) The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton, Ballantine, 1976
- * Learning to Love the Space Station, (ar) Scatterbrain, Tor, 2003
- * The Legacy of Heorot (with Steven Barnes & Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Gollancz, 1987
- * The Léshy Circuit: Unfinished Script for Planetarium Show, (pl) Bridging the Galaxies, San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, 1993
- * Leviathan! [Hanville Svetz], (ss) Playboy August 1970
- Last Train to Limbo, Playboy, 1971
- The Flight of the Horse, Ballantine, 1973
- Seaserpents! ed. Jack M. Dann & Gardner R. Dozois, Ace, 1989
- Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- The Playboy Book of Science Fiction ed. Alice K. Turner, HarperPrism, 1998
- Rainbow Mars, Tor, 1999
- The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century ed. Harry Turtledove & Martin H. Greenberg, Ballantine Del Rey, 2005
- * Like Banquo’s Ghost, (ss) If September 1968
- * Limits, (co) Del Rey, February 1985
- * Limits [Draco Tavern], (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 28 1981
- Isaac Asimov’s Aliens & Outworlders ed. Shawna McCarthy, Davis, 1983
- Light Years and Dark ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley, 1984
- Niven’s Laws, PSFS, 1984
- Limits, Del Rey, 1985
- Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- The Draco Tavern, Tor, 2006
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * The Lion in His Attic [Mana], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1982
- * The Locusts (with Steven Barnes), (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1979
- * Loki, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 2000
- * The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton [Gil Hamilton], (co) Ballantine, February 1976
- * The Long Night, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1967
- The Shape of Space, Ballantine, 1969, as "Convergent Series"
- Inconstant Moon, Gollancz, 1973, as "Convergent Series"
- Convergent Series, Del Rey, 1979, as "Convergent Series"
- N-Space, Tor, 1990, as "Convergent Series"
- * Looking Forward:
* ___ Fallen Angels, Baen Jul ’91 (with Michael F. Flynn & Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Amazing Stories June 1991
- * Losing Mars [Draco Tavern], (ss) The Draco Tavern, Tor, 2006
- * Lost [Draco Tavern], (ss) The Draco Tavern, Tor, 2006
- * The Lost Ideas, (ar) Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991
- * Lucifer’s Hammer (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Playboy Press, January 1977
- * Madness Has Its Place [Man-Kzin Wars], (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1990
- * The Magic Goes Away [Mana], (na) Odyssey Summer 1976
- * The Magic Goes Away [Mana], (n.) Ace, 1978
- * The Magic Goes Away [Mana], (ex) Ace, 1978
- * The Man in the Pink Shirt, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2012
- * Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, (hu) Knight December 1969
- All the Myriad Ways, Ballantine, 1971
- Superheroes ed. Michel Parry, Sphere, 1978
- Ad Astra #3, 1979
- Alien Sex ed. Ellen Datlow, Dutton, 1990
- N-Space, Tor, 1990
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Mars: Who Needs It?, (ar) (online) March 2000
- * The Meddler, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1968
- * Memoir, (ar) Galaxy ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Playboy Press, 1980
- * Memoir, (ar) Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay, 1986
- * Mice Among Elephants (with Gregory Benford), (nv) Bridging Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2016
- * The Millennial Project, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #71, July 1994 [Ref. Marshall T. Savage]
- * The Missing Mass [Draco Tavern], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2000
- * The Misspelled Magician (with Jerrold David Friedman), (na) If May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1970, as by David Gerrold & Larry Niven
- * Mistake, (vi) Stellar #2 ed. Judy-Lynn del Rey, Ballantine, 1976
- * The Moat Around Murcheson’s Eye, (ex) Playgrounds of the Mind, Tor, 1991; excerpt from The Gripping Hand forthcoming from Pocket Books (February 1993).
- * Mom and the Kids [Fleet] (with David A. Drake), (nv) Sworn Allies ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1990
- * The Mote in God’s Eye (with Jerry E. Pournelle), (ex) Simon & Schuster, 1974
- * The Murder of Halley’s Comet [Fleet] (with David A. Drake), (nv) The Breakthrough ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett, Ace, 1989
- * My Favorite Story, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #26, October 1990
- * My Universe and Welcome to It!, (in) Tales of Known Space, Ballantine, 1975
- * “My World and Welcome to It”, (ar) Speculation October 1971; revised from a speech given at PresiCon, Los Angeles, 1971.
- * Neutron Star [Known Space], (co) Ballantine, April 1968
- * Neutron Star [Beowulf Shaeffer], (nv) If October 1966
- If (UK) August 1967
- Neutron Star, Ballantine, 1968
- Where Do We Go from Here? ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1971
- The Hugo Winners, Volume Two ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1971
- The Hugo Winners, Volumes One and Two ed. Isaac Asimov, Nelson Doubleday, 1972
- The Hugo Winners, Volume One, 1962-1967 ed. Isaac Asimov, Sphere, 1973
- Speculations ed. Thomas E. Sanders, Glencoe Press, 1973
- Stories from the Hugo Winners, Volume 2 ed. Isaac Asimov, Fawcett Crest, 1973
- Where Do We Go from Here? Book 2 ed. Isaac Asimov, Sphere, 1974
- Science Fiction. English and American Short Stories ed. V. S. Muravyev, Progress Publishers, 1979
- The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1980
- The Best Science Fiction Firsts ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Beaufort, 1984
- Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Bluejay, 1986
- Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Avenel, 1987
- Cosmic Critiques ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Writer's Digest, 1990
- The Super Hugos ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1992
- Crashlander, Del Rey, 1994
- The SF Collection ed. Edel Brosnan, Chancellor Press, 1994
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Next Time, (vi) The Drabble Project ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon, 1988
- * Night on Mispek Moor, (ss) Vertex August 1974
- Convergent Series, Del Rey, 1979
- Robert Adams’ Book of Soldiers ed. Robert Adams, Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg, NAL Signet, 1988
- Phantom Regiments ed. Robert Adams, Pamela Crippen Adams & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 1990
- N-Space, Tor, 1990
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Niven’s Laws, (co) Owlswick/PSFS, December 1984
- * Niven’s Laws, (ar) Niven’s Laws, PSFS, 1984
- * Niven’s Laws, (ar) N-Space, Tor, 1990; revised from Niven’s Laws (Owlswick Press, 1984).
- * Niven’s Laws, 2002, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2002
- * No Exit (with Jean Marie Stine), (ss) Fantastic Stories June 1971, as by Larry Niven & Hank Stine
- * The Nonesuch, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1974
- * The Notebooks of Mack Sikes, (hu) SFWA Forum 1974
- * Notes for Contributors to The Magic May Return, (ms) The Time of the Warlock, SteelDragon, 1984
- * Not Long Before the End [Mana], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1969
- Nebula Award Stories 5 ed. James Blish, Gollancz, 1970
- All the Myriad Ways, Ballantine, 1971
- The Golden Road ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1973
- Inconstant Moon, Gollancz, 1973
- The Magic May Return ed. Larry Niven, Ace, 1981
- The Time of the Warlock, SteelDragon, 1984
- The Best Fantasy Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction ed. Edward L. Ferman, Octopus US, 1985
- Barbarians ed. Robert Adams, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, NAL/Signet, 1986
- Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Chancellor Press, 1991
- The Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories ed. Tom Shippey, Oxford University Press, 1994
- The Best of Larry Niven, Subterranean Press, 2010
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