The FictionMags Index
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Newhall, Muriel (Ives Obrig Barrow) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Joker, (ss) Unknown July 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Jumping Destruction, (nv) Romantic Range September 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * King of Hearts, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1938, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Little Miss Know-it-All, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1941, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Loco Like a Loon, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1943, as by Muriel Ives
- * Lookout Tower, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1938, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Look Who’s Here, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1939, as by Muriel Ives
- * Lost—One Heart, (ss) Popular Love October 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Casts a Ballot, (na) Exciting Love January 1949, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love for the Teacher, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1940, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love for Tomorrow, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love in a Buggy, (ss) Thrilling Love February 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Is No Bargain, (ss) Exciting Love Winter 1951, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Lights the Way, (na) Exciting Love Spring 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Like the Stars, (ss) Thrilling Love June 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Like the Wind, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories December 1941, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Me—Love Me Not, (ss) Thrilling Love February 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Rides West, (nv) Romantic Range April 1938, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Sails the Sea, (na) Popular Love November 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love’s Boundary Line, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1950, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Turns the Heart, (ss) Thrilling Love May 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Love Walks the Wires, (ss) Thrilling Love March 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Man Hunt, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1941, as by Muriel Ives
- * Marquita, (na) Romantic Range May 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Marry the Man, (nv) Romantic Range November 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Masquerading Shepherdess, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories June 1945, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Memory Trail, (ss) Romance Range March 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Merry-Go-Round, (ss) Romantic Range January 1937, as by Regina Bailey
- * Minnie for Sheriff [Sheriff Minnie], (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1942, as by Muriel Ives
- * Minnie Plans a Comeback [Sheriff Minnie], (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1942, as by Muriel Ives
- * Mistake in Mexico, (nv) Romantic Range July 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Molly Merry-Go-Round, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Moonlight Is Silver, (na) Romantic Range January 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Moonlit Moment, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * The Moon Rides High, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * The Mystery of Moon Hill Range, (nv) Romantic Range August 1938, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Next Stop Paradise, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * None but the Loving Heart, (ss) Exciting Love Fall 1950, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * One for the Money, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1941, as by Muriel Ives
- * One Single Star, (ss) Romantic Range August 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Out of the Blue, (nv) Romantic Range June 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Owlhoot Destiny, (ss) Romantic Range May 1938, as by Muriel Ives
- * A Perfect Alibi, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1940, as by Muriel Ives
- * Prudence’s Progress, (nv) Thrilling Love February 1950, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Range Secret, (nv) Romance Range March 1936, as by Edna T. Green
- * Ransom Oil, (ss) Romantic Range April 1936, as by Edna T. Green
- * Red Lips for Luck, (ss) Romantic Range August 1938, as by Muriel Ives
- * Renegade Lover, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Resurrection, (ss) Romantic Range March 1937, as by Regina Bailey
- * Return Engagement, (ss) Romantic Range August 1936, as by Regina Bailey
- * Ring Out Sweet Bells, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1941, as by Muriel Ives
- * Salt Beef, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1940, as by Muriel Ives
- * Salute to Love, (na) Popular Love Winter 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Secret Sunset, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Set a Thief—, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1944, as by Muriel Ives
- * Shadow of Love, (nv) Thrilling Love March 1942, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Sheriff Comes East, (ss) Romantic Range September 1938, as by Edna T. Green
- * The Sheriff Had a Daughter, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1941, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Sheriff’s Only Human [Sheriff Minnie], (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1944, as by Muriel Ives
- * Signs Ain’t Everything, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1940, as by Muriel Ives
- * Silver Mine Love, (ss) Romance Range February 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Silver-Revolver Marriage, (nv) Romantic Range April 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Skeleton Draped in Tulle, (ar) Writer’s Year Book 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Slight Case of Love, (ss) Love Novels Magazine January 1950, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Smart Like Anything, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1941, as by Muriel Ives
- * Smoke Trail, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories Spring 1951, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Smoky Barriers, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Soldier in Her Heart, (na) Thrilling Love October 1945, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Spring Lasts Forever, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Star of Romance, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1949, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Starry Skies, (nv) Romantic Range October 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Stars for Two, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Stranger to Love, (nv) Exciting Love November 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Strike One, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1939, as by Muriel Ives
- * Stubborn Little Fool!, (nv) Romantic Range July 1938, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Sure-Fire, (ss) Romantic Range October 1936, as by Edna T. Green
- * They’re All Fools!, (ss) Romantic Range September 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * To a Girl’s Heart, (ss) Romance Range March 1936, as by Regina Bailey
- * Too Much Alike, (ss) Variety Love Stories February 1942, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Too Much Love, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * True Sunup, (nv) Romantic Range June 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Turkey for Two, (ss) Romantic Range December 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Turn a New Leaf, (ss) Thrilling Love November 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Vanishing Hero, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1939, as by Muriel Ives
- * War Bond Romance, (ss) Thrilling Love January 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Whatever, (ss) Unknown May 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * What Good Is Skirts?, (ss) Romantic Range April 1936, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Where There’s a Will, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1939, as by Muriel Ives
- * Wherever You Go, (nv) Thrilling Love June 1948, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Who Laughs Last, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1944, as by Muriel Ives
- * Who Wants Power?, (ss) Unknown March 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Why Do I Love You?, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1949, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Wilder, Wilder, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * The Wild Heart, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1939, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Wild Winds Blowing, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1940, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Will and Testament, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1946, as by Muriel Ives
- * Wings Against the Sun, (nv) Romantic Range July 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Wings for Victory, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1943, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * With All My Heart, (ss) Thrilling Love December 1946, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Woman’s Faith, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1941, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * A Woman’s Place, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1942, as by Muriel Ives
- * Woman’s Word Is Law [Sheriff Minnie], (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1941, as by Muriel Ives
- * The World and All, (nv) Thrilling Love March 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * The World in Your Heart, (ss) Thrilling Love April 1952, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Wrong Way Heart, (ss) Thrilling Love November 1942, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * You Can’t Buy Stars, (na) Popular Love April 1947, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * You Never Can Tell, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1939, as by Muriel Ives
- * You’re Crazy, (ss) Cowboy Stories July 1937, as by Mona Farnsworth
- * Yours, with Love, (ss) Popular Love Winter 1951, as by Mona Farnsworth
_____, [?]
[]Newheiser, Mark (chron.)
- * Beyond the Beep: Techniques and Styles of Video Game Music, (ar) Strange Horizons December 1 2008
- * Comic-Con 2009: Fandom Meets Its Makers, and the Makers Meet New Media, (ar) Strange Horizons December 7 2009
- * Comic-Con 2010, (ar) Strange Horizons February 28 2011
- * Playing Fair: A Look at Competition in Gaming, (ar) Strange Horizons March 9 2009
- * Sagas, Screenplays, and Reasons to Read the News: An Interview with Terry Brooks, (iv) Strange Horizons August 24 2009 [Ref. Terry Brooks]
- * Searching Under the Rug: Interfaces, Puzzles, and the Evolution of Adventure Games, (ar) Strange Horizons August 4 2008
- * The “You” Continuum: Narration and Narrative Agents in Video Games, (ar) Strange Horizons May 4 2009
[]Newhouse, Edward (1911-2002) (about) (chron.)
- * The Ambassador, (ss) The New Yorker April 20 1957
- * The Bromley Touch, (ss) The New Yorker May 18 1957
- * The Bronze Thing, (ss) The New Yorker November 19 1949
- * Come Again Another Day, (ss) The New Yorker April 15 1950
- * The Day Before, (ss) The New Yorker September 5 1942
- * Debut Recital, (ss) The New Yorker April 26 1958
- * The Eagle, (ss) The New Yorker November 22 1941
- * The Four Freedoms, (ss) The New Yorker February 10 1945
- * A Gorgeous Number, (ss) The New Yorker October 3 1942
- * A Hot Time in the Old Town, (ss) The New Yorker May 25 1940
- * Hungarians, (ss) The New Yorker November 27 1965
- * I Hope You’ll Understand, (ss) The New Yorker January 20 1945
- * The Impossible, (ss) The New Yorker February 9 1946
- * Lead, Damsel, and I Follow, (ss) The New Yorker March 8 1958
- * The Legs Go First, (ss) The New Yorker February 28 1942
- * The Light Across the Hill, (ss) The New Yorker April 5 1947
- * The Lovers, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1949
- * The Magic Hour, (ss) The New Yorker May 9 1942
- * The Mentocrats, (ss) The New Yorker May 6 1939
- * My Brother’s Second Funeral, (ss) The New Yorker October 8 1949
- * New Year’s Day, (ss) The New Yorker December 31 1949
- * Not Lonely but Alone, (ss) The New Yorker June 1 1940
- * Out Where the West Begins, (ss) The New Yorker April 19 1941
- * Position of the Soldier, (ss) The New Yorker July 10 1943
- * Pro and Con, (ss) The New Yorker September 1 1945
- * Seventy Thousand Dollars, (ss) The New Yorker August 6 1949
- * A Short Visit to Naples, (ss) The New Yorker May 27 1944
- * Ten Years on a Desert Island, (ss) The New Yorker November 23 1940
- * Tough Kid, (ss) The New Yorker January 4 1941
- * Vacancy in Westchester, (ss) The New Yorker August 8 1942
- * The Volcano, (ss) The New Yorker October 11 1947
- * The Wacky Afternoon, (ss) The New Yorker September 20 1947
- * The War for Tony, (ss) The New Yorker September 2 1950
- * With Men It’s Different, (ss) The New Yorker October 4 1941
- * The Wolf, (ss) The New Yorker January 25 1941
- * You Never Used to Be Like This, (ss) The New Yorker June 3 1939
[]Newitz, Annalee (1969- ) (about) (chron.)
- * All-Natural Organic Microbes, (ss) Twelve Tomorrows ed. Bruce Sterling, Technology Review, Inc., 2015
- * Autonomous, (ex) Tor, September 2017
- * The Best-Ever Cosplay of Whistle and Midnight, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #57, March/April 2024
- * Birth of the Ants Rights Movement, (ss) Ars Technica August 15 2016
- * The Blue Fairy’s Manifesto, (ss) Robots vs. Fairies ed. Navah Wolfe & Dominik Parisien, Saga Press, 2018
- * Drones Don’t Kill People, (ss) Lightspeed #54, November 2014
- * The Future of Another Timeline, (ex) Tor, September 24 2019
- * The Gravity Fetishist, (ss) Flurb #10, Fall/Winter 2010
- * Great Female Scientists in History, (ss) Particulates ed. Nalo Hopkinson, Dia Art Foundation, 2018
- * A Hole in the Light, (ss) The Sunday Morning Transport October 10 2022
- * The Monogamy Hormone, (ss) Entanglements ed. Sheila Williams, The MIT Press, 2020
- * My 2019 Sci-Fi Novel Was About a U.S. Where Abortion Is Illegal in 2022. But I Didn’t Predict the Future, (ar) Slate June 27 2022
- * Old Media, (ss) February 20 2019
- * #Selfcare, (ss) January 19 2021
- * The Translator, (ss) Made to Order ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2020
- * Twilight of the Eco-Terrorist, (ss) Apex Magazine #24, May 2011
- * Two Scenarios for the Future of Solar Energy, (ss) Hieroglyph ed. Ed Finn & Kathryn Cramer, HarperCollins/Morrow, 2014
- * Unclaimed, (ss) Shimmer #18, February 2014
- * Von Slatt Harmonization Device [Thackery T. Lambshead], (ss) The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Harper Voyager US, 2011
- * What a Fourteenth Century Legal Case Can Teach Us about Storytelling, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #50, January/February 2023
- * When Robot and Crow Saved East St. Louis, (ss) Slate December 29 2018
- * X-Ray Spex, Poly Styrene, and Punk Rock Science Fiction, (ar) Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Desirina Boskovich, Abrams Image, 2019
_____, [ref.]
- * Autonomous by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #275, May/June 2018
- * Autonomous by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2018
- * Interview: Annalee Newitz by Christian A. Coleman, (iv) Lightspeed #87, August 2017
- * Pirate Pharmaceuticals, Robots, and Kaiju: A Conversation with Annalee Newitz by Chris Urie, (iv) Clarkesworld #131, August 2017
- * The Terraformers by Rosemary Claire Smith, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2023
- * The Terraformers by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2023
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