The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7468
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Newton, (Wilfrid) Douglas (chron.) (continued)
- * Whited Sepulchre [Buenaventure Lafitau], (ss) Yes or No June 20 1908
- * The White Liar [Chief Engineer Douglas “Grimy Doug” Dickson], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1925
- * White Lot, (ss) The Red Magazine March 22 1929
- * White Men, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine March 1928
- * Whither Will You Wanda?, (ss) The Red Magazine March 26 1926
- * Who Killed Tom Boker? [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1932
- * Who Killed Valesca?, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1927
- * The Whole World or— [Marie V], (nv) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #148, July 1924
- * The Wicked Lady Anne, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 26 1924
- * Wills and Ways, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1927
- * The Winking Light, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #249, February 7 1914
- * The Witch’s Hat, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1927
- * The Wolf, (ss) The Sketch March 17 1915
- * “A Woman Did It”, (ss) Yes or No March 7 1908
- * The Woman in the Way, (ss) The New Royal Magazine May 1931
- * The Woman of Mount Ptah, (ss) The Blue Magazine #34, April 1922
- * The Woman Out of the Bush, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 24 1922
- * Woman: the Incentive, (ss) Yes or No October 7 1911
- * The Woman Who Made It Up, (ss) The Red Magazine February 2 1923
- * The Woman Who Never Dies, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine October 1924
- * The Wonder Girl, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1938
- * The Wood of Seen Dreams, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1922
- * The Wood of the Caterpillars, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1910
- * Wool [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 16 1921
- * The World Well Lost, (ss) The Sketch March 3 1920
- * Yellow, (ss) The London Magazine July 1924
- * You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down [Chief Engineer Douglas “Grimy Doug” Dickson], (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1925
- * The Young Lion Cuts His Teeth [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show November 14 1936
- * Yvonne, (ss) The Premier Magazine #11, August 1927
- * Zaida the Dancing Girl, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1928
_____, [ref.]
[]Newton, Frances (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Advice to June Bridegrooms, (ar) This Week June 11 1939
- * And There Is Need for Gentleness, (ar) This Week December 24 1939
- * A Challenge to Whiners, (ar) This Week August 27 1939
- * A Decoration Day for the Living, (ar) This Week February 4 1940
- * For a Shiny Day, (ar) This Week December 4 1938
- * A Foreigner Analyzes the American Girl, (ar) This Week June 4 1939
- * A Magic Wand, (ar) This Week December 18 1938
- * Shining Hours, (ar) Liberty June 3 1939
- * To Fame on a Galloping Paper Horse, (ar) This Week June 25 1939
- * Why Are They Stars?, (ar) This Week February 19 1939
[]Newton, Henry Warren (fl. 1880s-1890s) (chron.)
- * Advice for April, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #51, April 1885
- * April Arrangements, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #27, April 1883
- * August Anticipations, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #31, August 1883
- * A Ballard of the Blues, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #15, April 1882
- * A Call to Cricketers, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #53, June 1885
- * A Cricketing Carol, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #18, July 1882
- * December Doings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #59, December 1885
- * A Demoniac Drawback, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #54, July 1885
- * Eton and Harrow, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #55, August 1885
- * The February Favourite, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #49, February 1885
- * February Fixtures, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #25, February 1883
- * Football, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #23, December 1882
- * Football Ferocity, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #57, October 1885
- * A Good Reason, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #56, September 1885
- * Hunting, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #46, November 1884
- * A Hunting Lay, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #36, January 1884
- * In the Shires, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #22, November 1882
- * A Jingle on July, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #30, July 1883
- * June Jottings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #29, June 1883
- * A March Meditation, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #14, March 1882
- * March Memoranda, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #26, March 1883
- * May Meetings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #28, May 1883
- * May Mems, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #16, May 1882
- * May’s Chief Merit, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #40, May 1884
- * The New Harrison Portrait and Its Painter, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine July 1895
- * New Year’s Notes, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #36, January 1884
- * November Notes, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #58, November 1885
- * The Other Side of the Question, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #41, June 1884
- * Pastime Perplexity, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #44, September 1884
- * A Poem for Piscators, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #12, January 1882
- * Racing’s Reveille, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #50, March 1885
- * The Regatta Revel, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #42, July 1884
- * Room for Improvement, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #48, January 1885
- * Rough on Sportsmen, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #52, May 1885
- * Skating, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #24, January 1883
- * A Sound Sportsman, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #13, February 1882
- * St.Grouse, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #19, August 1882
- * St.Partridge, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #20, September 1882
- * St.Pheasant, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #21, October 1882
- * A Trill of the Twelfth, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #43, August 1884
- * A Trolling Trill, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #45, October 1884
- * Undecided, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #39, April 1884
- * A Waltonian Warble, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #17, June 1882
- * A Winter Warble, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #47, December 1884
[]Newton, Kurt (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Abduction of Kenny G., (ss) Not One of Us #19, March 1998
- * The Afghan, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #10, Autumn 2000
- * Alien Tweetstorm Apocalypse, (pm) Endgame ed. Bob Brown & Jess Faraday, B Cubed Press, 2019
- * All Hallow’s Eve, (pm) Zen of the Dead ed. Lester Smith, Popcorn Press, 2015
- * Ancient as the Quest That Calls Her Name, (pm) Dark Animus #1, November 2002
- * Aquavores, (pm) Fantasque January 1999
- * Assassin, (pm) Bare Bone #2, 2002
- * As the Dream Descends, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * Asylum Kiss, (pm) Flesh & Blood v2 #9, 2002
- * At the Mountain of Dreams, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- * Author’s Notes, (ms) The House Spider and Other Strange Visitors, Delirium Books, 1999
- * Autumn Al, (pm) Macabre #1, 2002
- * Autumn Harvest, (pm) Zen of the Dead ed. Lester Smith, Popcorn Press, 2015
- * The Autumn People, (vi) Weirdbook #39, 2018
- * Awake in the Hands of Solitude (with John Boden), (nv) Meditations and Mesmerism ed. Farah Rose Smith, Ulthar Press, 2019
- * Babble, (vi) The Arcanist September 22 2017
- * bad moon, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #1, Fall 2001
- * Bad Religion, (pm) Stygian Articles #1, Spring 1995
- * The Beat of Heavy Wings, (nv) Argosy (UK) February 2014
- * Before the Body Decays, (pm) Kopfhalter! Spring 2005
- * beneath the pale city, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2000
- * Beyond, (ss) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- * Beyond the Blue Veil, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #17, November 2021
- * The Birthday Ritual, (ss) Not One of Us #13, February 1995
- * Black Cats Get a Bad Rap, (pm) Zen of the Dead ed. Lester Smith, Popcorn Press, 2015
- * Black Ice, (ss) Black Infinity Magazine #10, 2023
- * Black Satan Dress, (pm) The Literary Hatchet #8, April 2014
- * Blood Autumn, (ss) Crossroads October 1995
- * Blood Meal, (pm) Crossroads #20, February 1998
- * The Blue Heron, (vi) Crossroads #14, February 1996
- * The Body Artist, (pm) Something Wicked ed. Sandy DeLuca, Goddess of the Bay Publications, 2001
- * Body of Work, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #11, Autumn 1998
- * Bone Riders, (pm) Spectral Realms #10, Winter 2019
- * Bottom Feeder, (pm) TransVersions #2, 1995
- * Bound, (ss) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- * Bring Me the Head of Larry Talbot, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #7, Autumn 1997
- * The Burning Man, (ss) Not One of Us #14, September 1995
- * Butter Red and Diamond Eyes, (ss) Delirium #4, 2001
- * Cacoethes, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine #6, Spring 2015
- * Camping on the River of Blood, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #90, Spring 2024
- * Candle in the Dark, (ss) Crossroads #16, October 1996
- * Capturing the Christmas Spirit, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #9, 2001
- * The Care and Feeding of Robots, (pm) Freezer Burn Magazine #4, 1996
- * The Cemetery, (pm) Star*Line September/December 2010
- * The Chaos Builders, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #90, Spring 2024
- * Chasing the White Limousine, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #3, Winter 1996
- * Chop Shop, (pm) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * Clown, (pm) Gaslight Summer 1995
- * Cold as the Crow Flies, (pm) In the Garden of the Crow ed. Angela Charmaine Craig, Elektrik Milk Bath Press, 2011
- * Coleopolis, (pm) Frozen Wavelets #4, Summer 2020
- * Collecting Feathers, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2000
- * The Concert, (ss) The Dark #88, September 2022
- * Containment, (pm) TransVersions #2, 1995
- * Creature from the Lagoon of Black Desires, (pm) Wicked Karnival #4, 2005
- * Crop Circles, (pm) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- * The Crow, (ss) Crossroads June 1994
- * C-Section, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #3, 1998
- * curiously silent, (pm) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- * Deathbed, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #5, Spring 1997
- * Defining Love, (ar) Dead Lines #1, January 1995
- * Deli Fishing, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2020
- * The Devil’s Playground, (ss) Dark Horses #2, March 2022
- * The Dismantling, (ss) Night Terrors #2, November 1996
- * Ditch, (pm) Bare Bone #2, 2002
- * Drinking in the Afterlife, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #19, Autumn 2000
- * Driven, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2004
- * Envirous, (ss) Stygian Articles #2, Summer 1995
- * Evil Revisited, (ss) Crossroads February 1994
- * The Exchange Student, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- * Eye of Sapphire, Eye of Emerald, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * Family Man, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * Featured Poet, (gp) Freezer Burn Magazine #2, Fall 1995
- * Feral Spring, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2020
- * Fifty-Year-Old Face, (vi) Flash Fiction Online August 2013
- * Fishing, (ss) Pirate Writings #3, Winter 1993
- * Five Stories, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #76, November 2020
- * Flora, (pm) Kaleidotrope Summer 2023
- * Fly on the Wall, (pm) A Sea of Alone ed. Christopher Conlon, Dark Scribe Press, 2011
- * Food of the Gods, (vi) Dead Lines #4, April 1996
- * For Fear of a Black Day, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2001
- * The Four Horsemen of the Parking Lot: Narrative Nonfiction, (ar) Shock Totem #7, August 2013
- * The Future History of Cats, (pm) Weird Tales Spring 2011
- * Gingerella and the Ghastly Slipper, (ss) Enchanted Conversation v2 #3, 2011
- * The Girl of His Dreams, (ss) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- * The Glittering, (ss) Shroud #9, Summer 2010
- * God’s Room, (ss) The House Spider and Other Strange Visitors, Delirium Books, 1999
- * Grandma Lemke’s Potions, (pm) The Literary Hatchet #8, April 2014
- * The Gritter, (pm) 34 Orchard #6, Autumn 2022
- * Halloween, (pm) Crossroads #22/23, October 1998/February 1999
- * The Hand That Washed Ashore, (ss) Syntax & Salt Magazine #1, April 2016
- * Harbingers, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #23, Autumn 2001
- * He Tore Himself in Two, (pm) Enchanted Conversation v2 #1, 2011
- * His Father’s Eyes, (ss) Dead Lines #1, January 1995
- * The Hole That Swallowed the World, (ss) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- * Holiday Son, (pm) The Blue Lady #7, 1997
- * hollow victories, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * Home Bodies, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #18, Summer 2000
- * The Hornet Priest, (ss) Random Realities #4, Fall 1993
- * Horny, (vi) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * The House Spider, (vi) Pirate Writings #6, Spring 1995
- * The House Spider and Other Strange Visitors, (Delirium Books, August 1999, co)
- * How the Dead Teach the Living, (pm) Mythic Delirium #23, 2010
- * If Dreams Were Stars, (pm) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020
- * Imago, (pm) Frozen Wavelets #6, Winter/Spring 2021
- * The Immaterials, (pm) Imelod #15, Autumn/October 1999
- * in defense of Frankenstein’s monster, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #52, January 1999
- * Inebriates, (pm) Fantasque April 1999
- * In Praise of Nicholas, (ss) The House Spider and Other Strange Visitors, Delirium Books, 1999
- * In Reluctance I Go Wandering, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
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