The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Meet O. Kay: Iron Face - the Mystery Man! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #79, July 23 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Battling Grey-Beards! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #84, August 27 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Black Column! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #68, May 7 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The House of Steel [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #54, January 30 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The House of the Unknown! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #55, February 6 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Human Bloodhound! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #95, November 12 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Living Idol! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #70, May 21 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Manor with the Moving Dome! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #69, May 14 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Painted Lown! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #62, March 26 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Silent Three! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #56, February 13 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Six Strange Events! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #67, April 30 1932
- * Meet O. Kay: The Swinging Thirteen! [Octavius Kay], (ss) (by Alfred Edgar) The Bullseye #98, December 3 1932
- * Meet Our Babe, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical October 1965
- * Meet Our Contributors, (ms) Minnesota Quarterly Fll 1929, Wtr, Spr 1930
- * Meet Our Female Spy!, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1964
- * Meet Peter Probyn, (bg) Suspense (UK) October 1960 [Ref. Peter Probyn]
- * Meet Phoebe Ross, Our New Miss Dude!, (pi) The Dude May 1957
- * Meet Pix’s Pixie, (pi) Pix v1 #1, 1963
- * Meets a Music Master’s Menace [Dig Bailey], (cs) Calling All Boys #3, April 1946
- * Meets Man He Believed He Had Killed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1921
- * Meet Sweet Sue, (pi) Adam February 1957
- * Meet the 2009 Short Story Contest Winner: Jesse D’Angelo, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2010 [Ref. Jesse D’Angelo]
- * Meet the 99th Pursuit Squadron, (ms) Flying Aces June 1943
- * Meet the Artist - H. W. McCauley, (bg) Imagination September 1952
- * Meet the Author, (bg) South Sea Stories Dec 1939, Jun, Aug, Oct 1940
- * Meet the Author, (bg) Ad Lib Short Story Magazine #3, #4 1988
- * Meet the Author, (cl) Argosy August 2 1941 [Ref. Murray R. Montgomery]
- * Meet the Author of This Novel, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1939
- * Meet the Authors, (bg) South Sea Stories February 1940
- * Meet the Authors, (bg) Air Trails Pictorial Nov 1946, Apr 1947
- * Meet the Authors, (bg) Terra SF ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW, 1981
- * Meet the Authors, (bg) Moonlight Romance #5, February 1994
- * Meet the Authors, (bg) Focus Fiction Special 2009
* ___ Raymond Z. Gallun, (bg) Amazing Stories March 1942 [Ref. Raymond Z. Gallun]
- * Meet the Boss of My Heart, (ts) True Experiences April 1946
- * Meet the Charwoman-Poet, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2162, January 2 1932
- * Meet the Devil’s Reject: An Interview with Sid Haig, (iv) Dark of Night #1, September/October 2005 [Ref. Sid Haig]
- * Meet the Editor, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #13, August 1967
- * Meet the Editor: Robert O. Erisman, (iv) Writer’s Digest 1940 [Ref. Robert O. Erisman]
- * Meet the Editors, (cl) SFWA Bulletin #17, April 1968 [Ref. Diane Cleaver & Marc Haefele]
- * Meet the Editors!, (ms) The Weird Fiction Review #9, Winter 2019
- * Meet the Fan…, (bg) Stardust Nov, Aug, Sep 1940 [Ref. Forrest J Ackerman]
- * Meet the Farmer’s Daughter: Carol Di Carlo, (pi) All Man May 1963
- * Meet the Folks at KOIN, (ar) Radio Digest October 1929
- * Meet the Gang #12, (pm) Sweetness and Light Spring 1940
- * Meet the Gang #5, (pm) Sweetness and Light Summer 1939
- * Meet the Gang #6, (pm) Sweetness and Light Fall 1939
- * Meet the Gang #9, (pm) Sweetness and Light Winter 1940
- * Meet the Peelots, (bg) Airplane Stories January 1931
- * Meet the Scribes and Drawers, (bg) Black Rose #1 Jan, #2 Jul 1998
- * Meet the Team, (ms) Torchwood: The Official Magazine Yearbook, Titan, 2008
- * Meet the Triumphant Misses Brown, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion April 1943
- * Meet the Whisperer, (ms) The Whisperer October 1940
- * Meet the Winners, (ms) Triple-X Magazine #75, August 1930
- * Meet the Winners, (ms) Ranch Romances 3rd December 1935
- * Meet Ton Smits, (ms) Suspense (UK) November 1960 [Ref. Ton Smits]
- * Meet Venus, (ms) Venus v1 #1, v1 #2 1958
- * Meet Wild Bill Wellman, (ar) Foreign Service December 1936
- * Meet Your Authors, (cl) Love Book Magazine Dec 1949, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1950, Jan, Feb, Jun,
Aug 1951
- * Meet Your Editor, (ed) The Triumph Nov 23, Dec 7, Dec 14 1935
- * Meet Your Friends, (qz) Argosy (UK) October 1942
- * Meg, (iv) Men’s Digest October 1957 [Ref. Meg Myles]
- * Megamouth, (ms) The Gate January 1986
- * Megiddo—City of Chariots, (cs) The Bible Story #17, June 27 1964
- * Meg May’s Valentine, (pm)
- * “Me Gustan Todas”, (sg) Scribner’s Monthly June 1877translated by Neña Sturgis
- * Mehetabel Rogers’s Cranberry Swamp, (ss) (by Charles Nordhoff) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1864
- * Mehitabel: A New-Englander, (ss) New-York Tribune
- * Meh Lady, (pm) The People’s Home Journal May 1903
- * Meissonier, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1879
- * Meissonier and His Pictures, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper October 19 1889
- * Meissonier and His Pictures Part 2, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper October 26 1889
- * Meissonier’s Wonder Year, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1891
- * The Melancholist and the Sharper, (vi) The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night by Richard Francis Burton, Kama Shastra Society, 1885
- * Melancholy Dane, (pi) Swank September 1965
- * The Melancholy Days, (pm) The Golden Argosy December 3 1887
- * Mélanie, (ss) (by Clara Francis Morse) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1878
- * Melanie, (hu) Mayfair v14 #2, v14 #3, v14 #4, v14 #5 1979
- * Melanie, (pi) Mayfair v12 #3 1977, v20 #3 1985, v26 #14 1991
- * Melanie, (ss) The Tryout June 1920
- * Melanie Granger, (pi) Mayfair v26 #12, 1991
- * Melanie in a Merry Mood, (pi) Nightline v2 #1, 1970
- * Melba, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine March 1896
- * Melbourne and the Province of Victoria, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1883
- * Melchior Ragetli; or, The Life of a Swiss Porter, (nv) (by John A. Symonds) The Cornhill Magazine October 1887
- * Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto, Northern Frights, and More, (ar) Penthouse January 2007
- * Melinda, (pi) Mayfair v16 #10 1981, v24 #1 1989
- * Melisande to Her Sisters, (pm) The Grand Magazine October 1916
- * Melissa: The Total Female, (ar) Rex #22, 1971
- * Mellen and His Friends, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * Mellicent’s Malady, (ss) (by Nora Perry) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1861
- * Mellie’s Zoo, (ss) (by A. C. Wise) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Mellifluous Melon, (ms) McCall’s July 1961
- * Melloney Holtspur, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly November 25 1922 [Ref. John Masefield]
- * The Mellow Eve, (sg) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1881
- * A Melodrama in a First Class Carriage, (ss) (by Percy Fitzgerald) Dublin University Magazine December 1861
- * Melody for One, (ms) Rangeland Romances February 1951
- * Melody Man, (bg) John Bull October 12 1946 [Ref. Irving Berlin]
- * Melody Man, Wife & Child, (ar) The Passing Show September 21 1935 [Ref. Eric Coates]
- * The Melody of Prose, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1886
- * Melody Powell, (pi) Escapade April 1963
- * Melody, the Do-It-Yourself Girl, (pi) Pad June 1968
- * Melonie Hightree in Palm Springs, (pi) Cavalier #156, June 1966
- * Melon Train Over Mile Long, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1911
- * Mel Stein, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Mel Stein]
- * Melting Ice Reveals Murder in Northwest, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 27 1924
- * Melting Money, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 10 1880
- * Meltonia’s Gathering, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #48, January 1885
- * Melton Prior, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1900
- * Melvin Vaniman’s Mistake, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * The Member from Crimson Gulch, (pm) Washington Star
- * The Member from Foxden [Foxden], (ss) (by J. P. Quincy) The Atlantic Monthly June 1863
- * Member News, (cl) Star*Line v15 #7, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1992, Jan/Feb, May/Jun 1993, Mar/Apr, May/Jun,
Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1994
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, v18 #6/v19 #1 Nov/Feb 1995
- * Member of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1940, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #102, February 1941
- * Member Roster, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1994
- * Members, (ms) British Association of Paperback Collectors Newsletter #3 Chr 1992, #4 Apr, #5 Jul, #6 Oct 1993, #9, #7 Jan, #8 Mar, #10 Aug, #11 Oct 1994
- * A Member Says, (ms) Publications of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies March 1960
- * Members’ Bulletin, (ms) The Shadow Detective Monthly May, Jun 1932
- * Members Club, (ms) Mayfair v4 #9 1969, v5 #2, v5 #9, v5 #12 1970, v6 #3, v6 #4, v6 #5, v6 #7, v6 #8, v6 #9, v6 #12 1971,
v7 #2, v7 #3, v7 #6, v7 #7, v7 #10 1972
- * Membership Directory, (ms) Star*Line November/December 1980
- * Membership List 1974, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1974
- * Membership List for 1955, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #269, February 1955
- * Membership List for 1956, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #281, February 1956
- * Membership List for 1957, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #292, January 1957
- * Membership List for 1960, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up December 1960
- * Membership List for 1963, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up Jan 1962, Jan 1963
- * Membership List for 1965, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up December 1964
- * Membership List for 1967, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1967
- * Membership List for 1968, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1968
- * Membership List for 1969, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1969
- * Membership List for 1970, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1970
- * Membership List for 1971, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1971
- * Membership List for 1973, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up January 1973
- * Membership List for 1975, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up June 1975
- * Membership List for 1976, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up February 1976
- * Membership List for 1977, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up February 1977
- * Membership List for 1978, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up February 1978
- * Membership Notes, (ms) Publications of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies May 1959
- * Membership of the Mystery Writers of America, Inc., (ms)
- * Membership Roster, (ms) The Megaflow Manifesto January 1991
- * Members National Flapper Flock, (ms) Experience November 1924
- * Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1941, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #106 Jun 1941, #113 Feb 1942
- * Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood for 1934, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #36, December 1934
- * Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood for the Year 1938, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #82, January 1939
- * Members of the House Play Ball for Boy Scouts, (cl) Boys’ Life August 1912
- * The Members of the Nansen Greenland Exploring Expedition, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper April 6 1889
- * Members of the Providence Amateur Press Club, (ar) The Providence Amateur June 1915
- * Members of the World Science Fiction Society, (ms) Journal of the World Science Fiction Society, Inc. v15 #3, 1957
- * Mementoes, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 1 1884
- * Memento Mayfair, (pi) Mayfair v3 #11, 1968
- * A Memento Mori Watch, Given by Mary Queen of Scots to Her Maid of Honor, Mary Setoun, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1876
- * M. Emile Zola and His New Book, (ar) Black & White #8, March 28 1891
- * Memnon, (pm) (by Ellis Gray) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1873
- * A Memo from Inspector Lestrade [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Summer 2011
- * Memo from Mona, (pi) Adam v1 #6, 1957
- * Memoirs of a Fish, (pi) High Time v1 #2, 1960
- * Memoirs of a Ghost Voice, (iv) Rex #34, 1972 [Ref. Michael Jayston]
- * Memoirs of a Goddess, (sl) Good Times #18, 1955
- * Memoirs of a Hotel Detective, (ts) Midnight #3, September 2 1922
- * Memoirs of a Madam, (ts) Valor for Men June 1958
- * Memoirs of a Metaphysical Swamp Spider, (br) Wordworks #7, 1976 [Ref. Jorge Luís Borges]
- * Memoirs of an Adopted Son, (ss) (by Wilkie Collins) All the Year Round #104, April 20 1861
- * Memoirs of an Australian Police Officer:
* ___ No. 5: The Dead Witness; or, The Bush Waterhole, (ss) (by Mary Helena Wilson Fortune) The Australian Journal January 20 1866
* ___ No. 6: Mystery and Murder, (ss) (by Mary Helena Wilson Fortune) The Australian Journal February 10 1866
- * Memoirs of a Vampire Hunter by Peter Allchin, (br) Lacuna #2, April 2010
- * Memoirs of a Woman of Twenty-Five, (ts) Saucy Stories April 15 1923
- * Memoirs of Celebrated Poets: Robert Burns, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal September 21 1867
- * Memoirs of Dolly Morton, (ex) Pix November 1976
- * The Memoirs of Solar Pons, (ms) A Derleth Collection by August Derleth, Geranium Press, 1993
- * The Memoirs of Vidocq, (ar) Famous Lives June 1929
- * Memorabilia of Old Gaul, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine January 1869
- * Memorabilia Promiscua, (ar) Dublin University Magazine June 1869
- * Memorable American Duels, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1877
- * Memorable Earthquakes, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * A Memorable Indian Raid, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 25 1933
- * A Memorable Night; A Story of Modern Highwaymen, (ss) The Union Jack September 9 1880
- * A Memorable Pope, (ar) Temple Bar July 1872 [Ref. Sixtus V]
- * A Memorable Ride, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper December 20 1879
- * Memorable Sayings of History, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Memorable Women of America, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- * Memorandum, (ss) The Printer’s Devil N 2000
- * Memoriæ Postum R.G.S., (pm) (by James Russell Lowell) The Atlantic Monthly January 1864
- * Memorial Day Costs 41 Lives, (ar) May 31 1934
- * The Memorial of A.B.; or Matilda Muffin, (ss) (by Rose Terry) The Atlantic Monthly February 1860
- * The Memorial of the Irish Prelates, and a National Synod, (ar) Dublin University Magazine February 1862
- * Memorial Stone to the late Lord Inchcape, (ms) Blue Peter #135, June 1933
- * Memorial to Jules Verne, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 2 1907
- * Memorial to Longhorn, (ms) West February 18 1928
- * A Memorial to Montague Summers, (ms) Aklo Summer 1991
- * Memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, (ms) The Sunday Strand June 1906
- * The Memorial to Our Dead, (ms) The Sphere #1021, August 16 1919
- * Memorial to the Late Archbishop of Canterbury, (ms) The Sunday Strand September 1906
- * Memorial to the Late Lord Granville, (ar) Black & White #20, June 20 1891
- * Memorial Tribute to Jonathan David Levine, (ms) Penny Dreadful #14, 2001
- * Memories, (pm)
- * Memories, (ts) True Love Stories 2nd February 1930
- * Memories and Messages, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1929
- * Memories of Adventure, (ar) Chums Annual 1936, 1935
- * Memories of a Great Lover, (ts) Smart Set Oct, Nov, Dec 1924
- * Memories of a Hostess, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly February 10 1923 [Ref. M. A. De Wolfe Howe]
- * Memories of Childhood, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * Memories of Merrie England, (ia) Chums September 1934
- * Memories of Old Bow Street Police Court, (ar) The Ludgate April 1897
- * Memories of the Future, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 31 1923 [Ref. Father Ronald Knox]
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