The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6962
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[]Mead, Harold (Charles Hugh) (1910-1997) (about) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Bright Phoenix, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) June 1955
- * The Bright Phoenix, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * The Bright Phoenix by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #13, 1955
- * The Bright Phoenix by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe October 1956
- * The Bright Phoenix by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1956
- * The Bright Phoenix by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction December 1956
- * Mary’s Country by Alec F. Harby, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #84, September 1957
- * Mary’s Country by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #65, November 1957
- * Mary’s Country by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #26, 1958
[]Mead, (William) Leon (1861-1927) (about) (chron.)
- * Among the Word-Makers, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine June 1905
- * The Dead Summer, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1894
- * Gabriel and Jehane, (ss) The Bohemian April 1906
- * The Great Sparrow Dispute, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper #1886, November 7 1891
- * How “Ned Buntlin”e Turned from Runaway Boy to Writing Genius: His Relations with “Buffalo Bill” and the “Know Nothings”, (ms)
- * If Flow’rs Could Sing, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1890
- * In a Munich Deadhouse, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1892
- * The Lily and the Rose, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1888
- * Loyal Love, (pm) The Optimist February 1901
- * The Mad King, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine August 1893
- * The Master of Lumberhurst, (ss) Collier’s December 5 1914
- * Mrs. Beveridge’s Adventure, (ss) Storiettes June 1893
- * Mrs. Gordon’s Amah: A Story of the Chinese Riots, (ss) Romance September 1892
- * A Parlor-Car Romance, (ss) The Bow-Legged Ghost and Other Stories by Leon Mead, The Werner Company, 1899
- * Pneumatics Versus Medicine, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1893
- * Remorse, (pm) The Bohemian January 1906
- * A Strange Obsession, (ss) The Smart Set August 1902
- * Two Roses, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1895
- * When Ezra Sang First Bass, (vi) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1898
- * White Roses for the Dead, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1890
- * The Wise Stork, (pm) The Bohemian November 1905
- * Women as Billiard Players, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine January 1896
[]Mead, Margaret (1901-1978) (chron.)
- * The Air We Breathe Means Life—or Death, (ar) Redbook April 1976
- * Apprenticeship for Marriage, (ar) Redbook October 1963
- * Becoming a Whole Person (with Rhoda Metraux), (ar) Redbook March 1979
- * “A Better Mother, A Better Wife, A Better Person” (with Rhoda Metraux), (ar) Redbook February 1979
- * Bisexuality: What’s It All About?, (ar) Redbook January 1975
- * Can Christmas Bring Generations Together?, (ar) Redbook December 1973
- * Can the American Family Survive?, (ar) Redbook February 1977
- * Can the Family Survive?, (ar) Redbook September 1970
- * Can We Protect Children from Pornography?, (ar) Redbook March 1972
- * Cathy, Born in Wartime, (ar) Redbook May 1973
- * Celebrating the Bicentennial—Family Style, (ar) Redbook April 1975
- * The Chip on the Shoulder, (es)
- * A Continuing Dialogue on Marriage, (ar) Redbook April 1968
- * Divorce Insurance: A New Idea, (ar) Redbook March 1974
- * Does the World Belong to Men—or to Women?, (ar) Redbook October 1973
- * Do We Really Need Volunteers?, (ar) Redbook September 1975
- * The Energy Crisis, (ar) Redbook April 1974
- * Every Home Needs Two Adults, (ar) Redbook May 1976
- * Filming Life and Death in a New Guinea Village, (ar) Redbook November 1968
- * The Gift of Celebrating Christmas, (ar) Redbook December 1974
- * Household Help, (ar) Redbook October 1976
- * How Can We Help the World’s Hungry People?, (ar) Redbook March 1975
- * How We Can Help Children Learn to Write, (ar) Redbook November 1976
- * How Women Can Help Other Women Who Drink, (ar) Redbook February 1975
- * Instinct and the Origins of Love, (ar) Redbook December 1970
- * In the Best Interests of the Child…, (ar) Redbook October 1978
- * The Islands Named Samoa, A Man Named Reo, (ar) Redbook December 1972
- * It’s Up to Women to Elect a Good President, (ar) Redbook March 1976
- * The Legacy of Rachel Carson, (ar) Redbook August 1972
- * Leisure Is for Recollecting in Tranquility, (ar) Nova May 1965
- * Letter to a First-Time Voter, (ar) Redbook June 1972
- * Lexington and Concord—A Meeting of Christmas Past and Present, (ar) Redbook December 1975
- * A Life for a Life: What That Means Today, (ar) Redbook June 1978
- * A Look at Gossip Today, (ar) Redbook April 1977
- * Male and Female, (nb) Morrow, 1949
- * Man on the Moon, (ar) Redbook July 1969
- * The Many Rights to Life, (ar) Redbook July 1978
- * Marrying Around the World: New Guinea, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1934
- * Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson: A New Kind of First Lady?, (ar) Redbook July 1965
- * Mrs. Roosevelt, (ar) Redbook January 1963
- * My First Marriage, (ar) Redbook November 1972
- * My Grandmother, My Mother and Me, (ar) Redbook March 1973
- * New Guinea Revisited, (ar) Redbook February 1965
- * A New Way to Look at School Busing, (ar) Redbook January 1977
- * A Next Step in Being a Woman, (ar) Redbook August 1973
- * The Occult: On the Edge of the Unknown, (ar) Redbook March 1977
- * On Being a Grandmother, (ar) Redbook July 1970
- * One World—but Which Language?, (ar) Redbook April 1966
- * Our 200th Birthday: What We Have to Celebrate, (ar) Redbook July 1975
- * Our Lives May Be at Stake, (ar) Redbook November 1974
- * Our Right to Privacy, (ar) Redbook April 1965
- * Peacekeeping: What Every Woman Knows, (ar) Redbook December 1962
- * A Perfect Parnership, (ar) Redbook February 1973
- * The Police and the Community, (ar) Redbook June 1969
- * Pollution: The Need to Think Clearly About Clear Water, (ar) Redbook May 1974
- * President Nixon and the Two-Party System, (ar) Redbook March 1969
- * The Price We Pay for Democracy, (ar) Redbook August 1962
- * Questions and Answers, (qa) Redbook Dec 1963, Jun 1966, Jun 1968
- * A Radical New Plan for College Education, (ar) Redbook May 1969
- * A Reasonable View of Vietnam, (ar) Redbook February 1970
- * Reducing the Need for Abortions, (ar) Redbook September 1973
- * The Reluctant Princess: Letters from Samoa, (ar) Redbook January 1978
- * Return of the Cave Woman, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1962
- * Return to Somoa, (ar) Redbook July 1972
- * Should Clubs Have the Right to Be “Exclusive”?, (ar) Redbook July 1977
- * Small Towns: A New Role for Old Communities?, (ar) Redbook September 1965
- * Snapshots from My Family Album, (ar) Redbook April 1973
- * Speaking Out:
* ___ Return of the Cave Woman, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1962
- * Talking to Santa Claus (with Rhoda Metraux), (ar) Redbook December 1978
- * Time to Reflect, Time to Feel, (ar) Redbook August 1964
- * To Both Their Own, (ar) Eve April 1958
- * Too Many Divorces, Too Soon, (ar) Redbook February 1974
- * Trial Parenthood, (ar) Redbook June 1973
- * UFOs—Visitors from Outer Space?, (ar) Redbook September 1974
- * The Unwitting Partners to Youthful Violence, (ar) Redbook May 1965
- * We Need Taboos on Sex at Work, (ar) Redbook April 1978
- * What’s Right and Wrong About Adoption Today, (ar) Redbook September 1978
- * What Welfare Means to People Who Aren’t on It, (ar) Redbook March 1978
- * Why Americans Must Limit Their Families, (ar) Redbook August 1963
- * Why Our Schools Are Failing to Teach, (ar) Redbook August 1976
- * Why Save the Wilderness?, (ar) Redbook August 1969
- * Why We Fear Witches, (ar) Redbook November 1971
- * Why We Go to the Movies, (ar) Redbook March 1971
- * Women and Our Plundered Planet, (ar) Redbook April 1970
- * Women and the “New” Pornography, (ar) Redbook February 1976
- * Women as Priests: A New Challenge, (ar) Redbook June 1975
- * Women: A Time for Change, (ar) Redbook March 1970
- * The Year I Was Nine, (ar) Redbook December 1979
- * Youth Is a Time, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1961
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