The FictionMags Index
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[]Madden, Mary (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Adventure in June, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories June 1937
- * The Adventures of a Game Dame, (ss) High Heel Magazine April 1939
- * Beauty and the Beast, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories April 1937
- * Come and Get me, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories February 1937
- * Ghost Meets Ghost, (ss) Silk Stocking Annual Winter 1938
- * Girl in Danger, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories January 1937
- * Girls in the Ring, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories November 1937
- * He Snooped to Conquer, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories June 1938
- * Lady Into Tiger, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories May 1939
- * The Lady Wrestles, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories April 1938
- * Love Is a Gamble, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories December 1937
- * The Man Who Forgot Himself, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories July 1937
- * One Night in a Trailer, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories May 1937
- * Perfect Interference, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories October 1937
- * Punching Judy, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories July 1939
- * Sally Steps Out, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories March 1938
- * Snappy Ending, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories August 1937
- * Taxi Girl, (sl) High Heel Magazine Dec 1938, Mar 1939
- * Try and Beat Her, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories March 1937
- * 20th Century Love, (ss) Modern Girl Book May 1939
- * Wild Honeymoon, (ss) Silk Stocking Stories January 1938
[]Madden, Philip (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * “Death Will You Play with Me?”, (pm) The Deadlands #9, January 2022
- * Dracula Istanbul ’Da, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #21, January/February 2004
- * The Heirloom, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Ian Watson Interviewed, (iv) infinity plus May 2004 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * The Morgue, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2023
- * The Pendant, (ss) Twisted Tongue #15, April 2010
[]Madden, Sean (fl. 1990s-2010s); used pseudonym Spiffopops (about) (chron.)
- * The Symbiont, (cs) Delirium #2, 2000
- * The Symbiont, (cs) Delirium #3, 2000, as by Spiffopops
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Obsolete! #3, 2011
- * [front cover], (cv) Mindmares #5 Wtr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Flesh & Blood v2 #5, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #2, 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Human Oddities by Barbara Malenky, Delirium Books, 2000, as by Spiffopops
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #3, 2000, as by Spiffopops
- * [front cover], (cv) From the Pest Zone by H. P. Lovecraft, Hippocampus Press, 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Animus #2 Feb, #3 May 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Dead Planets, Unhallowed Stars by Tim Curran, Dark Tree Press, 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Cthulhu Sex v2 #16, 2003
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Parsec Winter 2001, as by Spiffopops
[]Madden, Steve (fl. 1950s-1970s) (chron.)
- * America’s Bobbie Burns, (ar) Knight May 1963
- * Assignment: Red Herring, (ss) Yes v3 #3, 1971
- * Book Review: A Housewife’s Handbook, (br) Knight July 1963
- * Cupid Is a Stoolie, (ss) Rapture v6 #4, 1967
- * The Dangerous Dame Game, (ss) Body Shop v4 #2, 1967
- * Editorial, (ed) Line & Form January/February/March 1969
- * Editor’s Notebook, (cl) Knight Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1963, Jan, Apr, Jul, Aug, Nov 1964, Jan, Mar,
May 1965
- * Greetings from Sir Knight, (ed) Sir Knight v2 #12 1961, v3 #3, v3 #4, v3 #5, v3 #6 1962
- * One Million Balloons, (ss) Late Date v4 #3, 1967
- * Part-Time Wife, (ss) Sensation v3 #4, 1966/67
- * Ride a Loser, (ss) Late Show v4 #3, 1966/67
- * The Slick and the Dead, (ss) Affair v3 #4, 1967
- * So Perfect, (??) Adam Bedside Reader #18, 1965
- * The Sunbaked Diamond Caper, (ss) Quickie v3 #4, 1966
- * Two Weeks on Another Planet, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #15, 1964
- * The Velvet Trap, (ss) Snap v6 #4, 1967
- * Weekend Rental, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #17, 1964
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Sir Knight v2 #9, v2 #12 1961, v3 #1, v3 #2, v3 #3, v3 #4, v3 #5, v3 #6, v3 #7, v3 #8, v3 #9 1962,
Jan, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1963
Jan, Apr, Jul, Aug, Nov 1964, Jan, Mar 1965
- * Editor: Line & Form January/February/March 1969
[]Maddern, Philippa “Pip” C(atherine) (1952-2014) (chron.)
- * Broken Pit, (ss) The Altered I ed. Lee Harding, Norstrilia, 1976
- * Confusion Day, (ss) Urban Fantasies ed. David King & Russell Blackford, Ebony Books, 1985
- * Dialogue, (vi) The View from the Edge ed. George Turner, Norstrilia, 1977
- * Ignorant of Magic, (ss) The View from the Edge ed. George Turner, Norstrilia, 1977
- * Inhabiting the Interspaces, (ss) Transmutations ed. Rob Gerrand, Norstrilia, 1979
- * The Ins and Outs of the Hadhya City-State, (ss) The Altered I ed. Lee Harding, Norstrilia, 1976
- * The Pastseer, (nv) Interfaces ed. Ursula K. Le Guin & Virginia Kidd, Ace, 1980
- * Silence, (ss) The View from the Edge ed. George Turner, Norstrilia, 1977
- * The Subconcious Computer, (ss) Eidolon Winter 1990
- * “They Made Us Not to Be and They Are Not”, (nv) Orbit 20 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1978
- * Things Fall Apart, (nv) Matilda at the Speed of Light ed. Damien Broderick, Angus & Robertson, 1988
- * untitled (“McKell had been out along the seashore”), (vi) The Altered I ed. Lee Harding, Norstrilia, 1976
- * Wherever You Are, (ss) The View from the Edge ed. George Turner, Norstrilia, 1977
- * [letter], (lt) SF Commentary #60/61, October 1980
- * [review of “The Eye Altering”], (sr) The Altered I ed. Lee Harding, Norstrilia, 1976 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
[]Maddick-Lownds, Mead (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The American Magazine December 1940
- * [front cover], (cv) This Week Mar 9 1941, Apr 26 1942, Jun 11, Jun 18 1944
- * [front cover], (cv) Liberty Apr 26, May 24, Jun 21, Jun 28, Jul 19, Aug 2, Aug 9, Aug 16, Sep 6, Sep 13,
Sep 27, Oct 18, Nov 1, Nov 22, Dec 6, Dec 20 1941
Feb 21 1942, Apr 1949
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s Home Companion May, Dec 1943, Feb 1944, Nov 1945, Aug 1946
- * [front cover], (cv) Everywoman’s Magazine June 1945
- * [front cover], (cv) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Apr 10, Sep 25 1948
- * [front cover], (cv) Cosmopolitan Dec 1950, Aug, Dec 1951
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