The FictionMags Index
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Machen, Arthur (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Bond St. Beauty Parlour, (ar) The Graphic February 28 1925
- * Books That a Queen May Read, (ar) The Graphic March 13 1926
- * The Bowmen, (vi) The (London) Evening News September 29 1914
- The Angels of Mons, Simpkin, Marshall, 1915
- Current Opinion November 1915
- The Angels of Mons (var. 1), Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd., 1915
- Famous Modern Ghost Stories ed. Dorothy Scarborough, Putnam, 1921
- Weird Tales July 1928
- The Great Book of Thrillers (var. 1) ed. H. Douglas Thomson, Odhams, 1937
- Pause to Wonder ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1944
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 1), Panther, 1953
- The World’s Shortest Stories ed. Richard Gibson Hubler, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Volume Two, Pinnacle, 1973
- Angels and Awakenings ed. M. Cameron Grey, Doubleday, 1980
- The Collected Arthur Machen, Duckworth, 1988
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 2), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- The Mammoth Book of Twentieth-Century Ghost Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 1998
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Shadows from a Veiled Creation ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2006
- The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2007
- Visitants ed. Stephen Jones, Ulysses Press, 2010
- The White People and Other Weird Stories, Penguin Classics, 2011
- Worlds of the Unknown #2, 2015
- The Great God Pan, The White People, & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- Classic Fantasy Stories ed. Farah Mendlesohn, Macmillan Collector's Library, 2024
- * The Bowmen: Introduction, (in) The Angels of Mons, Simpkin, Marshall, 1915, as "Introduction"
- * Bridles and Spurs, (ar) Westminster Magazine October/December 1934
- * Bridles & Spurs, (co) The Rowfant Club, August 1951
- * The Bright Boy, (nv) The Children of the Pool and Other Stories, Hutchinson, 1936
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 1), Panther, 1953
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Volume Two, Pinnacle, 1973
- Short Sharp Shocks ed. Julian Lloyd Webber, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1990
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * The Brook Farm, (ar) Globe August 16 1890
- * By the Brook, (es) The Queen July 26 1890
- * By the Way, (ss) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * By the Way, (ar) The Academy May 11 1912
- * Cadby Hall, (ar) from A Souvenir of Cadby Hall, J. Jyons & Co., Ltd., 1927
- * Caerleon and Its Relics, (iv) Western Mail March 30 1926
- * The Calvary of Azay, (bg) The (London) Evening News September 28 1916
- * The Campden Wonder, (ar) The Graphic July 18 1925 (+1), as "The Man Who Came Back"
- * Candletime, (es) Globe November 2 1889
- * The Capital Levy, (ar) The Shining Pyramid, Covici-McGee, 1923
- * Captain Scott’s Memorial Service at St. Paul’s, (ar) The (London) Evening News February 14 1913
- * The Carefree Victorian Days, (ar) The Graphic August 29 1925
- * Casanova in London, (ar) The Graphic May 23 1925, as "The Greatest Scoundrel of His Time"
- * Casanova’s Gaol-Break, (ss)
- * A Castle in Celtic Mists, (ar) The Graphic September 5 1925
- * Casuistry, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly February 18 1910, as "Is It Lawful to Lie in Politics?"
- * The Ceaseless Bugle Call, (ar) The (London) Evening News September 17 1914
- * Celtic Magic, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly December 25 1908, as "What Is Celtic Magic?"
- * The Ceremony, (vi) Ornaments in Jade by Arthur Machen, A.A. Knopf, 1924
- Ornaments in Jade, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- The Book of Fantasy ed. Jorge Lu^i's Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares & Silvina Ocampo, Viking, 1988
- Shudder Again ed. Michele Slung, Roc, 1993
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- Circles of Stone ed. Katy Soar, The British Library, 2023
- * Ceremony on the Scaffold, (ar) The Graphic February 7 1925, as "A Dissertation Upon Justice"
- * Change, (ss) The Children of the Pool and Other Stories, Hutchinson, 1936
- A Second Century of Creepy Stories ed. Hugh Walpole, Hutchinson, 1937
- Terror at Night ed. Herbert Williams, Avon, 1947
- Thirteen Famous Ghost Stories ed. Peter Underwood, Dent, 1977
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- Crimes of Cymru ed. Martin Edwards, The British Library, 2023
- * A Chapter from the Book Called the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quijote de la Mancha, (ss) George Redway, July 1887
- * Chapter IX of Fantastic Tales, or, The Way to Attain, (ex) 1890
- * Chapter VIII of Fantastic Tales, or, The Way to Attain, (ex) 1890
- * “Characters” in Real Life, (ar) The Graphic June 6 1925
- * The Charm of Old Churches, (ar) Wonderful Britain ed. J. A. Hammerton, Educational Book Co., 1928
- * Cheerfulness Broke In: A Review of Edgar Jepson’s Memories of a Victorian, (br) The New Statesman and Nation October 14 1933 [Ref. Edgar Jepson]
- * The Children of the Pool, (ss) The Children of the Pool and Other Stories, Hutchinson, 1936
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 1), Panther, 1953
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Volume Two, Pinnacle, 1973
- Ghost Tour ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1984
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 2), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * Children of the Pool and Other Stories, (co) Hutchinson, September 1936
- * The Child’s Story, (ex) Horlick’s Magazine and Home Journal for Australia, India and the Colonies January 1904, as "The White People"
- * Chivalry, (ar) The Graphic September 19 1925, as "The Truth About Romance"
- * Christmas Mumming, (ar) The Lyons Mail December 1921
- * The Chronicle of Clemendy, (oc) Carbonnek, March 1888
- * Cidermas, (ss) The St. James’s Gazette November 8 1889
- * The Collected Arthur Machen, (co) Duckworth, August 1988 ; edited by Christopher Palmer
- * The Collector’s Craft, (es) Catalogue No. 6, The First Edition Bookshop, 1923
- * The Coming of the Terror, (nv) The Century Magazine October 1917
- Tales Before Tolkien ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Ballantine Del Rey, 2003
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Tales Before Tolkien (var. 1) ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Del Rey, 2005
- The Great God Pan, The White People, & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- * The Compliments of the Season, (ss) The Independent January 13 1934
- * Concealed Savages of Tudor England, (ar) The American Mercury February 1936
- * Concerning Cocktails, (ar) The Graphic October 3 1925
- * Conjuring Time, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly December 16 1922
- * “Consolatus” and “Church-Member”, (ar) The Academy December 21 1907
- * The Cosy Room, (ss) Shudders ed. Cynthia Asquith, Hutchinson, 1929
- A Century of Creepy Stories, Hutchinson, 1934
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- World’s Great Mystery Stories ed. Will Cuppy, The World Publishing Company, 1943
- Twenty-Two Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1946
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #64, March 1949
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #9, 1965
- The First Book of Unknown Tales of Horror ed. Peter Haining, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1976
- Creepy Stories, Bracken Books, 1994
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * The Cosy Room and Other Stories, (co) Rich & Cowan, Ltd., 1936
- * A Country Lane in August, (ar) The (London) Evening News August 22 1916
- * The Cry of a Captive, (ar) The Graphic October 31 1925
- * The Cult of the Secret, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly September 18 1908
- * A Curious Book—Le Moyen de Parvenir, (ar)
- Aklo Autumn 1992; from Machen’s “Queer Things” column that ran in The Observer from Mar 14 1926 - Feb 27 1927.
- * The Custom of the Manor, (ar) The Lyons Mail September 1922
- * The Dark Ages, (ar) The Academy July 11 1908
- * The Day After, (ar) The (London) Evening News January 4 1911
- * The Dazzling Light, (ss) The Angels of Mons, Simpkin, Marshall, 1915
- The Angels of Mons (var. 1), Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd., 1915
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- Worlds of the Unknown #2, 2015
- * Deadly Nevergreen, (ar) The Graphic April 18 1925
- * The Decorative Imagination [Mr. Dyson], (lk) The Three Impostors, John Lane, 1895
- * Different Kinds of Letters, (ar) The Graphic April 25 1925
- * Dissenting Logic, (ar) The Academy May 16 1908
- * A Dissertation Upon Justice, (ar) The Graphic February 7 1925
- * La Dive Bouteille, (ar) The Academy November 16 1907
- * Dr. Duthoit’s Vision, (ss) The (London) Evening News September 6 1915, as "What the Prebendary Saw"
- * Dr. Johnson’s Disappearing Act, (ar) The Graphic May 1 1926
- * Dog and Duck, (ar) The Lyons Mail November 1919
- * Dog and Duck, (co) Alfred A. Knopf, February 1924
- * A Double Return, (ss) The St. James’s Gazette September 11 1890
- New Tales of Horror, Hutchinson, 1934
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- * “Doubles” In Crime, (ar) The Graphic May 30 1925
- * The Dover Road, (nv) Missing from Their Homes, Hutchinson, 1936
- * Drake’s Drum, (ar) The Outlook April 26 1919
- The Living Age June 14 1919
- The Shining Pyramid, Covici-McGee, 1923
- Thrills, Crimes and Mysteries, Associated Newspapers, 1935
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Avallaunius Summer 1988
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- * Dreads and Drolls, (co) Martin Secker, November 1926
- * Dreads and Drolls (var. 1), (co) The Tartarus Press, September 2007
- * The Dream of a Great Romance: A Preface to the Chronicle of Clemendy, (ar) 1923
- * Dreams, (ar)
- * Dublin, (ar) The (London) Evening News April 27 1916
- * Ecclesia Anglicana I, (ar) The Academy December 7 1907
- * Ecclesia Anglicana II, (ar) The Academy December 14 1907
- * Edgar Allan Poe: The Supreme Realist, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine December 1910 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * Education and the Uneducated, (ar) The Academy September 14 1907
- * The Elizabethan Legacy, (ar) Wonderful Britain ed. J. A. Hammerton, Educational Book Co., 1928
- * The Encounter of the Pavement [Mr. Dyson], (lk) The Three Impostors, John Lane, 1895
- * England and Revolution, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly August 13 1909
- * Englands Last State Lottery, (ar) The Graphic October 16 1926
- * Epilogue, (lk) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * Epilogue: Recollections of Richard Middleton, (ar) The Sunday Times September 3 1933
- * Epistle Dedicatory, (fw) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * The Euston Square Mystery, (ar) The Graphic June 13 1925
- * The Exalted Omega, (nv) The Children of the Pool and Other Stories, Hutchinson, 1936
- * The Excellent Ballad of the Armed Man, (pm) The Poetry Review January/February 1950
- * Fallacies on Art, (br) The Academy July 15 1911 [Ref. R. N. Bradley]
- * False Prophets, (ar) The Academy August 8 1908
- * Farewell to Materialism, (es) The American Mercury September 1933
- * Far Off Things, (ar) Secker & Warburg, August 1922
- * Far Off Things, (ex) Secker & Warburg, August 1922
- * Folkestone in a French Guise, (ar) The (London) Evening News September 7 1914
- * Folklore and Legends of the North, (br) Literature September 24 1898
- * A Forgotten Book, (ar) The Dalton Citizen January 14 1932, as "Trailing Old Beroaldus"
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