The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6546
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Lovisi, Gary (Anthony) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * An Interview with Morris Hershman, (iv) Paperback Parade #45, May 1996 [Ref. Morris Hershman]
- * An Interview with Peter David, (iv) Paperback Parade #112, July 2021 [Ref. Peter David]
- * An Interview with Richard E. Geis, (iv) Paperback Parade #48, June 1997 [Ref. Richard E. Geis]
- * An Interview with Stanley Meltzoff, (iv) Paperback Parade #54, July 2000 [Ref. Stanley Meltzoff]
- * An Interview with Walter Popp, (iv) Paperback Parade #42, May 1995 [Ref. Walter Popp]
- * An Interview with Western Author Legend Elmer Kelton, (iv) Paperback Parade #71, December 2008 [Ref. Elmer Kelton]
- * An Interview with William F. Nolan, (iv) Paperback Parade #29, June 1992 [Ref. William F. Nolan]
- * An Interview with William F. Wu, (iv) Paperback Parade #117, February 2023 [Ref. William F. Wu]
- * Introduction, (in) Paperback Parade Collector’s Special #1, August 1997
- * An IPL Booklist, (bi) Paperback Parade #6, February 1988
- * I Read “Homicide Hotel”!, (br) Paperback Forum #2, 1985 [Ref. Joe Barry]
- * The Ironic Story of the Stevenson—Doyle Letters, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine April 2015 [Ref. Arthur Conan Doyle & Robert Louis Stevenson]
- * Jack Williamson in Paperback, (bi) Paperback Parade #51, January 1999 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- * James Bond in UK Pan Paperbacks, (ar) Paperback Parade #93, May 2016
- * James Meese, (ar) Paperback Parade #96, January 2017
- * Jazz Meets Murder on Honky Tonk Street, (ar) Paperback Parade #77, February 2011
- * Jim Thompson Paperbacks at Auction, (ar) Paperback Parade #26, October 1991 [Ref. Jim Thompson]
- * Joe Lansdale in Paperback, (bi) Paperback Parade #37, January 1994 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
- * Jonathan White, (ar) Paperback Parade #62, August 2004 [Ref. Jonathan White]
- * Julius Fast in Hardcover & Paperback, (bi) Paperback Parade #61, May 2004 [Ref. Julius Fast]
- * Jumper, (ss) Alien Worlds #15, June 2001
- * Kicks [Vic Powers], (ss) Naked Kiss v1 #1, 1994
- * The Killing Game, (ss) The Mage #5, Spring 1986
- * King Kong: The Paperbacks & The Film, (ar) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- * Kiwis, (ss) Weird Stories #7, April 1997
- * Lancer 2 for 1 Books, (ar) Paperback Parade #90, October 2015
- * The Light of Darkness, (ss) The Gargoyle, Gryphon Publications, 1988
- * Lila Lynn: Paperback Cover Model, (ar) Paperback Parade #106, January 2020
- * Little Fuzzy: The 8th Printing, (ar) Paperback Parade #35, August 1993 [Ref. H. Beam Piper]
- * Live and Learn, (ss) Hardboiled #19, November 1994
- * The Long Lost “Fuzzy”, (ar) Paperback Parade #35, August 1993 [Ref. H. Beam Piper]
- * A Look at “Marijuana Girl”, (ar) Paperback Parade #28, March 1992 [Ref. N. R. De Mexico]
- * A Look at Novel Library, (ar) Paperback Parade Collector’s Special #1, August 1997
- * A Look at Parade of Pleasure, (ar) Paperback Parade #38, April 1994
- * A Look at the Cherry Delight Books, (ar) Paperback Parade #105, October 2019
- * A Look at “Time Trap”, (ar) Paperback Parade #38, April 1994 [Ref. Rog Phillips]
- * A Look at “Triggerman”, (ar) Paperback Parade #41, March 1995 [Ref. Gray Usher]
- * A Look at Venus Prime, (ar) Paperback Parade #93, May 2016
- * A Look at Wages of Fear, (ar) Paperback Parade #92, March 2016
- * A Look Behind Bachelor Books, (ar) Paperback Parade #98, August 2017
- * A Look Book by Book, (ar) Paperback Parade Collector’s Special #1, August 1997
- * Looking at Legs, (ar) Paperback Parade #23, March 1991
- * “The Look of Love”, (ar) Paperback Parade #57, April 2002
- * The Loss of the British Bark Sophy Anderson [Sherlock Holmes], (na) Gryphon Double Novel #3, Gryphon, 1992
- * Lost in the Pulp Jungle, (ar) Echoes #46, December 1989
- * The Lost World of Professor Challenger, (ar) Paperback Parade #103, February 2019 [Ref. Arthur Conan Doyle]
- * Lou Cameron’s Angel’s Flight, (ar) Paperback Parade #90, October 2015 [Ref. Lou Cameron]
- * Louis S. Glanzman: The Fine Art of Illustration, (bg) Illustration #19, Summer 2007 [Ref. Lou Glanzman]
- * Love Kills, (ss) Suspense Magazine February 2011
- * Lumen Books “Reading for Eternity”, (ar) Paperback Parade #111, April 2021
- * Lyndon Mallet Interview, (iv) Paperback Parade #100, February 2018 [Ref. Lyndon Mallet]
- * The Lynn Munroe Catalog, (ar) Paperback Parade #60, October 2003
- * The Magic of Don Maitz, (bg) Illustration #55, February 2017 [Ref. Don Maitz]
- * The Magic of Norman Saunders, (ar) The Pulp Collector Spring 1989
- * The Maguire Touch, (ar) Paperback Parade #31, October 1992 [Ref. Robert Maguire]
- * The Man Behind Daniel Boyd, (iv) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- * Manhunt: Foreign Editions, (ar) Paperback Parade #43, August 1995
- * Man in Duplicate: A Short Tale of Duplicate Distribution, (ar) Paperback Parade #42, May 1995
- * The MAQ Gallery: That Other Betty, (iv) Men’s Adventure Quarterly #8, 2023 [Ref. Betty Brosmer]
- * Market News, (cl) Paperback Parade #2 Feb, #3 May 1987
- * A Memory of…Bradbury, (ar) Echoes #19, June 1985
- * Menace of the Mail-Order Brides, (ss) Man’s Guts #1, May 1989
- * Men Go and Come but Earth Abides, (ar) Paperback Parade #103, February 2019
- * Mickey Spillane in Paperback, (bi) Paperback Parade #46, August 1996 [Ref. Mickey Spillane]
- * Midnight Oasis, (ss) Eldritch Tales #20, Summer 1989
- * Mightier Than the Sword, (ss) A Shot in the Dark #3, March 1995
- * Mighty Midgets, (ar) Paperback Parade #104, August 2019
- * Minesweeper, (nv) Gryphon Double Novel #8, Gryphon, 1995
- * Mob Hits: True Crime Mafia & Gangster PBs, (ar) Paperback Parade #99, October 2017
- * Money and Dope [Vic Powers], (ss) Detective Story Magazine #4, April 1989
- * Monsters of the Paperbacks, (ar) Paperback Parade #35, August 1993
- * More British JD Paperbacks, (bi) Paperback Parade #30, August 1992
- * Morris Hershman Paperbacks, (bi) Paperback Parade #45, May 1996 [Ref. Morris Hershman]
- * Mrs. Milligan’s Cat, (ss) Crafty Cat Crimes ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 2000
- * The Mummy of Quelang, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #19, December 1996
- * My Brother of the Gun, (ss)
- * Mycroft’s Great Game [Sherlock Holmes], (nv) My Sherlock Holmes ed. Michael Kurland, St. Martin's Minotaur, 2003
- * My Ten Favorite Horror Movies, (ar) Echoes #61, April 1992
- * The New “Armed Service Editions”, (ar) Paperback Parade #60, October 2003
- * New Blood, (vi) 100 Crooked Little Crime Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1994
- * New Doc Savage Paperbacks, (ar) Paperback Parade #27, January 1992
- * New on the Market, (rc) Hardboiled #13 Mar, #14 Sep 1992, #15 Feb, #16 Aug 1993, #17 Feb, #18 Jun, #19 Nov 1994, #20 Aug 1995, #22 Dec 1996,
#23 Sep 1997, #24 Jul 1998, #25/26 Apr 2000
#27/28 Dec 2001, #29/30 Sep 2003, #31 Jan, #32 Nov 2004, #33 Mar, #34 Sum 2005, #35 Spr 2006, #36 Jan 2007, #37 Mar 2008,
#41 Jan, #42 Dec 2010
#43 Apr 2011, #44 Feb, #45 Jul 2012, #46 May 2013, #47 Sep 2014
- * The New York Collectable Paperback Expo, (ar) Paperback Parade #18, May 1990
- * New York Is Book Country, (ar) Paperback Parade #18, May 1990
- * Nightrides on the BMT, (ss) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * A Noir Unknown: One by One, (ar) Paperback Parade #74, April 2010
- * No Satisfaction [Vic Powers], (ss) Kracked Mirror Mysteries May 1996
- * Notable Holmesian Paperback Pastiches & Other Oddities, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Winter 2009/2010
- * The Nova Science Fiction Novels, (ar) Paperback Parade #18, May 1990
- * The NYC, LA & NJ PB Shows, (ar) Paperback Parade #35, August 1993
- * NYC PB & Pulp Fiction Expo, (ms) Paperback Parade #58, November 2002
- * Of Mice and Dragons, (ss) Weird Stories #15, December 1997
- * Of Pulplike Power, (ar) Echoes #35, February 1988
- * Old Aunt Sin, (ss) The Digest Enthusiast #3, January 2016
- * The Old Guard, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #22, August 2001
- * On Writing Lesbian Pulp: An Interview with Ann Bannon, (iv) Paperback Parade #59, April 2003 [Ref. Ann Bannon]
- * The Other SF Pulp: Planet Stories, (ar) Echoes #15, October 1984
- * The “Other” Thuvia of Mars, (ar) Paperback Parade #10, December 1988 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Other Words, (ed) Other Worlds #1 Apr, #2 Dec 1988, #3 Jul 1989, #4 May 1991, #5 Sum 1993, #6 Wtr 1996
- * Ozaki/Saber Paperback List, (ar) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- * The Paperabcks of Joe Barry, (bi) Paperback Parade #53, November 1999 [Ref. Joe Barry]
- * Paperback America: The Vintage Years, (ar) Paperback Parade #45, May 1996
- * The Paperback Art of Mitchell Hooks, (bg) Illustration #10, June 2004 [Ref. Mitchell Hooks]
- * The Paperback Books of Cornell Woorich/William Irish, (ar) Paperback Parade #3, May 1987 [Ref. Cornell Woolrich]
- * The Paperback Collector #51 and #52, (ar) Pulpdom #39, June 2004
- * Paperback Cover Motif: Strangulation Covers, (ar) Paperback Parade #52, May 1999
- * Paperback Leg Art Covers, (pi) Paperback Parade #50, May 1998
- * Paperback News, (cl) Paperback Parade #2 Feb, #3 May, #5 Nov 1987, #6 Feb, #7 Apr 1988
- * Paperback Rack: Run, Killer, Run!, (br) Blood ’n’ Thunder #28, Winter 2011 [Ref. Lionel White]
- * The Paperback Shadow, (ar) Golden Perils #4, May 1986
- * The Paperback Shadow Part II, (ar) Golden Perils #14, Fall 1989
- * The Paperbacks of John Leone, (bi) Paperback Parade #66, September 2006 [Ref. John Leone]
- * The Paperbacks of Vin Packer and Ann Aldrich, (bi) Paperback Parade #47, February 1997 [Ref. Marijane Meaker]
- * The Paperbacks of Walter Wager, (bi) Paperback Parade #52, May 1999 [Ref. Walter Wager]
- * Paperbacks on the Racks, (ar) Paperback Parade #3, May 1987
- * Paperbacks with Stanley Meltzoff Covers, (bi) Paperback Parade #54, July 2000 [Ref. Stanley Meltzoff]
- * Paperback Talk, (ar) Paperback Parade #80, January 2012
- * Paperback Talk, (cl) Paperback Parade #8 Jun, #9 Oct, #10 Dec 1988, #11 Feb, #12 Apr, #13 Jun, #14 Aug, #15 Oct 1989, #16 Jan, #18 May,
#19 Jul, #20 Sep, #21 Nov 1990
#23 Mar, #24 Jun, #25 Aug, #26 Oct 1991, #27 Jan, #28 Mar, #29 Jun, #30 Aug, #31 Oct 1992, #32 Jan, #33 Mar,
#34 Jun, #35 Aug, #36 Oct 1993
#37 Jan, #38 Apr, #39 Aug, #40 Oct 1994, #41 Mar, #42 May, #43 Aug, #44 Nov 1995, #45 May, #46 Aug 1996,
#47 Feb, #48 Jun, #49 Dec 1997
#50 May 1998, #51 Jan, #52 May, #53 Nov 1999, #54 Jul 2000, #55 Jan, #56 Jul 2001, #57 Apr, #58 Nov 2002, #59 Apr,
#60 Oct 2003
#61 May, #62 Aug 2004, #65 Feb, #66 Sep 2006, #86 Jun 2014, #90 Oct 2015, #91 Jan, #92 Mar, #93 May, #94 Aug,
#95 Oct 2016
#96 Jan, #97 Mar, #98 Aug 2017, #100 Feb, #101 Apr, #102 Nov 2018, #103 Feb, #104 Aug, #105 Oct 2019, #106 Jan,
#107 May, #108 Aug, #109 Nov 2020
#110 Feb, #111 Apr, #112 Jul, #113 Oct 2021, #114 Jan, #115 Apr, #116 Nov 2022, #117 Feb 2023
- * Paperback Talk, (ed) Paperback Parade #118 Jun, #119 Nov 2023, #120 Mar, #121 May, #122 Nov 2024
- * A Paperback Wonderland, (ar) Paperback Parade #6, February 1988
- * PEC Sleaze Spy Series, (ar) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- * Peff: The Master Artist, (ar) Paperback Parade #109, November 2020 [Ref. Sam Peffer]
- * “PEFF”: The Master British Artist, (ar) Paperback Parade #59, April 2003 [Ref. Sam Peffer]
- * Penzler’s Pulp Paperbacks, (bi) Paperback Parade #52, May 1999
- * Percentages, (ss) Kracked Mirror Mysteries January 1995
- * A Personal Appreciation of Edgar Rice Burroughs, (ar) Paperback Parade #10, December 1988 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Peter Rabe: A Paperback List, (bi) Paperback Parade #25, August 1991 [Ref. Peter Rabe]
- * Piggy, Piggy, Who’s Got the Piggy?, (br) Paperback Parade #2, February 1987 [Ref. William Sleator]
- * Pirates in Paperback, (ar) Blood ’n’ Thunder #10, Spring 2005
- * Playing Twenty Questions with Joe Lansdale, (iv) Paperback Parade #37, January 1994 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
- * A Portable Outline of Elak’s Career, (ar) Elak of Atlantis by Henry Kuttner, Gryphon, 1985
- * The Power to Cloud Men’s Minds: Short Look at the New Shadow Movie, (mr) Echoes #85, February 1996
- * Presidential Year, (ss) Hardboiled #14, September 1992
- * The Problem at the Musée du Louvre [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #30, 2022
- * Proto-Paperbacks of the 1920s, (ar) Blood ’n’ Thunder Annual 2024
- * Pseudonym Detective: An Interview with Pat Hawk, (iv) Paperback Parade #44, November 1995 [Ref. Pat Hawk]
- * Pulp Cover Favorites, (ar) The Pulp Collector Spring 1985
- * A Pulp Fancy, (ar) The Pulp Collector Fall 1988
- * Pulp Memories: Starling Stories, (ar) Pulp Vault #4, February 1989
- * The Pulps: Still Going Strong, (ar) Echoes #10, December 1983
- * The Pulps vs Paperbacks: A Few Observations, (ar) The Pulp Collector Fall 1987
- * A Quick Look at “Gin Wedding”, (ar) Paperback Parade #40, October 1994
- * Railtown Sheriff: Hard-Boiled Western, (ar) Paperback Parade #122, November 2024
- * Ramble House: Home Publishing Paperbacks, (iv) Paperback Parade #60, October 2003 [Ref. Fender Tucker]
- * The Rare Mexican Sherlock Holmes Series, (ar) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Summer 2011
- * A Rat Must Chew [Vic Powers], (ss) Hardboiled #23, September 1997
- * The Reference Shelf, (br) Other Worlds #5, Summer 1993
- * A Requiem for Black Lizard, (ar) Paperback Parade #21, November 1990
- * Revenger, (ss) Weird Stories #19, April 1998
- * The Revolution Continues: Perseverance Press, (ar) Paperback Parade #2, February 1987
- * Richard A. Lupoff: Current and Collectible, (ar) Paperback Parade #15, October 1989 [Ref. Richard A. Lupoff]
- * A Richard A. Lupoff Paperback Checklist, (bi) Paperback Parade #15, October 1989 [Ref. Richard A. Lupoff]
- * Richard Blade: Modern Pulp Hero, (ar) Echoes #23, February 1986
- * The Richard Layman Interview, (iv) Paperback Parade #61, May 2004 [Ref. Dashiell Hammett & Richard Layman]
- * Robert Bonfils, Earl Kemp & the LA PB Show, (ar) Paperback Parade #58, November 2002
- * The Robert Maguire Interview, (iv) Paperback Parade #31, October 1992 [Ref. Robert Maguire]
- * Robert Weverka Interview, (iv) Paperback Parade #100, February 2018 [Ref. Robert Weverka]
- * Ron Turner: “Sense of Wonder” An Appreciation, (ar) Paperback Parade #52, May 1999 [Ref. Ron Turner]
- * Rover, (ss) Vision #8, 1991
- * The Ruba Rombic Robberies [Bentley Hollow Collectibles], (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine May/June 2014
- * Rudy Nappi: Celebrating the Artist & His Work, (bg) Illustration #28, Fall 2009 [Ref. Rudy Nappi]
- * Sacred Ground, (ss) Startling Science Stories #22, May 1999
- * A Salesman Sample: One Unusual Paperback, (ar) Paperback Parade #66, September 2006
- * Sarasha, (ss) Infinity Cubed #9, 1982
- * The Satan Plague II [The Nemesis], (na) Gryphon Double Novel #19, Gryphon, 1998
- * Satan Walks at Midnight [Joe DiSanti], (ss) Shudder Stories #4, March 1986
- * The Science Fiction Bookshelf, (br) Other Worlds #6, Winter 1996
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