The FictionMags Index
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[]Louÿs, Pierre; pseudonym of Pierre-Felix Louis (1870-1925) (chron.)
- * Adam’s Rib—Etiquette for Little Girls, (hu)
- Adam August 1975; from An Erotic Manual of Etiquette for Little Girls, by Pierre Louÿs, translated from the French by Maurice Gloser (pseud. of Mary Glavin), Avanti Art Editions, June 1972.
- * Aphrodite, (sl) Secret Memoirs of Gallant Men and Fair Women October 1927
- * An Ascent of the Venusberg, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Four: Caresses of Nightmare ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2002; translated from the French (“Ascension au Venusberg”, 1903).
- * The Birth of Prometheus, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1919
- * Cleopatra’s Lover, (ss) Gay Blade December 1956
- * The Enchanted Lyre, (vi) 1896
- * An Erotic Manual of Etiquette for Little Girls, (hu) Knight February 1973
- * The Extraordinary Adventures of Madame Esquollier, (ss)
- * The Extraordinary Adventures of Madame Esquollier, (ss) The Golden Book Magazine #124, April 1935; translated by Mina Lewiton
- * False Esther, (ss) Reedy’s Mirror June 24 1920
- * The House on the Nile, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1941
- * The House on the Nile: from the Twilight of the Nymphs, (ex) The Double Dealer January 1926; translated by Joseph T. Shipley
- * The Impersonation of Esther, (ss)
- * A Landing from the Roadstead of Nemours, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Six: Evil Smiles ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2003; translated from the French (“Escale en rade de Nemours”, 1903).
- * A New Sensation, (ss)
- * The Old Man and the Nymphs, (vi) Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys, 1894
- * The Shutter, (ss) The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence: The Black Feast ed. Brian M. Stableford, Dedalus, 1992; translated from the French (“Le persienne”, 1903) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * The Tomb of the Naiads, (vi) Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louys, 1894
- * Twilight of the Nymphs, (nv) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #3, 1951
- * The Venetian Blind, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Five: Black Shroud of Fear ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2002; translated from the French (“Le persienne”, 1903).
- * The Wearer of Purple, (ss) The Collected Works of Pierre Louÿs by Pierre Louÿs, Liveright, 1932
_____, [ref.]
[]Louzon, Monica (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Dark Matters, (pm) New Myths #56/57, Fall/Winter 2021
- * Picture This, (pm) Haven Speculative #8, March 2023
- * Reflections in Space, (pm) New Myths #41, December 2017
- * San Cibernético, (ss) The Internet Is Where the Robots Live Now ed. Nicole B. Jacobson, Paper Dog Books, 2018
- * Second-Hand, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #31, Summer 2022
- * untitled (“About the data lake”), (pm) Star*Line Summer 2024
- * untitled (“used”), (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #128, September 2024
_____, trans.
[]Love, Adelaide (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Atoms, (pm)
- * The Bunny, (pm) Child Life January 1938
- * Despair, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post August 27 1938
- * Eclipse, (pm) VerseCraft January/February 1933
- * Escape from an Automobile Accident, (pm) Voices
- * Heard While Passing a Grave, (pm) Silhouettes
- * The Lilies of the Valley, (pm) Child Life April 1945
- * Matter of Logic, (pm)
- * On Behalf of a Little Newcomer, (pm) The Household Magazine October 1934
- * Say’s End, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1951
- * To a Skull, (pm) Voices
- * Two Squirrels, (pm) Child Life June 1939
[]Love, Edmund G(eorge) (1912-1990) (chron.)
- * The Beautiful and Anxious Maidens, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1962
- * Dry Run, (ss) The New Yorker September 22 1951
- * For Every Guy—Girls!, (ts) True #285, February 1961
- * The George Company Baby, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1959
- * The Girl Who Wore No Clothes, (hu) Real March 1958
- * Hometown, U.S.A., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 11 1965
- * Ninety Saddles for Kengtu, (ss) Collier’s September 6 1952
- * Party Girl, (ts) High November 1958
- * Private Hackleford’s Big Toe, (ss)
- * Railroad Fever, (ar)
- * The 1,001 Nights of AWOL Pete, (hu) True #275, April 1960
- * Waiter!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1964
_____, [ref.]
[]Love, Jeffrey Alan (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Cover of Wolves by Simon Ings, (il) Gollancz, 2014
- * [front cover], (cv) A Natural History of Hell by Jeffrey Ford, Small Beer Press, 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) The Burning Girls by C. J. Tudor, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * [front cover], (cv) A Sliver of Darkness by C. J. Tudor, Subterranean Press, 2024
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Some of the Best from 2015 Edition ed. Ellen Datlow, Claire Eddy, Carl Engle-Laird, David G. Hartwell, Beth Meacham, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Marco Palmieri & Ann VanderMeer, Tor, 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Oct 26 2016, May 10 2017, Mar 21 2018, Sep 16 2020, Oct 4 2023
[]Love, Pamela (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * And Maybe Glass Galoshes?, (pm) Spellbound Winter 2001
- * Attercoppe, (ss) Dragon Gems Spring 2024
- * Be Careful What You Fish For (You Might Get It), (ss) Spellbound Spring 2013
- * Come One! Come All!, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #44, December 2020
- * Details, (vi) Flash Digest July 2024
- * Fit for a Queen, (ss) Flash Digest October 2024
- * The Giant’s Prescription, (pm) Spellbound Winter 2013
- * Glow, (ss) Spellbound Spring 2014
- * How Mockingbird Changed Ogre, (vi) Spellbound Winter 2002
- * Make Your Choice and I’ll Make Mine, (ss) Spellbound Fall 2013
- * My Sister’s Gargoyle, (ss) Spellbound Winter 2000
- * Searching for Scales, (ss) Spellbound Summer 2013
- * Something in the Wood, (ss) Beyond Centauri July 2010
- * Warning on Whistlers’ Beach, (ss) Beyond Centauri July 2008
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