The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6074
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_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * An Account of a Meeting with Denizens of Another World—1871 by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #35, May 1980
- * Avedon Carol on Dave Langford by Avedon Carol, (ar) Albacon II Programme Book ed. Frances Jane Nelson & Dave Ellis, Albacon II, 1983
- * Dave Langford Bibliography by David Langford, (bi) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Dave Langford: Toastmaster by Kevin Smith, (ar) Albacon II Programme Book ed. Frances Jane Nelson & Dave Ellis, Albacon II, 1983
- * David Langford by Christopher Priest, (ar) Minicon 33 Program Book ed. Andrew Bertke, Minnesota Science Fiction Society, Inc., 1998
- * The Dragonhiker’s Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune’s Edge: Odyssey Two by J*hn Cl*t*, (br) Foundation #44, Winter 1988/1989
- * The Dragonhiker’s Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune’s Edge: Odyssey Two by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * “Good day, fellow.” “Axe handle!” by Kevin Smith, (ar) Yorcon 2 Programme Book ed. Alan Dorey, Yorcon, 1981
- * He Do the Time Police in Different Voices: SF Parodies and Pastiches by Michael Bishop, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #192, August 2004
- * Irrational Numbers by S. T. Joshi, (br) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Spring 1995
- * The Leaky Establishment by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #11, Spring 1985
- * The Leaky Establishment by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * New Maps: More Uncollected John Sladek (with John Sladek) by Ian Hunter, (br) Interzone #282, July/August 2019
- * The Silence of the Langford by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #117, March 1997
- * The Silence of the Langford by Arthur D. Hlavaty, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #103, March 1997
- * The Space Eater by Colin Greenland, (br) Foundation #26, October 1982
- * Starcombing by Ian Sales, (br) Interzone #224, September/October 2009
- * The Third Millennium: A History of the World AD 2000-3000 (with Brian M. Stableford) by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * The Third Millennium: A History of the World, AD 2000-3000 (with Brian M. Stableford) by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #13, Autumn 1985
- * The Usual Routine Brilliance: The Life and Works of Special Fan Guest Dave Langford Glanced At by D. West, (ar) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Why I Hate Dave Langford by Ted White, (ar) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
[]Langford, Jon(athan Denis) (1957- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Fat Nazi Women Never Were a Big Turn On for You Anyway, (ar) Drilkjis #4, August 1979
- * The Incredible Shrinking World! [Mac Malsenn] (with David Langford), (cs) Drilkjis #1, #2 Oct 1976, #3 Aug 1978
- * [front cover], (cv) Sfinx #10, January 1975
- * [front cover], (cv) Drilkjis #1, #2 Oct 1976, #3 Aug 1978, #6 Apr 1982
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Drilkjis #1, 1976
[]Langford, Jonathan D. (chron.)
- * Editor’s Page, (ed) The Leading Edge #10, Fall 1985
- * The Garden, (ss) The Leading Edge #9, Winter 1985
- * The Great Shift from Science Fiction to Fantasy, (ar) The Leading Edge #11, Winter 1986
- * Home 2180 a.d., (pm) The Leading Edge #7, Winter 1984
- * Mooting of the Minds: Why Fans Enjoy Tolkien (with Steven C. Walker), (ar) The Leading Edge #9, Winter 1985
- * Playing the Game: An Interview with Gregory Benford, (iv) The Leading Edge #11, Winter 1986 [Ref. Gregory Benford]
- * Report from ConFederation, (ar) The Leading Edge #12, Fall 1986
- * Shadow Walker (with M. Shayne Bell, Nancy Lynn Hayes & Lareena Smith), (vi) The Leading Edge #7, Winter 1984
_____, ed.
[]Langford, Michael N. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (books) (chron.)
- * Appareled in Celestial Light, (ex) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * Curious Rumors of a Difficult Birth in the Catacombs, (ss) All the Devils Are Here ed. David D. Deyo, Jr., Unnameable Press, 1986
- * The Dreams Within His Dream, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight ed. Thomas E. Fuller, Michael N. Langford & Jame A. Riley, Unnameable Press, 1995
- * For Ray, (pm) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Greeting Again the Stars, the Winds, the Dark, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight ed. Thomas E. Fuller, Michael N. Langford & Jame A. Riley, Unnameable Press, 1995
- * Invitations to Gorilla Church, (pm) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * Like a Cloud Caressing the Moon, (pm) Critical Mass January/February 1989
- * The Pursuit of Happiness, (ss) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Trip, (pm) When the Black Lotus Blooms ed. Elizabeth A. Saunders, Unnameable Press, 1990
- * Wood, (nv) Afterlives ed. Pamela Sargent & Ian Watson, Vintage, 1986
_____, ed.
[]Langford, William A. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Big-House Bait, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1938
- * A Bluff in Time, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine February 1939
- * Calico Ponies, (ss) Variety Western July 1939
- * Death on Parade, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine November 1940
- * The Devil’s Coronet, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1938
- * Drygulch Bait, (na) All-Novel Western April 1941
- * Gringo Guns, (ss) Variety Western March/April 1939
- * Gunslick Harvest, (nv) Red Seal Western July 1941
- * Gunslick Nemesis, (ss) Variety Western October 1938
- * The Haunting Clue, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine August 1938
- * Jinx Ranch, (ss) All-Novel Western December 1940
- * Jungle Joker—Wild, (ss) 10 Short Novels Magazine January 1939
- * Lawman of the Outlaws, (na) All-Novel Western March 1940
- * A Lobo Makes Laws, (ss) Variety Western November 1939
- * The Phantom Clue, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine August 1939
- * The Pistol Plague, (na) Variety Western September 1939
- * Portrait of Vengeance, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine April/May 1939
- * Scaffold Justice, (ss) 10 Action Adventures January 1939
- * Shakedown Antidote, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine June 1939
- * Six-Gun Stooge, (ss) Variety Western May/June 1939
- * Sound Defects [Hank Landis], (ss) Variety Detective Magazine November 1938; possibly a reprint of “Framed to Hang” by Howard Nile (Secret Agent X, November 1935).
- * Suicide Sixes, (na) All-Novel Western May 1940
- * Tall, Tough an’ Texan, (ss) Variety Western January 1939
- * Trigger Tickets, (ss) 12 Adventure Stories October 1939
[]Langham, Charlotte (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Lovers of the World, (ar) Penthouse (UK) December 1982
- * Lovers of the World—Africa, (ar) Penthouse (UK) May 1983
- * Lovers of the World—America, (ar) Penthouse (UK) November 1982
- * Lovers of the World—Australia, (ar) Penthouse (UK) January 1983
- * Lovers of the World—Austria, (ar) Penthouse (UK) October 1982
- * Lovers of the World—Italy, (ar) Penthouse (UK) April 1983
- * Lovers of the World—Jamaica, (ar) Penthouse (UK) February 1983
- * Lovers of the World—Japan, (ar) Penthouse (UK) March 1983
- * Lovers of the World—Mexico, (ar) Penthouse (UK) August 1983
- * Lovers of the World—Yugoslavia, (ar) Penthouse (UK) Jun, Jul 1983
[]Langhammer, Walter (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull December 28 1957
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy (UK) Jul 1959, Apr, May, Jun 1961, Jul, Dec 1962, Jul, Aug 1963, Apr, May, Jul,
Oct 1964
Feb, Apr, Jul 1965
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Suspense (UK) May, Jun, Nov 1960, Jan, Feb, Apr 1961
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Suspense (Australia) May, Jun, Nov 1960, Jan, Feb 1961
[]Langhinrichs, Ben (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Alison’s Find, (ss) Beyond Centauri October 2010
- * Ballade of the Absinthe Café, (pm) Big Pulp Fall 2010
- * The Blacksmith’s Children, (ss) Enchanted Conversation v1 #4, 2010
- * Got It?, (vi) Dog Ear Tales #1, February 2010
- * Lucia’s Wish, (ss) Enchanted Conversation v1 #2, 2010
- * The Sea Witch’s Daughter, (ss) Enchanted Conversation v1 #3, 2010
- * Without Remorse, (ss) Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Pill Hill Press, 2010
[]Langis, Isabel; maiden name of Isabel Langis Cusack (fl. 1940s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Almost Any Man Will Do, (ss) McCall’s October 1955
- * A Can of Paint and Thou, (ss) Thrilling Love August 1952
- * The Dreamer and the Schemer, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion March 1955
- * The Friend of the Bride, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1954
- * Have You Heard About Lucy?, (ss) McCall’s May 1954
- * Island of Hope, (ss) Redbook July 1956
- * Just Let Me Remember Him, (ss) McCall’s February 1956
- * The Last Straw, (ss) McCall’s July 1955
- * Miss Bridgman’s Married Year, (ss) Collier’s April 25 1953
- * Nancy and Saralee, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1958
- * Nobody’s Child, (ss) McCall’s August 1955
- * The Professor Awakes, (vi) Collier’s January 27 1951
- * Robin, (ss) Redbook August 1955
- * The Rogue, (ss) Canadian Home Journal June 1955
- * The Sea Shell, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1958
- * Some Enchanted Nonsense, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1956
- * The Tall, Cool One, (ss) Thrilling Love October 1952
- * Widow Before a Bride, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1957
- * The Yellow Sticker, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1949
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