The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5854
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Kitson, Lela (Margaret) Cole (chron.) (continued)
- * Unwelcome Bridegroom, (ss) Thrilling Love September 1935, as by Shirley Manners
- * Vigilante, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1935, as by Lupe Loya
- * What Makes a Cowboy?, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1927, as by Lupe Loya
- * The White Chink, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 23 1922, as by Lupe Loya
- * Will Big Game Come Back?, (ar) Western Story Magazine September 24 1921, as by Lupe Loya
- * You Can’t Plan Love, (ss) Thrilling Love September 1937, as by Shirley Manners
- * You’re Never Far, (nv) Thrilling Love January 1946, as by Shirley Manners
- * The Zero Hour, (ss) Western Love Stories February 1932, as by Lupe Loya
[]Kittell, Ronald Edward (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Breaking Loose, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * A Few Good Slugs, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * Man Versus Nature, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #4, 1991
- * Muriel, (pm) Aberrations #21, July 1994
- * One Too Many, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * Roughing It, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- * When I Think, (pm) Xizquil #5, September 1991
- * When Your Baby Goes on Strike, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
[]Kittle, Vanessa (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Cinnamon Coffin, (pm) Liquid Imagination #36, February 2018
- * Evens and Odds, (ss) Phantaxis #6, August 2017
- * Fountain, (pm) Liminality #14, Winter 2017/2018
- * The Freedom of an Empty Mind, (ss) Disturbed Digest March 2019
- * Jeco (with Erin Grooms), (ss) Aphelion #242, August 2019
- * Just a Dent in Spacetime, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #106, May 2017
- * The Next Generation, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2017
- * Optimal Efficiency, (ss) Aphelion #219, July 2017
- * Perfect City, (ss) Aphelion #188, September 2014
[]Kitton, F(rederick) G(eorge) (1856-1903) (chron.)
- * Dickens and “Punch”, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1891
- * A Night Ride on the “Flying Scotchman”, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1892
- * Some Famous Chairs, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1893
- * Some Old Newspapers from Charles I to Queen Victoria, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1896
- * A Visit to the Eddystone Lighthouse, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1892
- * William James Linton, Engraver, Poet and Political Writer, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1891
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black & White #37 Oct 17, #39 Oct 31, #46 Dec 19 1891
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine Feb, Oct 1892, Oct 1893
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine (US) Mar, Nov 1892, Nov 1893
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1892
- * [illustration(s)] (with Edmund J. Sullivan), (il) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1892
[]Kittredge, Caitlin (1984- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Behind the Red Door, (nv) Kiss Me Deadly ed. Trisha Telep, Running Press Teens, 2010
- * The Curse of Four, (na) Subterranean Press, November 2011
- * Devil Dust, (ss) 21st Century Dead ed. Christopher Golden, St. Martin's Griffin, 2012
- * The Devil Went Down to Boston, (nv) Games Creatures Play ed. Toni L. P. Kelner & Charlaine Harris, Ace Books, 2014
- * Ginger: A Nocturne City Story, (nv) Strange Brew ed. P. N. Elrod, St. Martin's Griffin, 2009
- * Ladies Fight (with Jaye Wells), (nv) Urban Allies ed. Joseph Nassise, Harper Voyager, 2016
- * The Names of Hell, (nv) Subterranean Press, November 2011
- * Newlydeads, (nv) My Big Fat Supernatural Honeymoon ed. P. N. Elrod, St. Martin's Griffin, 2007
- * The Resurrectionist [Hellhound Chronicles], (nv) Urban Enemies ed. Joseph Nassise, Gallery Books, 2017
- * Under the Hill and Far Away [Black London], (ss) Those Who Fight Monsters ed. Justin Gustainis, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2011
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[]Kittredge, Mary; [i.e., Mary Elizabeth Talbot Kittredge Squibb] (1949- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Anne Street, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1995
- * The Dog That Bit You, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1996
- * The Dreamshattering, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine June 1981
- * Father to the Man, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1986
- * The F/i/r/s/t/ Last Hurrah, (ed) Empire for the SF Writer Winter 1982
- * Her House in Order, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1997
- * IMAGO, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1987
- * Incident at Grapevine Springs, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1995
- * The Red Convertible [Charlotte Kent], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1994
- * Renascence, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 15 1982
- * White Mountain Murder [Charlotte Kent], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1995
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[]Kittredge, William (1932- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Do You Hear Your Mother Talking?, (ss) Harper’s Magazine February 1991
- * The Evolution of the Great American Detective: The Reader as Detective Hero (with Steven M. Krauzer), (ar) The Armchair Detective October 1978
- * Glimpses: Raymond Carver (with Maryann Carver, Chuck Kinder, Jay McInerney & Douglas Unger), (ar) The Paris Review #118, Spring 1991 [Ref. Raymond Carver]
- * Hermitage, (ss) South Dakota Review
- * Home, (ss)
- * Introduction (with Steven M. Krauzer), (in) The Great American Detective ed. William Kittredge & Steven M. Krauzer, Mentor, 1978
- * Introduction: Renaissance in the New West, (in)
- * Introduction: West of Your Town: Another Country, (in)
- * Kissing, (ss) Idaho Review 2002
- * Part Four: Brilliant Possibilities, (si)
- * Part One: Ancient Stories, (si)
- * Part Three: Our Own Stories, (si)
- * Part Two: Transcending the Western, (si)
- * Performing Arts, (ss) TriQuarterly #48, Spring 1980
- * Sixty Million Buffalo, (ss) Rocky Mountain Magazine December 1979
- * The Stone Corral, (ss) TriQuarterly #29, Winter 1974
- * The Underground River, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly 1984
- * The Van Gogh Field, (ss)
- * The Vineland Lullaby, (ss) Ploughshares Spring 1975
- * The Waterfowl Tree, (ss) Northwest Review v8 #2, 1966/67
- * We Are Not in This Together, (ss)
- * What Happens Next (with Steven M. Krauzer), (in) Great Action Stories ed. William Kittredge & Steven M. Krauzer, Mentor, 1977
- * Writers of the New West (with Steven M. Krauzer), (ar) TriQuarterly #48, Spring 1980
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[]Kitty; pseudonym (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Beautiful Hands, (ar) The Royal Pictorial April 1934
- * Beauty in the Sunshine, (ar) The Royal Pictorial July 1934
- * Beauty on Holiday, (ar) The Royal Pictorial June 1934
- * Care of the Mouth and Teeth, (ar) The Royal Pictorial September 1934
- * The Gentle Art of Keeping Slim, (ms) The Royal Pictorial November 1934
- * Hiking in Comfort, (ar) The Royal Pictorial August 1934
- * Kitty’s Beauty Article, (cl) The Royal Pictorial November 1933
- * Kitty’s Beauty Letter, (cl) The Royal Pictorial Jan, Feb 1934
- * Kitty’s Beauty Page, (cl) The Royal Pictorial Oct, Dec 1933
- * Kitty’s Monthly Beauty Letter, (cl) The Royal Pictorial Oct, Dec 1934
- * Making the Best of Your Face, (ar) The Royal Pictorial May 1934
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