The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5804
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[]Kier, Ida M(ae) (1879-1963) (about) (chron.)
- * All for Love, (ss) Love Romances October 1927
- * All-Weather Love, (ss) Cupid’s Diary March 12 1924
- * The Broken Circlet, (ss) Love Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * A Delayed Separation, (ss) Love Story Magazine July 18 1925
- * The Fear for To-Morrow, (ss) Telling Tales January 1921
- * The Fourth Cousin, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #68, January 10 1928
- * An Heiress to Order, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #60, November 15 1927
- * His Mail Order Wife, (nv) Cupid’s Diary August 13 1924
- * The Light at Honeymoon Cabin, (ss) Cupid’s Diary June 16 1926
- * Romance Comes to the Wilderness, (nv) Cupid’s Diary February 10 1926
- * The Test of Solomon, (ss) The Home Friend September 1920
- * Together, (ss) Weird Tales June 1935
- * Waif of the Flood, (ss) Love Romances January 1928
- * A Woman of Mystery, (nv) Cupid’s Diary December 31 1924
[]Kieran, John (Francis) (1892-1981) (about) (chron.)
- * All-American Gunman, (ar) The American Magazine March 1937
- * The Answer, (ss) 10 Story Book July 1937
- * Baseball Fan, (ar) Redbook Magazine October 1938
- * Big-League Business, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 31 1930
- * Clifton Fadiman, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1939
- * Cosmopolite of the Month:
* ___ Clifton Fadiman, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1939
- * Dark Horses of the Olympics, (ar) The American Magazine July 1936
- * Lost—and Found, (??) Collier’s December 25 1943
- * Saturday Madness, (ar) The American Magazine November 1936
- * The Ski’s the Limit, (ar) The American Magazine February 1937
- * A Spring Walk with Kieran, (??) Collier’s April 18 1953
- * Strictly for the Birds, (ar) The American Magazine June 1953
- * Such Is Fame, (ar) The American Magazine January 1947
- * Supposing You Were Adrift on the Ocean, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1944
_____, [ref.]
[]Kiernan, Caitlín R(ebekah) (1964- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Wrong Things with Poppy Z. Brite, Subterranean Press, 2001
- * Afterword, (aw) Frog Toes and Tentacles, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * Afterword, (aw) Comes a Pale Rider, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Afterword: on the Road to Jefferson, (aw) Alabaster, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * A Is for Alien, (co) Subterranean Press, February 2009
- * Alabaster [Dancy Flammarion], (co) Subterranean Press, August 2006
- * Alabaster [Dancy Flammarion], (nv) Alabaster, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * Alabaster: Pale Horse, (co) Dark Horse Books, February 2014
- * Alabaster (var. 1) [Dancy Flammarion], (co) Dark Horse Books, February 2014, as Alabaster: Pale Horse
- * Albatross (1994), (ss) Sirenia Digest October 2017
- * The Alchemist’s Daughter (A Fragment), (ss) Houses Under the Sea, Centipede Press, 2018
- * The Ammonite Violin (Murder Ballad No. 4), (ss) Sirenia Digest October 2006
- * The Ammonite Violin & Others, (co) Subterranean Press, August 2010
- * Anamnesis, or the Sleepless Nights of Léon Spilliaert, (ss) Sirenia Digest July 2007
- * Anamorphosis, (nv) Lethal Kisses ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium, 1996
- * Ancient of Days, (uw) False/Starts, Subterranean Press, 2005
- * And Prayers for Rain, (uw) Tails of Tales of Pain and Wonder, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * Andromeda Among the Stones [Dandridge Cycle], (nv) Subterranean Press, 2002
- Embrace the Mutation: Limited Edition Chapbook ed. William Schafer & Bill Sheehan, Subterranean Press, 2003
- The Mammoth Book of New Terror ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2004
- Subterranean #2, 2005
- To Charles Fort, With Love, Subterranean Press, 2005
- Two Worlds and In Between, Subterranean Press, 2011
- Houses Under the Sea, Centipede Press, 2018
- * And the Cloud That Took the Form, (ss) Sirenia Digest October 2010
- * Angels You Can See Through, (ss) Tales of Pain and Wonder, Gauntlet Press, 2000
- * Animals Pull the Night Around Their Shoulders, (ss) Sirenia Digest September 2016
- * Another Christmas Carol (1984), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Another Tale of Two Cities, (ss) Sirenia Digest November 2011
- * Aperçu, (pm) Tails of Tales of Pain and Wonder, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * The Ape’s Wife [King Kong], (nv) Clarkesworld #12, September 2007
- * The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories, (co) Subterranean Press, November 2013
- * Apokatastasis, (ss) The Spook #8, March 2002
- * Apsinthion (αψίνθιον), (ss) Sirenia Digest February 2010
- * As Red as Red, (ss) Haunted Legends ed. Ellen Datlow & Nick Mamatas, Tor, 2010
- The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror: 2011 ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2011
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume 22 ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2011
- The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories, Subterranean Press, 2013
- Beneath an Oil-Dark Sea, Subterranean Press, 2015
- Gothic Lovecraft ed. Lynne Jamneck & S. T. Joshi, Cycatrix Press, 2016
- * As Water Is in Water, (ss) Sirenia Digest January 2018
- * Atlantis, (pm) Strange Horizons March 5 2012
- * At the Gate of Deeper Slumber, (ss) Sirenia Digest April 2009
- * The Aubergine Alphabet, (nv) Sirenia Digest February 2015 (+1)
- * August Rising, (pm) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Author’s Afterword, (aw) Trilobite: The Writing of Threshold, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Author’s Introduction, (in) Two Worlds and In Between, Subterranean Press, 2011
- * Author’s Introduction, (in) Bradbury Weather, Subterranean Press, 2024
- * Author’s Preface, (pr) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Author’s Preface for the Third Edition, (pr) Tales of Pain and Wonder (Third Edition), Subterranean Press, 2008
- * Bainbridge [Dancy Flammarion], (nv) Alabaster, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * Ballad of a Catamite Revolver, (ss) Sirenia Digest March 2017
- * Ballad of an Echo Whisperer, (ss) Fearful Symmetries ed. Ellen Datlow, ChiZine Publications, 2014
- * A Barrenness of Daffodils, A Lerna of Ills, (ss) Sirenia Digest July 2021 (+1)
- * Beatification, (ss) Sirenia Digest February 2008
- * The Bed of Appetite, (ss) Sirenia Digest October 2007
- * Bedtime Story (1982 or 1983), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * The Beginning of the Year Without a Summer, (ss) Sirenia Digest April 2014
- * Bela’s Plot, (ss) Love in Vein II ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism, 1997
- * Bela’s Plot (original text), (ss) Tails of Tales of Pain and Wonder, Subterranean Press, 2008; originally published in a longer version in Love in Vein II ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg (HarperPrism, 1997).
- * The Belated Burial, (ss) Sirenia Digest January 2009
- * Beneath an Oil-Dark Sea, (co) Subterranean Press, November 2015
- * The Benefactions of Demons MM. Newcoment, Watt & Boulton (1900), (ss) False/Starts II, Subterranean Press, 2015
- * Between the Flatirons and the Deep Green Sea, (ss) High Fantastic ed. Steve Rasnic Tem, Ocean View Books, 1995
- * … Between the Gargoyle Trees [Salmagundi Desvernine], (ss) Tales of Pain and Wonder, Gauntlet Press, 2000
- * B Is for Beginnings, (co) Subterranean Press, February 2009
- * The Black Alphabet, (ss) Sirenia Digest May 2006 (+1)
- * Black Helicopters, (na) Subterranean Press, November 2013
- * Black Ships Seen South of Heaven [Cthulhu], (ss) Black Wings IV ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2015
- * Blast the Human Flower, (ss) Sirenia Digest December 2011
- * Blind Fish, (ss) Searchers After Horror ed. S. T. Joshi, Fedogan & Bremer, 2014
- * The Bone’s Prayer, (ss) Sirenia Digest February 2009
- * Bradbury Weather, (co) Subterranean Press, January 2024
- * Bradbury Weather, (na) Subterranean #2, 2005
- * Breakfast in the House of the Rising Sun [Salmagundi Desvernine], (nv) Noirotica 2: Pulp Friction ed. Thomas S. Roche, Rhinoceros, 1997
- * Bridle, (ss) Sirenia Digest February 2006
- * Build Your Houses with Their Backs to the Sea, (ss) Sirenia Digest December 2022
- * The Burning (1984), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Bus Fare [Dancy Flammarion], (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2014
- * By Turns, (ss) Strange Attraction ed. Edward E. Kramer, ShadowLands Press, 2000
- * Cambrian Tales, (oc) Subterranean Press, December 2021
- * Cammufare, (ss) Sirenia Digest January 2012
- * Candles for Elizabeth, (co) Meisha Merlin, May 1998
- * A Canvas for Incoherent Arts, (ss) Sirenia Digest March 2009
- * The Carnival Is Dead and Gone, (ss) Sirenia Digest April 2011
- * The Cats of River Street (1925), (nv) Sirenia Digest July 2014
- * The Cerulean Alphabet, (nv) Sirenia Digest January 2020 (+1)
- * A Chance of Frogs on Wednesday, (ss) Sirenia Digest June 2018
- * Charcloth, Firesteel, and Flint, (ss) Sirenia Digest September 2009
- * The Chartreuse Alphabet, (na) Sirenia Digest September 2016 (+1)
- * The Chartreuse Alphabet (A Fifth Primer), (na) Sirenia Digest September 2016 (+1)
- * Cherry Street Tango, Sweatbox Waltz, (ss) Sirenia Digest August 2018
- * Chevy Swamp (1986-1987), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * A Child’s Guide to the Hollow Hills, (ss) Sirenia Digest September 2006, as "Untitled 23"
- * The Collector of Bones, (ss) Sirenia Digest January 2008
- * The Colliers’ Venus (1893), (nv) Naked City ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin's Griffin, 2011
- * The Comedy of St. Jehanne d’Arc, (nv) Dark Destiny: Proprietors of Fate ed. Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf, 1995
- * Comes a Pale Rider [Dancy Flammarion], (co) Subterranean Press, January 2021
- * Confessions of a Five-Chambered Heart, (co) Subterranean Press, July 2012
- * The Crimson Alphabet, (nv) Sirenia Digest December 2007 (+1)
- * The Crimson Alphabet (Another Primer), (nv) Sirenia Digest December 2007 (+1)
- * The Cripple and the Starfish, (ss) Sirenia Digest January 2015
- * The Cryomancer’s Daughter (Murder Ballad No. 3), (ss) Sirenia Digest July 2006
- * Dancing with the Eight of Swords, (ss) Sirenia Digest November 2008
- * Dancy vs. the Pterosaur [Dancy Flammarion], (ss) Sirenia Digest #111, 2015
- * Dane [Dancy Flammarion], (ss) Trilobite: The Writing of Threshold, Subterranean Press, 2003
- * Daughter Dear Desmodus, (ss) Sirenia Digest September 2011
- * Daughter of Man, Mother of Wyrm, (ss) Tales from the Woeful Platypus, Subterranean Press, 2007
- * The Daughter of the Four of Pentacles, (nv) Thrillers 2 ed. Robert Morrish, Cemetery Dance, 2007
- * Day After Tomorrow, the Flood, (ss) Sirenia Digest April 2018
- * The Dead and the Moonstruck, (nv) Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales ed. Deborah Noyes, Candlewick Press, 2004
- * Dead Bright Star (July 1987), (ss) Sirenia Digest April 2020
- * Dead Letter Office, (ss) Nightmare’s Realm ed. S. T. Joshi, Dark Regions Press, 2017
- * (Dead) Love Among the Ruins, (ss) False/Starts II, Subterranean Press, 2015
- * Dear Sweet Filthy World, (co) Subterranean Press, April 2017
- * Deep Ocean Vast Sea, (ss) False/Starts II, Subterranean Press, 2015
- * Derma Sutra (1891), (ss) Sirenia Digest July 2008
- * The Diamond Friendly, (ss) False/Starts II, Subterranean Press, 2015
- * Dinosaur Novel Fragment (1979 or 1980), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * The Dinosaur Tourist, (co) Subterranean Press, November 2018
- * The Dinosaur Tourist (Murder Ballad No. 11), (ss) Sirenia Digest August 2017
- * The Dissevered Heart, (ss) Sirenia Digest October 2009
- * “Down in the Basement” (1981), (uw) Cambrian Tales, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * Down to Gehenna, (ss) Sirenia Digest June 2011
- * Drawing from Life, (ss) Sirenia Digest December 2009
- * Dreams of a Poor Wayfaring Stranger [Dancy Flammarion], (nv) Comes a Pale Rider, Subterranean Press, 2021
- * The Drowned Geologist [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Shadows Over Baker Street ed. Michael Reaves & John Pelan, Del Rey, 2003
- * The Dry Salvages, (na) Subterranean Press, November 2004
- * The Eighth Veil, (ss) Sirenia Digest February 2010
- * The Eldritch Alphabētos, (nv) Sirenia Digest May 2018 (+1)
- * Elegy for a Suicide, (ss) Sirenia Digest July 2013
- * Emptiness Spoke Eloquent [Dracula], (nv) Secret City ed. Jo Fletcher & Stephen Jones, Titan, 1997
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Nine ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 1998
- From Weird and Distant Shores, Subterranean Press, 2002
- The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New Horror ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2010
- Two Worlds and In Between, Subterranean Press, 2011
- The Best of Best New Horror: Volume One ed. Stephen Jones, Drugstore Indian Press, 2020
- From Weird and Distant Shores (var. 1), Subterranean Press, 2022
- * Escape Artist, (ss) The Sandman: Book of Dreams ed. Neil Gaiman & Edward E. Kramer, HarperPrism, 1996
- * Estate, (ss) Dark Terrors 3 ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz, 1997
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