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[]Johnson, Tom; [i.e., Thomas Edward Johnson] (1940-2019); used pseudonyms John Dennis, John Edwards, G. Wayman Jones, Scott Morgan, Eddy Thomas & Robert Wallace (about) (books) (chron.)
- * About the Cover: The Girl in the Tube, (ar) Echoes #50, August 1990
- * Ace of the G-Men, (ex) The Pulpster #6, 1996, as "Dan Fowler: Ace of the G-Men"
- * An Act of Pure Evil (with Wooda Nick Carr, Rick Lai & Tommy Steele), (ar) Echoes #38, August 1988, as by Tom Johnson, Rick Lai, Tommy Steele & Dickson Thorpe
- * The Adjuster, (br) Age of the Unicorn #8, June 1980 [Ref. John Jakes]
- * Alias Mr. Death, (in) Alias Mr. Death: The Complete Series by D. L. Champion, Steeger Books, 2009, as "Introduction"
- * Alias the Whirlwind [El Torbellino (The Whirlwind)] (with Johnston McCulley), (Altus Press, July 2011, co)
- * Alien Contact, (ed) UFO #1 Feb, #2 Mar 1999
- * Alien Contact: Editorial—Read!! (with Ginger Johnson), (ed) Startling Science Stories #16, November 1998
- * The Ambassador from Hell, (ar) Echoes #55, June 1991, as by John Edwards
- * The Angel, (ar) 2001
- * Another Guy Named Shawn, (ar) Purple Prose #8, November 1997
- * Another Look at the Lone Wolf Detective Magazine, (ar) Echoes #65, February 1993, as by John Edwards
- * The Armageddon Syndrome, (ar) Echoes #50, August 1990
- * Avallone, (ar) Megavore #9, June 1980 [Ref. Michael Avallone]
- * The Avenger, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #15, Spring 1983
- * Bad Moon Rising, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #31, December 1997, as by Eddy Thomas
- * The Bat in the Beginning, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * The Bat’s Death-Defying Act, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * Behind the ’Behind the Mask’ (with Ginger Johnson), (cl)
- * The Belmont Shadows, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #7, April 1980, as "From Shadow to Superman", by John Edwards
- * Birth of a Fan Mag, (ar) Doc Savage Quarterly #9, May 1982
- * Black Bat, (in) The Black Bat Archives: Volume 1 by Norman A. Daniels, Altus Press, 2017, as "Introduction"
- * The The Black Bat: In the Beginning, (ar) Echoes #40, December 1988
- * The The Black Bat: The Second Round, (ar) Echoes #42, April 1989
- * The The Black Bat: The Third Round, (ar) Echoes #44, August 1989
- * The The Black Bat: Round Four, (ar) Echoes #45, October 1989
- * The The Black Bat, Round 5, (ar) Echoes #47, February 1990
- * The The Black Bat: The Final Round, (ar) Echoes #48, April 1990
- * The Black Bat’s Crisis [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #4, September 1995, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat Series, (bi) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * The Black Bat’s Fighting Technique, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * The Black Bat’s Vengeance [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #2, July 1995, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s War [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Triple Detective #3, 2009, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Falcon: House of a Thousand Deaths, (br) Echoes #77, December 1994
- * The Black Ghost [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (nv) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #18, November 1996
- * The Black Ghost at Bay [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #47, October 2001
- * The Black Hood, (ar) Echoes #53, February 1991
- * The Black Lotus, (ar) Echoes #32, August 1987
- * The Black Shadow [Dorus Noel], (ss) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- * Blue Ghost/Phantom Detective, (ar) Echoes #96, December 1997, as by John Edwards
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Echoes #1 Aug, #3 Dec 1982, #4 Feb, #5 Apr, #8 Aug, #9 Oct 1983, #13 Jun, #14 Aug 1984
- * “Breathless Island”, (sr) Echoes #82, August 1995 [Ref. Laurence Donovan]
- * Bronze Shadows: Echoes Acknowledges Its Mentor, (ar) Echoes #37, June 1988
- * Calling Captain Danger, (na) Startling Stories #1, 2007
- * Calling the Black Ghost [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #44, May 2001
- * Captain Satan, (ar) Echoes #55, June 1991, as "The Ambassador from Hell", by John Edwards
- * Cardboard Shelves, (ar) Megavore #10, August 1980, as by Eddy Thomas
- * The Caretakers from Hell, (ar) Echoes #60B, February 1992, as by John Dennis
- * Carol Baldwin: The Other Batgirl!, (ar) Golden Perils #16, Summer 1990
- * Cartel of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (nv) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #3, August 1995, as by Robert Wallace
- * The Celebrity Murders, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * “City of Crime”, (sr) Echoes #81, July 1995 [Ref. Walter B. Gibson]
- * City of Madness [Secret Agent X], (ar) Echoes #11, February 1984
- * City of Phantoms [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) Triple Detective #4, 2010, as by Robert Wallace
- * Code Name: Mariam, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #18, September 1984
- * The Coming of the Black Police, (ar) Echoes #50, August 1990, as "The Armageddon Syndrome"
- * Corinth/Regency Paperbacks, (bi) Megavore #10, August 1980
- * Crime’s Last Stand [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #24, January 1999
- * “Crimson Crusade”: The 42nd Secret Agent X Novel, (ar) Echoes #59, February 1992, as by John Edwards
- * Crimson Harvest [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Therese Drippé), (nv) Double Danger Tales #31, September 1999
- * Crimson Mask, (in) The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 1 by Frank Johnson, Thrilling, 2017, as "Introduction"
- * Dan Dunn: The Detective Who Resembled Dick Tracy [Dan Dunn] (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #40, December 1988
- * Dan Fortune—Private Eye, (ar) Megavore #9, June 1980 [Ref. Dennis Lynds], as by John Edwards
- * Dan Fowler: Ace of the G-Man [Dan Fowler], (ar) Echoes #86 Apr, #87 Jun, #88 Aug, #89 Oct, #90 Dec 1996, as by John Edwards
- * Dan Fowler: Ace of the G-Men, (ar) The Pulpster #6, 1996
- * Dan Fowler: Ace of the G-Men, (ex) The Pulpster #6, 1996
- * Dan Fowler—An Odd Entry, (ar) Echoes #59, February 1992, as "“Crimson Crusade”: The 42nd Secret Agent X Novel", by John Edwards
- * Dangerous Intentions (with Ginger Johnson), (ed) Double Danger Tales #1 Feb, #3 Apr 1997
- * Dark Night of the Black Ghost [Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)], (ss) Double Danger Tales #54, September 2002
- * Dark Streets of Doom [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (na) Triple Detective #3, 2009
- * A Death-Defying Act (with Tommy Steele), (ar) Echoes #46, December 1989
- * A Death-Defying Act, Part 2, (sy) Echoes #33, October 1987
- * A Death-Defying Act, Part 2, (sy) , as by John Edwards, Tom Johnson, Rick Lai & Albert Tonik
- * The Death Plague [Benson Roberts (The Masked Avenger)], (na) Double Danger Tales #39, August 2000
- * “Death’s-Head Face”, (sr) Echoes #91, February 1997 [Ref. Kendell Foster Crossen]
- * Dennis Lynds, Part II, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #6, February 1980 [Ref. Dennis Lynds], as by John Edwards
- * Destroy Secret Agent X, (ar) Pulp Summer 1976
- * Doc Savage: Death in Little Houses, (br) Echoes #55, June 1991
- * Doc Savage: Escape from Loki, (br) Echoes #56, August 1991
- * Doc Savage: Flight Into Fear, (br) Echoes #65, February 1993
- * Doc Savage: Target for Death, (br) Echoes #62, June 1992
- * Doc Savage: The Forgotten Realm, (br) Echoes #69, October 1993
- * Doc Savage: The Frightened Fish, (br) Echoes #61, April 1992
- * Doc Savage: The Green Master, (br) Echoes #66, April 1993
- * Doc Savage: The Jade Ogre, (br) Echoes #63, August 1992
- * Doc Savage: The Whistling Wraith, (br) Echoes #67, June 1993
- * Doc Savage: White Eyes, (br) Echoes #59, February 1992
- * Doctor Death, (in) Doctor Death by Edward P. Norris, Altus Press, 2008, as "Introduction"
- * Doodlebug, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #71, April 2001
- * Dorus Noel, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- * Drugs of Destruction [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (nv) Double Danger Tales #51, March 2002
- * Duh, You Gotta Read It, Man (with Ginger Johnson), (ar) Startling Science Stories #26, September 1999
- * Duh, You Gotta Read It Man? - Our Roswell Vacation (with Ginger Johnson), (ms) Double Danger Tales #31, September 1999
- * Dustoff, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #6, November 1995, as by Eddy Thomas
- * Eagle, (in) The Eagle Archives by Norman A. Daniels, Thrilling, 2017, as "Introduction"
- * Earl Norman Spy Series, (ar) Paperback Parade #94, August 2016
- * Echoes 30 (with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray), (Altus Press, June 2012, co)
- * Editorial, (ed) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- * Editorial (with Ginger Johnson), (ed) Behind the Mask #1 May 1989, #14 May, #15 Jul, #16 Sep, #17 Nov 1992, #18 Jan, #20 May, #21 Jul, #22 Sep, #23 Nov 1993,
#24 Jan, #25 Mar, #26 May, #27 Jul, #28 Sep, #29 Nov 1994
#30 Jan, #31 Mar, #32 May, #33 Sum, #34 Fll 1995, #35 Win, #36 Spr, #37 Sum, #38 Fll 1996, #39 Win, #40 Spr,
#41 Sum, #42 Fll 1997
#43 Win, #44 Spr, #45 Sum, #46 Fll 1998, #51 Win, #55 Win 2000, #57 Sum, #58 Fll 2001, #59 Win 2002
- * Editorial (with Ginger Johnson), (ed) Double Danger Tales #22, November 1998
- * Edward P. Norris: A Bibliography, (bi) The Pulpster #24, 2015 [Ref. Edward P. Norris]
- * Encounter in Nevada, (nv) Startling Science Stories #16, November 1998
- * “En Garde!” (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #76, October 1994
- * Erlika. Daughter of Satan, (ar) The Doc Savage Club Reader #11, 1981
- * An Essay of New Pulp Heroes, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- * The Eyes of Murder, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * The Eyes of Satan [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) Double Danger Tales #37, March 2000
- * Fading Shadows:
* ___ Avallone, (ar) Megavore #9, June 1980 [Ref. Michael Avallone]
* ___ The Avenger, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #15, Spring 1983
* ___ Code Name: Mariam, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #18, September 1984
* ___ Corinth/Regency Paperbacks, (bi) Megavore #10, August 1980
* ___ Erlika. Daughter of Satan, (cl) The Doc Savage Club Reader #11, 1981
* ___ Fighting Men Extraordinary, (ar) Xenophile #22, March/April 1976
* ___ Ghost, Ghost, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #14, Winter 1983
* ___ Harold Sherman, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #7, April 1980
* ___ Jimmy Holm, Supernatural Detective vs Doctor Death, (ar) The Doc Savage Club Reader #10, Summer 1980
* ___ Lady X, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #6, February 1980
* ___ Madam Death, (cl) The Doc Savage Club Reader #11, 1981
* ___ Oh, Those Beautiful Ladies, (ar) Golden Perils #8, March 1987
* ___ The Shadow’s Ladies, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #16, December 1983
* ___ The Story of G.T. Fleming-Roberts, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #2, June 1979 [Ref. G. T. Fleming-Roberts]
* ___ Yesterday’s Heroes, (ar) Doc Savage Quarterly #8, February 1982
- * Fantastic Fighting Men of Fiction, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #8, June 1980; expanded from “Fighting Men Extraordinary” (Xenophile #22, March/April 1976).
- * The Fantastic Worlds of Robert E Howard, (br) Echoes #95, October 1997 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Farewell to a Friend: Earl J. Kussman, January 17 1924—January 15, 1992 (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ob) Echoes #60A, February 1992 [Ref. Earl J. Kussman]
- * Fear Is Your Enemy, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #2, July 1995, as by Eddy Thomas
- * Fighting Men Extraordinary, (ar) Xenophile #22, March/April 1976
- * The First and Last: Secret Agent X (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #69, October 1993
- * The First and the Last (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #30, April 1987
- * The Forever Man: A Saga of Omega Station, (nv) Startling Stories #4, 2007
- * Foreword, (ed) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #1 Jun, #2 Jul 1995
- * A Forgotten Pulp Hero, (ar) Echoes #69, October 1993
- * The Forgotten War, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #4, September 1995, as by Eddy Thomas
- * From Shadow to Superman, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #7, April 1980, as by John Edwards
- * Front and Center Don Winslow [Don Winslow] (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #43, June 1989
- * G-8: Flight of the Death Battalion, (br) Echoes #77, December 1994
- * G-8: Patrol of the Cloud Crusher, (br) Echoes #75, September 1994
- * Gangland’s Best (with Link Hullar), (ar) Echoes #24, April 1986
- * Ghost, Ghost, (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #14, Winter 1983
- * The Gibbering Gas of Madness [Jeff Shannon (The Eagle)], (na) Triple Detective #4, 2010, as by Kerry McRoberts
- * Ginger Johnson, (ar) Echoes #24, April 1986 [Ref. Ginger Johnson]
- * The Golden Lion, (nv) Double Danger Tales #65, February 2012
- * The Golden Perils Newsline (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ms) Golden Perils #11/12 Win 1988, #13 Sum, #14 Fll 1989, #15 Wtr, #16 Sum 1990
- * The Green Ghost, (ex) Fading Shadows Press, 1991
- * The Green Lama, (ar) Echoes 30 with Ginger Johnson & Will Murray, Altus Press, 2012
- * G-X: The Phantom Fed, (ar) Pulp Winter 1978, as "The Phantom Fed"
- * Hale-Bop, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #9, August 1999
- * Harold Sherman, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #7, April 1980
- * Home Sweet Home (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #75, September 1994
- * Hunter’s Moon [The Scarecrow; Jimmy Malone (The Black Ghost)] (with Debra Delorme), (nv) Double Danger Tales #20, September 1998
- * An Index of the Adventures, (bi) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * An Index to Renown’s Other Magazines, (bi) Echoes #24, April 1986
- * Index to the Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine, (bi) Echoes #23, February 1986
- * In Search of the Paper Tiger, (br) Echoes #35, February 1988, as by John Dennis
- * Introducing “Tailspin” Tommy Tompkins [Tailspin Tommy] (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #44, August 1989
- * Introduction, (in) Double Danger Tales #1, 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Doctor Death by Edward P. Norris, Altus Press, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Ki-Gor: The Complete Series—Volume 1 by John Peter Drummond, Altus Press, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Alias Mr. Death: The Complete Series by D. L. Champion, Steeger Books, 2009
- * Introduction, (in) Dr. Thaddeus C. Harker: The Complete Tales by Edwin Truett Long, Altus Press, 2013
- * Introduction, (in) The Black Bat Archives: Volume 1 by Norman A. Daniels, Altus Press, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) The Eagle Archives by Norman A. Daniels, Thrilling, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) The Masked Detective Archives, Volume 1 by Norman A. Daniels, Thrilling, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 1 by Frank Johnson, Thrilling, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 3 by Frank Johnson, Thrilling, 2022
- * Introduction, (ex) Pulp Detectives by Tom Johnson, Altus Press, 2010
- * Introduction to “Give ’Em Hell”, (is) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * Introduction to “I Cover the Murder Front”, (is) Dan Fowler: G-Man Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * Introduction to “The Lady’s Out for Blood”, (is) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * Jimmy Holm, Supernatural Detective vs Doctor Death, (ar) The Doc Savage Club Reader #10, Summer 1980
- * Johnston McCulley Characters, (ex) Pulp Detectives by Tom Johnson, Altus Press, 2010, as "Introduction"
- * Jur: Pre-Dawn Earth [Jur] (with James M. Reasoner), (sl) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug, #4 Sep, #5 Oct, #6 Nov, #7 Dec 1995
- * Kansas Encounter, (nv) Alien Worlds #19, October 2001
- * Ki-Gor, (in) Ki-Gor: The Complete Series—Volume 1 by John Peter Drummond, Altus Press, 2009, as "Introduction"
- * The Lady Rode a Dinosaur [Jongor] (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Echoes #54, April 1991, as by John Edwards & Dickson Thorpe
- * Lady X, (ar) Age of the Unicorn #6, February 1980
- * The Last Black Bat Story, (ar) The Pulpster #11, 2001
- * “League of Beggers”, (ar) Echoes #81, July 1995 [Ref. C. K. M. Scanlon]
- * The Legend, (nv) Triple Detective #4, 2010
- * The Letter Department, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * Letters to the Editor, (ar) Echoes #64, October 1992, as by John Dennis
- * The Lone Eagle: Thunder from the East, (br) Echoes #73, June 1994
- * The Lone Wolf Detective, (gp)
- * The Lone Wolf Detective Magazine, (ar) Echoes #58, December 1991, as by John Edwards
- * Lost on Jur, (sl) Alien Worlds #23 Feb, #24 Mar, #25 Apr, #26 May, #27 Jun, #28 Jul, #29 Aug, #30 Sep 2002
- * Lt Biff Bolton & Lt Curly Brooks [Dusty Ayres] (with Wooda Nick Carr), (ar) Nemesis Incorporated #13, Fall 1982
- * Madam Death, (ar) The Doc Savage Club Reader #11, 1981
- * The Main Characters, (ar) The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2009
- * The Main Characters, (ar) The Black Bat Companion ed. Matthew Moring, Altus Press, 2011
- * The Man in Purple, (ar)
- * The Man in Purple [Richard Staegel] (with Johnston McCulley), (Altus Press, November 2011, co)
- * The Man Who Explained Miracles, (br) Echoes #82, August 1995, as by John Dennis
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