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[]Hunt, Laird (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * A Message to My Japanese Readers, (nf) Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan #4, 2014
- * #30, (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #10, Fall 2011
- * Thousand, (ss) xo Orpheus: Fifty New Myths ed. Kate Bernheimer, Penguin US, 2013
- * Three Tales, (ss) ParaSpheres ed. Ken Keegan & Rusty Morrison, Omnidawn Publishing, 2006
_____, [ref.]
[]Hunt, (James Henry) Leigh (1784-1859) (chron.)
- * Abou Ben Adhem, (pm) The Amulet by Leigh Hunt, Frederick Westley and A.H. Davis, 1834
- * Abraham and the Fire-Worshipper, (pl) Household Words #1, March 30 1850, uncredited.
- * The Adventures of Cephalus and Procris, (ss)
- * An Aurora Leigh, (lt) The Cornhill Magazine December 1897 [Ref. Robert Browning]
- * The Beau Miser, (ss) The Indicator November 3 1819
- * The Bullfight or the Story of Don Alphonso, (ss) A Day by the Fire by Leigh Hunt, Sampson Low, Son & Marston, 1860
- * The Cat by the Fire, (ss)
- * A Christmas Greeting, (pm)
- * Christmas Omnipresent, (pm)
- * The Daughter of Hippocrates, (ss)
- * The Fair Revenge, (na)
- * The Florentine Lovers, (ss)
- * Galgamo and Madonna Minoccia, (ss)
- * The Glove and the Lions, (pm) The New Monthly Magazine May 1836
- * The Grasshopper and the Cricket, (pm) The Examiner September 21 1817, as "To the Grasshopper and the Cricket"
- * Happiness Reflected, (pp)
- * “The Inexhaustability of Christmas”, (es)
- * Jenny Kissed Me, (pm) Monthly Chronicle November 1838
- * The Joy of Sneezing, (pm)
- * June, (ms) from The Months, C & J Ollier, 1821
- * The Lions and the Lady, (pm)
- * Marriage a la Mode, (pm)
- * “Men Are but Children of a Larger Growth”, (ar)
- * A Nun, (pm) The Tickler March 1 1821, as "[untitled]", uncredited.
- * The Nurture of Triptolemus, (ss)
- * Ode to the Sun, (pm) The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist May 1850
- * On Common-Place People, (ar)
- * On Seeing a Pigeon Make Love, (pm)
- * Ronald of the Perfect Hand, (ss)
- * Rondeau, (pm)
- * A Tale for a Chimney Corner, (ss) The Indicator December 15 1819
- * A Tale for a Chimney Corner and Other Essays, (ex)
- * “Thou Merry Month”, (pm)
- * To a Fish / A Fish Replies, (pm)
- * To Hampstead, (pm)
- * To the Grasshopper and the Cricket, (pm) The Examiner September 21 1817
- * To the Nile, (pm)
- * Wallace and Fawdon, (pm) The New Monthly Magazine and Humorist July 1850
- * Why Sweet Music Produces Sadness, (ms)
_____, trans.
_____, [ref.]
[]Hunt, Lynn Bogue (1878-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * “Behind you, man. Look behind you!”, (il) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine July 1905
- * The Bengal Assassin, (ms) Adventure May 1936
- * The Big Fellow, (ia) Adventure January 1937
- * The Devil of the North, (ss) Adventure October 1 1935
- * The Greater Koodoo, (ms) Adventure September 1 1935
- * He Runs Hard, Fights Hard, (ia) Adventure September 15 1935
- * He Walks at Night, (ms) Adventure April 1936
- * The Polar Bear, (ar) Adventure October 1938
- * Shooting Ducks on Middle Western Ponds, (ar) The Outing Magazine December 1905
- * Tough Little Steam Shovel, (ms) Adventure February 1937
- * Wise Little Man of the Night, (ms) Adventure July 1 1935
- * Wood Ducks—, (il) The Outing Magazine December 1905
- * [front cover], (cv) Short Stories Aug 10, Oct 10, Nov 25 1921, Jul 25 1922
- * [front cover], (cv) Boys’ Life May, Oct, Nov 1924, Mar 1925
- * [front cover], (cv) Field and Stream Nov 1927, Feb 1937
- * [front cover], (cv) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy September 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post Mar 19, Aug 13 1932
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s Home Companion September 1932
- * [front cover], (cv) The Farmer’s Wife Jun 1934, May 1936, Jun 1937
- * [front cover], (cv) Liberty July 9 1938
- * [front cover], (cv) This Week September 27 1942
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine Feb, Apr 1905, Mar 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Outing Magazine October 1909
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Country Gentleman Dec 17 1921, Jan 14 1922
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life Jan, Mar, May, Oct, Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb, Mar, May 1925, Mar,
Jul, Sep 1926
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Black Mask Feb, Apr 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The St. Nicholas Magazine Aug, Nov 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post May 28 1932, Mar 11, Nov 11 1933, Jan 6 1934, Jan 26 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure May 15 1935, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Apr, Aug 1937, May 1939,
Nov 1940
Sep, Nov, Dec 1941, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1942, Apr, Aug 1943
Jan, Dec 1944, Oct 1945
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Liberty November 30 1935
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