The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4800
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[]Hemming, Frederick (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * All in a Blaze, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 9 1922
- * Bar-Mirror Madness, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 30 1923
- * Bearded, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1922
- * By the Hole in the Top, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1922
- * Earl Tries the Memory Test, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1922
- * Ear Marked, (ss) Western Story Magazine May 19 1923
- * “Hick-Town” Bulls, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1922
- * In Store Clothes, (nv) Western Story Magazine February 10 1923
- * The Invisible Three, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * The Madhouse Nurse, (na) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1922
- * Nothing to Smile At, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 14 1923
- * The Pup That Paid, (ss) Western Story Magazine May 5 1923
- * Put Your Thumb on Friday, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 9 1923
- * Sixty Seconds of Silence [Railroad Detective], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1922
- * The Slapped Face, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * “Squar’”, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 14 1923
- * “Telltales”, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 23 1923
- * Under the Rocking-Chair, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1923
- * “Yips” of Doggie Dulce, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 14 1923
[]Hemming, N(orma) K(athleen) (1927-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * Amazons of the Asteroids, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #17, 1951
- * As We Were, (nv) Future Science Fiction (Australia) v1 #5, 1954
- * Call Them Earthmen, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #10, 1959
- * Clearing Station, (vi) Fantast Sidetrack April/May 1954
- * Death Ray for Roma, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #16, 1951
- * Debt of Lassor, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #33, August 1958
- * Dwellers in Silence, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #51, September 1956
- * Last of the Rocketeers, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #20, 1952
- * Lifeline on Luna, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #19, 1952
- * Loser Take All, (nv) Science Fantasy #3, Winter 1951/1952
- * Peril of the Sea Planet, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #22, 1952
- * Return of the Roc-Men, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #18, 1952
- * Rocketeers at Bay, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #23, 1952
- * Starchild, (na) Forerunner #1, Spring 1952
- * Symbiosis!, (ss) Popular Science Fiction #3, 1954
- * Vengeance of Artilla, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #21, 1952
- * You Can’t Stop a Spaceman, (ss) Action Monthly Magazine #12, 195?
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[]Hemmings, Kyle (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Alice Gets Lucky at the Toy Mall, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 26 2015
- * Beethoven, (ss) Liquid Imagination #8, January 2011
- * The Birds of Averrone, (ss) Morpheus Tales #16, April 2012
- * Cat People #22, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Digisolution, (ss) Aphelion #116, November 2007
- * The Japanese Businessman, (pm) Abyss & Apex #22, 2nd Quarter 2007
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Black Cat Alice, (pm) Liquid Imagination #12, February 2012
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Destroy All Monsters!, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Everywhere You Are, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Nuclear Accident by the Sea, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Reality TV, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Manga Girls Need Love: Toshiro’s Gift, (pp) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Miss Soames, (ss) SciFan Magazine #1, January 2017
- * Piranha Men and Cinnamon Girls, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #4, Spring 2010
- * Tsaurus-90, (ss) The Next Time ed. Chris Bartholomew, Lame Goat Press, 2010
- * Twin-Speak, (ss) Dark Edifice #5, May 2013
- * Urban Blue, (pm) Abyss & Apex #53, 1st Quarter 2015
- * Walrus and Blue Dream, (ss) Kaleidotrope #13, Fall 2011
- * What the Devil Did, (vi) The Sirens Call #18, December 2014
- * Where Is Gertrude Bell?, (ss) Lacuna #1, October 2009
[]Hemmingson, Michael (1966-2014) (about) (chron.)
- * At the Gates of the End, (ss) The End #3, 1995
- * Beguiling Malady, (ss) Forbidden Lines #16, Summer 1994
- * Bewitched, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #236, April 2008 [Ref. Walter Metz]
- * Borrego Springs, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Bots: A Love Story and a Dream, (ss) Puck 1995
- * The Brilliance and Misery of Bodies; of War, of Dreams, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Historical Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1999
- * Cemetery, (vi) Puck #10, 1994
- * The Comfort of Women, (na) The Mammoth Book of Short Erotic Novels ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2000
- * The Curious Case of Kay Addams, (ar) Paperback Parade #74, April 2010
- * The Curious Case of Sloane Britain, (ar) 2009 [Ref. Sloane M. Britain]
- * Cyberstalker, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #6, 1995
- * Dancer’s Diary, (ss) Hardboiled #34, Summer 2005
- * The Dependent, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #9, 1997
- * The Dress, (na) The Mammoth Book of New Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1998
- * Fairy Tale, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #8, 1993
- * Financing Affordable Housing in the Asshole of the World, (ss) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- * Goldgotha vs. Armadilgeddon, (ss) Delirium #3, 2000
- * The Grow & Smoke Recipe, (iv) Cyber-Psychos AOD #10, November 2001 [Ref. Brian Clark]
- * Gun Shot Wound, (ss) Fedora: Private Eyes and Tough Guys ed. Michael Bracken, Wildside Press, 2001
- * Hardboiled Stiff, (nv) Badass Horror ed. Michael Stone & Christopher J. Hall, Dybbuk Press, 2006
- * Hollow Hills, (ss)
- * Idyllwild, (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #28, 2021
- * In the Overgrown Swamplands of Love and Persistence, (ss) Wicked Mystic #24, Fall/Winter 1994
- * Introduction (with Maxim Jakubowski), (in) The Mammoth Book of Short Erotic Novels ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2000
- * Introduction, (si) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Jack, (vi) Midnight Zoo v3 #5, 1993
- * Janey Had a Dozen Good Stories to Tell, (vi) The Mammoth Book of Quick & Dirty Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2013
- * A Killer Meatloaf, (ss) Hardboiled #46, May 2013
- * Kitchen Creek Court, (ss) Bare Bone #5, 2004
- * Larry McCaffery, (iv) Cyber-Psychos AOD #7, 1997 [Ref. Larry McCaffery]
- * Long Island Iced Tea, (nv) The Urban Bizarre ed. Nick Mamatas, Prime Books, 2004
- * Love Me Tender, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Mephisto in Onyx Review, (ar) Cyber-Psychos AOD #7, 1997
- * Me Vs. the Scorpion, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Moby-Dick and SF, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #238, June 2008
- * Movements, (ss) Aqua Erotica ed. Mary Anne Mohanraj, Three Rivers Press, 2000
- * The Naughty Yard, (na) 1994
- * Noir, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * One Hell of a Cab Ride, (ss) Wicked Mystic #24, Fall/Winter 1994
- * One Last Tender Kiss from God, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Pain, (ss) Hardboiled #22, December 1996
- * Paris Passion Patsy, (ss) Sex in the City: Paris ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Xcite Books, 2010
- * Passion Hack, (ss) Sex in the City: New York ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Xcite Books, 2010
- * The Proxy Groom, (vi) The Mammoth Book of Quick & Dirty Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2013
- * Pup, (ss) Bare Bone #1, 2001
- * The Reading, (ss) Penthouse Variations 2012
- * Rwanda, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Saving Sage, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Erotic Romance and Domination ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2014
- * Scene of Affection: Jacumba, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Sedona, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Shadow of the Dog, (ss) Hardboiled #25/26, April 2000
- * A Sleaze Investigation (of Orrie Hitt), (ar) Paperback Parade #75, July 2010 [Ref. Orrie Hitt]
- * Sleep Is Not Enough: The Art of Dreaming and Made-for-TV Adaptations of The Lathe of Heaven, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #244, December 2008 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Somalia, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Techno-Erotic Pagans Sucking the CPU Teat, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #14, Spring 1996
- * Toys, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #9, July 1999
- * Twenty-Six Marilyns…, (ss)
- * Vegas Slut, (vi) Fiction International 1996
- * We Are Not What You Think We Are, (ss) Fiction International 2012
- * Wrong, (vi) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993
_____, [ref.]
[]Hemmingway, William (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * The Amateur Who Slammed John L., (ar) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- * Beauty’s Tears and the Title, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 16 1928
- * The Best Race in the World, (ar) The Popular Magazine June 2 1928
- * Beware of the Under Dog!, (ar) The Popular Magazine October 1931
- * Bothner, the Giant Tamer, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 31 1928
- * The Champion Grows Reckless, (ar) The Popular Stories December 17 1927
- * The Champion Looks Ahead, (ar) The Popular Magazine September 7 1927
- * Corbett vs. Sullivan, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd August 1930
- * The Cup of Happiness, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st May 1930
- * The Downfall of Mike Mangin, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 1931
- * Elderly Athletes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 9 1925
- * The Enlightment of S. Plotkin, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st January 1929
- * The Giant’s Revenge—Limited!, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 10 1928
- * He Wouldn’t K. O. ’Em, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 1931
- * “In This Cor-nah-h-h!—The New World’s Champion!”, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st May 1929
- * Jeffries vs. Hemmingway—Time!, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd June 1929
- * Jim Brady Doctors His Right, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 23 1928
- * Jimmy Freer Sweetens ’Em Up, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 4 1928
- * Jimmy Freer Tackles Goliath, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 12 1928
- * John L. Abates a Flood, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd December 1928
- * John L. in His Glory, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd April 1929 [Ref. John L. Sullivan]
- * John L.’s Battle for a Century, (ar) The Popular Magazine August 7 1928
- * John L.’s Greatest Triumph, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st September 1930
- * John L. Strikes a Snag, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd December 1929
- * John L. Takes the Crown, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd March 1929
- * The Knock-Out and How It Feels, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd March 1930
- * A Little Business Deal, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 1931
- * The Luck of Thirteen, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st January 1931
- * Maguire the Magnificent, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd January 1931
- * Matching Punches with Jim Corbett, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st December 1930
- * A New Champion, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1930
- * The New Champion—and Dempsey!, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd June 1930
- * New Fists for Old, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 20 1927
- * The New Rickard Is on His Way, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st April 1929
- * Old Mike and the Nonpareil, (ar) The Popular Magazine April 14 1928
- * The Order of Full Moon, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st December 1928
- * O’Tunnaigh and the Evil Eye, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1928
- * Otunnaigh na Läimhiderse, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 7 1927
- * Papa Plotkin Knows His Business, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd November 1929
- * Papa Plotkin Laughs Last, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st March 1929
- * The Pariah Comes Across, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1930
- * Passing of Jack Dempsey—Maybe!, (ar) The Popular Magazine May 5 1928
- * The Playboy Works Best, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd October 1929
- * Ready All!—Row!, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st July 1929
- * Schmeling or Dempsey?, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd September 1929
- * Smiling Tom Has a Good Chance, (ar) The Popular Magazine July 20 1928
- * The Steep Steps to the Throne, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Stribling’s the Boy—Maybe, (ar) The Popular Magazine August 1931
- * Sullivan, Donovan and Fury, (ar) The Popular Magazine March 3 1928
- * Sullivan + Muldoon = Miracle, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st June 1929
- * Swapping Punches with Bob Fitzsimmons, (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd November 1930
- * This Art Graft!, (ss) The Popular Magazine 2nd July 1929
- * Three Rounds with John L., (ar) The Popular Magazine 2nd December 1930
- * Thumbs Down, (ss) The Popular Stories November 12 1927
- * Triumph of Peevish Perish, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 21 1910
- * Up Against Tom Sharkey, (ar) The Popular Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Victory, (ss) The Popular Magazine 1st April 1930
- * Walloping Friendships, (ar) The Popular Magazine June 1931
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