The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4779
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[]Henkel, August W. (1880-1961) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 7, Jan 28 1905, Jan 6 1906
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Every Week August 13 1917
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Metropolitan November 1922
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Movie Thrillers March 1925
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Jun 20 1925, Aug 13, Oct 22 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McClure’s Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1926, Jan, Feb, Oct 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Red Book Magazine Dec 1927, Jan, Feb, Dec 1928, Feb, May, Jul 1929, Jul 1930, May 1931
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Golden Book Magazine #58 Oct, #60 Dec 1929, #64 Apr 1930
- * [illustration(s)], (il) College Humor #75, March 1930
[]Henley, H(erbert) J(ames) (1882-?) (chron.)
- * The Field of Sport, (cl) Chums Jul 10, Jul 17, Jul 24, Aug 28 1928, May 21, Jun 18, Jul 2, Jul 30, Sep 3, Sep 24 1929
- * Soccer - or Rugger?, (ar) Chums April 12 1932
- * Use and Abuse of School Colours, (ar) Chums December 2 1930
- * The World of Sport, (cl) Chums November 26 1929
[]Henley, Samuel (1740-1815) (about)
_____, trans.
- * Notes by William Beckford, (ms) from An Arabian Tale, J. Johnson, 1786
- * Vathek, (n.) J. Johnson, 1786, as "An Arabian Tale"
- Three Eighteenth Century Romances ed. Harrison R. Steeves, Scribner's, 1931
- Three Gothic Novels ed. Everett F. Bleiler, Dover Publications, 1966
- Three Gothic Novels ed. Peter Fairclough, Penguin, 1968
- The History of the Caliph Vathek by William Beckford, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1971
- Four Gothic Novels, Oxford University Press, 1994
[]Henley, W(illiam) E(rnest) (1849-1903) (about) (chron.)
- * An American Lock-Up, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1893, uncredited.
- * Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, (??) Scribner’s Magazine July 1893
- * An Artist’s Reward, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1878, as by W. E. H.
- * Ballade Made in the Hot Weather, (pm)
- * Ballade of June, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1880
- * Ballade of Youth and Age, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1879
- * Ballad of Antique Dances, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1880
- * Balzac as He Was, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1899 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
- * Before, (pm)
- * The Blackbird, (pm)
- * Brown the Poet, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1900 [Ref. Thomas Edward Brown]
- * “The Captain of My Soul”, (pm) Book of Verses by William Ernest Henley, David Nutt, 1888, as "Invictus"
- * A Chapter on Dandies, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1900
- * Clinical, (pm)
- * The Comédie-Française, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879, as by W. E. H.
- * Concerning Atkins, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1900
- * Concerning Differences, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1900
- * The Early Life of J. F. Millet, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1882, as by W. E. H.
- * England, My England, (pm)
- * Ex Libris:
* ___ Balzac as He Was, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1899 [Ref. Honoré de Balzac]
* ___ Brown the Poet, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1900 [Ref. Thomas Edward Brown]
* ___ A Chapter on Dandies, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1900
* ___ Concerning Atkins, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1900
* ___ Concerning Differences, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1900
* ___ Great Poetry, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1900
* ___ “The Hundred Best Novels”, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1899
* ___ I. M. R.A.M.S., (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1900
* ___ In Cap and Bells, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1900
* ___ In Milton’s Hand, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1900
* ___ Memories, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1900
* ___ Old England, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1900
* ___ “Pippin”, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1899 [Ref. Lord Byron]
* ___ The Pre-Raphaelite Brethren, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1901
* ___ Shakespeare in France, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1899
* ___ Some Notes on Charles Dickens, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1899 [Ref. Charles Dickens]
* ___ “T.E.B.”, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1900 [Ref. Thomas Edward Brown]
* ___ Tit-Bits Tyrannus, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1899
* ___ The Two Hugos, (cl) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1900
- * Fill a Glass with Golden Wine, (pm)
- * Great Poetry, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1900
- * Hector Berlioz: a Biography, (bg) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881 [Ref. Hector Berlioz], as by W. E. H.
- * Home, Dearie, Home, (pm)
- * Hospital Outlines: Sketches and Portraits, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875
- * “The Hundred Best Novels”, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1899
- * If I Were King, (pm)
- * I. M. R.A.M.S., (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine July 1900
- * In Cap and Bells, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1900
- * In Memoriam—T.E.B., (pm) The New Review #103, December 1897, as by W. E. H.
- * In Milton’s Hand, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1900
- * Invictus, (pm) Book of Verses by William Ernest Henley, David Nutt, 1888
- * Joe Simmonds, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1879
- * A King in Babylon, (pm) Book of Verses by William Ernest Henley, David Nutt, 1888, as "untitled (“Or ever the knightly years were gone”)"
- * Light Love, (pm)
- * The Limits of Wordsworth, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine
- * Macaire (with Robert Louis Stevenson), (pl) The New Review #73, June 1895
- * Margarite Sofori, (pm)
- * Memories, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1900
- * The Message, (pm)
- * Molière’s Acting Manager, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1880, as by W. E. H.
- * Morning, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875
- * “The nightingale has a lyre of gold…”, (pm)
- * A Note on Slang, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1903
- * Old England, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1900
- * On the Way to Kew, (pm)
- * Or Ever the Knightly Years Were Gone, (pm)
- * Out of the Night That Covers Me, (pm) Book of Verses by William Ernest Henley, David Nutt, 1888, as "Invictus"
- * Over the Hills, (pm)
- * “Pippin”, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1899 [Ref. Lord Byron]
- * Præludium, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1901
- * The Pre-Raphaelite Brethren, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1901
- * The Real Balzac, (ar)
- * Red and White Roses: A Madrigal, (sg) The Ladies’ Home Journal June 1904, music by Leila De Vere
- * “R. L. S.”, (br) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1901
- * The Secret of Wordsworth, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1903 [Ref. William Wordsworth]
- * Shakespeare in France, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1899
- * Some Notes on Charles Dickens, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1899 [Ref. Charles Dickens]
- * A Song of Speed, (pm)
- * The Spirit of October: A London Voluntary, (pm)
- * The Sword, (pm)
- * “T.E.B.”, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1900 [Ref. Thomas Edward Brown]
- * Tit-Bits Tyrannus, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1899
- * Two Days, (pm) The New Review #78, November 1895, as by W. E. H.
- * The Two Hugos, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1900
- * untitled (“Madam Life’s a piece in bloom”), (pm) 1877
- * untitled (“Or ever the knightly years were gone”), (pm) Book of Verses by William Ernest Henley, David Nutt, 1888
- * The Way of It, (pm) McClure’s Magazine October 1901
- * The Ways of Death, (pm)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The New Review #68 Jan, #69 Feb, #70 Mar, #71 Apr, #72 May, #73 Jun, #74 Jul, #75 Aug, #76 Sep, #77 Oct, #78 Nov,
#79 Dec 1895
#80 Jan, #81 Feb, #82 Mar, #83 Apr, #84 May, #85 Jun, #86 Jul, #87 Aug, #88 Sep, #89 Oct, #90 Nov,
#91 Dec 1896
#92 Jan, #93 Feb, #94 Mar, #95 Apr, #96 May, #97 Jun, #98 Jul, #99 Aug, #100 Sep, #101 Oct, #102 Nov,
#103 Dec 1897
_____, [ref.]
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