The FictionMags Index
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[]Heather, Rod (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * A Brief Preambular Transit, (ed) Lore April 2013
- * Charnel Knowledge, (ed) Lore Win 1995, Spr, Sum 1996, Sum 1997, v1 #9 1998
- * Colluding Cosmoses, (rr) Parts #14, 1997
- * The Courage to Lose Sight of the Shore, (in) Lore April 2012
- * The Crawling Kingdom, (ss) Midnight Shambler #3, July 1996
- * Dramatis Personæ, (bg) Lore Sum, Win 1995, Spr 1996
- * Editorial Found in a Bottle at S. Latitude 47° 9′, W. Longitude 126° 43′, (ed) Lore Autumn 1995
- * Herbert West Reincarnated:
* ___ Part 1, Colluding Cosmoses, (rr) Parts #14, 1997
- * The Strange High Editorial in the Mist, (ed) Lore Summer 1995
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Lore
- * Editor: Lore Sum, Aut, Win 1995, Spr, Sum, Aut 1996, Sum, Aut 1997, v1 #9 1998
- * Editor (with Sean O’Leary): Lore Apr, Nov 2012, Apr, Nov 2013, Apr 2014
- * Lore: A Quaint and Curious Volume of Selected Stories (with Sean O’Leary), (an) Lore Firm, November 2011
[]Heather, Roy (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Always Ask Father, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine April 1922
- * The Assassin Sets the Stage, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine January 1924
- * The Bracelet, (ss) Romance March 1923
- * A Contraband Hour, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #3, September 1922
- * The Desire of the Moth, (ss) Lloyd’s Story Magazine February 1922
- * An Enforced Confession, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #18, December 1923
- * How I Saved Glossom, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #141, March 1934
- * The Impossible Theft, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine March 1922
- * Lucy’s Errand, (ss) Romance February 1923
- * The Pontarlier Mystery, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine February 1922
- * The Scarlet Glove, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #1, July 1922
- * Vengeance of the Dead, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine May 1924
[]Heath-Stubbs, John (Francis Alexander) (1918-2006) (chron.)
- * Ballata, (pm) Penguin Parade #1, 1947
- * Bevis of Hampton, (pm) Aquarius #9, 1977
- * Both Sides of the Herring-Pond, (ar) London Forum Winter 1946
- * A Charm Against the Toothache, (pm) New Poems by John Heath-Stubbs, 1953
- * Cosmic Poem, (pm)
- * Don Juan Moses, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1948
- * From an Ecclesiastical Chronicle, (pm) Holding Your Eight Hands ed. Edward Lucie-Smith, Doubleday, 1969
- * The Ghost in the Cellerage, (pm) Focus One ed. B. Rajan & Andrew Pearse, Dennis Dobson, Ltd., 1945
- * James Thomson and “The City of Dreadful Night”, (ar) The Windmill v1 #4, 1946
- * Maria Aegyptica, (pm) The Windmill v3 #1, 1948
- * Recent Poetry, (ar) The Windmill v3 #3, 1948
- * The Secret Commonwealth, (ar) The Uncertain Element ed. Kay Dick, Jarrolds, 1950; article about Robert Kirk of Aberfoyle.
- * “Send for Lord Timothy”, (pm) 1988
- * Song for Two Voices, (pm) Mandrake Winter 1946
- * The Swan, (ss) At Close of Eve ed. Jeremy Scott, Jarrolds, 1947
- * Two Poems, (pm) The Windmill v2 #6, 1947
- * Virgin and Unicorn, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1948
_____, [ref.]
[]Heathwood, Cecilia (Patricia Teresa) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Antichrist and the Death Valley Disciples, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Apparition That Baffled the Nazis, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * Crowley—Fiend or Fanatic?, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * Death House in the Square, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Devil’s Long Walk, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Flying Monk of Cupertino, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * A Ghost of Christmas Past, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Hampstead Poltergeist, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * Haunted by Demonic Spiders, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * Jack the Leaping Phantom, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Limping Wraith, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Living Walking Doll, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Malediction of Lady M, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Miracle Donkey, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * Monsieur Le Curé and the Devil, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Mystery of Princess Kala’s Tomb, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Nun’s Walk, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Phantom Emigrant, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Phantoms from Hampton Court, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Predictions of Michael Nostradamus, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * Psychic Experiences of the Famous, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Revenge of the Small Feathered Phantom, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Riddle of Jack the Ripper, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * Russia’s Most Evil Monk, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Skulls That Screamed Vengeance, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Strange Case of the Black Widow, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * Strange Tales of Mystery and the Paranormal, (co) Excalibur Press, November 1991
- * Terror in the Tower of London, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * UFOs—Are They on Their Way Here?, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * An Unsolved Satanist Mystery, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Unusual Affair of Frank and Tania, (ss) Ireland’s Eye
- * The Vampire of Crag Hill Glen, (ar) Ireland’s Eye
[]Heatley, Paul (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Captain and the Snakes, (ss) Thuglit #20, November/December 2015
- * Crawl Baby, Crawl, (ss) Crime Factory v2 #18, 2016
- * God May Forgive You, (ss) Crime Syndicate Magazine #1, January 2016
- * Lou’s Cowboy Blues, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) March 4 2015
- * Lynched, (ss) Mystery Tribune #1, Spring 2017
- * Poolside, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) August 24 2016
- * Red Eyed Richard, (ss) Thuglit #3, January/February 2013
- * Something in the Woods, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) October 28 2015
- * Split Lip, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) July 17 2020
- * The Straightener, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) November 4 2015
- * Tenderly, (ss) Close to the Bone (online) January 29 2013
- * Through Windows, (ss) Crime Factory Pink Factory 2014
- * The Whitest Boy on the Block, (ss) Crime Syndicate Magazine #3, October 2017
[]Heaton, John Henniker (1848-1914) (about) (chron.)
- * Army Entrance Examinations, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1894
- * Cablegrams for the Million, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1896
- * The Chaos of Marriage and Divorce Laws, (ar) The New Review #63 Aug, #64 Sep 1894
- * The Express Letter and the Express Messenger, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1910
- * A Famous Irish Statesman, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1896
- * Governmental Parcel-Post in Great Britain, (ar) The Cosmopolitan May 1903
- * Humours of the Post Office, (ar) The Grand Magazine January 1906
- * Ideal and Other Dinners, (ar) The Lady’s Realm July 1900
- * An Ideal Post Office, (ar) The Universal Magazine #2, March 1900
- * An Imperial Corps d’Elite, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1894
- * Telephones: Past, Present, and Future, (ar) The New Review #60, May 1894
- * The World’s Parcel Posts, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) November 1900
_____, [ref.]
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